Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuesday 9-1-15 WOD

During a workout last week Nicole said "I wasn't even going to come today my legs are so sore form squats the other day". I asked her how she was feeling after warming up and moving around and she said she was fine and that she was happy she came. If you are ready to quit before you even try then how will you ever know what you're capable of? 
Good work Nicole for not giving in #bettereveryday

Tuesday 9-1-15 WOD

20 Min Build
"Bear Complex"
(Clean, shoulder to overhead, back squat, shoulder to overhead from behind the neck)

8 Front Squats @ 85/115#
4 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees

4 Rounds NFT
10 Bulgarian Split Squat
5 Chin Ups @ 41x1
5 Push Ups @ 41x1
10 Max Height Wall Balls

6 Double Bell Front Squats
4 Burpees

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Monday 8-31-15 WOD

Some people complain about not being able to do something and others do something about it. Lily can't make it to the gym every day so she had some bad ass pull up bars put up in the back yard. #pullups4life 

Monday 8-31-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
5x2 Back Squat @ 90% of 1RM

5 Min Time Cap
200 Du's
Max Burpee Box Jump overs with remaining time 16/20"


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Friday 8-28-15 WOD

Brandi trying to keep lunch down post WOD #hardworkpaysoff

Friday 8-28-15 WOD

20 Min Build to your heaviest Squat Clean + Front Squat & Split Jerk

Row 5x250m w. 1 Min recovery between rounds. 

20 Min Circuit
5 Pull Ups (@31x1 if using a band)
7 Push Ups
9 Hanging leg raise/T2B Variation
11 Double Bell Front Squats


Row 5x250m w. 1 Min recovery between rounds. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Thursday 8-27-15 WOD

The Starke Crew getting ready to hit the Riding Mountain Triathlon Saturday August 15th 
It rained, it poured, and it made us all tougher... 

Thursday 8-27-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Minute 1 Row For Max Kcal
Minute 2 Shoulder to Overhead 75/115#
Minute 3 Burpees

Perform three full rounds (9 minutes of work) without stopping. Count all repetitions for a grand total at the end of the 9 minutes. Rest for one full round (three minutes) then perform another three full rounds (yes another 9 minutes of work ;-) starting from zero count all repetitions completed and compare the results to your first 9 minutes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wednesday 8-26-15 WOD

Lorrie goofing around on our visit to the Olympic Training Centre in Colorado Springs 

Wednesday 8-26-15 WOD

Deadlift 5x2@ 90%

15-10-5 NFT
Strict Press @ 65/95#
Strict Pull Ups

Deadlift 5x2@ 90%

15 Wall Balls
10 KBS 40/60#
5 Burpees

200m Run

Monday, August 24, 2015

Tuesday 8-25-15 WOD

Putting two groups of Leila North Lions this size through a workout was a challenge but these kids were all awesome and motivated to perform. 

Tuesday 8-25-15 WOD

4 Rounds NFT
8 Pistols (4&4 not alternating) Build to a weight that you can do for four consecutive reps on the same leg then switch. Use a toe tap at the top from the floating leg to assist with balance.
3-5 Strict HSPU chose a method that will allow you to use full ROM. If you are capable of hitting strict with a deficit then use it.
Max C2B Strict Pull Ups

Row 300m
15 T2B
10 Double Bell Clean & Jerk  @ 30/50#

4 Rounds NFT
8 Bulgarian Split Squats (4&4 not alternating) Take time to build and add weight as needed.
3-5 Strict Double Bell Press
3-5 Strict Pull Up If using a band use a tempo of 3131 for each rep.

Row 300m
15 T2B

10 Double Bell C&J @ 20/40#

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Monday 8-24-15 WOD

Anyone up for a bike ride? Scott getting a little cheeky on a training ride in Penticton B.C.

Monday 8-24-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

5x5 Back Squats @  85%

10 Min EMOM
6 Burpees
6 Pull Ups
10 KBS 30/50#

10 Min EMOM
6 Burpees
10 KBS 30/50#

6 Ball Slams

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Friday 8-21-15 WOD

Matt working on some snatch efficiency from the high hang. If you don't have a good high hang position and don't know where your "contact" point is then learning to pull from the launch or the ground will be problematic and you will never have the bar close enough on the way up. Find the contact point on the way up EVERY time you snatch and make sure to brush the bar rather than banging it! With any exercise slowing it down and going back to basics will always make you a better athlete and member of society!

Friday 8-21-15 WOD

For Time
6 Hang Cleans @ 125/185#
5 Rope Climbs
7 Hang Cleans
4 Rope Climbs
8 Hang Cleans
3 Rope Climbs
9 Hang Cleans
2 Rope Climbs
10 Hang Cleans
1 Rope Climbs


KBS       30-25-20-15-10-5 @ 40/60#   
Burpees  5-10-15-20-25-30

Core work to finish!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Thursday 8-20-15 WOD

I know that sometimes the gym can be a little small but some athletes chose to train and mobilize closer to others. Randy decides do find a "sweet spot" next to Craig while doing some banded shoulder distraction. 

Thursday 8-20-15 WOD

5x3 BB Front Squat @ 80% of 1RM

10 Push Press @ 85/115#
10 T2B

5 Rounds of
8 KB Goblet squats @ 41x1*
6 Burpee T2B
4 Double Bell C&J
30-60 sec hollow hold

10 KBS 50/80#
10 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wednesday 8-19-15 WOD

Apparently mobility and "Tea Bagging" go hand in hand. Jason doing the Lacrosse ball strap on with the kettlebell to add some extra tension and pressure to help strip those traps. This method is awesome for getting into your traps. Intensity can be adjusted by adding a heavier or lighter kettlebell. Enjoy the show Migs!  

Wednesday 8-19-15 WOD

10 Min Build to your heaviest hang snatch (anywhere between high hang and launch position)

10 Min Build to your heaviest snatch from the ground

3 HSPU @ 2x25&45#
6 Push Jerk @ 95/135#
9 Front Squat @ 95/135#

5 Rounds of
5 Pull Ups @ 41x1
5 Strict double bell press @3141
5 Ring Push Ups @ 31x1

3 Burpee Pull Ups
6 KB Squat Jumps 50/80#
9 KBS 60/90#

So You Want To Be A Great Weightlifter?

So You Want To Be A Great Weightlifter?

By: Coach Craig Gilbert 

Too often, we find ourselves coming to weightlifting with no clear idea of what we want to accomplish that day. Sure, we know that we will warm up, play with some bars and sweat for a while, then go back home. We had fun, got a little bit healthier and did stuff that most people have never even seen, but what did we really accomplish? Did we improve as weightlifters, or just get some reps in? Do you find yourself wanting to be better, but constantly feeling frustrated because you don’t know how to improve, or even if you are?

You know you want to improve. You wouldn’t be there if you didn’t! For some reason, you are driven to lift heavier and heavier amounts of iron above your head. That is great, but just wanting it won’t make it happen. And unfortunately, just coming to class and doing what the coach tells you to might not make it happen either.

If you are interested in competing as an Olympic weightlifter or at Crossfit in general, one of the keys to success is the quality of your practice. It is not just the time that you spend in the gym or the sweat you leave on the floor (which are both valuable, don’t get me wrong!) but the quality of the time spent there. And especially with a sport which is as technical and challenging as weightlifting, quality is often more important than quality.

We often hear “practice makes perfect,” but this is not true, and can be quite misleading. Practice only makes permanent. If you spend time in the gym performing movements incorrectly, then you will only ever be good at performing them incorrectly. This is true regardless of the hours you put in. It is a fact that the method at which you practice is more important than simply the hours you put in. What is needed for success is deliberate and focused practice. When it comes to quality practice, we need to know exactly to do, how to do it, and how to know if we did it correctly.

What are the components of deliberate, focused practice?
So how do we practice in such a manner as to perform at our best? A study of Canadian Olympic athletes (Orlick & Partington, 1988) identified two basic classes of athlete, those who met or exceeded expectation at national or international competition and those who did not. The athletes who exceeded expectations had the following practice philosophies (adapted from Martin, 2015):
·       A strong commitment to get the most out of every practice. Approach every practice session as an opportunity to improve, but realize that you will need to make the best use of the available time. If you want to be your best, then this is the time to work hard and focus your attention. However, this commitment also extends beyond the gym. We need to arrive for practice fueled and rested, if possible. We also need to adequately recover after the work is done. It is factors such as these which allow for us to make our maximum gains during practice.
      Establish written goals before each practice. Put it in writing that which you hope to achieve that day. This needs to be detailed and quantifiable. “I’m going to do my best today” is vague and undirected, while “I’m going to increase my turnover speed” is specific and measurable. Without SMART goals, there can be to clear end state to work towards.
      Set goals which include both quality and quantity. A goal such as “I’m going to successfully make 90% of my lifts today and I am only going to count the lifts where my turnover was fast enough as successful, regardless of whether I made the lift” incorporated both a quantity (90%) and a quality (fast turnover) aspect. Place high standards on your work, and don`t cheat yourself by accepting anything less than good enough. If you fail to meet tough goals, be honest with yourself about it.
      Reflect on their goals prior to practice. Begin the session with a clear understanding of what you need to accomplish and how it should be done.
      Have a way of monitoring progress. Activities such as periodic testing or evaluation can ensure that your progress is on track. PRs are great at measuring peak performance on some random day, but the small improvements in technique are what define your progress.
      Keep a written record of progress in meeting practice goals. After every session, record whether you met that day`s goals. You need to be tracking your progress over time, and this includes your progress in achieving goals as well as technical or strength achievements. The better you become at meeting goals, the more challenging you can make them!

While attacking each and every practice in this manner is certainly not required to improve your general fitness or to enjoy weightlifting, it will go a long way towards contributing to your success and helping you to get the more out of sport. One of the coaches would be more than happy to discuss goal setting with you and help to form a plan to make you the best lifter that you can be!

Martin, G. L. (2015). Applied Sport Psychology. Winnipeg: Sport Science Press.

Orlick, T. & Partington, J.(1988). Mental links to excellence. The Sport Psychologist, 105-130.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Tuesday 8-18-15 WOD

Caitlin crosses the finish line in Riding Mountain after finishing her first Olympic Distance Triathlon. That's a 1500m swim (60 length's in a 25m pool) 40km bike, and a 10k run. 
Test yourself any way you can and you will become a stronger person and athlete from the experience. Avoiding challenges because "It's hard" won't make you any better. 
Congratulations Caitlin!
Tuesday 8-18-15 WOD

20 Min Build to a heavy 3 BB Thruster for the day.

30 Du's
20 T2B
10 Burpees

5 Rounds NFT
5 Double bell push press
10 Double Bell Front Squats
15 Double Bell Swings

Use different weights as needed and take time to build to your working weight. Take the rest you need between reps and sets

30 Du's
20 T2B
10 Burpees

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Monday 8-17-15 WOD

Hi there, I was just taking a few breaths before I go and crush the next part of the workout.
Mandy looks sweet but when the bell goes to start a workout all that sweetness is GONE!

Monday 8-17-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

3x3 Back Squat @ 80-85% of 1RM

2x5 Min Rounds w. 5 min recovery in between rounds

500m Row
50KBS @ 40/60#
Max Pull Ups with remaining time.

Your score is the pull-ups you accomplished after the KBS. Mark down totals for both rounds.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Saturday 8-15-15 WOD

Five Starke Athletes will be suffering in a Triathlon in Riding Mountain tomorrow morning. Everyone back at home will be suffering in a different way... 

Saturday 8-15-15 WOD

Run 800m
50 Squat Cleans @95/135#
Run 800m

Group Leg Massage 5 min/leg

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Friday 8-14-15 WOD

Keep Flexing. You never know when someone's gonna snap a picture. 
Some of the most awesome people at Starke from Left to Right 
Sheldon, Adam, Dan, & Taylor

Friday 8-14-15 WOD


20 Min Snatch Build

From Hang:
Snatch High Pull to Squat Snatch

From Launch:
Snatch High Pull to Squat Snatch

From the Ground:
Snatch High Pull to Squat Snatch  

The Main focus for part A is keeping the bar close, BRUSHING NOT BANGING your contact point with the bar and hitting your start positions for each pull. When receiving the bar try to catch it in your hip crease as you lower it fir the next repetition. Play "chicken" with the bar as you absorb it into he hip crease and set up for your next rep.
30 Clean & Jerk For Time @ 95/135#


20 Min Circuit

15 KBS
15 Wall Balls
15 Ring Rows
15 Push Ups

1 Mile Run for time!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Thursday 8-13-15 WOD

Thursday 8-13-15 WOD

Today's workout is dedicated to a member who has made a great impact for many of us and has penetrated our defences deeply. We wish Adam all the best with his new career in the big city of Toronto and with his beautiful Fiance Lira. Good luck Adam. We will not be able to replace you with another ginger anytime soon but we are taking applications. We're going to miss you and those tight little shorts ;-)

With love, your Starke family!

CrossFit & Fitness:


30 Min Partner AMRAP
10 Alternating Squat Cleans @ 105/155#
15 Burpees (Alternate every 5 reps)
20 C2B Pull Ups
25 Over the Bar Wall balls (alternate every rep)
30 T2B Alternate every ten reps
Run 200m together

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wednesday 8-12-15 WOD

Sometimes you just need to get out and play... 
Falcon Lake mountain biking. 
Wednesday 8-12-15 WOD


Take 12 min to build to your heaviest weighted single pull up.

*If you do not have body weight or weighted pull ups you may perform 5x2-3 negatives or 5x3 Reps@ 41x1

BB Thrusters 65/95#
HSPU @ 25/45# deficit per side



BB Push Press @65/95#
BB Front Squat @65/95#

Alternative to BB is double bells @ 30/50# or scale as necessary.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tuesday 8-11-15 WOD

As Melanie from Melanie Kapilik Photography & Paul are up on the rooftop trying to get
the perfect shot Travis & Ty from Photo Ups have a birds eye view of the action down
 below during the Starke Games

Tuesday 8-11-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Three Rounds NFT

5 Double Bell C&J
10 Strict T2B (NO KIPPING)
16 Alternating Pistols

15 Min Partner AMRAP
Alternate tasks with your partner

10 BB Cleans @ 95/135#
15 Pull Ups
20 Wall Balls 14#+/20#+
25 Hand Release Push Ups

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Monday 8-10-15 WOD

Mr. Ron Shuler looking good as always. Photo shoot's over Fabio get on your training gear!

Monday 8-10-15 WOD


20 Min Build to a Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats

If you hit a max before 20 min drop to 85% of what you achieved and repeat until the 20 min time cap is up.

10 Min AMRAP
30 Kcal Row
20 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'+
10 Russian KBS @ 60/90+ 


3 Rounds of
5 BB Back Squats @ 75% of 1 RM
5 Push Ups (make em suck by adding weight, tempo, rings, or adding more depth).

10 Min AMRAP
30 Kcal Row
20 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
10 Russian KBS @ 60/90+

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Friday 8-07-15 WOD

Tomorrow is game day! Rest up, eat lots, and stay hydrated!

Friday 8-07-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
10kcal Row
10 Thrusters 65/95# (Double Bell Thrusters for Fitness Option 30/50#)

Rest 5 Min

30 Double Unders
8 KB Snatches/arm 25/40#

Rest 5 Min

8 T2B
6 Pull Ups
4 Burpees

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thursday 8-06-15 WOD

Here's a throwback Thursday photo of Coach Craig Cleaning and Jerking a whopping 155# Now he's doubled that # and looks a hell of a lot better doing it. We've learned a lot and we only keep getting better er'day.

Thursday 8-06-15 WOD

15 Min Build Snatch fr. Launch & Snatch Fr. Ground.
This should be done without letting go of the bar in between reps.

12 Min Time Cap
800m Run
40 Wall Balls
30 Push Ups
20 T2B
10 Pull Ups

15 Min Build to your heaviest
Double bell clean & three front squats
Double bell three strict press
Double bell swing for five swings

12 Min Time Cap
800m Run
40 Wall Balls
30 Push Ups
20 T2B
10 Pull Ups

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wednesday 8-05-15 WOD

This one time at Prairie... 

Wednesday 8-05-15 WOD


20 Min EMOM @ 105/155#+
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerk

20 Min EMOM
3 KB Front Squats 30/50#
3 Push Ups
3 Burpees

Scale weight as needed for the workouts. If an athlete cannot complete a round then take the following one off and jump back in. Make sure to test working weights before starting the workout.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Tuesday 8-04-15 WOD

Kris busting out some back squats in Base Camp. Sometimes shoes with a lot of "support" can cause you to rock around too much. Kicking off the kicks and squatting, deadlifting, or swinging bells can feel totally different without an inch of cushioning between you and the ground. 

Tuesday 8-04-15 WOD

5x3 Back Squat @ 85%

10 C&J 65/95#
8 Pull Ups
6 Front Squats 65/95#

5x3 Back Squat @ 85%

200m Run
20 Wall Balls
20 KBS 50/60#