Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Thursday 6-30-16 WOD

Thursday 6-30-16 WOD

3x3 Front Squat @ 80-85%

16 Min EMOM
10 Thruster 65/95#
10 T2B

3x3 Back Squat @ 80-85%

16 Min EMOM
10 KB Thrusters @ 25/40#
10 T2B or Variation

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Wednesday 6-29-16 WOD

Wednesday 6-29-16 WOD

EMOM 20  @ 85/115#
10 BB Cleans
10 Lateral bar jump Burpees
10 S2OH
10 Ring Dips

EMOM 20 @ 25/40#
10 Double Bell Cleans
10 Burpees
10 Double Bell S2OH
10 Hand Release Push Ups (HRPU)

Monday, June 27, 2016

Tuesday 6-28-16 WOD

Tuesday 6-28-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

CrossFit & Fitness:
12 Min Build
Clean + Jerk + OHS

The goal for this skill is to see how much weight you can clean & jerk and go directly into an overhead squat while maintaining your C&J grip or a grip that is slightly wider then your normal C&J grip. This is a great skill to have as it takes a lot less time to get the bar up this way then it does to clean it, get it onto your back, adjust your grip, punch it out overhead, stabalize and get into your squat stance then squat...

3 Rounds NFT
Max Unbroken Muscle Ups
60' Handstand walk
Max Unbroken DU's

1 Round of max reps for...
Pull Ups
Wall Balls 20/30#
HSPU (mat only)

Athletes ONLY HAVE 30 SECONDS once they finish each exercise before the next one begins. Count your reps for a grand total at the end and let your coach know how many reps you got after each segment.

Double bell C&J for three reps with a solid jerk, lockout and 5 second hold for each rep. Continue to build weight during the 12 min if it's looking solid.

3 Rounds NFT
Max unbroken ring dips
30-60 sec wall facing handstand hold
Max Unbroken DU's or 90 sec DU work.

1 Round of max reps for...
Pull Ups
Wall Balls 14/20#
Double Bell Push Press @ 25/40#

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Monday 6-27-16 WOD

Monday 6-27-16 WOD

Build to your heaviest Power Snatch + OHS in 15 Min

When receiving the power snatch make sure to pause in the receiving position then descend into your squat with total control.

Snatch + OHS or Power Snatch + 2OHS

Perform one full squat snatch + OHS or one Power snatch + 2OHS EMOM style. NO MISSES!

6 Min Ladder starting at one rep each
Pull Ups
S2OH @ 85/115#

12 Min Circuit @ 30/50#
5 KB Snatches/arm
5 KB Clean & Front Squat/arm
5 Push Press/arm

Try to keep the kettlebell up off the ground for the whole circuit. 5 Burpee penalty for putting the bell down.

5 Burpee Pull Ups
5 KBS 50/70#

6 Min Ladder starting at one rep each
Burpee Box Jump 16/20"
KB Squat Jump 40/60#

Friday, June 24, 2016

Saturday 6-25-16 WOD

Mona droppin it like it's hot into the bottom of a squat!

Saturday 6-25-16 WOD

"Tripple Two"

For time:
2000m Row
200 Double Unders
2 Mile Run

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Friday 6-24-16 WOD

How do you celebrate your first 24rhs of life and the first time you've given birth? With a nap, that's how!
Friday 6-24-16 WOD

10 Muscle Ups
10 Squat Cleans 95/135#
10 S2OH

Rest 5 Min

For Time
Run 800m

10 Ring Dips
10 Double Bell Clean & Front Squat 30/50#
10 Double Bell Jerks
10 Push Ups (HRPU)

For Time
Run 800m
50 BB (65/95#) or Double Bell (25/40#) Push Press

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Thursday 6-23-16 WOD

Looking to work on some upper body strength for rope climbs but don't have the specific upper body strength yet? Try elevating your feet and keep that body locked in tight from the bottom to the top using only your arms to get toa vertical position (Note: Your body should be straight as a board from the moment you leave the ground to an almost vertical standing position. Try to keep tension at the top by not standing up all the way). As you get stronger use a higher box to insrease the difficulty while challenging that rope climbing specific strength along with challenging your core and grip strength as well. 
Give it  a try!

Thursday 6-23-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

3 Rounds NFT
2 Min cumulative "L" Sit (boxes, paralettes, rings). Any time you drop perform 10 burpees
8 Weighted Pull Ups
8 Weighted Ring Dips

*If not using body weight or adding weight for Pull Ups or Dips add a tempo of 31x1 for both movements.

For Time
1 Mile Run
50 Thrusters 85/115# (Fitness option use two 30/40# Kettlebells)
1 Mile Run

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Wednesday 6-22-16 WOD

Wednesday 6-22-16 WOD

15 Min Build
Hang Clean + Squat Clean +Jerk

Athletes can pull anywhere from the hang position for the first movement then without putting the bar down should pull from the ground finishing with a power or squat clean then finish with a jerk.

1 C&J from the ground at the above weight achieved in part a

3 RFT @ 2x 30/50# Kettlebells
20 KB Snatch (10/arm)
15 T2B
10 KB Clean & F.S.

Run 200m

15 Min Circuit
Three rounds of the circuit
Doubler Bell Clean + Front Squat + S2OH

6 Double Bell C&J @ 30/50#

3 RFT @ 2x 20/40# Kettlebells
20 KB Snatch (10/arm)
15 T2B
10 KB Clean & F.S.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Tuesday 6-21-16 WOD

When testing workouts for the Starke Gamse turns into a photo shoot... 
The 2016 Starke Games will be on August 6th & 7th...
Are you signed up?

Tuesday 6-21-16 WOD

20 Min Time Cap
OHS 1-1-1-1
F.S. 1-1-1-1
B.S. 1-1-1-1

Each athlete has a total of 12 squats to complete. Four overhead, four front, and four back squats. As soon as you add weight to the bar for your first overhead squat consider that your first rep. continue to add weight for every rep completed. NO FAILS!!!

15 HSPU (Blue Mat)
15 Ring Dips

5x5 Back Squat @ 80% of 1RM

15 Double Bell Push Press
15 Ring Dips/Box or Bench Dips

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Monday 6-20-16 WOD

Caitlin going beast mode, what else is new?

Monday 6-20-16 WOD

Oly. Snatch

15 Min Build
Snatch Pull + Snatch from the ground

Both your snatch pull and your snatch should follow the same bar path. If your pull form the ground looks good then don't change anything for your snatch!

Using the weight achieved in part A. perform one snatch every minute on the minute and recover in between. For busier classes make sure to stager your lifts if needed.

200m Run
15 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 KBS 60/80#
5 Box Jump Burpees

15 Min EMOM
7 Double Bell C&J
5 Chin Ups @ 31x1
10 Push Ups

8 Min EMOM
Bulgarian split squats 6/leg
Odd Left Leg
Even Right Leg

Build to an appropriate weight and maintain an upright torso, vertical shin, and a 90 degree angle behind both knees in the down position.

200m Run
15 Wall Balls 14/20#
10 KBS 30/50#
5 Box Jump Burpees

Friday, June 17, 2016

Saturday 6-18-16 WOD

Once again Ken shows up to women's night and says 
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know it was women's night can I stay anyways?"
Of course you can Ken, of course you can... 

Saturday 6-18-16 WOD

30 Min Heavy Grinder...

Who doesn't like to grind for 30 min with metal and rubber???

1 Squat Clean + 2 F.S.
5 Deadlift (use same weight as squat clean)
7 C2B Pull Ups
9 T2B
2 Prowler push or sled sprints.. 100m.

"Optional" Conditioning.

This will be after class so if you have time to recover and hit it, then make those running gains!

Take 10-15 min to recover and tear it up on a 2 mile run.
Starke to Kimberly, Kimberly to Roch, Roch to McLeod, Mcleod to Brazier, back to Starke

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Friday 6-17-16 WOD

Just some beasts rowing some badass 500m splits. No big deal... 
Don't worry. Today's workout is all body weight. How bad could it be?

Friday 6-17-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

5 Rounds of
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Squats

Rest 3 min between rounds post total time including breaks on the board

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Thursday 6-16-16 WOD

Well June 16th is due date so let's see if were going to be parents tomorrow and who wins the baby pool! We can't wait to meet our little (hopefully) girl as there is a hell of a lot of pink everything in our house and I assure you some of it isn't mine! Lorrie has been making me feel lazy as she's been hitting a lot more workouts everyday to help stay fit, strong, and maintain sanity with modifications here and there to limit certain movements. I can't begin to imagine how any woman feels going through all the different changes during pregnancy and having all of the hormonal imbalances to deal with on top of the physical changes. In the beginning, middle, and end can't be easy and especially having your first must be scary as it's a total unknown. To my wife Lorrie and all of you ladies out there, you're amazing for what you do and what you can do. Thank you!

Now does anyone have any baby names they'd like to throw up for us to chose from? Keep in mind that my last make is "Dyck" and anything goes ;-)     

Thursday 6-16-16 WOD

5 Rounds of...
5 Weighted Pull Ups
5 Strict BB Press (Clean fr. Ground)

Thrusters & Legless Rope Climb 65/95#

"Optional" Conditioning
90 Row/ 90 Recovery for max distance

5 Rounds of...
5 Pull Ups
5 Strict KB Press

KB Thrusters @ 25/40# & Chin Ups

"Optional" Conditioning
90 Row/ 90 Recovery for max distance

Wednesday 6-15-16 WOD

Anyone up for a road ride this weekend?

Wednesday 6-15-16 WOD

20 Min Build
Hang clean + Clean from the ground + Jerk

*For the hang clean make sure to pause in the hang position for a minimum of two seconds prior to initiating upward momentum with the bar.

400 M Row
30 KBS 30/50#

15 Min EMOM
Min 1 8 Burpee Pull Ups  
Min 2 15 T2B or variation
Min 3 12 DB hang snatches (6&6) @ 30/50#+

400 M Row
30 KBS 30/50#

Monday, June 13, 2016

Tuesday 6-14-16 WOD

Coach Kraus and Ali busting out bridges and double unders at FrostFit 2016 

Tuesday 6-14-16 WOD

Skils Session:
10 Min
Numchuck Skills, Bo Hunting Skills, Computer Hacking Skills... Did anyone get that? Anybody?

Click Here if you didn't

We won't be working on any of this skills but you can during open gym if you like. We will be hitting rope climbs skills though.

20 Min Circuit
5 DB Lateral step ups/leg
8 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
Max Free Standing Handstand Hold or wall facing 30-60 sec.
2 Rope Climbs

800m Run
50 C2B Pull Ups
50 Wall Balls 20/30#

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Monday 6-13-16 WOD

Ashley tearing it up during Starke's four year anniversary workout. 

Ashley told me that she had tried out a CrossFit gym before and didn't have a good experience. She could have given up on CrossFit but didn't and decided to give it another try. Just because something doesn't workout somewhere don't give up on it, try somewhere else and see if the box fits. You'll never know what you could be missing out on. Ashley's been destroying workouts and busting PR's over and over and has become a great part of our community. Thanks for not giving up Ash! 

Monday 6-13-16 WOD

15 Min Build
Hang Snatch & Snatch fr. Ground.

1 Squat snatch using heaviest weight from part A.

6 Min AMRAP @ 95/135#
3 Front Squats
6 Cleans
9 Deadlift

20 Min EMOM
Even 8 Double Bell C&J 25/40#
Odd 15 Wall Balls 14/20#

5 Min Max KB Snatch 30/50#

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Friday, June 10, 2016

Saturday 6-11-16 WOD

It sucks when your warm up consists of watching Caden and Ali eating ice cream while you're getting mentally prepared to take on today's WOD #mmmmm 

Saturday 6-11-16 WOD

If at all possible try to partner with someone of the same sex who will be lifting the same as you.

Wall Ball & Burpee Combo.
Each partner will perform sets of 10 wall balls & 10 burpees. You may switch tasks once each person has completed your set of 10. Each round completed is a total of 20 reps.

Rest 4 Min + setup

10 BB Clean
10 Push Press 85/115#

For Round one: Person one will perform 10 Push Press then person two will perform 10 cleans
For round two: Person one will perform 10 cleans then person two will perform ten push press
For round three: Person one will perform 10 Push Press then person two will perform 10 cleans

Continue to alternate tasks as above so that each person is not doing the same thing back to back.

Rest 3 Min + setup

10 KBS 50/70#
10 T2B

Alternate tasks each round just like in part B

Rest 3 Min + setup 

8 Min Max Kcal row
Alternate partners at any time trying to get as many kcal as possible in 8 min.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Friday 6-10-16 WOD

Cassy pounding out some body weight back squats during a workout earlier in the week. 
She might not look too happy but I assure you, she is on the inside!

Friday 6-10-16 WOD

EMOM for three rounds
Min 1 Max Muscle Ups or Ring Dips
Rest 1 Min
Min 2 Max Double Unders
Rest 1 Min
Min 3 Max HSPU/ Push Press 25/40#
Rest 1 Min

Keep track of your numbers for each exercise for each individual round.

3 Rounds of
5 Pull Ups + Weight
10 KB Snatches (5/arm) @ 50/70#

5 Rounds of...
400m Run
15 OHS @ 65/95#

EMOM for three rounds
Min 1 Max Dips (box or ring)
Rest 1 Min
Min 2 Max Double Unders
Rest 1 Min
Min 3 Max Push Press 25/40#
Rest 1 Min

Keep track of your numbers for each exercise for each individual round.

3 Rounds of
5 Pull Ups @ 31x1
10 KB Snatches (5/arm) @ 30/50#

Modified Nancy
5 Rounds of...
400m Run
15 Goblet Squat Jumps 40/60#

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Thursday 6-09-16 WOD

Stan & Shelley take a short break during the Starke 4 Year anniversary workout to pose for a photo. 
Looking good you two!!!

Thursday 6-09-16 WOD

In 6 Min Build to your heaviest Squat Clean Thruster

in 8 Min Build to your heaviest TWO clean & jerk within 10 seconds.*

*as soon as the bar hits the ground athletes have ten seconds to pick it up for the second clean & jerk.

5 Thrusters @ 85/115#
5 C2B Pull Ups

Optional Conditioning (time dependant)

4x500m w. 90 sec recovery.

This will be after the one hour mark so if athletes have the time to get in some conditioning then jump on a rower after you have recovered from part C (5-10 min after) and hit it!

Try to maintain your 500m split from last Thursday or 1-2 seconds faster/500m.

10 Min EMOM
3 Pull Ups (if using a band & 31x1)
3 Double Bell C&J 30/50#+

5 Rounds NFT
10 DB lateral step ups
6 Weighted Push Ups

10 Min EMOM
6 KBS 60/80#
6 Burpees

D. Same As CrossFit (SACF)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wednesday 6-8-16 WOD

Becky and Cassy busting out some tandem T2B action in one of last weeks workouts. 
Great timing ladies!

Wednesday 6-08-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness
31 Min AMRAP

31 Body Weight Back Squats
31 Wall Balls 20/30#
31 T2B
31 DU's

Monday, June 6, 2016

Tuesday 6-07-16 WOD

Derek taking some well deserved rest after a 5x500m row session last week. 
Or was this before he even started? I can't even remember... 

Tuesday 6-07-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
20 Min Circuit
60ft Handstand walk or 90sec handstand walk practise or 30-60sec. wall facing handstand hold
3x50 Double Unders with 10 seconds between sets or 90sec. DU work
6 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerk/Arm
6-8 Weighted strict C2B Pull Ups or max Pull Ups @ 51x1
Max Strict Ring Dips

7 Min AMRAP 85/115#
7 Power Cleans
7 S2OH
7 Lateral bar jump burpees

7 Min AMRAP 30/50#
7 Double bell cleans
7 Double bell S2OH
7 Over Bell Burpees

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Monday 6-06-16 WOD

Was it already a week ago that we had this sweaty beast back in town for a visit and a workout?
It's always awesome to have Starke alumni back for a sweat session and to lift some heavy s#it.
We miss you Greg!   

Monday 6-06-16 WOD


5 Deadlift @ 155/225#
10 HSPU @ 25/45#

10 Min EMOM
3 Pull Ups
3 Ring Dips

If using a band for either movement use a tempo of 31x1 that will help to provide a challenge.

10 Rounds of 10 Swings 50/70#
10 Wall Balls 14/20#

Burpee T2B

This is  ac ombination movement just like a burpee pull up. Athletes should drop down under the bar for their burpee and jump straight up to the bar and perform a giant beat swing with the main goal to get the toes to the bar every time. Coaches will assist in helping athletes to maintain tension to assist in getting those legs up there!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Friday 6-03-16 WOD

Just a little post conditioning nap to help recover the mind, body, and soul...  

Friday 6-03-16 WOD

Build to your heaviest three mechanically sound Front Squats in 10 Minutes

E90 for 5 Rounds 3 Front squats from the rack (use weight from part A.)

10 Min ladder
Muscle Clean 65/95#

*anytime you break your muscle cleans or T2B perform 5 burpees before continuing with your reps.

Build to your heaviest three mechanically sound Back Squats in 10 Minutes

E90 for 5 Rounds 3 back squats (use weight from part A.)

10 Min ladder
Double Bell C&J
Medal Clean 20#+

So You're Injured...Now What?! Blog Post By CDP Coach Caitlin Ring

So you’re injured, now what?
Written by Caitlin Ring

I am not here to write about the relationship between Crossfit and injuries, in fact I actually get tired of hearing people say to me that people that do Crossfit are more likely to get injured than people who don’t. Of course anyone could get injured doing Crossfit;  they could be doing movements incorrectly, working with an unmanageable load or rep scheme, poor coaching or just doing something that is out of control and stupid. But when you apply any one of those options to another activity such as soccer, hockey, running, yard work or home renovations, couldn’t your chances of being injured be just as good? I think no matter what physical activity a person chooses to be involved with, there will always be a risk of being injured. Being active for all of my life I have had my share of injuries some more serious than others, some being from playing sports and some from just from everyday life. Shit happens and it sucks but you’re injured, now what? Still currently rehabbing from shoulder surgery I can share what I have learned over the past few months, the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between.
  1. Being injured messes with the mind. The physical repercussions of being injured are always apparent but the mental and emotional effects are less obvious. No matter how minor or serious your injury may be, it will probably mess with your mind. Over the past few months there were a wide range of emotions I went through. I felt isolated. Seeing people I love working out at the gym knowing I was not able to do the same thing, felt lonely and I felt disconnected from a community I loved so much. I felt envious and still do. I want to participate just like everyone else and I feel envy when I see people who are healthy tearing shit up and hitting PR’s, wishing that was me doing the same thing. I am always proud of everyone at our gym but I just couldn’t help but wish that I was able to do what they doing too! I am only beginning to really start to get this feeling as I am able to increase my activity load but I am fearful. I am scared to re injure myself. I know injury is always a possibility but I don’t want my fear to limit what I could be physically capable of. The one thing though that has got me through my recovery is that every day I will get a little bit better. There will be ups and downs along the way but ultimately in the long run, I will be better at what I do and that motivates me.
  2. Learn to be patient. This is a bit of a work in progress for me personally but seriously be patient with yourself! Your body needs time to heal and recover. You’re not going to do your body any favors by pushing it too hard too soon after being injured. No matter if your injury only sidelines you for a week of if you are out for months, take the time to heal. I was really worried about losing all of my “gains” for being out of commission for months, but by still finding a way to be active during my recovery I don’t think I lost as much as I thought. Just the other day I hit a one rep max of 200# for my front squat, not bad for only air squatting or using a kettlebell for the last four months. That was a real turning point for me. Kevin, my physiotherapist, told me I won’t lose as much strength as I thought and well now I don’t doubt him as much. As tempting as it is to be adding weights and going harder in my workouts, I am going to be patient with my rehab because I see the bigger picture, I see where I want to be in three months from now and no one workout today or tomorrow is going to set me back from that vision. I also have to thank Kevin for drilling this in my head as me learning to be patient with my injury is mostly contributed to him; he knows how impatient I can be.
  3. Do the work. The only person getting in your way of getting better is yourself. Put in the time to do the rehabilitation work. At time the progress may feel slow and you might feel discouraged but keep at it. Always keep the bigger picture in your mind, that goal of where you want to be in a few months! The hard work will pay off and you will be a better athlete because of it. Some of the stretching and strengthening exercises might not be the most exciting but those simple exercises are going to help you get back to where you want to be and possibly help prevent you from getting injured again.
  4. Enjoy the time off. Now this is easier said than done but seriously, if an injury puts you out of commission for awhile, try and enjoy the break you are getting. Don’t get me wrong I wish I was out there doing what I enjoy the most but at the same time I am allowing my body and my mind to have a break from some of the pressures I might feel from the gym. Pressures of trying to get a progression of a body weight movement, wanting to PR a lift or trying to beat my time or reps of a certain workout. Sometimes I think we are all a bit hard on ourselves and it is ok to take a step back and just relax, and when you are healthy and ready to get back at it you will be stronger and better than you were.
  5. Find support or a way to cope. Having support when you are down in the dumps during an injury is very important. Whether it is friends, family, teammates or people from your affiliate find someone you can open up to when you are having bad days.  As much as I felt a disconnect from the community I enjoyed to be around so much, I still tried to surround myself with those people even if some days were more difficult than others. I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity to be a part of the coach’s development program at Starke. This allowed me to cope during my injury. Even though I was unable to work out with everyone, my connection to the gym altered into learning to become a coach, which I feel very passionately about!

People get injured in all walks of life. It is physically and mentally debilitating and beyond frustrating but it happens and if it happens to you, you will get through it. There might be a lot of tears, sweat and probably more tears to get back to where you want to be but it can be done. Just keep in mind all of the awesome stuff you will be able to accomplish when your body is back at 100%!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Thursday 6-02-16 WOD

Are you looking for a little TLC, ART, or LSD? Wait a minute. Not the last one... Kevin Friesen aka "The Mechanic"our Physiotherapist  can give you a tune up and get your body firing like a Ferrari and purring like a basket of kittens... #tunethemachine #yeshesgood #magichands #themechanic   

Thursday 6-02-16 WOD

15 Min Build
Snatch Pull From launch
Snatch (pwr. or full)
Snatch Balance

Ring Dips

5x500m Row w. 90 second recovery between rounds

*Part C. will be after the hour mark so athletes are welcome to hit it if they want to be #betterthanyesterday and have the time ;-)

15 Min Circuit
10 Heavy KBS
6 Seated Strict Double Bell Press
10 Alternating DB Step Ups

Goblet Squat Jumps 30/50#
Box Jumps 16/20"
Push Ups

5x500m Row w. 90 second recovery between rounds

*Part C. will be after the hour mark so athletes are welcome to hit it if they want to be #betterthanyesterday and have the time ;-)