Friday, December 30, 2016
Saturday 12-31-16 WOD "HAPPY NEW YEAR"
Saturday 12-31-16 WOD
31 Min AMRAP with 31 reps of each movement with a partner. Only one person working at a time. Share the load!
Hanging leg raise or T2B
All the Kettlebell swings 60/80#
Pull Ups or Ring Rows
Push Ups (handstand or hand release)
YOLO so you might as well Lunge BB 55/75#
Nobody likes Burpees to a 6" target but you're doing them anyways
Eccentric hamstring curls with a partner
Wall Balls 20/30#
You should be doing Muscle Ups if you have them. If not Ring dips are cool too.
Everyone wants to do Double Bell cleans 40/60#
Arm curls BB @ 55/75# Sometimes the gunz need love too!
Row for Calories
Squat Jumps BB Back @ 55/75#
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Friday 12-30-16 WOD
Throwback to the "Open Everything" where we did all five of the CrossFit Open workouts in one day every hour on the hour for five hours. Wasn't that fun?
Can't wait for open everything 2017!
CrossFit & Fitness:
4 Rounds of
6 Walking Lunge Steps
Athletes choice Barbell Overhead, Barbell Front Rack, DB or KB Farmer carry style
6 Strict C2B Pull Ups, or Strict Pull Ups, or Ring Rows @ 32X2
10 Min AMRAP
15 Box Jump Burpees 16/20"
15 Wall Balls 20/30#
15 Kcal Row
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Thursday 12-29-16 WOD
Tuesday's 9:30 class finishing up with some core work and some single leg hip bridges.
Got glutes?
Got glutes?
CrossFit & Fitness:
Alternate 3 Rounds of...
5 Loaded Split Squats/Leg (use barbells or kettlebells for loading)
5 Strict HSPU add deficit as needed or seated strict KB press
10 Min AMRAP
50 Double Unders
50 KB Snatches 30/50#
40 Double Unders
40 Alternating Lunges 30/50#
30 Double Unders
30 Goblet Squat Jumps 30/50#
20 Double Unders
20 T2B
10 Double Unders
10 C2B Pull Ups
*If athletes do NOT have good double unders substitute for single skips. If athletes have double unders (even if they aren't good) use them!
**Alternating Lunges use one KB @ 30/50# with bell in front rack position or locked out overhead.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Wednesday 12-28-16 WOD
Shelby tossing tarps and tossing tires. Is it summer yet?
CrossFit & Fitness:
Alternate 3 Rounds of...
5 Single Leg BB Deadlift (supine grip)
Find a challenging weight for five deadlifts per leg then begin your sets. Your grip on the barbell should be palms facing forward. Make note of weight and balance (or lack of balance) differences between left and right sides. Maintain tension in your hamstrings and do not allow plates to touch the ground in the eccentric phase of the lift 1-2" from the ground if possible and maybe even more distance between the plates and the ground if your spine starts to flex.
KB Waiter walk for 1 minute per arm. Choose a weight that you can maintain an upright posture and not deviate into lateral flexion with the spine.
10 Min AMRAP
50 Kcal Row
50 Wall Balls 14/20#
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Burpees
Monday, December 26, 2016
Tuesday 12-27-16 WOD
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
20 Min Partner AMRAP Alternate working partners as desired...
30 HSPU 25/454# or KB Push Press 25/40#
30 KBS 80/100#
30 T2B/Variation
30 Back Squat Jumps 55/75#
30 Kcal Row
Friday, December 23, 2016
Saturday 12-24-16 WOD
Post WOD nap time is always the best time...
5 Rounds of...
6 Split Squats/Leg
8 BB Floor Press
10 Floor Wipers*
*Floor wipers are to be down with your floor press weight. Keep the weight pressed out and start with your heels touching the ground at centre bring both feet up touching one plate, being both feet back down so your heels touch the ground then bring your toes up to the other plate. Touching both plates = 1 repetition.
3000m Row
Pace yourself and finish strong her than you started.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Friday 12-23-16 WOD THE 12 DYAS OF CHRISTMAS
Well it's not the night before Christmas but its night before the "Twelve Days Of Christmas"
Here is our very own Starke Twelve Days Of Christmas in the CrossFit and Fitness variations. Workouts are 90 minutes today to accommodate for this soul sucking grinder of a workout. In more exciting news we added some RX+ variations for added fun!
My suggestions for this WOD. DON'T START TOO FAST! Keep in mind that this workout is 364 total repetitions with the bulk of your reps being in the last three days. Day Twelve has 78 reps, day Eleven has 66 reps, and day Ten has 55 reps which equals a total of 199 reps. Day One through Nine has a total of 165 reps so pace yourself accordingly and DON'T GO TILL FAILURE!
Other than that have fun and enjoy yourselves ;-)
Starke CrossFit RX
1 Deadlift 155/225
2 Muscle Ups (or ring dips)
3 KBS 80/100
4 Front Squats 95/135
6 C&J 95/135
7 Push Ups
8 Pull-ups
9 T2B
10 Snatch (95/135)
11 Bar Jump Burpees
12 OHS 95/135
RX+ Mods.
Deadlifts @ 225/315#
HSPU @ Deficit of 25/45#
All Barbell Exercises @ 110/155#
3 KBS 80/100
4 Front Squats 95/135
6 C&J 95/135
7 Push Ups
8 Pull-ups
9 T2B
10 Snatch (95/135)
11 Bar Jump Burpees
12 OHS 95/135
RX+ Mods.
Deadlifts @ 225/315#
HSPU @ Deficit of 25/45#
All Barbell Exercises @ 110/155#
Starke CrossFit "Fitness" Option
1 C&J
2 KB Clean & Push Press/Push Jerk 30/50#
3 Front Squats 65/95 or 30/50# KB's
4 Ring Dips/Bench Dips
5 Pull Ups
6 Box Jumps 16/20"
7 Burpees
8 Push Ups
9 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
10 KBS 60/80#
11 Deadlift 65/95#
12 BB Thrusters 65/95# Or KB's 30/50#
12 BB Thrusters 65/95# Or KB's 30/50#
This workout goes just like the song. On the first day of Christmas you do one deadlift. On the second day of Christmas you do two muscle ups and one deadlift. On the third day of Christmas you do three kettle bell swings, two muscle ups, and one deadlift. Get it, get it???
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Thursday 12-22-16 WOD
Caitlin being a responsable coach is taking our DB's out for a lunge to make sure they get some exercise... Did I mention that they were 80lbs... Each?!?!
20 Min Build
Snatch pull (gnd), hang snatch, OHS
Max Burpee Muscle Ups scale to burpee pull ups
100 KB Snatches 25/40#
Rest 3 Min
50 KBS 30/50#
50 KBS 30/50#
Rest 3 Min
100 Anchored Sit Ups
100 Loaded Lunges 25/40# / Side
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Wednesday 12-21-16 WOD
It's never easy to photograph the perfect snatch but Lorrie is seen here busting out some solid snatches in an AMRAP.
Snatch Balance + OHS 3 x 1 + 2
With a running clock
0:00-3:00 Max HSPU @ 25/45#
3:01-6:00 Max Back Squat Jumps 65/95#
6:01-900 Max Burpees
Count your reps cumulatively for a grand total at the end of the 9 minutes.
5 rounds of...
6 Split Squats/Leg
8 Heavy KBS
10 Push Ups
With a running clock
0:00-3:00 Max Wall Balls 14/20#
3:01-6:00 Max Goblet Squat Jumps 30/50# +/-
6:01-900 Max Burpees
Count your reps cumulatively for a grand total at the end of the 9 minutes.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Tuesday 12-20-16 WOD
100 Anchored sit ups then 1000m of rowing... Hello there abs...
Min 1. 10 C2B Pull Ups
MIn 2. 10 BB Lunges (Front rack)
Min 3. 10 T2B
Min 4. 10 Cleans 95/135#
Min 5. 10 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees
Min 1. 10 Pull Ups
MIn 2. 10 KB Lunges (1 Bell in front rack 5&5) 30/50#
Min 3. 10 HLR
Min 4. 10 KB Cleans 30/50#
Min 5. 10 Lateral Bell Jump Burpees
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Monday 12-19-16 WOD
Some of our most recent Base Camp crew hitting Turkish Get Ups in their last class.
Congratulations to all of you who completed our two week course. You will now be released into the wild... Just kidding. Were always here to help you along the way in your health, fitness, and training goals.
Back Squat 3 x 2 @ 95%
Open Workout 11.1
10 Min AMRAP
30 Double Underds
15 Power Snatches 55/75#
Back Squat 3 x 2 @ 95%
10 Min AMRAP
20 Double Unders OR 40 Single Skips
8 Kettlebell Snatches/arm 25/40#
Friday, December 16, 2016
Saturday 12-17-16 WOD
The aftermath of today's WOD. If you finished the last 1000m row and were laid out on the floor you did exactly what you needed to do...
Saturday 12-17-16 WOD
25 Min Partner AMRAP
45 Kcal Row
45 KBS 60/80#
45 Wall Balls 20/30#
45 Ring Rows (get as horizontal as possible with arms @ full extension)
45 Front Squats 95/135#*
*Athletes who do not have an optimal front rack position may use double bells @ 20/40# +/-
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Friday 12-16-16 WOD
Kara busting out some squats on a Monday morning. Kara went from having very limited depth and using a box to squat to to maintain consistency. She is now known as "No Box Kara" as her mobility and strength have gotten much, much better. #hardworkpaysoff #proudcoach #betterthanyesterday
CrossFit & Fitness
With a running clock...
Row 1000m for time*
Rest exactly 5 minutes
5 Rounds of...
10 Thrusters 65/95#**
10 Pull Ups
Rest exactly 5 minutes
Row 1000m for time*
*For your row times make sure to set your monitor to 1000m count down and post your individual row times and the time it took to complete part B. (mark start and end time of that segment).
**Fitness option for BB thrusters is 25/40# KB's
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Thursday 12-15-16 WOD
Sara and Amy working on some supine grip DB rows with a focus on scapular retraction during warm up. Lets get those lat's firing ladies!!!!
20 Min Build
Squat Clean + Jerk 3 + 1
5 RFT 12 min Time Cap
15 Thrusters 65/95#
3 Legless rope climbs (from seated position)
5 Rounds of..
20 KBS 50/70#
10 Box Jumps
5 Rounds of
20 alternating DB lunges
12 Alternating Renegade rows (use the same dumbells for both)
100 anchored Sit Ups
Row 2000m
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Wednesday 12-14-16 WOD
Jax suffering a little after her first workout back after being away for a month.
Looking good Hamm...
Skill review Med Ball Cleans & Double Bell C&J
Snatch Balance + OHS 3 x 2 + 3
10 OHS 65/95#
15 T2B
15 Min KB Circuit @ 30/50#
5 KB Snatch/Arm
10 KBS
5 C&J/Arm
10 Goblet Squats
*Complete each full round before putting down the bell.
15 Wall Balls 14/20#
10 Medball Cleans
5 Double Bell C&J 25/40#
Monday, December 12, 2016
Tuesday 12-13-16 WOD
If you plan on hitting back squats, make sure you didn't just come off a night shift as you may be slightly delirious and can scare some members. Meghan lighting up our morning as always...
Skill work: Bar Muscle Ups
10 HSPU @ 25/45#
10 Ring Dips
20 Kcal Row
20 Over the rower Burpees
10 DB or KB Push Press 20/35# +/-
10 Ring Dips (scale as necessary)
20 Kcal Row
20 Over the rower Burpees
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Monday 12-12-16 WOD
The November Base Camp crew learning the "Burgener Warm Up"
The Barbell snatch is the most complex movement we do at Starke. Don't worry if you don't get it today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. It's a process and good weightlifters have spent in and around a decade training their craft. If you can leave EVERY training session learning something new or getting 1% better then consider that a win. Some day's that might mean adding weight to the bar. Some days that might mean taking weight off the bar. Some days it could be just using an empty bar. Accept, enjoy, and embrace the process.
Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 90%
Workout 15.1
Complete as many rounds and reps in 9 minutes of...
15 T2B
10 DL 75/115#
5 Snatches 75/115#
Back Squat 3 x 3 @ 85%
15 Anchored sit ups
10 KBS 30/50#
5 KB Snatches/Arm 30/50#
Friday, December 9, 2016
Saturday 12-10-16 WOD
Here's something you'll never see in a workout. Ring swings for time...
If your thighs fit in the rings you should probably be doing more squats.
Just sayin... ;-)
30 Min Partner AMRAP
30 T2B
30 KBS 80/100#
30 Box Over Burpees 20"
30 Double Bell C&J @ 30/50#
30 C2B Pull Ups
Alternate working partners at any time during the workout...
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Friday 12-09-16 WOD
This one time I was a male model for a day, and they never asked me back...
With A Running Clock...
7 Min Max Wall Balls 20/30#
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds of...
10 OHS 85/115#
10 Alternate Lunges 85/115#
10 Ring Dips
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds @ 85/115# of...
10 Cleans
10 FS
10 BS Jumps
Post finish of rounds to keep track and your final times as your score.
With A Running Clock...
7 Min Max Wall Balls 14/20#
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds of...
10 Double Bell Swings 20/30# +/-
10 Double Bell Alternate Lunges (same weight)
10 Push Ups
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds of...
10 Double Bell Cleans
10 Double Bell FS
10 Squat Jumps
Post finish of rounds to keep track and your final times as your score.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Thursday 12-08-16 WOD
Cat busting out a magical C2B (Chest To Bar) pull up at FrostFit 2013 while Lorrie watches in amazement...
Snatch 3 x 1 High Hang, 1 Fr. Launch, 1 Fr. Gnd. @ 60%, 65%, 70%
Snatch 1 @ 75%, 1 @ 80%, 3 @ 85%
Tabata BB Cycling 20sec work 10sec rest
C&J @ 55/75#
Max strict HSPU (Blue Mat)
15 Min Ladder
Pull Up
KB Squat Jump 30/40#
Push Up
Ball Slam
8 Min KB Circuit 30/50#
5 Swings
5 Cleans/Side
5 Push Press/ Side
5 Back Lunges/side (5 on one leg then 5 on the other)
Try to put the bell down as little as possible or go unbroken...
Tabata Hollow Hold On Rack 20sec. work 10 sec rest for 8 rounds.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Wednesday 12-07-16 WOD
That awkward moment when you show up to an event and three other people are wearing the same shirt ;-) Randy, Ryan, Brandi, & Amy at the Sublime charity event back in spring 2016
Wednesday 12-07-16 WOD
Snatch Balance 4 x 2 + 2
15 Hang Snatch 65/95 #
15 Pull Ups
15 Min EMOM
Min 1. 15 KBS 30/50# & 2 Burpees
Min 2. 15 Wall Balls & 3 Burpees
Min 3. 15 HRPU & 4 Burpees
12 KB Snatch (6&6) @ 25/40#+/-
10 alternating lunges (use same KB as above in goblet squat position)
8 Box Jumps 16/20#
Monday, December 5, 2016
Tuesday 12-06-16 WOD
Cathey throwing some weight overhead at FrostFit 2016 while Erin checks out her bum.
Skill Work:
CrossFit & Fitness:
3 Rounds NFT
3 DB Snatch/arm (Build to heavy)
5 Strict HSPU (add deficit as needed)
7 T2B/C2B Combo*
* 1 T2B & 1 C2B = 1 Rep
For Time
Row 500m
45 KBS 30/50# (comp athletes go overhead)
45 Wall Balls 20/30#
45 Burpees
3 Rounds NFT
3 DB Snatch/arm (Build to heavy)
5 Seated strict DB/KB press (clean from ground then sit down)
7 Pull Ups @ 31x1
For Time
Row 500m
45 KBS 25/45#
45 Wall Balls 14/20#
45 Burpees
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Monday 12-05-16 WOD
Partner sprints on the rower are my favorite...
Back Squat 3 x 4 @ 85%
3RFT @65/95#
10 Hang Cleans
10 S2OH
10 FS
* 5 Lateral bar jump burpees for dropping the bar for any rep during any round
Back Squat 3 x 4 @ 85%
10 KBS 40/60#
10 HLR
10 Burpee Box Jumps 16/20"
Friday, December 2, 2016
Saturday 12-03-16 WOD
Ankle mobility is always fun when you're doing it with the right people...
With A Running Clock...
5 Rounds of...
15 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 KBS
5 Burpees
Rest Exactly Five Minutes
5 Rounds of...
10 BB Back Squat Jumps (from the ground) 65/95# or Goblet Squat Jumps @ 40/60#
5 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
Rest Exactly Five Minutes
5 Rounds of...
10 HSPU/KB Push Press @ 25/40# +/-
10 C2B Pull Ups/Pull Ups
Post final time as your score...
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Friday 12-02-16 WOD
Tamara Enjoying the rower
(only because she doesn't know she's about to do 250m repeats on it yet...)
Friday 12-02-16 WOD
20 Min AMRAP @ 95/135#
10 Kcal Row
4 Deadlift
3 Hang Power Clean
2 Front Squats
1 S2OH
20 Min AMRAP
10 Kcal Row
4 KBS 60/80#
3 KB Clean/Side 30/50#
2 Goblet Squats 30/50#
1 S2OH/Arm 30/50#
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Thursday 12-01-16 WOD
Throwback to that time that creepy bear showed up for a workout on Halloween.
He did however have an amazing "bear crawl"
Squat Clean + Jerk 5 x 2 + 1
Tabata BB Cycling 8 Rounds 20/10
Power clean (gnd.) 65/95#
Burpee muscle ups/Ring Dips/Pull Ups
15 Min Ladder
Pull Up
Goblet Squat 40/60+/-
Push Up
5x250m Row w. 60 sec Recovery
50 Dragon Flags
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Wednesday 11-30-16 WOD
When you bleed on the bar you sit there and you scrub until that suckers clean!
Eric sanitizing his bar post WOD
Snatch Balance & OHS 5 x 2 + 2 (use rack)
Hang Clean & S2OH 65/95#
15 Min Circuit
Row 15 Kcal
15 Wall Balls 14/20#
15 KBS 40/60#
3 Rounds of...
12 Alternating DB Lunges
8 Renegade Rows
6 Rounds of...
30 Sec. Plank
30 Sec Hollow Hold
Monday, November 28, 2016
Tuesday 11-29-16 WOD
One Thing I've learned is if the bees are asleep, DON'T POKE THE BEE HIVE!!!
Lexa taking a nap while I catch up on some quality streaming....
CrossFit & Fitness
Skill Work:
10 Min
Rope Climbs The "J" Trap and Legless speed climbs.
3 Rounds NFT
6 KB Snatch/Arm (go heavy)
6 HSPU (use a deficit challenging for 6 reps) DB or KB push press alternate option.
10 Pistols (5&5) Use weight if possible
For Time
Row 1000m
3 Rounds of...
15 C2B/Pull Ups/Ring Rows
8 Double Bell C&J 30/50# (Scaled 22/40#)
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Monday 11-28-16 WOD
Mona & Matt "Gettin mobile wit It" (Insert Will Smith chorus here)
Mona and Matt hanging out after class working on some ankle mobility to help with some better positioning in the squats and in case they get stuck in the wilderness without an outhouse.
Now that's working on becoming more functional...
Front Squat 3 x 5 @ 80%
3 RFT @ 85/115#
10 Hang Cleans
10 S2OH
10 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees
3 Rounds NFT (Not For Time)
10 Double Bell Front Squats
10 Push Ups/Plyo Push Ups
10 Shoot Throughs
10 KBS 40/60#
10 HLR/Anchored Sit Ups
10 Plate Jump Burpees
Friday, November 25, 2016
Saturday 11-26-16 WOD
Throw back to FrostFit 2015
I believe the conversation was "WTF? We have to do how many burpees for how long?"
45 Min Partner AMRAP
45 KBS 30/50#
45 BB Lunges @65/95#
45 S2OH 65/95#
45 T2B/HLR
45 Kcal Row
Alternate partners at anytime during the workout.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Friday 11-25-16 WOD
Holiday WOD's are always the best WOD's
So much energy, so many bodies, so much sweat...
20 Min AMRAP
2 Muscle Ups
8 KBS 50/70#
Modified Hero WOD "Nate"
20 Min AMRAP
2 Ring Dips or Push Ups
4 S2OH w. DB or KB @ 25/40#
8 KBS 40/60#
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Thursday 11-24-16 WOD
Haily getting "tight" at the top of her back squat...
If you ain't tight, it ain't right...
This is test week and whether you've been doing the CrossFit Strength Cycle or the Fitness stream both have been following gradual loading and deloading weeks. Even our fitness workouts ask for percentages during workouts so this is your chance as a veteran of Starke or a newer member to test yourself and see what you can get for a single badass back squat.
There is no MetCon after this workout as a max back squat should use every muscle fiber in your body to accomplisha maximal lift not to mention the stress on the Central nervous system for the maximal loading
(don't worry Friday's WOD will know you on your butt).
This is test week and whether you've been doing the CrossFit Strength Cycle or the Fitness stream both have been following gradual loading and deloading weeks. Even our fitness workouts ask for percentages during workouts so this is your chance as a veteran of Starke or a newer member to test yourself and see what you can get for a single badass back squat.
There is no MetCon after this workout as a max back squat should use every muscle fiber in your body to accomplisha maximal lift not to mention the stress on the Central nervous system for the maximal loading
(don't worry Friday's WOD will know you on your butt).
Key Points to a successful heavy squat
1. Approach the bar with a purpose and some aggression. Even during your build, this will help you to not get supposed by the load.
2. Use the same routine every time you approach the bar and pull it form the rack. Think about how you grip it, pull yourself under it, prepare your stance, brace yourself... Make these all habits with a light or heavy weight.
3. Get tight! Make sure to take your breath and support that spine and don't breathe again until you have about a 1/4 of your squat left on the way up by letting out some air but maintaining pressure until the lift is complete.
4. Control your descent and use your full depth if you have it or a box if you need it for a target.
5. Have a spotter watch for your depth and a spotter for your lift. If you spotter grabs or touches the bar then don't count the lift. If it's "All you" then it should be "All you".
6. If you PR'd your back squat then ring the damn bell and throw it up on the PR board.
Good luck everyone and lets see how much better you got since September.
CrossFit & Fitness:
Build to a 1RM Back Squat
Suggested build...
2@ 80%
Some athletes prefer to build by feel so that's the other option.
One thing I've found that sometimes helps is to add more weight than you're going to squat leading up to that 1RM. In February when I PR's my back squat @ 410# it threw 460# on the bar and pulled it from the rack. My initial thought was "Holy shit this is heavy". All I did was brace and set up as if I was going to squat, stood it up, took a couple steps back and stood there for ten seconds. After that I racked it and waited 90 seconds before attempting my pr. When I pulled the 410# form the rack my initial thought was "dam this is lighter". I haven't read up much on this but my thoughts are that the added weight was extra stimulus on the central nervous system and there may have been some extra muscle fiber recruitment to get the job done. Even the mental aspect of the bar feeling lighter has to help somewhat.
Good luck and fill up that PR board!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Wednesday 11-23-16 WOD
Jaclyn busting out some front rack lunges. This girl has been a great addition to Starke.
I love her determination, work ethic, and capacity.
Build to your 1RM Clean & Jerk in 30 Min.
Suggested build
As always some athletes like numbers to build off of and some like to go by feel. Depending on how you are feeling or if you have hit a recent C&J PR then hang out around 80-90% and work on some heavy singles. For newer athletes don't worry about a max number. Work on getting some volume in with lower weight and getting your mechanics dialed in. Don't worry. You have lots of time to to go heavy down the road!
Odd: 8 Double Bell C&J 25/40#
Even: 8 Med Bal Cleans 20#+
10 Min AMRAP
Row 14/18 Kcal
10 KB Squat Jumps 40/60#
Monday, November 21, 2016
Tuesday 11-22-16 WOD
Anytime you approach the bar no matter how light or how heavy. Think about what you need to do, think about how you need to set your body. think about how you need to get and stay tight, and think about finishing a successful lift.
Jon taking his time before getting under the bar...
Jon taking his time before getting under the bar...
Build to a 1RM Snatch in 30min
From the ground make sure to reset and take your time between reps. Cycling the barbell in a CrossFit workout and PRing a snatch are two different animals. Take your time in the set up, think about what you need to do, tell yourself what you're going to do, then do it! If you prefer building by feel you can do that as well.
Suggested warm up.
DO NOT REPEAT A PR. If you're feeling great, today might be a good day for a PR. If you are at a sub max weight and aren't feeling quick and responsive, if you just finished a night shift and can't keep your eyes open, or have not been making #goodchoices from the weekend and are suffering from them then use this session to work on technique and build to and hang out around 80%-85%
Skill work. Refine your pull ups. Ask a coach to give you some drills on refining your movement in the Kipping and BF pull up.
15 Min Ladder
Starting at one rep for each increase by one rep every round completed...
Wall Ball 20/30#
Chin Up
KBS 50/70#
Push Up
1000m Row for time
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Monday 11-21-16 WOD
Happy 5 month Birthday Lexa!
Lorrie showing off her best PR ever on June 21st 2016...
Test Week!
Well our strength cycle has come to an end and we have seen some amazing progress so far. Some athletes have retested max lifts and we've seen some big jumps in Snatches, Clean & Jerk, Front squats and some big numbers in back squats. Lets see what we can do this week with some retesting.Some things to remember for the week.
- You will be taxing your central nervous system hitting maximal loading in both Olympic lifts this week and your front and back squat. If you are looking for some true numbers make sure you're getting adequate sleep, nutrition, and recovery (rolling, mobility, ice cream).
- Don't do any MetCon's that will destroy you. Focus on the maximal lifts and getting your head into what you need to be doing. Beating yourself up with an intense metcon will not help your maximal lifts over the next few days. If you would like to work on some skill work after the workout then that is recommended.
- Keep in mind what the focus is and don't worry about leaving the gym without getting your "sweat" on. There will be enough of that coming as we lead up to open prep and Frost Fit 2017.
- Do your best. You know what's coming this week. Prepare for it physically and mentally. Be ready to give it your all.
Good luck this week everyone and lets throw up some BIG numbers!!!
Monday 11-21-16 WOD
Build to a 1RM front squat from the rack. Some athletes like to build by feel and others like to follow some numbers. Use a spotter if needed but if someone touches the bar at all then don't count that rep!
3@ 80%
Skill work HSPU/Handstand Walk
Odd: Double Bell Front Squat
Even: Push Ups @ 41x1
10 Kcal Row
10 Alternating DB/KB lunges
Friday, November 18, 2016
Saturday 11-19-20 WOD
Coach Ross, Coach Kraus, and Coach Jacoby after Thursday's running clock workout.
They weren't the only ones looking like this....
Partner WOD
Alternate Tasks for 25 minutes
25 Min AMRAP
20 Wall Balls 20/30
10 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
20 Kettle Bell Snatch (10/arm) 40/60#
10 Burpees
20 Kcal Row
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Friday 11-18-16 WOD
Having a spotter is like having insurance. It's there if you need it but you don't really want to use it.
A spotter should be there to help you through a sticking point or if you get stuck on a lift. If the spotters hands touch the bar even in the slightest I don't consider that a successful lift.
Ali hitting some heavy squats with Wax there to back her up "if" she needs it.
Last day of our strength cycle. Next week, we test...
Back Squat 5 x 1 @ 100% (Use initial testing # from September)
SGPP + OHS 2 x 1 + 1
Power Clean 2 x 1 @ 92% & 2 x 1 @ 97%
Back Squat 5 x 1 @ 100% (Use initial testing # from September)
400m Run
20 KBS 50/70#
15 Wall Balls 14/20#
10 Med Ball Cleans (same ball as wall balls)
5 Burpees
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Thursday 11-17-16 WOD
Being under a barbell brings so much joy to Lori (aka shorty) just like the rest of our members...
Being under a heavy barbell brings her even more joy ;-)
Be Like Lori...
With A Running Clock...
5 Rounds of...
10 Hang Cleans 65/95#
10 Pull Ups
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
4 Rounds of...
15 S2OH
10 T2B
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds of...
10 OHS 65/95#
10 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees
With A Running Clock...
5 Rounds of...
10 KBS 50/70#
10 Pull Ups
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
4 Rounds of...
10 Double bell or DB S20H
10 HLR
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds of...
10 KB squat jumps 40/60# (single bell in goblet squat position).
10 Over The Bell Burpees
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Wednesday 11-16-16 WOD
Caden & Jon "resting" after part 3 of the Rogue Lift Off.
Thanks for the support Shelby ;-)
Snatch 3 x 1 @ 90%
Clean & Jerk 3 x 1 + 1 @ 85%
Snatch Grip Deadlift 1 x 1 @ Max
Row 1600m
50 Med Ball Cleans
40 HLR
30 Double Bell Cleans 30/50#
20 Push Ups (Over Med Ball)
10 Pull Ups
5 Rounds of
2 x Loaded Carry
1 Min Plank (push up position w. focus on shoulder protraction)
Monday, November 14, 2016
Tuesday 11-15-16 WOD
I love the sound of 15 pairs of feet slamming into the ground like thunder simultaneously during the Burgener warm up.
P.S. Quinton, There is NOTHING interesting on the ground. Head Up ;-)
P.S. Quinton, There is NOTHING interesting on the ground. Head Up ;-)
Min 1: 6 Muscle Ups 10 DU's
Min 2: 5 Muscle Ups 20 DU's
Min 3: 4 Muscle Ups 30 DU's
Min 4: 3 Muscle Ups 40 DU's
Min 5: 2 Muscle Ups 50 DU's
Min 6: 1 Muscle Ups 60 DU's
Start back at the top for minute 7 and follow the same pattern upward to finish the 12 rounds.
10 HSPU 25/45#
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 DB Burpee Box Overs 30/50# 20/24"
Even 12/16 Kcal Row
Odd 15 KBS 60/80#
10 DB/KB Push Press 25/40#
10 Chin Ups
10 DB Burpee's 20/40#
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Monday 11-14-16 WOD
I would post the video that goes with this but thought the photo was more "appropriate".
Just a little break during a heavy lifting session with Meghan & Caitlin...
Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 85%
Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 75%
RDL 3 x 5
Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 85%
For Time...
Row Kcal
Wall Balls 20/30#
*5 Burpee penalty for any dropped wall balls
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Thursday 11-10-16 WOD
I am all for rest between sets but when you look this good, you may need to work a little harder.
Mona taking the rest she wants and not the rest she needs ;-)
With a running clock...
Front Squat 65/95#
Rest exactly 5 minutes
3 Rounds of...
10 Hang Power Snatch 65/95#
15 T2B
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds of...
20 Alternating back lunges 65/95# (BB in back rack position)
15 C2B
10 Ring Dips
KB or DB Push Press 25/40#
Goblet Squat 25/40#
Rest exactly 5 minutes
3 Rounds of...
10 KB Snatch/arm 30/50#
15 HLR
Rest exactly 5 minutes
20 Alternating Back Lunges (DB or KB hanging at your sides)
15 Pull Ups/Ring Rows
10 Hand Release Push Ups (HRPU)
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Wednesday 11-09-16 WOD
Jax & Becky photo bombing everyone else trying to pull my rack down. Sorry guys & gals.
That sucker's bolted tot he floor...
Power Snatch 5 x 2 @ 70%
Power Clean + Power Jerk 5 x 1 + 1 @ 70%
Front Squat 3 x 1 @ 95%
8 Min Body Weight Circuit
10 Back Lunges (not alternating 5/leg)
10 (5&5) Strict Mountain Climber (2 sec. pause when knee touches elbow)
10 Plyo Push Ups
10 HLR
5 Min
Build to a heavy 5 goblet squats & 5 KBS
10 Rounds of...
5 KBS (Russian)
5 Goblet Squats
Monday, November 7, 2016
Tuesday 11-08-16 WOD
Do some body weight squats, then row, row, row your boat (for 500Kcal), then do some more squats. That's it...
CrossFit & Fitness:
Ok so you have two options for today's workout...
Partner Option
50 Body Weight Back Squats
500Kcal Row
50 Body Weight Back Squats
The weight may be scaled to work for both athletes. Both athletes will complete 25 squats each before starting the row and then 25 squats each to stop the clock. The row should alternate rowers every 50Kcal and maintain a high intensity.
Option B.
Solo Effort
50 Body Weight Back Squats
500Kcal Row
50 Body Weight Back Squats
*This workout is to be done as a soloist. The bars may be taken from the rack.
**For the FireBreathers you will not be using a rack to get the bar on your back. You will be cleaning the bar and transitioning the bar to your upper back and shoulders prior to starting your squats each time.
All athletes keep in mind that if you are to row an average of 1000Kcal/hr it will take you 30 min to row 500 Kcal. Coaches may suggest which option to go with.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Monday 11-07-16 WOD
Eric & Ali after Eric's first CrossFit competition this weekend at Prairie.
It was great to see you digging deep as always Eric.
Back Squat 2 x 2 @ 100%
*Use your initial back squat weight from testing week for this workout. If you retested your backsquat recently DO NOT USE THAT #
SGPP+OHS 3 x 1 + 1
Power Clean 2 x 1 @ 90% & 2 x 1 @ 95%
Back Squat 2 x 2 @ 95%
12 Min EMOM
Odd Row 12/18Kcal
Even 10 KBS 6 Burpees
3 Rounds NFT
3 Push Ups @ 51x1
3 Chin Ups @ 3131
Friday, November 4, 2016
Saturday 11-05-16 WOD
Meghan & Cassy enjoying some cool fall outdoor air after a hot and sweaty workout.
Saturday 11-05-16 WOD
10 Min build 1 Squat clean + 2 Front Squats (Fitness option use Kettlebells for a. & b.)
25 Min Grinder...
1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats
5 Deadlift (at above weight)
7 Ring Dips + weight if possible
9 Pull Ups + weight if possible
5 x 200m sprints with a partner.
Each person will perform five 200m sprints relay style. Person two rests while person one is on the run.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Friday 11-04-16 WOD
"Paul, Don't take that picture. Paul, I said don't take it. Don't make me drop this bar and come over there..." Victoria always such a kidder. I think...
Snatch 5 x 1 @ 85%
Clean & Jerk 5 x 1 + 1 @ 80%
SGDL 1 x 1 @ 120% of snatch
3 x 5 Min Circuit w. 1 Min Recovery* 30/50#
10 KB Snatch
10 KBS
10 KB Clean & Press/Jerk
10 Goblet Squats
10 Single Arm Swings
*Athletes may only put the bell down at the end of the 5 minutes during the rest period. The bell should be off the ground before the "Start" bell sounds. 20 Burpee penalty for parking the bell during the 5 min work period.
3 Rounds of @ 25/40#
1 Min Row for max calories
1 Min double bell OH hold
*10 sec transition between movements. Score is max calories for all three rounds
Once Upon A Time... Blog Post by Paul Dyck
Once Upon A Time...
Once upon a time I had a client who's goal was to stand and balance on an exercise ball with one leg.
I asked him why he wanted to do that and discussed the risk vs. benefit relation to doing this. His answer was "I've never seen anyone do it before and I want to be the first". He also told me that I was a bad business person and that if someone wanted to pay me to help them reach a goal then I should do it no matter what that goal was.
Interestingly enough I accepted the offer and we worked on single leg balance work on the ball (A lot). We didn't practise on the Bosu, on a wobble board, on a Bongo board, or a smaller ball. The goal was to stand on a large Swiss ball on one foot so we trained on the Swiss ball.
We used a pull up bar and dip bars for balance right off the bat. We used the other foot with just the toes for support and when Dre got good enough we had him standing on one leg and I would throw bean bags
Once again the risk for this was very high and I don't recommend that people try this but Dre accomplished his goal and was even able to switch from one leg to the other while standing on the ball like in the video.
The most interesting thing I leaned from this was that when Dre was coming to my sport conditioning classes we finished up class and were doing a standing quad stretch. Dre was all over the place and couldn't balance at all. He had spent so much time working on the ball and learning the physical corrections required that there was no carry over to singe leg work on any other stable or unstable surface. You would think that standing on one leg on solid ground would be easy if you can stand on a giant ball on one leg. Right?
My point of this article was to show you that not everything carries over so if you have a coach or trainer getting you to squat standing on a ball, play hockey while balancing on a bongo board, or jumping on and off a Bosu, ask why you're doing it and how will it help you to become a better athlete.
If you plan on playing hockey on a Bongo board then practise on the Bongo board...
Train smart my friends....
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Thursday 11-03-16 WOD
An individual link of chain can't accomplish much but with a bunch of friends it can withstand many challenges and complete many tasks...
CrossFit & Fitness:
3 x 8 Walking DB Lunges*
*Build to your heavy then start
Partner WOD Alternate tasks
12 Min AMRAP
Row 300m
15 T2B
15 Wall Balls 20/30#
*5 Burpee penalty for both athletes if one breaks on either the T2B or the Wall Balls.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Wednesday 11-02-16 WOD
Tire flips with friends are more fun that flipping tires alone...
Caden & Ryan flipping the 400lb rubber named "Big Bitch"
Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 85%
Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 75%
RDL 3 x 5
Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 85%
10 Min AMRAP
10 Kcal Row
10 KBS
10 Burpees
Monday, October 31, 2016
Tuesday 11-01-16 WOD
Erin enjoying a post WOD nap. Nothing like a little R&R after you throw down...
With a running clock...
Row 500m
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Pull Ups
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
5 Rounds of
10 OHS @ 65/95 #
10 Ring Dips
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds of
10 Alternating Pistols
10 HSPU 25/45# Deficit
10 Box Jump Burpees 16/20"
With a running clock...
Row 500m
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Pull Ups/Ring Rows
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
5 Rounds of
10 Goblet Squat Jumps
10 Ring/Box Dips
Rest Exactly 5 Minutes
3 Rounds of
10 Alternating Pistols (to a box)
10 KB Push Press 25/40#
10 Box Jump Burpees 16/20" (Scale as necessary)
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