Thursday, April 30, 2015

Friday 5-01-15 WOD

Lindsay showing us how to thrust!!!

Friday 5-01-15 WOD

Handstand skill work

CrossFit & Fitness

50 Double Unders
40  Wall Balls
30 Alternate DB Snatches 30/50#
20 Pull Ups


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Thursday 4-30-15 WOD

Swim start of Ironman Wisconsin 2012. This is what it looks like at the start of an Ironman event. Starting a swim with 3000 friends and being beaten like a pinyata for an hour...  

Thursday 4-30-15 WOD

Thruster Ladder EMOM 95/135#
Starting at one rep increase by one every minute on the minute until you can no longer complete the number of reps required in the minute.

3x1min Chinese planks Prone & Supine

KB Thruster Ladder EMOM 30/50#

Starting at one rep increase by one every minute on the minute until you can no longer complete the number of reps required in the minute.

3x1min Chinese planks Prone & Supine

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wednesday 4-29-15 WOD

Megan dragging the sled like it stole from her...

Wednesday 4-29-15 WOD

Skill Work Rope Climb

5x3 Deadlift Build to a heavy three touch and go for the day and start counting your sets.
10 OHS @ 65/95#
10 Ring Dips

4 Rounds of…
8 BB Deadlift
6 Chin Ups
4 Deficit Push Ups

10 Ball Slams
10 Burpees

Monday, April 27, 2015

Tuesday 4-28-15 WOD

Randy dragging 280# like he's getting rid of a body on a Saturday morning throwdown! 

Tuesday 4-28-15 WOD

Handstand/Skill Work

5x3 Weighted Strict Pull Ups
10 HSPU 25/45# plates/side
10 Cleans 95/135#
10 T2B

5x3 Pull Ups
Use a tempo of 4131 for your pull up. If you are using a band use a band that will allow you to stay under tension and force you to work for the time required in the concentric and eccentric phases of the pull up.
10 KBS 60/80#
10 Double Bell C&J 20/40#
10 Wall Balls

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Monday 4-27-15 WOD

Cathey warming up her wall balls before starting an open workout. 
Photo Credit: Melanie Kapilik Photography

Monday 4-27-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

Back Squat 
1x20 @50% of 1RM
1x15 @60-62% of 1RM
1x10 @75% of 1RM
1x5 @85-88% of 1RM

3x500m Row with 90second recovery between sets.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Friday 4-24-15 WOD

Craig putting on a clinic during the CrossFit Open...
We haven't done a long one in a while. Today we are doing Craig's birthday WOD

Friday 4-24-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Partner workout split this workout up as you wish between you and a partner.

“F’N 40 aka CRAIG”

40 Min AMRAP

40kcal row
40 T2B
40 BB Cleans 95/135# (any type)

40 Wall Balls

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thursday 4-23-15 WOD

Mig's warming up for one of the 2015 open workouts.

Thursday  4-23-15 WOD
Thruster Ladder EMOM 85/115#
Starting at one rep increase by one every minute on the minute until you can no longer complete the number of reps required in the minute.
*Note we will be doing this workout again Thursday the 30th of April @ 105/135#
Skill work of your choice or lick your wounds. 

KB Thruster Ladder EMOM 30/50#
Starting at one rep increase by one every minute on the minute until you can no longer complete the number of reps required in the minute.
Skill work of your choice or lick your wounds. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wednesday 4-22-15 WOD

A Barbell warm up for some heavy cleans. 
Anytime you walk up to a training tool think about what you are going to do. Think about how you can do it your best and think about exactly how it should look and feel. So many times I ask an athlete "What were you thinking about" after missing a lift and many times I hear back "Nothing"
The way you move an empty barbell is more important to me than the way you move a loaded barbell. If you cant produce the desired movement with an empty barbell you shouldn't be adding weight to it until you can. Weight can wait!  

Wednesday 4-22-15 WOD
3x3 Muscle Snatch (High hang)
3x3 Muscle Snatch (Launch)
(Add weight as or if needed with the main focus being a quick turnover and lockout with the arms).   
12 Min build high hang power snatch.
Focus: Speed under the bar and a strong and solid receiving position landing through the heels. Hold the receiving position for three full seconds before returning to your neutral or pulling stance. Once recovered hold the finish position for three full seconds at the top before dropping the bar. MOVE YOUR FEET AND LAND THROUGH YOUR HEELS!     
For time
Deficit HSPU with 25/45# plates per side
Ring Dips
Optional work (when I say optional I mean mandatory if you have time)
3x1 min GHD holds (Prone & Supine each for three rounds)
3x1 min Chinese planks (use two boxes and AB mats for these planks)  

5 Rounds of
8 BB Deadlift
8 Kneeling KB Press
With a partner
10 Min AMRAP with a  happy ending (whatever exercise you’re on when the bell goes finish it off)
600m row (300&300)
20 Partner Wall Balls (over a pull up bar)
20 Alternate push ups (one person planks while the other person does a push up)

Optional work (when I say optional I mean mandatory if you have time)
3x1 min GHD holds (Prone & Supine each for three rounds)

3x1 min Chinese planks (use two boxes and AB mats for these planks)  

Monday, April 20, 2015

Tuesday 4-21-15 WOD

Bubba post WOD contemplating what just happened.

Tuesday 4-21-15 WOD


3x10 BB Back Squat build to a heavy set of ten only going up to about six repetitions during warm up. Use a spotter, reps nine & ten should be work!!!

20 Cleans @ 95/155#
20 Pull Ups
20 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10’
20 Burpees 


3x10 BB Back Squat build to a heavy set of ten only going up to about six repetitions during warm up. Use a spotter reps nine & ten should be work!!!

20 Russian KBS @ 60/80#
20 Pull Ups
20 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10’

20 Burpees

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Monday 4-20-15 WOD

After a little group outing to Vertical Adventures... What a great way to smoke the forearms!

Monday 4-20-15 WOD


Three sets of the following…
For part A. find a heavy three strict press form the rack. Once you found your working weight for your three strict press perform the following 
Three strict press, after your three strict press perform max reps with the same weight in push press, when you can no longer push press the weight perform max reps with the same weight push jerk the weight for max reps.
Drop the weight when you can no longer complete another rep.

Row 4x500m w. 1 minute recovery between sets.   


4 Rounds of
8 KB Walking lunges w. double bells in rack position 30/50#
6 Shoot throughs with push up
8 Double Bell cleans 30/50#
6 KB Single leg deadlifts (6/leg)


Row 4x500m w. 1 minute recovery between sets.  

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Friday 4-17-15 WOD

Ironman Wisconsin 2009... The first time we became an Ironman... You know what I mean.

Friday 4-17-15 WOD


Thruster Ladder EMOM 65/95#
Starting at one rep increase by one every minute on the minute until you can no longer complete the number of reps required in the minute.
*Note we will be doing this on Friday the 24th at 85/115# and Thursday the 30th of April @ 105/135#

Handstand walk work (if you recover from the ladder) spend some time working on getting inverted. If your shoulders are cooked and going upside down isn’t a good idea then spend some quality time with a lacrosse ball and smash your rotator cuff and surrounding tissues.


4 Rounds NFT
8 BB Deadlift
8 Ring Push Ups
8 Box Jumps 16/20”


8 Min TGU Build. Start with a light bell. This is not a race. Pace yourself through the movement and take one full breath cycle between each movement.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Thursday 4-16-15 WOD

Back in the day before we had a gym... Our 6am Kildonan Park Workouts...
I still see a lot of familiar bums! 
Those were some awesome mornings

Thursday 4-16-15 WOD
Buy In… 30 T2B
BB Deadlift 155/225#
Box Jumps 20/24”

Once recovered….

Ring Muscle Ups

Buy In 30 Wall Balls
Double Bell C&J 30/50#
Pull Ups

Alternate the following
3x1 Min Banded Plank

3x1 1 Min Back extension hold (GHD)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wednesday 4-15-15 WOD

Happy Birthday Megan. You wanted a birthday WOD, you got one.
Now everyone can do Megan on her birthday!

Wednesday 4-15-15 WOD


20 Min Build
Build to your heaviest single overhead squat from the ground.
For this workout athletes will clean the bar from the ground into the front rack position make sure to receive the bar in a strong power or squat position and hold for 2 seconds before standing the weight up.

Once the bar is in the front rack position the athlete and the athlete is standing with feet back to pulling or jerk position the athlete will pop the bar from the front rack to back rack position without fully extending the arms. Coaches will demo the movement and everyone is expected to perform this at a lighter weight and show control.

Once the bar is in the back rack position the athlete may push press, power jerk, or split jerk to get the weight overhead. Take time to stabilize and then perform your overhead squat (OHS) for one repetition.     

7 Min Ladder
OHS 95/135#
BB Clean 95/135#
Lateral Bar Jump Burpee (BJB)

Starting at one rep for each exercise increase by one rep each round completed. The OHS can be a squat snatch to start and count the first rep.  
Your clean can be a muscle, power, or squat clean.
Lateral BJB your chest must touch the ground each time. 

Post total number of repetitions as your score and have fun doing Meghan!!!


3 Rounds of 5 min work 1 Min rest. Pick up where you left off and keep track of your rounds. Keep the weight and method hard and heavy and be accountable to your movements.
5 Pull Ups
5 Strict Double Bell Press
5 T2B or Variation

6x15 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10’
Complete 15-20 Wall balls and take 30 seconds rest at the end of each set. Make sure to pick your number AND STICK TO IT before the workout begins.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tuesday 4-14-15 WOD

It's almost that time. Mel putting on a tire flipping clinic and Erin contemplating going for ice cream...

Tuesday 4-14-15 WOD


15 Min AMRAP
5 Ring Dips
10 HSPU @ 2x45# plate/side as deficit (2+2)
15 T2B
20 Kcal Row

6 Min “L” Sit holds 3 min hanging from rack and 3 Min from Paralettes (Time can be cumulative). 


15 Min AMRAP
5 Chin Ups @ 41x1
10 Russian KBS 60/80#
15 Goblet Squats 60/80#
20 Hollow Rock

6x20 Wall facing handstand holds (20 seconds on 10 seconds off)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Monday 4-13-15 WOD

Team "Flatlanders" at the finish of the 2007 Canadian Death Race 
125km of running and over 17,000ft of elevation change in the mountains Finish time 13:02:26
(Walking for the next week was a challenge) 

Monday 4-13-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

5x3 BB Back squat
Use only on breath cycle at the top of each repetition.
Use a spotter if necessary (Your last rep should be spicy).

8 Min AMRP
30 Double Unders
30 KB Snatches (15/arm) 30/50#

30 Hand release Push Ups

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Friday 4-10-15 WOD

Some running drills for efficiency out in the parking lot. It's about that time again...
By the way. Did you know we're hosting a two day CrossFit Endurance seminar
July 4th and 5th? Check out the link!

Friday 4-10-15 WOD

CrossFit &Fitness

Take ten minutes to build to a 1RM pull up.

*Fitness will do 3x5 Strict Pull ups scaled as needed while CF Builds towards a 1RM pull up.

5 Min Recovery

5 Min Time Cap
100 KB Snatches 30/50#
Max pull ups with the remaining time.

5 Min Recovery

5 Rounds for time
150m Row
10 T2B

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Thursday 4-09-15 WOD

Who needs a Man Bun when you have a Man Bum?
George showing why it's important to squat 
(these shoprts are not an optical illusion and it's not the pleat in the pants)

Thursday 4-09-15 WOD


Put a high value of quality on this workout. This is not for time!!!

I'm thinking we should name this one so we can collect names once we've done this workout and decide on something fitting.

Rep Scheme of

Here's how the workout will go down. The weight on the cleans can be scaled and the deficit for the HSPU can be changed but we will use the upper end for this workout post. The goal for this workout is perfect reps from start to finish so take you time.

5 HSPU @ 3x45# plates/side as a deficit
5 BB Cleans @ 155/225#

10 HSPU @ 2x45# plates/side as a deficit
10 BB Cleans @ 135/205#

15 HSPU @ 1x45# plate/side as a deficit
15 BB Cleans @ 115/185#

20 HSPU no deficit
20 BB Cleans @ 95/165#

Use an AB mat between your plates
Yes you can kip these HSPU's ;-)
NO you CAN NOT kip the Cleans (That was a joke I don't know how you'd kip cleans).
Take your time and aim for perfect reps.


Build to a 1 RM pull up in 10 Min
20 Min Circuit

10 BB Deadlift (Build to a challenging ten for the day)
8 Ball Slams 20/30#
6 T2B or Variation
4 Push Ups @ 51x1
2 Chin Ups @ 51x1

Find your appropriate weight before starting and set up all equipment.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wednesday 4-08-15 WOD

Brooke busting out some K2E in a workout. This girl is amazing. She won the last 60 day challenge we had at Starke and is on the war path again. She has lost over 80lbs since starting at Starke a year ago and busts her ass everyday in the gym and in the kitchen to make her successful. It was about a year ago that she couldn't hold on to a pull up bar for more than two or three seconds. Now Brooke can hold on for up to a minute, bust out beat swings and Knees To Elbows (K2E) for 12 reps at a time. It is sick seeing the progress that people can make when they want it and are willing to work their asses off for it. Anything is possible!

Wednesday 4-08-15 WOD

5x5 Back Squat
Build to a heavy five then start counting your sets. Use a spotter if needed.   
EMOM for 5 Min
10 BB Thrusters @ 65/95#
5 C2B Pull Ups

Same as CrossFit
EMOM For 5 Min
10 Wall Balls

5 Burpees

*EMOM=Every Minute On The Minute

Monday, April 6, 2015

Tuesday 4-07-15 WOD

Sheldon after beating Craig in a bet over a workout. If you want to see the video of Sheldon collecting his "YES DADDY'S" Check out our Facebook page (It's worth the watch).

Tuesday 4-07-15

20 Min Build
High Hang Squat Clean & Jerk
For the first part of the twenty minute build athletes will start from a tall clean with shoulders shrugged and on your toes. The goal for this exercise is to get under the bar as fast as possible by pulling yourself under the bar with focus on fast elbows allowing you to receive the bar in the perfect front rack position each time.
Once you reach a weight that you can no longer successfully “tall clean” you will start from a High Hang Clean (HHC) which will allow you to get off your heels and shrug to produce some extra upward momentum on the bar while still focusing on pulling yourself under the bar.
If you hit a weight that you can not  HHC then proceed to a Hang Clean (HC) form the launch position.
1. SPLIT JERK AFTER EVERY CLEAN (Pause in the receiving position of the jerk for 3 seconds before standing up and again for another three seconds at the finish with full lock out and control).
3. MAKE SURE TO CATCH THE BAR AS LOW AS POSSIBLE (YOUR BEST SQUAT). If you’re catching it in a power position I’m gonna quote Shania and say “That don’t impress me much”
50 Double Unders
15 T2B

5x5 PERFECT Russian KBS.
Build to a heavy weight and focus on maximum contraction at the top of each swing. Your quads, glutes, and abs should be tighter than your “Squat thighs” trying to fit into an old pair of jeans before you started squatting ;-) 

20 Min Circuit (It’s not a race)
25 Hollow Rocks
20 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10’
15 Push Ups
10 Alternate DB Snatches 40/60#
5 Pull Ups @ 41x1 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Monday 4-06-15

Nice shirt Ken. That it so true!!!
Monday 4-06-15


5x8 Walking BB lunges (overhead)
Build to your heavy eight reps then start counting your sets

10 Front Squats @ 95/135#
10 Box Jump Over’s


6x8 Walking DB or KB Lunges

10 Russian KBS 40/60# 

10 Box Jump Over’s

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Could You Manage If You Had To?

I think what we do at Starke is important. We help people to become stronger, fitter, and more well rounded as athletes and individuals.

Becoming strong is something I think is important for anyone at any age no matter what your limitations are.

Recently one of our members fell down the stairs at home and broke her leg. She has been in an air cast and on crutches for three weeks now. I have been texting Shelley to see how she's been holding up. Yesterday she wrote me an e mail and it gave me a different perspective and another reason for why we train.

I know we train to get stronger, we train for sport, we train for fun, we train to get stronger before and after surgery and train to regain strength, mobility and functionality after an injury.

One thing I never thought of is being strong enough to deal with an injury that can happen at any time. A fall, a car accident, an accident in the shower or on your bike.

If something were to happen to you would you have the strength to deal with the obstacles that would face you?

Yesterday Shelley was at her doctors and said he was happy and surprised to see how quickly she was healing up and that her break was showing good calcification. I'm sure that has a lot to do with her years of putting in five days of resistance training and boxing at the gym.

Thank you Shelley for your words and a reminder as to why it's important to be strong for what life throws at us.

A letter from Shelley...

Hello fellow Athletes

I just wanted to send a little note in regards to my recent accident. 

Three weeks ago I fell and broke the side of my left foot. Good thing it was my left foot and not my right foot because I can still drive! One does not realize how fast you can fall and break a bone even if you are in great shape! Things happen in an instant!

Even though I was set up with a walking boot and a night cast I still required “crutches”! When I was leaving the hospital a patient told me that the crutches would “suck” and my arms and shoulders would be in constant pain. I did not like hearing that because I felt horrible as it was! However, I have to say that my arms and shoulders have never once hurt or ached in the past three weeks of using the crutches.  

The reason I have not been hurting is because of the strength and conditioning that I had been doing prior to the accident. In fact I have to say that the strength in my arms and my right leg have really come in handy with manoeuvring around the house and in and out of the car! I never thought I would be saying this but thank goodness for the “pistols” that Paul makes us do. They really have come in handy when I have been trying to stand up! 

I cannot say enough about strength and conditioning training. Even though no one can for see the future the strength training that we do now will have a great impact on our future health.

Thank you Paul for pushing us!!!

Shelley Karpa

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

4-02-15 WOD

Chicks be at the gym like "I'm just here to work on my snatch" 
Coach Kraus...Uhhh.  I don't know what the hell she was doing.... 

Thursday 4-02-15 WOD

Skill work


15 Min AMRAP
1 Ring Muscle Up
2 Ring Dips
3 C2B Pull Ups
4 BB Cleans @ 155/185#


15 Min AMRAP
1 Burpee Pull Up
2 Alternate KB Press from rack position (only one rep per side)
3 Ring Push Ups
4 Alternate DB Snatches 30/50#
5 Double Bell Clean & Press or Jerk 30/50#

Prior to the workout starting make sure to go through all movements and are warmed up for them. Coaches will demonstrate all requirements so please ask for modifications and find your working weight prior to the start of the workout.

Pace yourself accordingly as this is 15 minutes and not a sprint. Start off reserved and use up whatever you have left in the tank with 3 minutes to go.