Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Thursday 6-01-17 WOD

Thursday 6-01-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

3 Rounds NFT (15 Min Time Cap)

5 Single Leg Split Squat
5 Chin Ups @ 31x1
5 Strict HSPU

7 Min Partner AMRAP
25 Kcal Row
15 T2B

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Wednesday 5-31-17 WOD

Wednesday 5-31-17 WOD

Row 500m

4 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats (medium weight)
1 Length inchworm w. push up
1 Length forward facing crab walk

Skill work:
BB Clean focus fast elbows

Double bell clean with focus on bells close and no rebend of knees when receiving the bells.


For Time
Power Cleans 110/155#
Ring Dips


Double Bell Cleans 40/60#

Monday, May 29, 2017

Tuesday 5-30-17 WOD

Tuesday 5-30-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

For Time DB weight @ 30/50#

"Dumbell Delight"
60 DB Snatches
10 Pull Ups
50 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 Pull Ups
40 DB Cleans
10 Pull Ups
30 DB Burpees
10 Pull Ups
20 DB Thrusters
10 Pull Ups

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017

Saturday 5-27-17

Saturday 5-27-17

20 KB snatches/arm
30 dbl KB (in front rack position) lunges/leg
50 KBS
400 m run

50 burpees

800 m run

50 burpees

400 m run
50 KBS
30 dbl KB (in front rack position) lunges/leg
20 KB snatches/arm

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Friday 5-26-17 WOD

When you're done, you're done... 

Friday 5-26-17 WOD


For Time...
6 - 9 - 12 - 9 - 6
Lateral Bar Jump Burpees
Front Squats 95/135#
C2B Pull Ups


For Time...
6 - 9 - 12 - 9 - 6
Lateral Bell Jump Burpees
Double Bell Front Squats 25/40#
Pull Ups / Ring Rows

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Thursday 5-25-17 WOD

Mac already dreaming about his gains post WOD... 

Thursday 5-25-17 WOD

3 Rounds of
6 / Leg BB Supine grip single leg deadlift
6 Pull Ups @ 31x1 in hollow body position. (add weight if possible)
6 Weighted pistols / box squats per leg. NOT ALTERNATING

5 Goblet Squats 40/60#
5 Burpee Box Overs 20/24"

This will be after class is over but if you have the time, get it in.
2 Mile Run

Starke To Kimberly
Kimberly to Roch
Roch to Mcleod
McLeod to Brazier
Brazier to Starke

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Wednesday 5-24-17 WOD

"Starke Boy" aka Jeff 2.0 showing off his stroke. 
With a smile like that Jeff you could probably be working a little harder. Jus saying...

Wednesday 5-24-17 WOD

25 Min Partner AMRAP @ 65/95#

"Hurts So Good"

25 Squat Clean
25 T2B
25 Push Press
25 Ring Dips/Dips
25 Thrusters
200m Run

*Fitness option use kettlebells @ 25/40# for the three BB movements.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Tuesday 5-23-17 WOD

That moment coach explains the workout and you think he's joking... 

Tuesday 5-23-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

3 Rounds NFT
5 Split Squats / leg at 80% of last weeks 1RM split squat
5 Pull Ups, Weighted pull-ups, or weighted C2B pull Ups*
5 Strict HSPU add deficit if possible**

*Your five pull ups should be challenging so reps 4 & 5 should be a little bit of a struggle. DO NOT use bands for this. Make sure to use a BB in the rack and ask for a coach to assist to make it challenging for five.
**Scale HSPU to a box version first or seated DB or KB if needed.

6 Min Ladder
Front Squats 85/115#
Pull Ups

Starting at one rep increase by one rep every round completed.

Fitness option use double bells @ 25/40#

Friday, May 19, 2017

Saturday 5-20-17 WOD

Saturday 5-20-17 WOD

"Down and dirty on the farm" meets "Which way to the beach?"

10, 9, 8...1
Tire flips & jump throughs
50 m Farmer carries
Heavy KBS

1 mile partner sandbag run

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Friday 5-19-17 WOD

Jon doing push ups in someones left overs... 
Please DO NOT workout with gum in your mouth

1. You could choke and you might not get saved.
2. It's hard enough trying to remember one or two cues while lifting without chewing. 
3. If it falls out of your mouth while walking it makes a mess under your foot.

Friday 5-19-17 WOD

Skill Work
Double Bell C&J & T2B

B. For Time
Double Bell Clean & Jerk 30/50+/-
Double Bell Front Squat (same weight as above)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Thursday 5-18-17 WOD

Sabrina & Michelle very concerned about their partner Carrie after completing 1000 Wall Balls...

Thursday 5-18-17 WOD


3 Rounds NFT
8 Single leg back lunge / leg (complete eight reps on one leg then eight on the other)
5-8 Strict HSPU (use deficit if needed) Scaled box variations are preferred or seated DB strict Press.
10 Strict Russian KBS 80/100# (Straight arms and full body engagement at the top of the movement).

10 Power Snatches 65/95#
15 Pull Ups
20 Wall Balls 14/20#

Part B.
Buy In Run 200m
Cash Out Run 200m

5 burpee penalty for breaking up any of the reps in any of the three rounds above. The penalty can be paid in full at the end of the three rounds before the run, and will be included in the final time...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Wednesday 5-17-17 WOD

Some Starke Kids getting ready to put in some work with Coach Ali...

Wednesday 5-17-17 WOD



20 Min Build 3 Pos. Snatch

High hang squat snatch + Squat snatch fr. launch + Squat snatch fr. gnd.

For Time...
15-12-9 +50 DU's / round
Deadlift 125/185
Lateral Bar Jump Burpees

Finish each set with 50 double unders i.e.. 15 Deadlifts + 15 lateral Bar Jump Burpees + 50 DU's
12 Deadlifts + 12 lateral Bar Jump Burpees + 50 DU's


15 Min Circuit
8 KB Snatches / Arm 30/50#
8 Ring Rows @ 4131
8 KB Deadlift / leg 30/50 +/-
8 Push Ups @ 31x1

For Time...
21-15-9 +100 Single skips / round
KBS 50/70#

*See explanation for part B. CrossFit as Fitness will follow the same pattern...

Monday, May 15, 2017

Tuesday 5-16-17 WOD

Throwback to that partner Comp @ Prairie a couple years ago... 

Tuesday 5-16-17 WOD

25 Min Partner AMRAP

25 Front Squats 95/135#
25 Pull Ups
25 Power Cleans 95/135#
25 T2B
200M Partner Run

One partner works while the other rests. It's a win, win situation...

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Monday 5-15-17 WOD

Post workout hugs are the best kind of hugs. 
Meghan getting some post workout love from her little girl... 

Monday 5-15-17 WOD

For the next six weeks you will see a little more unilateral (working one side of the body at a time) in the programming. A lot of the movements that we do in the gym require us to squat sing both legs which can be problematic for some who have sustained an injury back in the day and may shift a little more to one side to load up the "stronger leg". This slight shift can potentially throw the pelvis and spine out of alignment causing some undesirable movement patterns to occur. If you tend to shift more to one side than the other this can be a good test for you and see what we can do in 6 weeks with some dedicated unilateral work. We will be retesting on the seventh week along with a back squat retest to compare to our most recent back squat 1RM a couple weeks ago. My prediction is that your 1RM Back Squat #'s should go up!

We will also be testing some upper body pulling strength as well and incorporate some specific pull up strength along the way.

Some answers to questions you may have...

  • Yes we will still be doing some badass metcons
  • Yes there will still be Olympic lifting programmed in
  • Yes there will still be squats programmed in but they won't be the major focus
  • What if I don't want to get stronger or become a better and more well balance person and athlete? Well you're in the wrong place... 

     CrossFit & Fitness

Test Day

Build to your heaviest mechanically sound single leg split squat on both sides.*

*While building keep the following in mind for your split squats.

  • All athletes should perform ten unloaded reps/side prior to adding weight to the movement.
  • Your front foot should have a preference of weight to the heel. 
  • Keep your knee stacked over your ankle from the starting point to the bottom and back up. 
  • Since balance and stability play large a role in this exercise weight should not surpass ROM i.e.. don't add more weight and use less ROM 
  • Take time setting up. Th biggest mistake people make with this exercise is not stepping out far enough with the front leg. I don't believe I've ever seen anyone go "too far" with the front leg on this exercise. 
  • The loading may be done with Dumbbells, Kettlebells, or Barbells from the ground or from the rack. Barbells will require the most stability as the weights are positioned a little further away from the body. Whatever method you start the six weeks with please finish it that way. Don't bounce around form KB to DB, to BB.   
  • Control must be kept in all sets and reps and ask a coach if you're reaching 90 degrees behind both knees if you're not sure. A 90 degree angle behind both knees is your is your "bottom position" for this exercise.  
While building to your heaviest split squat find your max reps for 
  1. Strict Pull Ups
  2. Strict C2B pull ups if you have them 
  3. Your single most challenging pull up variation where you stall at one rep. Coaches will help with this option and give suggestions and variations to find your 1RM.

For Time
Row 50Kcal
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Wall Balls 14/20#

Friday, May 12, 2017

Saturday 5-13-17 WOD

Saturday 5-13-17 WOD

"Which Way To The Beach"

5 Rounds of...

10 DB/BB Floor Press
10 DB/BB Bent over Row
20 Alternating DB Bicep Curls (back to the wall and no humping allowed)
10 Ring Dips
10 Hanging Leg Raise (use a DB between your feet for added weight)

10 Alternating 200m Partner Sprints

One partner runs while the other partner just stands there and looks good while waiting...

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Friday 5-12-17 WOD

Becky, Alex, & Randy. Are they texting each other about the workout or just being anti-social? 
You know you could all be using this time to make gains!!!

Friday 5-12-17 WOD

With a running clock...

Row 1000m

Rest 3 Min

3 Rounds of
12 C2B Pull Ups
12 Front Squats 65/95#

Rest 3 Min

3 Rounds of...
12 BB Back Lunges 65/95#
12 S2OH

*5 Burpee penalty ANYTIME YOU DROP THE BAR. Don't ask if you can rest it on your back or put it in the rack or have a friend hold it for you etc, you get the idea...

Rest 3 Min

Row 1000m

Post final time including breaks

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Thursday 5-11-17 WOD

Megan pretending to be a "G" 

Thursday 5-11-17 WOD

For Time...

10 Wall Balls
10 Ring Rows
Run 800m
20 Ring Rows
20 Wall Balls
Run 600m
30 Ring Rows
30 Wall Balls
Run 400m
40 Ring Rows
40 Wall Balls
Run 200m

Yes it's only one round...

Open Season By: Starke CDP Coach Jon Martens

Open Season

Open season is an exciting time of year. It brings with it emotional highs and discouraging lows. It humbles you as an athlete with the unpredictable programming and can also be really rewarding when you see the hard work you put in pay off.
I like to think of the open as a weakness finder. Because of the unpredictable aspect of the programming, the weaknesses you have are quickly brought to the surface. Although this can be frustrating, i think it is really valuable. It gives you a clear indicator of what you need to work on for the rest of the year.  It also lets you know that you have been training the right areas if you see improvement.

One of the mistakes i made this year was not attacking my weaknesses early enough. Throughout the majority of the year I pushed the things i really sucked at to the back burner and did a lot of  workouts with movements i was good at. Although i improved a lot overall from last years Open, some of the movements that had given me trouble last year came up again  and showed little progression.  Another mistake i made was not practicing movement standards that would be enforced during the Open workouts. The main movement for me was handstand pushups. Having not practiced doing them to a  line at all during the year made it really tough when it came to doing them in a workout. I found that as i got tired i would  rush the reps and fall short of getting my feet over the line. I got a lot of “no reps” in that workout.

When this years Open came to a close, I sat down and replayed it through my head. I thought about each workout and where i could have improved. I also made a list of the movements that slowed me down. For me its a lot of gymnastics movements. So every day i pick one movement from that list and attack it with everything i got. For example, muscle ups, handstand pushups, toes to bar, and c2b pull-ups are all areas i  need to improve. I  have a checklist of how many times i drill one of these movements. I  try to work each of these movements in three times a week. With these higher skill movements i am trying to vary how i train them. For example, with muscle ups I will commit one whole session drilling technique and make sure that i am resting enough to where i am maximizing output and concentration. The next time i do them, i will throw them into a metcon and challenge myself under fatigue. I have been noticing a huge difference in composure and I feel i am getting a lot more efficient with them.   

Another key aspect of my training that i have changed is goal setting. Last year i didn’t set enough goals. I had some strength numbers that i wanted to hit by the end of the year, but i never really made any short term goals that I could realistically achieve. Setting goals is the easiest way to track your progress. You will be able to see were you started from and appreciate all the hard work that you have put in to make that goal happen. They also keep you accountable.  If i can stay conscious of my goals, I know that I will be more likely to spend time in the gym working on them. It is really motivating to see  myself improve and come closer to reaching these milestones whether that's a new snatch pr or an a unbroken string of muscle ups.  I know that setting these realistic goals will help me succeed next year in the Open. My goal this year is to make my weaknesses my strengths.

If you participated in the Open this past year and want to improve for next year, don't put off training your weaknesses. If you start now you have the majority of the year to drill these movements. That way you can start building your confidence for February when the Open starts. I encourage you to sit down and really be honest with yourself. Figure out what were the limiting factors in each of the five workouts. Make a plan and set goals for this upcoming year to attack these areas. Don't hesitate to practice movements you know you are not efficient with. Working to eliminate your weaknesses will make the most difference in your training when it comes to competing. Also remember that these things take time. You don't just get muscle ups overnight. So don't get discouraged when your two weeks of pull-up and dip work doesn’t get you one.  The consistency of your training and being relentless in the gym is really whats going to pay off. 

Good Luck!

- Jon Martens

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Wednesday 5-10-17 WOD

Dan taking some well deserved rest between workouts at FrostFit

Wednesday 5-10-17 WOD


20 Min Build

Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats

50 DU's
15 KBS 60/80#


15 Min Circuit
5 Double Bell Front Squats
10 Jumping Pull Ups
15 Box Jumps  
200m Run

15 DB Push Press
100 Single Skips
15 KBS 40/60#

Monday, May 8, 2017

Tuesday 5-09-17 WOD

Suns out guns out. Leanne didn't know how to strike a pose and show off her guns. 
I'd say she's doing pretty good... 

Tuesday 5-09-17 WOD

20 Min EMOM

Min 1. 12 Thrusters 65/95#
Min 2. 12 C2B
Min 3. 12 Alternating Back Lunges (front rack pos.) 65/95#
Min 4. 12 T2B

Min 1. Pull Ups/Ring Rows
Min 2. Thrusters DB/KB 20/40+/-
Min 3. HLR (Hanging Leg Raise)
Min 4. 12 Alternating Back Lunges (KB or DB in front rack pos.) 20/40+/-

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Monday 5-08-17 WOD

That look you give the coach when he yells "NO REP" across the gym during an AMRAP 
A beautiful shot of Lanny ready to snap!

CrossFit & Fitness

Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 75%

15 BB Snatch @ 65/95#
15 Ring Dips

16 KB Snatches 8 & 8 30/50#

Friday, May 5, 2017

Saturday 5-06-17 WOD

Check out some Starke Kids action with Hayden making a rope climb look like child's play... 

Saturday 5-06-17 WOD

Partner AMRAP
For Time...

200m Farmer Carry DB or KB @ 30/50#*
100 Ring Rows
200m Run (both athletes)
80 BB Thrusters 65/95#
200m Run
60 KB Snatches 30/50#**
200m Run
40 C2B Pull Ups
200m Run
20 Double Bell Clean & Jerk 30/50#
200m Run

*Farmer Carry is 200m each. No switching until person one completes the whole 200m. If one athlete has to put the kettlebells or dumbbells down both partners need to perform 10 burpees before continuing.

**Kettle bell snatches are 60 reps per athlete.

If you have time after class stay for part B.

Taking turns
Prowler sprints 3 Rounds of sixty meters (parking lot x 2).

Between prowler sprints perform 10 tire flips.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Friday 5-05-17 WOD

We always have deadlines to meet and seem to be rushing from one place to another all the time. 
I love seeing athletes hanging out after classes stretching, rolling, refueling, and chatting. 

One of the most amazing things I have seen and am proud of is the friendships and relationships that have been made over time in this place. Every puzzle piece has a place...   

Friday 5-05-17 WOD

"The Sinister Seven"


Seven Rounds of...
7 Front Squats 95/135#
7 Hang Clean 95/135#
7 T2B
7 KBS 60/80#
7 Ring Dips
7 Box Jumps 20/24"   

Seven Rounds of...
7 Double Bell Front Squats 25/40#
7 Double Bell Push Press
7 Double Bell Cleans 25/40#
7 T2B / HLR
7 KBS 40/60#
7 Box Jumps 16/20"

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Thursday 5-04-17 WOD

Emily getting her wall ball recovery position dialed in... 

Thursday 5-04-17 WOD

In teams of three...

"So Many Balls"
1000 Wall Balls For Time @ 14/20#

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Wednesday 5-03-17 WOD

Wednesday 5-03-17 WOD


CrossFit & Fitness

1RM Back Squat

Today's goal is to retest our 1RM Back Squat. That is the sole focus of today's training session. For those that want to hit up a run after the workout then that's great but I don't want anyone rushing to find a 1RM max. Athletes should have plenty of time with the group warm up, glute activation, and mental prep to build accordingly to a heavy single. I don't want coaches to rush test day so we can get in a metcon at the end.

Like I said. If you want to hang out after and get a sweat on you Can as long as it doesn't interfere with the next class.

Good luck and happy squatting...

Monday, May 1, 2017

Tuesday 5-02-17 WOD

I don't care how much weight you can lift. 
What I do care about is how much you can lift with perfect form...

Angie maintaining a neutral spine during a max out deadlift session. 

Tuesday 5-02-17 WOD

Partner WOD
15 Min Partner AMRAP
400m Row
15 Thrusters 65/95#
20 Ring Rows
25 Push Ups
30 Burpees

2000m Partner Row For time