Sunday, April 30, 2017

Monday 5-01-17 WOD

It doesn't matter what weight we use for a workout. It doesn't matter what modifications we use for a workout. It doesn't matter how long we've been training for or what our specific goals are. What matters is that we do the absolute best we can #everydamnday

Derek & Mark after giving it the best they had... 

Monday 5-01-17 WOD


20 Min Build
Squat Clean + Power Jerk

"LIght" DT @ 95/135#
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 S2OH


15 Min Circuit
200m Run
4 Chin Ups @ 31X1
6 Push Ups
8 KBS 60/80 +/-
10 Alternating DB/KB Lunges # Athletes choice

"Starke Fitness DT" @ 30/50# +/-
5 Rounds of...
12 Double Bell Deadlift
9 Double Bell Cleans
6 Double Bell Push Jerk

Friday, April 28, 2017

Saturday 4-29-17 WOD

This was the aftermath of Thursday's E2M workout. I'd say it was a success....

Gym News...
I would like to take this moment to apologize for today's workout (Friday 4-28-17). It sucked and it may have been a bit of  a programming mistake. Please accept my sincerest apologies and don't hold it against me ;-) 

Saturday 4-29-17 WOD

25 Min Partner AMRAP

10 Muscle Ups / Ring Dips
20 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
30 BB Cleans @ 95/135#
40 T2B
400m Partner Run

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Friday 4-28-17 WOD

Just some hip bridge action to get those glutes fired up... 

Friday 4-28-17 WOD


For Time
100 Body Weight Back Squats*
100 Pull Ups
100 Wall Balls 14/20
100 HRPU

Post final time including all breaks.

* For athletes that can, do not use the rack...


For Time
100 Goblet Squats 50/70#
100 Ring Rows
100 Wall Balls 12/16
100 HRPU

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Thursday 4-27-17 WOD

Throw Back Thursday To 12 years ago. 
Tay Tay & Lindsay's wedding. 

Thursday 4-27-17 WOD

E2M For Three Rounds...

1. 15 Thrusters @ 75/105# & 15 Pull Ups   
2. 12 Alternating Lunges + BB Back Squats @ 75/105#
3. 200m Run 10 T2B
4. 15 Wall Balls 14/20# + 10 KBS 30/50# + 5 Burpees

E2M For Three Rounds...

1. 200m Run 10 HLR
2. 10 DB/KB Thrusters @ 25/40# & 8 Pull Ups
3. 15 Wall Balls 14/20# + 10 KBS 30/50# + 5 Burpees
4. 10 Alternating DB/KB Lunges + 10 Cleans (same weight as thrusters)

*This workout is every two minutes for three rounds. Athletes should pick an appropriate weight and number of repetitions in warmup prior to the start of the workout. All rounds and reps should be successful along with aproximately 20-30 seconds of rest in every round (a little more rest for newer athletes is ideal).

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wednesday 4-26-17 WOD

Jeff getting tight and ready to pull....

Wednesday 4-26-17 WOD


20 Min Build

Hang Snatch Pull + Snatch
Snatch Pull (gnd.) + Snatch

For Reps... @ 85/115#
0-2:00 Max Kcal Row
2:01-4:00 Max Hang Power Clean
4:01-6:00 Max Back Squats

Post a grand total of all three movements as your score  


15 Min Ladder

Chin Up
Double Bell Press (athletes choice)
Push Up
Goblet Squat 60/80#

For Reps... @ #30/50#
0-2:00 Max Kcal Row
2:01-4:00 Double Bell Cleans
4:01-6:00 Double Bell Front Squats

Monday, April 24, 2017

Tuesday 4-25-17 WOD

Jordan & David doing some mobility after Saturday's workout. Jordan hitting the sampson stretch while trying to get out of the picture and David paralyzed with the foam roller lower down on the quads while mobilizing his face with the nubs on the floor...
Tuesday 4-25-17 WOD

25 Min Partner AMRAP

10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
20 Hang Squat Cleans 95/135# or Double Bell Clean + Front Squat 25/40#
30 Pull Ups
40 Wall Balls 20/30# +/-
50 T2B
60 Kcal Row

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Monday 4-24-17 WOD

That awkward moment after "The Fittest On Earth" plays and Ben & Quinton challenge Kevin to a 250m sprint on the erg not knowing he was an Olympic rower in the London Olympics. 
My favorite part was Kevin pulling a 1:13/500m split with no warm up, in jeans, looking over and asking casually "are you guys gonna try and catch up?" #stillgotit

Monday 4-24-17 WOD

This Monday we have a 1RM front Squat test and we will be testing our Back squat 1RM next Monday. It's always good to have an idea of recent 1RM's to base work loads off of so if you can make it out then do it!

Part B. of today's workout has rowing with FEET NOT strapped in. We will be working on this in the warm up and how to stay connected to the rower. This is a good way of working on using your legs and not relying on the straps. If you're finishing a workout with 10 seconds on the clock and you jump on to your rower, put your feet in the blocks, strap your feet in, grab the handles and hit a couple pulls you've probably lost your ten seconds and didn't register anything on the rower. We're going to work on not having that happen.


Test Day!

In 25 Min build to a 1RM font squat

15 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 Kcal Row (feet not strapped in)
5 Over the Rower Burpees


Back Squat 4 x 2 @ 95%

15 Wall Balls 14/20#
10 Kcal Row (feet not strapped in)
5 Over the Rower Burpees

Friday, April 21, 2017

Saturday 4-22-17 WOD

Shelby pulls a show stopping PR deadlift at the holiday throwdown. 

Saturday 4-22-17 WOD

30 Min Partner WOD

Alternate exercises each round...

10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows
15 KBS 50/70#
10 Ring Dips/Dips
15 Box Jumps
200m Run

The first round through person one will perform ten pull ups before person two starts and finishes fifteen KBS, Person one will perform ten dips before person two does fifteen box jumps. Person one will run 200m then person two will start the second round with pull ups and so on...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Friday 4-21-17 WOD

Coach Caitlin pulls a 350# deadlift for a new PR at the Holiday Throw Down.  
Gotta love being surrounded by great energy and support.
Friday 4-21-17 WOD

12 Power Cleans 95/135#
12 C2B
12 Alternating Lunges (front rack) 95/135#
12 T2B

12 Double Bell Cleans 25/40 +/-
12 Pull Ups 
12 Double Bell Lunges 25/40 +/-
12 HLR

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Thursday 04-20-17 WOD

You know you worked hard when the best place you find to recover is laying on the sidewalk in front of the gym. 

Thursday 04-20-17 WOD

8 rounds of...

Stroke, Thrust & Run

In Teams Of Two complete four rounds each of the following...
500m Row
15 Thrusters 65/95# *
200m Run

* 5 Burpee penalty for breaking up the 15 thrusters

** Athletes who do not have an optimal front rack position for thrusters should use DB' sor BB's

*** Both partners may work at the same time but partner 1 must finish the exercises before partner 2 gets on it.    

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Wednesday 4-19-17 WOD

The "double spot" is the safest way to spot for any lift, anywhere,  anytime.

Wednesday 4-19-17 WOD


20 Min Build Clean Complex
Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk

10 HSPU 25/45#
10 T2B
10 DB Squat Snatches 35/50# +/-


15 min Ladder
Chin Up
Double Bell C&J
Push Up
Double Bell F.S.

10 KB/DB Push Press 25/40#
10 T2B/HLR
10 KB Snatch 25/40#

Monday, April 17, 2017

Tuesday 4-18-17 WOD

Caden & Jax banging out some over the bar wall balls @ FrostFit

Tuesday 4-18-17 WOD

With A Running Clock

DB C&J 35/50 +/-

*DB C&J use two DB's ground to shoulder & shoulder to overhead.

Rest 5 Minutes

Row Kcal

Post your final time including rest time.

Rest 5 Minutes

100 DU's

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Monday 4-17-17 WOD

When the gym is full and you have rehab to do, do you go home or do you take your band outside and hook it to the door? Roman making sure he gets his "homework" in.

Monday 4-17-17 WOD


Front Squat 4 x 2 @ 93%

15-10-5 @ 85/115#
Front Squats


Back Squat 4 x 2 @ 93%

Goblet Squats 50/70#
Plate Burpees*

* For the plate burpees athletes will drop into a plank position (arms extended) jump onto the plate and off the other side for one rep. This is the same as a box over burpee but there is no push up in this burpee variation. The name of the game is speed here....

Friday, April 14, 2017

Saturday 4-15-17 WOD

Welcome these ladies from Base Camp Dee, Jaclyn, Jen, Tina, Elayna (missing Willy & Sarah) into classes this week. Say hi introduce yourselves and give each of them a long and awkward hug!
Welcome to Starke ladies (and Willy)

Saturday 4-15-17 WOD

Robert Gurrero "Ghost" Workout


6 rounds of:
1 minute of rowing (for max kcal)
1 minute of burpees (for max burpees)
1 minute of double-udders (max reps)
1 minute rest

During your rest period make sure to mark your score for each round down on the board. Repetitions should be counted cumulatively. Example if you row 20 kcal, start counting your burpees in addition to the kcal 21...22...23 and so on. 

There is no transition time and the goal is for max effort on all the exercises. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Thursday 4-13-17 WOD

Throwback to FrostFit 2017 
It's important to get away from all the noise and adrenaline between events. Finding the right place to relax or snuggle is always a challenge but if you want to perform you need to give yourself adequate recovery between events. 

Thursday 4-13-17 WOD

15 Min "FRAN"rap
In teams of two with only one athlete working at a time complete as many rounds of "FRAN" as possible in 12 minutes

Thrusters 65/95#
Pull Ups

*For athletes who do not have an optimal front rack position with a barbell or pull ups use kettlebells @ 25/40# and ring rows.

Core work.

Coaches choice...

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wednesday 4-12-17 WOD

Can't wait for some warmer weather and more outdoor workouts... 

Wednesday 4-12-17 WOD


20 Min Build
3 Hang Power Snatch + OHS

Athletes must deadlift the bar form the ground and start anywhere in the hang position. Once the athlete catches the bar overhead they should perform an overhead squat before bring the bar back down to the hang position for their second of three reps.

For Time...

50 Front Squats @ 65/95#

But wait. There's more... At the start of the clock athletes will clean the bar from the ground and start their front squats. Every minute on the minute until complete a bell will sound and athletes must perform 5 lateral bar jump burpees before re cleaning the bar and continuing their front squats.

15 Min Ladder
Chin Up
Double Bell Push Press
Push Up

For Time...

70 Goblet Squat Jumps @ 40/60#

Same rules apply as the CrossFit workout above.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Tuesday 4-11-14 WOD

She's back again but this time as a partner AMRAP... 

Tuesday 4-11-17 WOD

25 Min Partner AMRAP

2000m Row
150 Wall Balls 14/20#
100 Burpees
50 Thrusters 65/95#

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Monday 4-10-17 WOD

Isn't it nice to be outside again running around the block during workouts?
Mark, Julie, Ted, Kyla, Mel, Leslie, & Eric enjoying some outdoor gains...

Monday 4-10-17 WOD

Front Squat 4 x 2 @ 90%

KBS 40/60#
C2B / Pull Ups

Back Squat 4 x 2 @ 90%

KBS 30/50#
Pull Ups / Ring Rows

Friday, April 7, 2017

Saturday 4-07-17 WOD

Any workout that finishes with a row should leave you with absolutely nothing left, and laying on the ground asking "what just happened to me". Sarah demonstrating how it's done... 

Saturday 4-07-17 WOD

"Summer's Here"

30 Min 3 way AMRAP

30 Pull Ups
30 KBS @ 60/80
30 T2B
30 HRPU +25/45#
30 Hang Squat Cleans 95/135#

* Only one partner working at a time
** One of the three athletes must be running the 200m loop at all times running no more than 200m at a time.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Friday 4-07-17 WOD

Gotta love it when you can hear a war cry just by looking at a picture... 
Kyla letting out a triumphant ROAR... 
Friday 4-07-17 WOD

In Teams Of Three...

12 Minute Build to a max Thruster

Then (and still in teams of three)

15 Min AMRAP
40 Ring Rows
40 Kcal
40 Wall Balls 20/30#
40 Plate Burpees 45#
40 Thrusters 65/95#

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Thursday 4-06-17 WOD

When someones got a nice looking back you need to let them know, and take a picture to show them what you mean... Lookin good Eric! #ericgotback

Thursday 4-06-17 WOD

"Hammer Time"


For Time
10 Muscle Ups / Ring Dips
20 Back Squat Jumps 65/95#
30 Pull Ups
40 Wall Balls 14/20#
50 T2B
40 Wall Balls 14/20#
30 Pull Ups
20 Back Squat Jumps 65/95#
10 Muscle Ups / Ring Dips


For Time
10 Ring Dips / Push Ups
20 Goblet Squat Jumps 30/50#
30 Ring Rows
40 Wall Balls 14/20#
50 HLR
40 Wall Balls 16/20#
30 Ring Rows
20 Goblet Squat Jumps 30/50#
10 Ring Dips / Push Ups

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wednesday 4-05-17 WOD

If Meghan was a pirate, what would her name be...

Wednesday 4-05-17 WOD


20 Min Build
Clean Pull (gnd.)
Hang Squat Clean + Jerk

6 Min AMRAP @ 95/135#
10 Deadlift
8 Hang Clean
6 S2OH


15 Min Circuit
30 Second Double Bell OH Hold (heavy for 30)
8 Ring Rows
8 Super Mans (rings)
8 Single leg lunges (8/side)

Find a heavy working weight for the OH hold and single leg lunges. Single leg lunges should be back lunges with only one KB in the front rack position.

6 Min AMRAP @ 30/50#
10 KBS
8 Goblet Squat Jumps
6 Push Press (3 & 3)

Monday, April 3, 2017

Tuesday 4-04-17 WOD


Tuesday 4-04-17 WOD

20 Min Ladder
Double Bell C&J 30/50#
Strict Pull Up
Front Squat 95/135#
Strict Ring Dip

1000m Row for time

Starting at one rep, increase by one rep each round completed

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Monday 4-03-17 WOD

Angie & Derek grinding out some front squats during an EMOM 

Monday 4-03-17 WOD


Front Squat 4 x 3 @ 87%

Kcal Row
Over the Rower Burpees

Back Squat 4 x 3 @ 87%

Kcal Row
Over the Rower Burpees