Friday, July 29, 2016

Saturday 7-30-16 WOD

"Mr. Jon are those muscles real?"
"Yes Lexa they're real, all of them..."

Saturday 7-30-16 WOD

Partner WOD

A. With both partners working at the same time and performing the movements in synchronism

3 Rounds for time
10 Kettle Bell Swings 50/70#
10 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
10 T2B

B.  Share the load with only one person working at a time.

100 KB Snatches 30/50#
100 Alternating DB or KB Lunges 30/50#
50 Ring Dips
50 DB Burpee Box Overs 30/50#

10x200m Sprints (5x200m each)

While partner 1 is running partner 2 is resting. Alternate for a total of 10 rounds.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Friday 7-29-16 WOD

What a drag. Tina and Cathy show up to boxing and the rest between rounds on pads is running with a tire strapped to them. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. 

Friday 7-29-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

10 Rounds of...
10 Body Weight Back Squats
200m Run

15 min ice bath...

2 Hour nap...

It's been a while since we've hit this one. Use the 200m run as a recovery run so that when you get back in you should be under your bar within 30 seconds. Scale the weight as needed and find a method to mark your rounds prior to the start of the workout. I don't want anyone unable to fall asleep tomorrow night because you're up wondering "Did I do nine rounds or ten rounds?"

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Thursday 7-28-16 WOD

Coach Ross tellin everyone what's about to go down in the CrossFit and or Fitness workout. Some people like CrossFit, some people like a slightly less technical workout that's still going to get them fitter, stronger, and moving better. Options are good... 
Thursday 7-28-16 WOD

20 Min Build Clean Complex
Hang Clean + Clean (ground) + Jerk

5 Ring Dips
5 T2B

15 Min Circuit
10 Goblet Squats (go heavy)
10 Sandbag Cleans*
100m Sprint (boulevard with recovery jog back)

*Perform sandbag cleans outside the front doors, walk over to the boulevard perform your 100m sprint on the grass then take a light jog back.

5 Double Bell C&J 25/40#
5 Box Jumps 16/20"
5 Burpees

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Wednesday 7-27-16 WOD

Partnering up for the Starke Games could be awkward if the two of you can't make eye contact. Sharing a band together is the first step...

Wednesday 7-27-16 WOD

E90 for 5 Rounds


1. 200m Run

2. 10 Thrusters 65/95 & 10 Pull Ups

3. 10 KBS 50/70# & 10 HRPU

4. 8 Hang Cleans & 8 Alternating back lunges @65/95# (bar in front rack position)


1. 200m Run

2. 10 DB Thrusters 25/40# & 10 Ring Rows

3. 10 KBS 30/50 & 10 HRPU

4. 8 Double Bell Cleans & 8 alternating back lunges @ 25/40#

Monday, July 25, 2016

Tuesday 7-26-16 WOD

The moment you remind people they only have three days left to register for the 2016 Starke Games and this is what happens... 

Teams Of Two Mens RX'd and Non-RX'd
Teams Of Two Women's RX'd and Non RX'd 

August 6th and 7th 

Tuesday 7-26-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

Row 1000m
40 Wall Balls 20/30#
30 Box Jumps 24/28# (no rebounding)
20 DB Burpees @ 30/50#+
10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Monday 7-25-16 WOD

Jacked up Jon is ready for the Starke Games only two weeks from now (August 6th and 7th)... 

Last day for registration is July 28th
Teams of two Male Intermediate or RX'd
Teams of two Female Intermediate or RX'd 
Find a partner and be a part of an event that will challenge you in ways that you haven't been tested

Monday 7-25-16 WOD


20 Min Build
Pause Snatch + 3 Sec. pause in receiving position.

For this exercise take your time during set up making sure that shoulders are ahead of the bar, weight through the foot has more of a preference to mid foot rather than heels. As you drive the bar from the ground make sure that hips, knees, and shoulders are moving at the same time. As soon as you cross the knee joint, make sure your shoulders are still ahead of the bar and engaged. Count to two full seconds while maintaining tension then finish your snatch catching it in YOUR bottom position and hold for three full seconds before standing it up.

10 Squat Cleans 85/115#
10 C2B
10 T2B

4 Rounds of
6 KB Snatch/arm (heavy relative to athlete)
5 Push Ups @ 52x2
6 Goblet squats w. Jump @ 51J1 (J=jump) 40/60#+
6 Shoot Throughs

10 Double Bell Squat Cleans
10 Pull Ups
20 Anchored sit ups

Friday, July 22, 2016

Open Everything 2016

 Checking and double checking handstand pushup standards for open workout 16.4. Yep, we're good...

Tomorrow we celebrat the 2016 CrossFit Open by doing the Open Everything!

What is the Open Everything? Well I'm happy you asked...

The Open Everything is a day where we relive the 2016 open season but instead of hitting one workout a week for five weeks we do one workout an hour for five hours!

Athletes may sign up for the open workout they chose to do starting with 16.1 at 9am and finishing with 16.5 at 1pm. Som athletes may do two or three of the workouts and some might do all five!

The workouts will be scaled and modfied as needed and the intensity will be less since you're hitting potentially five workouts tomorrow. If you're only hitting one then why not go balls deep (or was that balls to the wall?) and beat your open score.

Sign up on our Front Desk schedule and reserve a spot to relive the open. We will be streaming the CrossFit Games as well so you won't be bored and have to talk with others between workouts ;-)

Bring lots of food and be ready for a great time!

See you all tomorrow!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Friday 7-22-16 WOD

Friday 7-22-16 WOD


3x3 Front Squats

From the Rack build to a heavy three front squats for the day. Once you hit your heavy three then perform two more sets of 3 front squats.

10 C2B
15 C&J @ 65/95#
10 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees

3x3 Back Squats

From the Rack build to a heavy three back squats for the day. Once you hit your heavy three then perform two more sets of 3 squats.

10 Pull Ups
15 Double Bell C&J @ 25/40##
10 Bell Jump Burpees

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Thursday 7-21-16 WOD

Thursday 7-21-16 WOD

20 Min Build
Clean (gnd.) + Hang Clean + Jerk

21-15-9 @ 85/115#
Hang Cleans
Front Squats

15 Min Double Bell Complex
3 Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 S2OH

All nine reps should be performed without putting the bells down.

15 Sandbag Cleans
200m Sandbag run
15 Sandbag Squats

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Wednesday 7-20-16 WOD

Wednesday 7-20-16 WOD

10 Min EMOM
10 Thrusters 65/95#
10 Pull Ups

Rest 5 Min

12 Min EMOM
10 T2B
12/16Kcal Row
15 Wall Balls 14/20# (no this is not a typo ;-)

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tuesday 7-19-16 WOD

Tuesday 7-19-16 WOD

20 Min Skills Session
1 TGU/Arm
Handstand walk slalom w. Cones or Wall facing handstand hold 30-45 sec.
30 Sec. L sit (rings, or paralettes)
5 DB squat snatch/arm

Partner WOD 1 RFT

200m partner run
30 Pull Ups
200m Run
30 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
200m Run
30 Front Squats @ 95/135#
200m Run
30 Burpee box jump overs 20/24"
200m Run

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Monday 7-18-16 WOD

Just a group photo after last Wednesday's EMOM workout. 
Looking great guys & gals 

Monday 7-18-16 WOD

T-Spine Mobility

Bretzel: 90 Seconds/side

Iron Cross: 20 Repetitions total L+R

20 Min Build
Hang Pwr. Snatch x 3 + 1 OHS

For athletes who do not have a full depth squat perform the three power snatches and get as low as you can into a squat without altering your squat pattern. Hold at YOUR bottom position for 5 seconds for each OHS.

4 Min Tabata
Alternate DB/KB Lunges 30/50#
C2B Pull Ups

4 Min Tabata
Wall Balls 20/30#

15 Min Ladder
KB Snatch 25/40#
Push Up @ 51x2
Hollow Rock
Goblet squat

For the ladder perform one rep of each movement the first round, two reps of each the second round etc...

On the push up the tempo should be a five second descent one second pause with thighs engaged and nothing other than your chest touching the ground, punch up then pause for two seconds at the top pushing the ground away.

4 Min Tabata
Alternate DB/KB Lunges 20/40#
C2B Pull Ups

4 Min Tabata
Wall Balls 14/20#

Friday, July 15, 2016

Saturday 7-16-16 WOD

Saturday 7-16-16 WOD

With a partner share the load

5 Rounds of
400m sandbag run*
50 KBS 40/60+
40 Box Jumps 20/24"
30 Wall Balls
20 Double Bell Clean & Press 30/50+
10 Bar Muscle Ups/Burpeee Pull ups

*Each athlete must run 200m with the sandbag each round and the 400m must be completed together

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Friday 7-15-16 WOD

Friday 7-15-16 WOD

20 Min Ladder
Muscle Up / Ring Dip
Strict C2B Pull Up
Strict HSPU
Pistol R+L

In the first round perform one rep of each movement including one rep on each leg for the pistol. In the second round perform two reps of each movement. For the pistol alternate legs to reach two reps on each leg.

Partner workout for time
Row 1000m
50 T2B
100 KB Snatches 40/60#
50 Burpee Box Jump overs 20/24#
100 HRPU

20 Min Ladder
Dip (Ring or Box)
Pull Up if using barbell or band there must be a 1 second pause at the top and bottom of the movement.
Seated Strict Press (KB's) Handles must come below chin for each rep
Goblet squat or pistol variation (Box, ring, plate assist).

Partner workout for time
Row 1000m
50 T2B or variation
100 KB Snatches 30/50#
50 Burpee Box Jump overs 16/20/#
100 HRPU

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Thursday 7-14-16 WOD

Thursday 7-14-16 WOD

20 Min Skills Session
30-45 Sec. Freestanding handstand hold or wall facing hold
5 KB snatch/arm (How heavy can you go)
5 Pistols/leg add weight and try to keep your unloaded leg off the ground for the whole 5 reps (scale as necessary)
30-45 Sec. Hollow hold on rings*

Lock out just like at the top of of a ring dip. Get those palms facing forwards and pack your shoulders. Big toes should be touching and feet slightly out in front. Once in position watch the clock.

For Time
400m Run
50 Wall Balls  20/30# or scale as needed
400m Run
50 Wall Balls
400m Run

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Wednesday 7-13-16 WOD

Wednesday 7-13-16 WOD


20 Min EMOM @65/95#
10 Clean & S2OH
12 Alt. Back lunges
10 Hang power snatches
10 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees

5x3 Pull Ups

add weight or tempo of 31x1 (or both ;-)


20 Min EMOM @ 30/50# (Single Kettlebell)
10 Clean & S2OH (5/arm)
12 Alt Back Lunges (Bell stays in front rack position and switch sides after 6 reps)
14 KB Snatch (7/arm)
10 KB Burpees (over the bell)

5x3 Pull Ups

add weight or tempo of 31x1 (or both ;-)

Monday, July 11, 2016

Tuesday 7-12-16 WOD

Tuesday 7-12-16 WOD


20 Min Build

2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk (from the rack).

Points of performance for the jerk

Prior to starting your dip pressurize your torso and maintain tension throughout the dip
Elbows high so the bar stays connected through the dip (don't let the bar slide down)
Make sure you dip is controlled on the way down and fast on the way up!
Dip should only be one to two inches in depth
As you decend drive the knees out and keep your weight primairly through your heels
Make sure to hit full extension prior to aggressively punching under the bar.
Make sure you have a solid stance in your receiving position (don't tight rope that shit)

21-15-9 @ 65/95#
Ring Dips

*For athletes who do not have the mobility for a "good" overhead squat perform front or back squats by cleaning from the ground.

5 Rounds of
5 Double Bell Seated Strict Press @41x1 go lighter than you normally would for 5 seated strict press
5 Single leg hip hinge/leg for added challenge us a kettlebell in one hand or one bell in each hand
10 Alternating KB lunges with rotation*

*Holding the KB by the horns drop into a front lunge and rotate in the direction of the forward leg. ie. If I step forward with my right leg then I will rotate to the right witht he bell, rotate back to neutral and drive back up through the heel to standing position.

KBS @ 60/80#
Box Jumps 16/20#  

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Monday 7-11-16 WOD

Monday 7-11-16 WOD


5x3 Snatch Pulls (25 Min time cap)

Build up to 90-105% of your max snatch and perform five sets of three. If you have lifting straps use them, if you don't then make sure to use your hook grip!

Hang Power Clean 85/115#
Pull Ups  

5 Rounds of...
15 Wall Balls
10 KBS 60/80#
200m Sand Bag Run

Ring Rows
Push Ups

Friday, July 8, 2016

Saturday 7-09-16 WOD

When the girls (Charlotte & Victoria) challenge the guys (Brad & Ken) to "Kraus" on Thursday. 
It came down to a final row and the girls won by 2kcal. 
#girlpower #sweetvictory #betterthanyesterday #betterthantheboys #allthegains

Saturday 7-09-16 WOD

A. 8 min Build to three heavy squat cleans. You should be able to perform these reps within max 10 seconds of each other. 

B. 20 min Grinder 3 Squat Cleans 5 Double Bell C&J 30:60#7 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips 9 KBS 70/90#11 C2B pull ups

With a running clock
1 Mile Run
Rest 5 min 
1 Mile Run 

*Post times for both runs separately. 


The 2016 Starke Games are fast approaching and we're excited to put on another event that is inside and outside of the box testing athletes in ways that they may not be used to. 

Sure it's fun to do the things you're good at but if you're a serious CrossFit athlete then you need to be ready for any challenge that comes up in life and in competition.

If you're not sure what category you and your partner will fit into then here are some suggestions for you to consider when registering.


This is a category we just opened up as some newer CrossFit athletes were asking if they would be able to partake in the Intermediate Category. My suggestion is if you are a newer CrossFit athlete who has not competed in a CrossFit event but has exposure to a wide variety of CrossFit movements then this is the category for you. Loading will be scaled and assisted movements will be allowed for athletes lacking in strength with a varied scoring process in effect.

Note: Should you make it to the Finales…You may be required to execute some pull-ups (assisted of course)

Intermediate (Non-RX):

This category will have close to the same workouts as the RX'd version but will be a little lighter on the weights and be limited by some of the more challenging gymnastics movements (no muscle ups, handstand push ups, ring dips).

These workouts will be as close to the RX'd workouts as possible so if you have spent some time doing CrossFit and have confidence in a wide variety of movements but weight and more technical movements are a limiter then this is where you belong.

Note: You will be required to execute some Olympic Lifts (and yes, they’ll be over head)


For those of you hitting RX'd workouts in the gym, and who are regularly using RX'd weights and movements for most benchmark workouts like Grace, Isabel, Amanda, & Diane then this is where you belong. 

Note: You should be able RX the majority of your workouts and there may be muscle ups…Maybe.

Any questions about the categories or the games, contact 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Friday 7-08-16 WOD

Friday 7-08-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

In 25 Min build to your heaviest 1RM deadlift

Recommended rep scheeme 5@60% 4@65% 3@70% 2@75% 1@80% 1@90% 1@95-101% 1@101+%


30 Second Row (for max distance)/30 Second Recovery*

*No rowing during the rest period

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Thursday 7-07-16 WOD "KRAUS"

Happy Birthday Coach Kraus!
Here's a throw back photo from March 2013 and a workout today that should have everyone mad at you for a while... #betterthan2013 #strongerthan2013  

Thursday 7-07-16 WOD "KRAUS"

45 Min Partner WOD

45 Kcal Row
45 Front Squats 95/135#
45 KBS 50/70#
45 Burpees

Alternate reps with your partner. Only one person may be working at a time.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Wednesday 7-06-16 WOD

Wednesday 7-06-16 WOD

EMOM 25 @ 85/115#
10 Alternating Front Rack Lunges
10 Power Cleans
10 S2OH
10 Back Squats
10 Bent Over Rows

EMOM 25 Double Bells @ 25/40#
10 Alternating Front Rack Lunges
10 Cleans
10 S2OH
10 Front Squats
10 Bent Over Rows

Monday, July 4, 2016

Tuesday 7-05-16 WOD

Tuesday 7-05-16 WOD

15 Min Build to your heaviest squat jerk + 2 OHS*

Athletes will perform a clean + squat jerk from the ground + perform 2 overhead squats. For athletes with mobility restrictions it is recommended that you catch the bar as low as possible for your squat jerk and pause for 3 seconds at "Your" bottom position for all three squats.

5 S2OH @ 110/155#
10 Muscle Ups
15 Power Cleans 110/155#
25 C2B Pull Ups

14 Min EMOM
Odd: 10 Alternate KB Lunges 30/50#
Even: 15 Wall Balls

5 DOuble Bell S2OH 30/50#
10 Ring Dips
15 Double Bell Cleans 30/50#
20 Pull Ups

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Monday 7-04-16 WOD

Monday 7-04-16 WOD

Snatch Complex 20 Min Build
Snatch + Hang snatch + OHS

Row 250m (Damper @1) 
15 KBS 30/50#
10 Over Rower Burpees

15 Min Circuit (use multiple bells)
10 KB Snatches (5/arm) 30/50#
10 Split Squats (5/leg + bell in each hand if possible)
6 Windmill (3/side)
10 Push Press @ 41X2 (5/side)

Row 250m (Damper @1) 
15 KBS 30/50#
10 Over Rower Burpees