Thursday, July 30, 2015

Friday 7-31-15 WOD

This looks like a good place to lay down... 

Friday 7-31-15 WOD

20 Min Build to a heavy Clean & Jerk

21-15-9 & 30-60-90
BB Power Cleans @ 95/135#
Double Unders

21 Power Cleans then 30 Double Unders, 15 Power Cleans 60 Double Unders, 9 Power Cleans 90 Double Unders.

5 Rounds of
5 BB Back Squats @ 80% of 1RM
5 KB Strict Press

21-15-9 & 30-60-90
KB Thrusters & Double Unders

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Thursday 7-30-15 WOD

Just some running drills pre-workout. 

Thursday 7-30-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

4 Rounds Of
3 Strict Pull ups (add weight or a tempo of 41x1)
3 Ring Dips or use push ups as a fitness option (add weight or a tempo of 41x1)
3 Single Leg deadlift with KB (If you are standing on your Left leg keep the KB in your right hand and vise versa).

For Time
Row 1000m
100 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wednesday 07-29-15 WOD

This was the only Christmas photo I could find from our Christmas Party which is fitting for our Christmas in July workout. Now is your chance to test yourself in the workout we did 
December 24th 2014 Are you fitter? Stronger? Faster? 
Get your rest. You'll need it!

Wednesday 07-29-15 WOD

Christmas In July 

Starke CrossFit RX
1 Deadlift 155/225
2 Muscle Ups (or ring dips)
3 KBS 80/100
4 Front Squats 95/135
6 C&J 95/135
7 Push Ups
8 Pull-ups
9 T2B
10 Snatch (95/135)
11 Bar Jump Burpees
12 OHS 95/135

Starke CrossFit "Fitness" Option 
1 C&J
2 KB Clean & Push Press/Push Jerk 30/50# 
3 Front Squats 65/95 or 30/50# KB's 
4 Ring Dips/Bench Dips 
5 Pull Ups
6 Box Jumps 16/20"
7 Burpees
8 Push Ups 
9 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
10 KBS 60/80#
11 Deadlift 65/95# 
12 BB Thrusters 65/95# Or KB's 30/50#

Monday, July 27, 2015

Tuesday 7-28-15 WOD

We are lucky the shutter on the good old iPhone didn't go off a second later as we would have to blurr out the photo. #coachesgonewild Looking good coach Kraus ;-)  

Tuesday 7-28-15 WOD

20 Min Build
Double Front Squat & Jerk (from the rack)

6 Min Ladder starting @ 1 rep each.
Ring Dip
C2B Pull Up

20 Min Circuit
5 Double Bell Clean & Front Squat
10 Alternating DB Snatches
15 KBS
20 Hollow Rock

6 Min Ladder starting @ 1 rep each.
Ball Slam

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Monday 7-27-15 WOD


Monday 7-27-15 WOD

15 Min Skill Build

H.H. Muscle Snatch
Launch Muscle Snatch
Muscle Snatch from the Ground

The goal with this work is to work on your quick turnover and lockout with your arms and not re-bending the knees and turning this into a power snatch. Once you've reached your limit in the High Hang pull from the launch position then the ground. Build weight appropriately but skill is worth more than mass.

15 BB Dedlift 115/155#
10 T2B
5 Front Squat 115/155#  

5 Rounds
6 Double Bell Clean & Strict Press
8 Chin Ups @ 31x1
10 KBS (heavy)
60 Sec. Hollow Hold

Row 15 Kcal
15 Wall Balls

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Friday 7-24-15 WOD

A shot from our filming for Project 11. I was very lucky to have Sara Orlesky as my celebrity co-host as I know how to demonstrate and explain exercises but I didn't know how to intro and exit the segments. She was a great help with feeding me questions and helping me to feel more at ease for the shoot. Thanks to all the kids that came out to participate. You were all amazing to work with #proudcoach

Friday 7-24-15 WOD

20 Min Build Clean Complex
Hang Squat Clean (Fr. Launch), Front Squat, Split Jerk

8 Ring Dips
8 C2B Pull Ups
30 DU's

20 Min Circuit
8 BB Back Squats
6 Chin Ups
4 Double Bell C&J

5 Push Ups
10 KB Squat Jumps 30/50#
15 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Thursday 7-23-15 WOD

A throwback pic to a snugglefest after one of the open workouts in 2014. 
I think they were all happy because they were done the workout... 

Thursday 7-23-15 WOD


For Time
Row 500m
30 BB C&J 85/115#

Rest Exactly 5 Min

30 BB Thrusters 85/115#
30 Pull Ups

Rest Exactly 5 Min

30 HSPU 1x25#/side & 1x45#/side
30 T2B
30 Wall Balls

Mark Start times and end times and post the exact time for each workout on the board. Scale weight as necessary. Don't be an ass quality over mass!


For Time
Row 500m
Double Clean & Press 30/50#

Rest Exactly 5 Min

30 Double Bell Thrusters 30/50#
30 Pull Ups

30 T2B or Variation
30 Burpees
30 Wall Balls

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wednesday 7-22-15 WOD

Matt working on his little scull and crossbones sweat angel. So Damn Cute!!! 

Wednesday 7-22-15 WOD

12 Reps Total of...
4x2 OHS
4x2 FS
4x2 BS

Your goal for part A. is to build for each and every set that you complete. You may do a warm up set with the bar of each of the above movements but as soon as you add weight for your first set of Overhead Squats you count that as your first set. Make sure to complete all four sets of two repetitions of your overhead squats before moving on to front squats.

Example: Sally the squatter starts her first set of two ohs with 25# a side for a total weight of 85#, Her second set of OHS she takes off the 25's and puts on 35# a sidebar a total of 105# for two reps. Her third set she busts out 45# a side for two reps. For her last set she's feeling good and adds another 15# a side for a total of 155# for two reps. After she busts that out Sally is going to add weight for her first set of Front squats and continue to add weight for each set...

Not for time

Strict Pull Ups
Strict Ring Dips


4 Rounds Not for time of...

8 BB Deadlift
8 Max height Wall Balls w. slam ball (do not catch on the way down)
8 Push Ups

Not for time

Strict Pull Ups
Strict Ring Dips (Use box or bench as needed)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tuesday 7-21-15 WOD

I hope you're all feeling "Chipper" for today's workout!

Tuesday 7-21-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

30 Min Time Cap

10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
20 C2B Pull Ups/Pull Ups
30 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'  
40 T2B/Variation
50 BB OHS @ 95/135# (KBS 60/80# for Fitness Option)
40 T2B/Variation
30 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
20 C2B Pull Ups/Pull Ups
10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Monday 7-20-15 WOD

Got Deadlifts? Deanna does. 
Monday 7-20-15 WOD

3 Rounds of...

3-5 Strict HSPU
6 Kettlebell Snatches/arm
30-50 Double Under's
Handstand walk for distance

*Take time building up to your target methods for the workout.
If you are capable of doing HSPU's with a deficit of two or three 45# plates a side use it! If you need to kip to get out of the bottom do that but use a tempo of 32x2 while doing your HSPU's

Build to a heavy six KB Snatches per arm

The goal for DU's is unbroken sets for up to 50 consecutive DU's for those that can. We will scale the number based on ability NOT LOVE OF DU's ;-)

Depending on your handstand walk ability we will have athletes walking a few steps from the wall or across the room depending on your skill level.

Take time to build to the above exercises then start counting your sets once you have achieved a challenging weight/method for each exercise.

15 Squat Cleans 95/135#
15 Pull Ups

3 Rounds of...

5 Kneeling Strict KB Press
6 Kettlebell Snatches/arm
20-30 Double Under's
60 Second double KB overhead hold

*Take your time building for each exercise. Once you have found your working weight in all four exercises start counting your three sets.

15 Double Bell Front Squats 20-30/40-50#
15 Ring Rows/Pull Ups

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Friday 7-17-15 WOD


Friday 7-17-15 WOD


Open workout 13.4

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
95/135 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
95/135 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
95/135 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
95/135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
95/135 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
95/135 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

For this workouts athletes may muscle, power or squat clean the barbell and push press, push jerk, or split jerk the weight from the shoulders to a locked out overhead position. The rep is complete once the elbows, knees, & hips are fully extended.

Skill work. Pick something that you suck at and get better than yesterday!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Thursday 7-16-15 WOD

If you ever feel like taking a rest day just ask yourself, What Would Richard Simmons Do?

Thursday 7-16-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

5x3 Weighted Pull Ups & BB Strict Press

15 Min AMRAP
50 Kcal Row
50 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Wednesday 7-15-15 WOD

Terrance showing why staying tight is important in all aspects.

Wednesday 7-15-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness
4x8 Walking Lunges (BB in front rack position)

200m Run
21 KB Snatches 30/50#
21 Pull Ups
200m Run
15 KB Snatches
15 Pull Ups
200m Run
9 KB Snatches
9 Pull Ups

Monday, July 13, 2015

Tuesday 7-14-15 WOD

When a workout leaves you laid out and makes you wonder what just happened to me? You know you pushed yourself adequately! It kind of looks like Randy's crying in the background but I know he's not ;-)

Tuesday 7-14-15 WOD

5x2 OHS @ 85%

Build to your 85% and use snatch balance, power jerk from behind the neck, or split jerk to get the bar overhead. Pause for two seconds in your receiving position (have someone count it for you) and then start your two squats.

10 BB Snatches @ 85/115#
10 Ring Dips

5x2 BB Back Squats @85%

10 KBS 60/80#
10 Box Jumps

One of the most determined women you'll meet!

Meet Cathy Hawcroft... 

Paul had been coaching Cathy for over ten years, so naturally when he moved from the Wellness Centre and opened up his own gym she followed!

Over the ten years that Paul has been working with Cathy he’s noticed her consistency, drive to always challenge herself, and her willingness to do new things without hesitation. Who wouldn’t want to work with an athlete like that?

“In the beginning I have to admit that I was getting very frustrated with Crossfit because I couldn’t squat!” Cathy says. “I found out it was because my back was too tight! I have been stretching religiously since then and slowly but surely it's getting better. At first I couldn't even do a front or back squat because I would fall backwards, now I'm doing okay with them. I still am trying to master the squat snatch, can't do that yet but I'm not giving up!”

At Starke we usually have two workout options, the CrossFit workout of the day and a fitness workout option. Cathy had been consistently choosing the fitness option due to her frustration with her mobility. But, because she’s Cathy, she started putting in a lot of consistent effort and would do at least 20 minutes of mobility exercises at home each night. She started to see more gains, started squatting deeper, she had better positioning, and her Olympic lifts were getting better! This was not a quick process, it came slowly but over past year she has made the most amount of gains. Paul shares, “the look on Cathy’s face after she does a challenging CrossFit workout is amazing! Before she wasn’t able to do a number of the movements and now she can. It’s rewarding because of all her time and effort she put in to it. She’s also mentioned that she’ll be on a cloud all weekend because of a CrossFit workout on Friday she was able to accomplish. That makes me proud!”

Paul and Starke have helped to give her the strength she feels she needs as she gets older. She’s in better shape now than when she was in her twenties! “That makes me feel good,” she continues, “even though my kids are adults, I feel it's important to set an example for them, to look after your bodies so we can enjoy life.”

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Monday 7-13-15 WOD

The Starke Crew after busting out some mad skills @ Winnipeg Gymnastics Club

Monday 7-13-15 WOD

3 Rounds of
1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats
Max C2B Strict Pull Ups
Max HSPU @ 25#/45#/side

*Take time to build to a heavy clean & double front squat before starting your three sets.

100 DU's
75 Wall Balls 14/20 9'/10'
100 DU's
25 T2B

1 Double bell clean & 5 Front Squats
Max Pull Ups @ 31x1
Max KB Push Press @ 30/50#

*Take time to build to a heavy clean and perform five squats with your bells in the rack position. Chose the most possible weight you can do while keeping perfect form.  

100 DU's
75 Wall Balls 12/18# 9'/10'
100 DU's
25 Hollow rock/Beat Swing w. leg raise

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Friday 7-10-15 WOD

Matt putting on a muscle up clinic. "How many do you want me to do?" 
All of them Matt... All of them...

Friday 7-10-15 WOD


Reverse 15.1

6 Min Time Cap Build to your 1RM C&J

Immediately at 6:01 your 9 min AMRAP begins

15 T2B
10 Deadlifts 75/115#
5 Snatches  75/115#

This Workout has a 15 Min time cap and will be done the opposite of the open workout 15.1 with the heavy lifting done before the MetCon. Athletes should have all weights required prior to the start of the workout. Make sure to have all your scaled options set up as well for the workout.


6 Min time Cap build to your heaviest single Deadlift

Immediately at 6:01 your 9 min AMRAP begins

15 Hanging Leg Raise
10 KBS
5 Kettlebell Snatches/arm

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thursday 7-09-15 WOD

When Mandy lifts, nobody moves! 

Thursday 7-09-15 WOD

3 Rounds of

3 Weighted pull Ups (Find a max weight for three strict pull ups)
Rest 15 seconds
Max strict C2B Pull Ups
Rest 15 seconds
Max Strict Pull Ups

Rest exactly 60 Seconds

Max Strict BB press followed immediately by max push press.

Rest 2 Min and repeat.

*Take time finding your max weighted pull ups for three reps and BB strict press for three reps (clean from the ground). Once you have found your working weight start your sets and pay attention to the clock for your rest periods.

200m Run
45 Thrusters 65/95#
200m Run

5 Rounds of
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 KB Push Press

4 Rounds of
10 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
10 Ball Slams 20/30#

200m Run
30 Burpees
200m Run

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Wednesday 7-08-15 WOD

Just a little partner carry action. 
"Sheldon, those aren't coconuts bouncing up and down on your back you know?"

Wednesday 7-08-15 WOD

5x3 BB Back Squat

30 DU's
10 C&J 85/115#
10 Bar Facing Burpees

5x3 BB Back Squat

30 DU's
10 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
10 Burpees

Monday, July 6, 2015

Tuesday 7-07-15 WOD

Today's WOD is dedicated to and amazing woman. She has been a friend and client for over ten years and has been part of the Starke coaching staff for over a year and a half now. We are lucky to have you in our lives and as part of the coaching staff here at Starke. Happy birthday coach Kraus!

Tuesday 7-07-15 WOD

22 Min AMRAP
11 T2B
11 Front Squats 95/135#
11 Russian KBS 60/80#
1 Birthday High five to coach Kraus each round if she is in your class!

44 Burpees For Time!
Post name time and a comment for this one.

We call him Miguel, Miggs, or Milo...You can call him THE BEAST!

Miguel walked into Starke just over one year ago needing a change in his life. He was “enjoying” life, the food, the drinks, and the late nights. His lifestyle and lack of physical activity was catching up with him and he was tired of it all. He needed something new in his life and the motivation to drive him to success. He kept on driving past Starke and curiosity finally pushed him to sign up for a free class to check it out. After doing his free class, Miguel instantly signed up for the Foundations program.

“I was super nervous coming in for the first time. There would be a ton of new people I had never met, I was coming into the unknown, I didn’t know what to expect. Who would I be in class with? Would I get along with everyone? Was I going to be in way worse shape then everyone else? Would I be embarrassed? My insecurities were starting to get the best of me. But after that first class, all of that went out the window! Everyone was amazing, there were a ton of different levels of fitness, and everyone was there to better himself or herself, just like me. Most of all, Paul Dyck was the best coach and mentor I had ever had. I instantly signed up for a membership after finishing Foundations.” Miguel shares. “I fell in love with Starke, it was like hanging out with a bunch of friends every day! The workouts were great, challenging, intense, and always made you push yourself farther then you ever thought possible.”

Setting yourself up for success isn’t always the easiest task. Visualizing where Miguel was to where he wanted to be was hard, but the road to get there was even harder. In the beginning it was a struggle physically, he was sore and tired regularly. But he made it a priority to come in on a regular basis. “It was mental for the most part, I wanted to change, I really wanted to get in shape, and I wanted a healthier life for myself moving forward,” Miguel says.

When Miguel first started health and fitness was not his number one priority. As the time passed he simply started to lessen the amount he went out and would stay committed to his workouts, making it a priority. “Everything changed in a positive way, I was feeling way better mentally and physically.  Now I make it out to Starke six days a week, and I am focused on clean eating, limiting my alcohol intake, and eating out less.”

One year ago, Miguel would have struggled with a 200m run, attempting a pull-up, getting up against the wall in a handstand position, and his lack of mobility would never have allowed him to squat. After one year at Starke, Miguel can run one full mile no problem, he’s mastered his pull-ups and can even do set of 3 pull-ups with 100lbs hanging off his waist. He can now accomplish handstand push-ups and his mobility has changed drastically. It wasn’t easy and it’s been challenging to progress, but he now has the determination and endurance to do it!

Moving forward, Miguel would like to compete in a competition feeling confident in his abilities, he’d like to continue to progress in his Olympic Lifts, and continue to better himself in his health and fitness.

“I walked through Starke’s doors and fell in love with the place, the people, the workouts, and now I look forward to coming every day. This place essentially changed my life and I have the utmost gratitude towards Paul and the community he’s created here at Starke. I think twice about making positive choices in my life and I have Starke to thank for that.” – Miguel Jovel

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Monday 7-06-15 WOD

Eric getting his OHS on. This used to be one stiff young man but with lots of mobility work and not giving up his squat has improved so much in the past year. Why train just to train? 
Train to become better!  

Monday 7-06-15 WOD

Skill Work:
Handstand holds (wall facing) as close to the wall as possible with only your nose and toes touching.

5x3 BB OHS Build to a heavy three reps then start counting your sets.

*Use behind the neck push jerk or split jerk to get the weight up. Hold the receiving position for TWO WHOLE SECONDS before standing the weight up and starting your first squat.


10 BB Cleans 95/135# (muscle or power acceptable)
10 Ring Dips

5 Rounds of
5 Double Bell Strict Press
10 KBS
5 Back lunges/leg NOT ALTERNATING add load with KB's as needed

10 Push Ups
10 Box Jump Overs

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Friday 7-03-15 WOD

I received this photo from Georges wife Ashley saying that pulling his plane out of the hangar has gotten a lot easier since he started doing CrossFit. I guess all those sled pulls are paying off...

Friday 7-03-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
5x5 Back Squat

Build to a heavy five for the day then get your squat on.

30 C&J 65/95#
Rest 1 Min
30 Wall Balls
Rest 1 Min
30 Burpees

Post final time including the rest time.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thursday 7-02-15 WOD

Mobility and massage go hand in hand... 

Thursday 7-02-15 WOD 

20 Min Build
1 Thruster to push press to push jerk to split jerk=1 Repetition

Build to the heaviest weight you can successfully complete while maintaining the above movements.
once you fail twice at a weight back it down to 80 or 85% of your max lift completed and continue to get in some repetitions before the 20 min clock runs out.

For Time
Squat Cleans @ 95/135#
C2B Pull Ups

3 Min Time cap
Max Du's possible in the three minutes.

3 Rounds NFT
10 KBS 60/80#
10 Push Ups
10 Wall Balls for max height
200m Sled pull

Follow as a circuit for 3 rounds
1 Min plank (forearms w. max contraction on for 10 off for 10)
1 Min hollow hold hanging from rack
1 Min Prone hold in GHD