Monday, November 21, 2016

Tuesday 11-22-16 WOD

Anytime you approach the bar no matter how light or how heavy. Think about what you need to do, think about how you need to set your body. think about how you need to get and stay tight, and think about finishing a successful lift.
Jon taking his time before getting under the bar...

Tuesday 11-22-16 WOD

Build to a 1RM Snatch in 30min

From the ground  make sure to reset and take your time between reps. Cycling the barbell in a CrossFit workout and PRing a snatch are two different animals. Take your time in the set up, think about what you need to do, tell yourself what you're going to do, then do it! If you prefer building by feel you can do that as well.

Suggested warm up.

DO NOT REPEAT A PR. If you're feeling great, today might be a good day for a PR. If you are at a sub max weight and aren't feeling quick and responsive, if you just finished a night shift and can't keep your eyes open, or have not been making #goodchoices from the weekend and are suffering from them then use this session to work on technique and build to and hang out around 80%-85%

Skill work. Refine your pull ups. Ask a coach to give you some drills on refining your movement in the Kipping and BF pull up. 

15 Min Ladder
Starting at one rep for each increase by one rep every round completed...

Wall Ball 20/30#
Chin Up 
KBS 50/70#
Push Up

1000m Row for time 

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