Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wednesday 6-01-16 WOD

What do you do when someone is already as stretchy as Gumby? You find other ways to make them bend... Megan demos tactical frog with some added weight. Next time we add a deficit! 

Wednesday 6-01-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

25 Min EMOM
Min 1. Row 12/16 Kcal
Min 2. 8 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
Min 3. 10 Burpee Box Jump overs 20/24"
Min 4. 10 Power Cleans @ 95/135#+
Min 5. 10 Alternating Pistols

For minute one athletes should have rowers in the rack and work their way in waves to the wall. For larger classes the second group of rowers will start 2 minutes after the first.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Tuesday 5-31-16 WOD

I'm so proud of these two (Jon & Ali) hitting this weekends competition at Prairie CrossFit in the RX'd division. You both did amazing and made your Starke Fam. proud. Still so young and so much potential and you're both far from reaching it. Threr's a lot left in those tanks. Keep doing what you're doing and good things will come. #proudcoach

Tuesday 5-31-16 WOD

20 Min Circuit
Handstand walk 60ft or attempt for 90 sec.
100 DU's
10 DB snatches 50/70#
10 Strict C2B Pull Ups
10 KBS 80/100#

1 Mile Run
100 Wall Ball Shots 20/30#

20 Min Circuit
1 Min Double Bell OH Hold 25/40#+
50 DU's
10 DB Snatches 30/50#
6-8 Pull Ups @ 31x1
10 KBS @ 40/60#

1 Mile Run
100 Wall Ball Shots 14/20#

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Monday 5-30-16 WOD

This is what happens when a weightlifter does CrossFit. He strokes it so hard that he sinks the ship!
#quitplayingwityyourdingy #dontrocktheboat #sinkorswim #savegilbert

Monday 5-30-16 WOD

20 Min Build
From the rack 2 F.S. + 1 Jerk

For Time 15-10-5 @ 65/95#
BB Clean
Push Press
Pull Up

20 Min Time Cap
Build to a heavy five back squats for the day and perform as many sets at that weight within the 20 min time cap.

For Time 15-10-5
Wall Balls 14/20#
KBS 50/70#
Pull Ups

Friday, May 27, 2016

Saturday 5-28-16 WOD

Full House & Mad Gainz. Just another Thursday night at Starke 

Saturday 5-28-16 WOD

1 Mile Run
50 Pull Ups
50 KBS 60/80#
50 Push Ups
50 KB Snatches 30/50# (25/arm)
50 Box Jumps 20/24#
1 Mile Run

Training on your own? How to be successful! Blog Post By Starke CDP Coach Dani Quaye

Training on your own? How to be successful!

The rate of improvement comes with how much extra time you put in to training. If you do find yourself putting in the extra work; by yourself or with others here are a few tips to keep you on track and help you to maximize your time.

  1. Set a timer 
  • Setting a time limit for training is key to making sure that you are getting as much out of your time as possible. This will help you to stick to a schedule and make sure you are not getting distracted by other things. This also helps with making sure that you are not going over time if you only have a small amount of time to give.
  1. Plan ahead
  • Ensuring that you have a plan made up of what you want to work on that day is important. Deciding to just work on anything will not always have the same benefits or desired results if you are not consistently working on them, or may lead to injury if you are working on certain things too much and not considering other movements. For example; if getting better at pull-ups is your goal working on those once a week while doing clean and jerks three or four times a week will not help you reach your goal. Making sure that your plan is well thought out with a variety will help your overall training.
  1. Quick warmup
  • Making sure that you are warmed up before starting a workout is the solution to avoiding injuries. Starting a workout with cold muscles is never something you want to do. To ensure that your muscles are warmed up make sure you are getting your heart rate up with either a quick row or run, some dynamic stretches, and then hitting all the movements in your workout.
  1. Training weaknesses
  • Training movements that you are the weakest at is one of the best ways to making improvements in them. If you want to get better at snatches you need to take time out and make certain that they are incorporated into training. If you do not work on your weaknesses they will always be a weakness, and the goal is to turn them into a strength.
  1. Don’t get distracted
  • There are a lot of things that can distract you during a training session. Cell phones being one the biggest distractions in this day and age. Being able to put your phone down and concentrate on the task at hand needs to be the first priority. If you constantly pick up your phone during training it will not only take twice as long, but it will also distract from your focus. Not being able to focus on the next lift because you are worried about answering a text is not how you want to train.
  1. Give yourself a reward
  • Take breaks as needed but do not constantly pick up your phone. Reward yourself by saying you are going to focus on one part of your workout then take a quick break to check your phone. Limit the amount of time you spend on your phone when you take a break and then go back to working out. Limiting the amount of time you spend on your phone and the amount of break time will keep you focused and on track when training.

These are just a few ideas to improve your individual training and time efficiency to help you become the athlete you strive to be.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Friday 5-27-16 WOD

Ok everyone, let's take a group picture. No Caden, I said a group picture. Caden... 

Friday 5-27-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

With a running clock...

4 Rounds of
10 Hang Power Snatch 65/95#
10 Muscle Cleans 65/95#

Fitness Option KB snatches 5/arm then 5 clean & press/arm 30/50#

Rest 3 min

100 Wall Balls 20/30#

Rest 3 min

15 Repetitions of the complex**
Bar Muscle Up

**Scaled C2B/T2B or Pull Up/T2B

Rest 3 Min

Row 1000m for time

You score is the final time on the clock including rest periods.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Thursday 5-26-16 WOD

Mona, Emily, Meghan... What did you think of today's EMOM? Ladies??? Ladies???
I think they liked it ;-)

Thursday 5-26-16 WOD

15 Min Build Clean Complex
Clean Pull, Power Clean, Front Squat + Jerk

7 Min EMOM
Using the above weight perform one squat clean + 3 front squats EMOM for 7 min

6 Min AMRAP*
10 T2B
10 KBS 60/80#
10 Wall Balls 20/30#

*10 Burpee penalty for breaking during ANY set of your ten reps.

15 Min KB Circuit
Double Bell Clean x 2, Front Squat x 2, Jerk x 2  30/50#+

7 Min EMOM
7 Double Bell C&J 30/50#

6 Min AMRAP*
10 T2B or variation
KBS 30/50#
10 Wall Balls 14/20#

*10 Burpee penalty for breaking during ANY set of your ten reps.

Learning how to learn about how learners learn. Blog Post by Starke CDP Coach Dani Quaye

Learning how to learn about how learners learn. Learn?

Humans as a species can generally be divided into three types of learners. You have auditory learners. These are people who pick auditory cues from someone else and translate that into new understanding. Next is visual learners. These people can essentially press the “mute” button on the world and pick up information from watching a more experienced person complete the task. Finally, there are kinaesthetic learners. These are people who learn best through doing. They need to feel their body performing the task (either right or wrong) to understand what is correct and translate that into a skill through repeating that feeling. 

So how does this apply to coaching? Well it’s simple actually. If we approach every athlete the same way, then we are simply not going to be successful. Now this learning isn’t black and white. Auditory learners will learn through tactile stimulation or visual cues but often take far more repetition and coaching to pick up on these cues and change or learn a new task. We are all a combination learner, but we all have a preference as well. So if a coach only tells people what they should be doing, for example “keep your chest up as you move through your first pull” they are going to struggle to get their teaching cue to take hold in 1/3 of the class, the people who excel with auditory learning. This has a 3 fold effect on the athletes in the class. 

(we can make this simple by saying all the athletes are at the same stage of learning) 

1.  It creates an uneven learning environment, where even if all the athletes are getting the same amount of “attention” from the coach, there are going to be a select number of athletes who receive far better coaching than others. Essentially this creates a situation, where while all athletes are being treated equal, they are not necessarily treated with the same equity. 

2.  This can lead to an environment where athletes can begin feeling frustrated about their accomplishments. We all want to excel, but when in a situation such as this, it can often be to difficult to understand why some people seem to get “it” easier or why they are more successful. And, while we try not to compare ourselves to others, it becomes an inevitability as a gap is created between those who readily pick up that auditory style of coaching and those that don’t. 

3.  Frustration leads to self-doubt and self doubt is the killer of progress. 

As I’ve shadowed classes, and watched athletes refine their skills, I’ve had the chance to observe good coaching and what that means in approaching athletes. The worst a coach can be is a one-skill teacher. Someone who can only tell people what to do, or someone who can only show them. It severally limits the effectiveness of the coach. A better coach is someone who varies their teaching between auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic cues throughout the class. The best coach is someone who understands their athletes and how they learn best. They tailor their coaching cues to each athletes individual learning needs. I’ve seen this in action. I’ve seen how efficient it makes the coach. I’ve seen the athletes respond to this individualized approach. And I’ve heard people comment on how much it makes them feel like they are succeeding. This is good coaching. This is the type of coach I hope to be.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wednesday 5-25-16 WOD

If you were thinking of taking a rest day just ask yourself. 
What would Julie Foucher do?

Wednesday 5-25-16 WOD

EMOM=Every Minute On The Minute for 20 minutes. Perform the set number of reps and chose your weight prior to the start of the workout.

20 Min EMOM
1. 10 BB Cleans 85/115#
2. 10 S2OH 85/115#
3. 10 C2B Pull Ups
4. 10 Front Squats @ 85/115#

Fitness Option
1. 10 KB Cleans 25/40#
2. 10 KB S2OH 25/115#
3. 10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows
4. 10 Double Bell Front Squats

Monday, May 23, 2016

Tuesday 5-24-16 WOD

It's always good to have a camera ready. Even if you can't explain what's going on... 

Tuesday 5-24-16 WOD


15 Min Build
Snatch pull from launch + pwr. snatch

Key points.
-Make sure to start with your shoulders in front of the bar and weight through mid foot.
-As you stand up sweep the bar in and find your contact point.
-Finish your pull and keep the bar close. Hips, knees, and ankles should all hit full extension before    you pull under the bar.
-Keep your elbows high and outside
If you pull looks good then make your snatch look the same!

3x3 Back Squat @ 85% of 1RM

10 C2B Pull Ups


in 5 minutes Build to a heavy 5 double bell C&J

10 Min EMOM
5 Double Bell C&J

3x3 Back Squat @ 85% of 1RM

6 Min AMRAP 200m Run
15 Wall Balls 14/20#

Friday, May 20, 2016

Saturday 5-21-16 WOD

Well I was thinking of a workout that would lay everyone out like this on a Saturday long weekend and came up with this... I have the morning off from coaching but may need to come in early and hit it because it looks like too much fun to miss ;-)

Don't forget we have a holiday WOD on Monday at 10am too!

Saturday 5-21-16 WOD

Partner WOD For Time alternate working partners as much as you like but only one person working at a time. Both athletes must complete each run together.

Have Fun ;-)

100 KB Snatches 40/60#
200m Run
90 Wall Balls 20/30#
200m Run
80 HRPU (Hand Release Push Ups)
200m Run
70 BB Thrusters 85/115#
200m Run
60 T2B
200m Run
50 KBS 60/80#
200m Run
40 Cleans @ 85/115#
200m Run
30 C2B Pull Ups
200m Run
200m Run
10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
200m Run

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Friday 5-20-16 WOD

Jacquelyn came in to hit "Heavy DT" today because she can't make it in tomorrow. 
I should have looked back at the weight prior to you starting the workout Jax because the RX'd is 145# and you hit it at 155# #oops #badcoach #betterthanyesterday ;-)

Friday 5-20-16 WOD

"Heavy DT" @ 145/205#
12 Deadlifts 
9 Hang Power Cleans 
6 Push Jerks 

Scale the weight as needed. Your limiter will be the jerk. Don't put on and take off weight for this workout even if your deadlift is "easy" they will all add up!

"Fitness DT" @ 30/50#
12 Double Bell Swings 
9 Double Bell Cleans 
6 Double Bell Jerks 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Thursday 5-19-16 WOD

It's getting hot outside. Time to undress for the weather and start tearing up some turf!

Thursday 5-19-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

3 Rounds of...
5 DB Chest Press (Ground or bench)
5 Weighted Pull ups or banded w. tempo of 3121
5 Strict HSPU (use deficit as required) or Seated strict KB chest press
5 Weighted Ring Dips or Ring Dips (if using a band use a tempo of 31x1)

For Time
100 DU's
50 Wall Balls 20/30#
50 DU's
25 Wall Balls 20/30#

Optional work
Recover as necessary and perform a 1 Mile timed run

This will be after class so if you have the time to recover and get running then make it happen!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Wednesday 5-18-16 WOD

Shelby showing off his DB snatch. Just a suggestion but keeping your tongue in will help you to not bite it off during a workout.

Wednesday 5-18-16 WOD

More Tabata? This is the last week of Tabata Wednesday's. Don't be sad, they won't be gone forever  ;-) Just like the last three weeks it's 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for a total of eight rounds per exercise.

Muscle Ups/Ring Dips

Rest 3 Minutes

BB Squat Jumps 65/95#

Rest 3 Minutes

Ring Dips/Push Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

BB Squat Cleans 65/95#

Rest 3 Minutes

Pull Ups

Monday, May 16, 2016

Tuesday 5-17-16 WOD

Ali getting her butt dragged across the floor by her old (and by that I mean the past not age) volley ball coach Alex. Nice work coach!

Tuesday 5-17-16 WOD

20 Minute Skills
Max Free Standing handstand hold*
1 TGU/Arm go heavier and take your time through the movement.
2 Min Max DU's
6 KB Snatch/Arm go as heavy as you can for this
3 Pistols/side add weight as needed

*The goal for this is to hold a freestanding handstand in the middle of the floor. Try to not walk around if possible. Alternative is wall facing handstand hold for 30-45 seconds or double KB overhead hold for 30-45 seconds.

10 Min Partner AMRAP
20 Kcal Row
50 Du's
30 Wall Balls 20/30#

Alternate partners as you wish but only one person working at a time...

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Monday 5-16-16 WOD

Caden representing Starke at the CrossFit L1 course this weekend here with some of the 
CrossFit HQ Seminar Staff.

Monday 5-16-16 WOD

E90 for 8 rounds Jerk from the rack @ 85-90# of recent 1RM or max jerk achieved during last Monday's WOD

15 KBS 30/50# (competition athletes that can should go overhead)
15 Pull Ups
15 Cleans 65/95# Muscle or Power

At any point if you break your reps in any of the three exercises perform five burpees the first time, six the second, seven the third and so on, and so on... Get it? Get It?

12 Min Ladder @ 25/40#
Push Up
Double Bell Swing
Double Bell Clean & Jerk

Starting at 1 go up by one rep each round. Stay tight and keep form perfect.

15 Russian KBS 30/50#
15 Pull Ups
15 Wall Balls 14/20#

Friday, May 13, 2016

Saturday 5-14-16 WOD

This is my favourite picture ever!
Have you eaten your veggies today???
Caitlin Making "Good Choices"

Saturday 5-14-16 WOD

With a partner build to your heaviest single squat clean in 6 min.

20 Partner Ladder

Starting at two reps increasing by two reps every round with your partner break up the reps as you like.

1. Squat Clean
2. Wall Balls 30/20#
3. C2B Pull Ups (scale as necessary)
4. HSPU (double bell push press 30/50#+)
5. T2B

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Friday 5-13-16 WOD

7 years ago back in the day before we had a box and would train at Kildonan Park

Friday 5-13-16 WOD

Double "DT"
10 Rounds at 105/155# of...
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerk

5x90/90 Row for max distance*

*Once finished your row go back into memory and look at total distance for your row. Do not use the final # on the screen.

"Starke Fitness DT" @ 30/50#
10 Rounds of double bell
12 Double Bell Deadlift
9 Double Bell Cleans
6 Double Bell Push Jerk

5x90/90 Row for max distance*

*Once finished your row go back into memory and look at total distance for your row. Do not use the final # on the screen.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thursday 5-12-16 WOD

The finish line of "Triple Two" at the 2015 Starke Games 
2000m Row, 200 Double Unders, 2 Mile Run.
This year is only going the be better. Are you ready for August 6th & 7th 2016?

Thursday 5-12-16 WOD

500m Row
50 BB Thrusters 65/95#

Rest 4 Min

10 Hang Power Snatch 65/95#
10 Pull Ups

Rest 4 Min

10 HSPU @ 25/45#
10 OHS 65/95#

500m Row
30 Double Bell Thrusters 25/40#

Rest 4 Min

16 KB Snatches 25/40#
10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows

Rest 4 Min

8 Double Bell Clean & Front Squat 25/40#
10 Box Jumps 16/20"

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wednesday 5-11-16 WOD

I know the photo is a little blurry but I think Sandra & Cat's vision was too after this workout. 
Nothing like a little intensity to remind you that you're alive and what you're capable of, right ladies?

Wednesday 5-11-16 WOD

Got Tabata?

20 Seconds of work and 10 Seconds of rest for five different exercises for a total of eight rounds each.

BB Back Lunges w. BB in front rack position 85/115#

3 Min recovery

T2B or Variation (make it repeatable)

3 Min recovery

C&J (Ground to shoulder + shoulder to overhead) 85/115#

3 Min recovery

Strict Chin Ups

3 Min recovery

Plate over Burpees

Monday, May 9, 2016

Tuesday 5-10-16 WOD

Throwback to Huatulco 2012 when I jerked Lorrie on the beach
You know what I mean...

Tuesday 5-10-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
20 Min Practise
30-45 Sec Handstand Hold wall or freestanding (alternate shoulder touch if able).
1 Min Max DU's
5&5 Pistols (add weight if able)
Max "L" Sit Pull Ups (YES STRICT)

Row 200m
16 DB Snatches (8&8) 40/60#+
10 Ring Dips/HRPU

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Monday 5-09-16 WOD

Sisters that swing together... I'm not even going to finish that. 
Great work Tina & Lisa! 

Monday 5-09-16 WOD

Build to a heavy single Jerk from the rack in 15 Min

Clean & Jerk 95/135#
Pull Ups

3x 200m Partner sprint relay (three rounds each and five each if you both have time).

15 Min Circuit
5 Double Bell Push Jerk
5 Double Bell Swings
5 Double Bell Cleans
5 Double Bell Front Squats

Wall Balls
Pull Ups

3x 200m Partner sprint relay (three rounds each and five each if you both have time).

Friday, May 6, 2016

Saturday 5-07-16 WOD

Once upon a time Nicky got mad at me and pulled a 25b plate apart right in front of my eyes. 
I never made Nicky mad again. 
The End. 
Saturday 5-07-16 WOD

With a running clock (and a partner)

Alternate Tasks
200m Run
20 Wall Balls 20/30#
200m Row

Max KB Snatches 30/50#

One partner can work at a time while the other partner holds a hollow hang position from the rack.  KB snatches may only be counted while your partner is hanging from the rack.

Row for max distance.

Person 1 rows for max distance while person 2 holds a barbell @ 85/115# or two kettlebells  2x30/2x50#overhead. The switch happens when the person holding the weigh overhead drops the weight. Distance on the rower may only be taken into account while person 2 is holding the weight overhead (If your partner can't get it up you shouldn't be stroking).

Max Burpee Box Jump overs 20/24"
Alternate partners as much as you like but only one person can be working at a time. Count your reps as a grand total.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friday 5-06-16 WOD

"B" Needing some extra help to get those hips opening up during Tactical Frog. Just add some weight and a band to pull you back because that's where all the magic happens!

Friday 5-06-16 WOD

I hope you're all feeling CHIPPER today!

10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
20 Hang Cleans @ 95/135#
30 T2B
40 KBS 30/50#
50 Front Squats @ 95/135#
40 KBS 30/50#
30 T2B
20 Hang Cleans @ 95/135#
10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips

10 Ring Dips
20 Pull Ups
30 Anchored Sit Ups
40 KBS 25/40#
50 Goblet Squats 30/40#
40 KBS 25/40#
30 Anchored Sit Ups
20 Pull Ups
10 Ring Dips

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Thursday 5-05-16 WOD

Coaches in our CDP (Coaches Development Program) this past weekend working on refining, coaching and searching out errors and common mistakes that athletes make in the Turkish Get Up. 

We are taking EVERY exercise that we do, breaking it down, dissecting it, and working on how to correct individuals so they can get the most out of the exercise for what their bodies will allow at the time. 

These coaches have been puting in hours every second weekend with Paul working on technique and ways to assist all of our members with any number of variations and progressions needed to help them achieve their goals. They are also putting in a number of hours during the week shadowing classes starting at 6am till our final classes in the evening to keep learning and progressing. 

Ask them questions and challenge them. I'm proud of all the work they're putting in and can't wait till they accomplish this first Starke CDP program. 

Thursday 5-05-16 WOD

In 8 minutes build to a max squat clean + 2 thrusters

10 Min EMOM
1 Squat Clean + 2 thrusters

200m Run
15 Wall Balls 20/30#
12 C2B Pull Ups
9 T2B
6 Strict HSPU

In 8 minutes build to a max double bell clean + 3 Thrusters

10 Min EMOM
1 Double bell clean + 2 thrusters

200m Run
15 Wall Balls 14/20#
12 Alternate renegade rows*
9 Hollow Rocks
6 Double Bell Strict Press (standing)*

For the alternating renegade rows and double bell strict press in fitness athletes may chose their appropriate weight. If you're unsure please ask a coach for assistance.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Wednesday 5-04-16 WOD

You know that feeling when you just finished a great workout and all you can do is lay on the floor and think about all the gains you just made? 

Wednesday 5-04-16 WOD

Tabata This...

20 Seconds work w. 10 seconds rest for eight rounds per exercise...

Alternate Front Rack Lunges 65/95#
Fitness Option: Double Bell front rack alt. lunges 20/40#

Rest 3 Min

Burpee Box Jumps 20/24" (Scale box height as needed)

Rest 3 Min

S2OH 65/95#
Fitness: Double Bell S2OH @ 20/40#

Rest 3 Min

Double Unders
Fitness: Double Unders ;-)

Rest 3 Min

BB Back Squat Jumps 65/95#
Fitness: KB goblet squat Jumps @ 25/40#

There is no F. but you may come up with something that starts with it...

Coach Craig Gilbert Goes To Nationals...

Thoughts on the 2016 Masters Nationals

I competed recently at the 2016 Canadian Masters Nationals, and is a little story describing the experience.

The only negative (and this might be something unique to me!) was the night before. As I lay awake staring at a typically bland hotel room ceiling, I couldn’t help but dwell on every possible negative thought. First was the preparation – did I train hard enough, or maybe too hard? What about my diet or recovery, where did I screw that up? What could I have done better? What was I going to eat tomorrow, and would it support performance? These thoughts and more continually cycled through my brain as I absently mindedly channel surfed for a few hours. I then checked out the AGM (which itself is a story for another day!) before calling it a night.

My session was to begin at 3:30 Saturday, which left me the whole day to basically do nothing. I headed to Denny’s for a massive greasy breakfast, planning it so that I had 6 hours to digest and process the whatever-it-was that I ate. My plan was to then eat an energy bar or two about 2 hours before competition, and to make sure that I drank water and Gatorade like it was going out of style. Nutrition: check!

After breakfast I went down to the venue to watch the first sessions. I figured I’d see some people who were older than me come out and lift some weights, get some applause, maybe pick up some hardware. But it was a bit more intense than that. No matter what their age or the numbers that they were putting up, these people were fiercely competing! Not so much against each other, but definitely against themselves. The impression that I got was that these athletes were there for the love of the sport and to challenge their limits, not simply to beat each other. Each competitor gave their best, regardless of their chances of winning gold. It was very inspiring!

Eventually it was time to begin warming up. Within short order most of the competitors in my session had introduced themselves to me, but once the bars started moving this was as serious a group as I have ever seen. Their warm-ups were dialled in and they were focused on the task at hand. Although we were all Masters athletes, we were preparing to compete as if we were all 20. There was no doubt that everyone was going to leave it all on the platform.

My snatch warm up went fairly well, with only one miss at 90. I had planned to open at 105 to try to save my injured left knee for the clean & jerks, but I hit a solid 105 in the warm up and followed it up with a solid 110. My main competition was opening at 105, and I suspected that he would have a bigger jerk than I would so I knew that I needed to at least keep pace with him in the snatch. He opened at 105 and made it, so I opened at 110 and was good. His second at 113 was successful, so I hit 115 for my second. He then made 120 for his third, and I went for a PR of 121. It was a good attempt and I caught it securely, only to suffer one of those slow motion misses behind that we`ve all experienced. You sit in the squat for what seems like an eternity, knowing that the bar is going backwards the second you try to stand up. And when it did, my left knee suddenly felt like someone smoked it with a crowbar Nancy Kerrigan-style. So with a 5kg deficit and an aggravated injury, my shot at gold was essentially gone.

Without a break between lifts, we had to immediately begin warming up for the clean & jerk. I tried some lunge presses with an empty bar, but could not recover from the lunge. I also tried some empty bar front squats, but could not recover those as well. With the symptoms pointing to a possible sprain of my lateral collateral ligament, squatting was out of the question. My only option would be a power clean and power jerk, since if I squatted with any amount of weight I would likely collapse into a blob of goo on the platform. The warm up was rough, and I started missing power jerks at 110. I had declared 125 to open, and I was able to drop that down to 120. My hope now was to make just one jerk and total.

I took the platform, with more than one audience member no doubt wondering “didn’t he just attempt to snatch more than this?” The power clean was not too difficult, and I managed to power jerk it. I gave the self-congratulatory fist pump as I hobbled off the stage, but I saw one red light out of the corner of my eye. No matter, with that lift I had totaled and locked down the silver medal, and could now go nurse my body and ego! But as I passed the official’s table, instead of declining my last two attempts I found myself saying “125 please.”

I didn’t come all this way to decline! If it killed me, I was taking another lift. So I power cleaned 125, and managed another passable power jerk (only the second time that I’ve power jerked 125). Again, I got a red light! But now my knee was on fire and I walked stiff legged off the platform. But I gave it that extra effort and could sleep knowing that I didn’t suck out. I could decline my third attempt and go find some ice and maybe a pillow to cry on. But as I passed the Official’s table again, instead of declining my third attempt I again found myself saying “130 please.”

As I sat waiting for my name to be called, I couldn’t cross my leg. I needed both hands just to move it through its range of motion. People were starting to awkwardly ask if I needed anything. “Excused me, but do you need some water? Because you look like you’re about to die.” But I declined, instead closing my eyes and trying to put the pain away until later.

When I took the stage I couldn’t squat to get into my pulling position. It took 30 seconds to get ready. Then I cleaned the 130, trying not to cry like a bitch as I stood it up. My entire body was screaming “drop the weight!” but I just focused on my one jerk cue: 2 second dip, then explode!
3 white lights!

So I ended up going 5/6 and hitting a big power jerk PR. But what was the point, you might ask. Once you locked down silver with your first clean & jerk, why continue despite an injury? If there was no chance of improving your position or hitting PR numbers, why bother?

This is the truth about competition, which was evident in every session that I watched at these nationals. It doesn’t matter if you can win or not, or if you can PR. All that matters is that you give it 100% and leave it on the platform. Competition for the sake of competition, for the love of the sport. Yes I took home silver and I’m proud of it, but not because I did the minimum required to get it. I gave 100% of what I could have that day. It wasn’t my best competition in terms of numbers (I’ve put up higher), but in terms of heart and drive I’ve never done better. I couldn’t quit because none of these other athletes were letting themselves quit! And I also made friends here which I’ll see again next year, like minded individuals with the same passion for this sport which I have.

So this was my experience at the nationals. Was it worth all the prep work and travel and boo-boos? Absolutely! And as soon as all the pain goes away, then it’s back to square one. The next competition is just around the corner.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Tuesday 5-03-16 WOD

When you're bad we MAKE you ride the Airdyne outside
When you're good we LET you ride the Airdyne outside
Any guesses why this young man is outside?

Tuesday 5-03-16 WOD

15 Min Build
Snatch Balance + 1 OHS

Oepn workout 14.2 @ 65/95#
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
   2 rounds of:
   10 overhead squats
   10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
   2 rounds of:
   12 overhead squats
   12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
   2 rounds of:
   14 overhead squats
   14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

5 Rounds of run or row 90 seconds at an high output yet sustainable pace/ 90 seconds active recovery (keep moving)

15 Min Circuit
10 Goblet Squat Jumps
10 KBS (heavy)
10 Wall Balls
10 Sled Rows (heavy)

6 Double Bell Thrusters
6 Box Jump Burpees

SACF part C.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Monday 5-02-16 WOD

"Now may I lift?" Caitlin waiting patiently for her chance to tear shit up at FrostFit 2016 

Monday 5-02-16 WOD

8 Min Build to a heavy 5 TNG deadlift for the day

3 Rounds NFT*
5 Deadlift
7 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
9 HSPU (add deficit as needed)
11 T2B/C2B Couplet/Pull Ups

*The goal for today's workout is to hit all reps unbroken and take the needed rest between exercises to make that happen. This doesn't mean take minutes of rest between exercises but listen to your body.

1000m Row For time

8 Min Build to a heavy 5 TNG deadlift for the day

3 Rounds NFT*
5 Deadlift
7 Ring Dips/Box Dips
9 DB or KB Push Press
11 Pull Ups

*The goal for today's workout is to hit all reps unbroken and take the needed rest between exercises to make that happen. This doesn't mean take minutes of rest between exercises but listen to your body.

1000m Row For time

Suck It Up.... Be Aggressive... Lift The Shit Out Of That Bar!!! By: Coach Paul Dyck

Photo from the 2015 Starke Games...

Well I have been thinking about this post for a bit now only because it keeps coming up in different scenarios.

Negative self talk when it comes to lifting, competing, or challenging yourself.

We have been doing some testing in the past weeks and we've been seeing some previous PR's getting crushed which is awesome. What I hate hearing is that negative self talk before a lift, during a lift, and after a lift. This can happen on your own, in a class, or during competition.

Example: We had some squat days where the goal of the workout was to buid to a new PR (Personal Record). As the weight was getting heavier on the bars I could hear athletes pull the bar form the rack and say something like "#uck" or "holy $hit this is heavy" or a number of other things. Right after that they would fail the lift. After giving a little "pep talk" on being aggressive,  attacking the bar, and changing your mind set athletes were lifting the weight with confidence and and succeeding with the new max weight.

How can this be? They just failed with the exact same weight 2 minutes ago. Was it magic? Did someone take some weight off without them looking? Did coach turn the gravity in the room down?

What changed was the plan of attack (and maybe a little trap slap). When I see an anthlete trying to execute a new PR my recomendation is simple.

1. Tell yourself what you're gonna do before you do it.

2. Get fired up. We want arrousal, confidence, and some adrenaline but nott too much or you'll blow your lift.

3. Grab the bar with a purpose. Grab it with some aggression, and grab it like you mean it.

4. Get Tight! Whether you are getting under the bar for a back or front squat or you're setting up for a Deadlift, Snatch, or Clean & Jerk make sure you've got tension throughout the system. Getting under or grabbing the bar and being relaxed will make you feel weak and potentially crush you when you pull from the rack or the ground, that's the point where you're going to tell yourself "This is too heavy" and fail or "I've got this" and succeed. The more muscles and muscle fibres you can recruit to get the job done the better your chances of moving that mountain.

5. Breathe... This goes along with "Get Tight" Taking that bigh breath and creating that inner abdominal pressure to support your spine during heavy lifting will make all the difference and allow you to maintain a rigid torso and not get crushed at the bottom of that squat or when you're pulling from the ground. Releasing some pressure as you get closer to finishing your rep (the last 1/4 of that rep with a "tssssst" sound bu pressing your tougue against your front teath or letting out a "war cry" can help to aleviate some pressure. Don't let out so much air (like blowing out candles on a birthday cake) so that you get light headed.

6. Look back at #1 and do what you told yourself you were going to do.

7. Celebrate your new bad ass lift and pat yourself on the back.

In short don't talk yourself out of something just because you haven't done it yet. Tell yourself that you're capable of it and make it happen. These steps can work in life too as long as you don't allow yourself to believe that you're not capable of doing it.

Good luck!
