Tuesday, April 29, 2014

From Creative to Starke

From Creative to Starke

We are one month away from celebrating our two-year anniversary and I can’t believe all the changes we've have made in the past couple years.

We have changed the way we program, the way we coach, the way we have learned, and taught athletes. We have grown in numbers, we're stronger, fitter, leaner, meaner, faster, and more technical.

One of the biggest changes was that we became a CrossFit affiliate (Starke Crossfit). This significant change has helped us to become a part of a local and global community of individuals motivated to learn more, train harder, and challenge themselves in ways they never thought possible.

The workouts that I have had people doing for the past 11 years have never been “normal” but becoming part of the CrossFit community has challenged us in different ways mentally and physically and it has changed the coach and athlete I have become.

With everything that has gone on over the past 2 years it has made me rethink our name “Creative Conditioning”.

Conditioning is obviously needed in anything that we do but strength is the component required to support the demands of the task at hand.

Strength is required to support our skeletal system, posture, and the ability to maintain proper form during any type of exercise in the gym or out in the real world. Strength will support us while bending, twisting, lifting, and carrying.

After lots of self-debates and consultation with an awesome focus group we came to a unanimous decision to adopt the name Starke Strength & Conditioning.

I want to thank everyone for all of your support with our growth and through these changes. In a few days we will have our brand new website up and running for your viewing pleasure.

Our new Facebook Page Starke Strength & Conditioning is up and running so please head over and “Like” us to keep up with everything that we are doing and stay updated with all the cool things happening in our box. 

Thanks again everyone things are only going to get better!


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Great Article on Olympic Lifting

I don't like planning workouts with a lot of high rep Olympic lifts because it does not help with proper form especially for those in the earlier stages of learning.

I know some of you are frustrated when I get you using "just the bar" and "Only form the hips" in some workouts but there is a reason for it and its to develop proper movement patterns before moving on and up in weight.

Some people learn faster then others and have less or no mobility issues which is a huge help, but Olympic lifting is a skill and needs to be practiced over and over the get a good results from it.

For those of you who are patient and are building a good foundation with proper form and technique your heavy lifts will come (do you want a spoon full of ice cream now, or a whole bowl later?).

For those out there wanting to throw on weight first and learn that way will probably suffer injury and not have a good experience with lifting.

If you can make your movements look beautiful with a bar it will translate to better lifts with weight. If you cant control a bar, don't even think about putting on weight and never sacrifice form for that new PR. Its not worth it.

Check out this article on Olympic Lifting... Its a good one.

Again Faster

Have a great weekend!


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday's aka Recovery Day

Sunday aka Recovery day.

Sundays are a day to rest, recover, and prepare for a week of hell.
Once your alarm clock goes off on Monday morning you have five days to stay on track and get done what you need to.

I use Sundays for sleeping in a bit (If you call 8am sleeping in), doing Laundry, preparing food for the week, cleaning, looking at and trying some new mobility work, and getting all the things you need done that you won't have time for during the week.

The body adapts and builds when you recover so if you aren't recovering you are missing out on some pretty sweet gains that you worked so hard for in the gym.

Look in your fridge and see what you have and what you need to stay on track for the week. If you start your week with an empty fridge and without a plan it's like going on a road trip without fuel in your gas tank or a map. You aren't going to get very far.

Plan to get the things you need and start prepping some meals or at least have some healthy options available for when you are in a rush.
 Lorrie's lunch for a day (Yes it takes up a whole Lulu bag)

Check out DR. Kelly Starrett's MobilityWod blog. He has HUNDREDS of videos to make use of for mobility issues. Look at one or two of them and take 10-15 minutes and give your body some TLC in those areas that are restricted and have forgotten how they are supposed to move.


Do something you enjoy! The weather is getting nicer out (its about damn time). Go for a walk. Head to a coffee shop and read a book, visit family. Take some time to yourself and relax because chances are it doesn't just happen. You have to make it happen.

Enjoy your day!