Sunday, January 31, 2016

Monday 2-01-16 WOD

Dan demonstrates that all those muscles can help to do muscle ups... 

Monday 2-01-16 WOD

3x2 OHS @ 85-90% of 1RM

3x2 Front Squats @ 85-90% of 1RM

20 T2B
20 WB 20/30# @ 9/10'
20 KBS @ 60/80#

5x5 Back squats @ 80% of 1RM

20 Double Bell Push Press
20 T2B or Variation
20 WB 14/20# @ 9/10'
20 KBS @ 40/60#

Friday, January 29, 2016

Saturday 1-30-16 WOD

Karly throwing weight around at the PCF novice competition. 

Saturday 1-30-16 WOD

Robert Gurrero Ghost Workout


6 rounds of:
1 minute of rowing (for max kcal)
1 minute of burps (for max burpees)
1 minute of double-udders (max reps)
1 minute rest

During your rest period make sure to mark your score for each round down on the board. Repetitions should be counted cumulatively. Example if you row 20 kcal, start counting your burpees in addition to the kcal 21...22...23 and so on. 

There is no transition time and the goal is for max effort on all the exercises. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Friday 1-29-16 WOD

Coach KRAUSSSS, Showing off her snatch at FrostFit 2016. 
Photo credits to Gorilla Jack Supplements 

Friday 1-29-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

Workout 14.3ish...

Today we are doing workout 14.3 but with a slight modification to it. We will be changing the time cap to 12 minutes and starting the workout off with a 1000m row.

For this workout athletes may jump up or step up onto the boxes but must step down... Hipsmust be open and knees fully extended at the top of every repetition on the box jump and athletes must be standing upright with shoulders behind the bar on each deadlift.

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
135-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
deadlifts, 15 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
deadlifts, 20 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
deadlifts, 25 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
deadlifts, 30 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
deadlifts, 35 reps
15 box jumps, 24-inch
WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
95-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps
15 box jumps, 20-inch
deadlifts, 15 reps
15 box jumps, 20-inch
deadlifts, 20 reps
15 box jumps, 20-inch
deadlifts, 25 reps
15 box jumps, 20-inch
deadlifts, 30 reps
15 box jumps, 20-inch
deadlifts, 35 reps
15 box jumps, 20-inch

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thursday 1-28-16 WOD

 Here's a Throwback Thursday to December 2012 of Cayden aka. Baby KRAUSSSSS busting out a Clean & Jerk. Just look at the focus...

Thursday 1-28-16 WOD

Clean & Jerk (Complex)

15 Min Build

High Hang Clean
Clean From Launch
Clean From Ground + Jerk

50 Hang DB Snatch (5&5) 30/50#
50 Pull Ups
50 Wall Balls 20/30#
50 Burpees

4 Rounds of
10 Heavy KBS
5 Chin Ups @ 41x1
45 Second double Bell Overhead hold
20 Single Leg Hip Bridge / leg

50 Hang DB Snatch (5&5) 30/50#
50 Pull Ups /Ring Rows
50 Wall Balls 14/20#
50 Burpees

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wednesday 1-27-16 WOD

Tay Tay asked if he could wrap up Cat's office as part of the prank wars that were going on in December. I said yes then thought afterwards "I'll be paying her to unwrap all this stuff before she can actually work". Lesson learned. Think first respond after. 

Wednesday 1-27-16 WOD

15 Front Squats @ 85/115#
15 T2B
30 Ft. Handstand walk
5 Ring Muscle Ups

*Substitute 60 second wall facing handstand hold for handstand walk if you do not have HSW
**Substitute ring dips for muscle ups if you do not have MU's

10 Min EMOM
3-5 Strict HSPU
8 Alternating pistols

15 Goblet Squat Jumps 40/60#+
15 Hanging leg raise w. beat swing
15-30 sec handstand hold via wall walk.
5 Push Ups

10 Min EMOM
3-5 Strict Double Bell Press
6-8 Alternating lunges w. KB in rack position (switch sides half way).

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tuesday 1-26-16 WOD

Cathy performing DB snatches in one of our group workouts. 
Looking good Red!!!

Tuesday 1-26-16 WOD

20 Min Build
3 Position snatch (High Hang, Launch, Ground)

Athletes may chose a power or squat snatch for the receiving position and hold for 2 seconds in the receiving position for each rep.

10 Hang Snatches 65/95#
10 Wall Balls 20/30#

15 Min Circuit
6 Double Bell Front Squats
6 KB/DB Burpees*
6 Push Ups @ 31x1
30-60 sec hollow body hold.

*athletes may use the same kettlebells for the burpees if they are large and stable enough (the bells not the athlete). If you are using smaller bells with a smaller base that could potentially tip easily then please use DB's or larger bells for this exercise.

10 KB Snatches (5/side) @ 35/55#
10 Wall Balls @ 16/20# 9/10'

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Monday 1-25-16 WOD

We're all lucky to have so much support in and out of the gym. 
#starkesupport #wereallinthistogether #betterthanyesterday

Monday 1-25-16 WOD

5x3 OHS @ 85% of 1RM

Squat Clean @ 95/115#
C2B Pull Ups

5x3 Back Squat @ 85% of 1RM

Double Bell Clean & Front Squat 30/50#
Chin Ups

Friday, January 22, 2016

Blog Post: The Road To Nationals by Coach Craig Gilbert

Road to Nationals
Craig Gilbert

Hello everyone, and congratulations to all our Frostfit Competitors who killed it recently! I hope you get some much deserved rest, because the Starke Games are on the horizon…

So what’s new in the world of Starke Weightlifting? Well, your favorite weightlifting coach will be travelling to Trenton, ON in April to compete in the Canadian Masters Championships. This is the largest Masters competition of the year, and can draw over 300 weightlifters from across the country. The stakes are high, as it is the only place where a national record can be set or broken. It will definitely be a good experience and a lot of fun, but it will also require a significant amount of preparation. Over the next 13 weeks I plan on sharing it with you!

I’ve been training exclusively as an Olympic weightlifter for several months now, and have been pretty happy with how things have been going. However the time has come to set some goals and focus my energy more specifically on meeting those goals. This basically comes down to one thing:

I want to win. I’m not travelling for second place. I’m going to put up the biggest numbers of my life!

But how can I make this happen? There are two points here that are going to be very important for me to address. The first is going to deal with nutrition, and the second is going to deal with training.
I have looked at the last few years of results for this competition, and have determined that in my present weight category (105+) I have a fair chance at winning. Of course the final outcome will be beyond my control as I have no idea who else will show up or how good they are, but if history is any guide I have a fair shot. However, if I were to register as a 105-, then not only do my chances of winning rise but I am now in a position where I could set a Canadian record, and I still have 4 years to do it in my present age category if I can remain in the 105- weight category. The only problem is that I would have to drop about 25 pounds in 13 weeks while continuing to make strength gains in training. So, take the easy road and register as a 105+, or go fro broke and register as a 105-?

I registered as a 105-. If I show up on the day of the competition and can’t make that weight, I will likely be disqualified. How is that for motivation?

To accomplish this goal I have enlisted the help of Alex Paton of Shock Performance Nutrition. Together we will form a plan for me to stay strong but make my target weight. Issues that we will have to consider include not only what to eat, but the timing of meals in order to best support training and recovery. I look forward to sharing this plan with you, as well as passing along all of my newfound nutritional knowledge.

As far as the training goes, I have started to plan my training schedule in advance and in a little more detail. It used to be good enough to just get to the gym and lift when I could, but this is not going to be sufficient if I want to be in peak form for the competition. So, on a weekly basis I am determining when and where I will train and putting that right into my schedule. This will allow me to better support my training by altering my diet, for example. If I’m getting out of bed at 7:30am and plan on being in the gym for 9:30am, my dietary needs will be different than if I’m up all day and training at 6:00pm. This will also encourage some accountability. If I’ve known for a week when a training session is, then I don’t really have any excuse not to be prepared or god forbid, skip it!

This should be interesting. Stand by for adventure!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Friday 1-22-16 WOD

Matt Quaye signed up for the Open. Have you?

Friday 1-22-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

20 Min Build to a 1RM deadlift

10 Min KB Circuit @ 30/50#
Without putting the bell down complete as many rounds as possible
20 KB Snatches
15 KBS
20 KB Clean & Jerk
15 Goblet Squats
20 alternating lunges in front rack position (KB stays in the right rack position for 10 alternating reps then switch sides).

Anytime the bell is put down in the 10 min athletes must perform 10 burps before continuing the circuit.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Thursday 1-21-16 WOD

Cynthia and Nicole took the floor for their first ever CrossFit competition this last weekend at FrostFit. Congratulations ladies on your first competition and being open to trying something new. 
#betterthanyesterday #proudcoach

Thursday 1-21-16 WOD

7 Min build to a three rep power clean

The goal for this build is to perform three consecutive power cleans from the ground. Each time you clean the bar drop it and set up as soon as it hits the ground. Take the time needed to set up and perform your next rep. This means do not walk away from the bar. Drop it, get your setup positioning dialed in, reestablish your hook grip and hit your next rep. If you go so heavy that you need more than 3-5 seconds between reps drop the weight down.

6 Min EMOM
3 Power cleans at the previous weight established in part A.

3 Rounds of
2 Min Max Thrusters @ 65/95#
2 Min Recovery

Make note of all your reps for each set and mark your total on the board.

Row 1000m for time

7 Min build to a heavy three rep back squat

6 Min EMOM
3 Back Squats at the previous weight established in part A.

3 Rounds of
2 Min Max KB Thrusters @ 20/40#
2 Min Recovery

Row 1000m for time

The Post Competition Blues...

The Post Competition Blues...
By Paul Dyck

This post may be a little overdue as I have heard this from people who have competed in past events and felt like they didn't know what to do and where to go after a competition.

I have seen this happen to athletes in Triathlon, Marathons, Adventure Races, and CrossFit events. You put so much time, effort, and energy into your training and your main focus is on this event. Sometimes it's for a whole year sometimes the goal is years away and once you get there and it's over you say "Now What?"

This is a normal thing that happens to some people post competition and I have some suggestions to help with how to recover and refocus.

This is the most important part in my mind. Take time to absorb, celebrate, and evaluate your event and performance. Always look at the positives first and write it down!

-Ask yourself did you had fun?
-Did you enjoy the experience?
-What was the best part about the event?
-What did you learn about yourself?
-What movements or aspects are you particularly proud of?

Once you've come up with some awesome stuff then look at some of the things you'd like to improve on.

-What were you weakest at?
-Did you forget anything (equipment, nutrition, recovery tools, your "A" game)?
-What movements could you get better at to maintain maximum efficiency during competition.
-What do you think was lacking to be able to perform better (strength, cardio, speed, mobility (to     allow you to hit required positions better), precision in your lifts?

If your goal is to get better then these are the things you need to think about and assess. During or after a competition I hear people talk about all the negatives and what they could have done better and how things could have been different if...

Make sure your self evaluation and expectations are realistic. If you are mad because you missed a lift that you only hit once before five months ago when the planets were all in line you probably shouldn't expect to hit it in competition with stress, fatigue, and adrenaline all around.

Some suggestions I have about looking forward and avoiding the blues...

1. Take some rest!

Taking a few days off will help you to recover from the mental and physical fatigue of the event. Thinking about how you should have been able to do something then trying to do it the next day or a couple days later is a great way to get injured. The body needs time to recover from the stress of competition. I know runners who have been mad at half marathon times or Marathon times so the very next day they go and pound out an interval workout as punishment like an "I'll show you" type attitude then end up injured and cant run for 6+ months.

Do something different then what you normally do for a week and allow yourself some time to refocus. Especially in CrossFit most athletes choose not to have much of an off season so I try to take a week post comp to get out and swim, do some yoga, get out on my bike, or just move and do something fun in a different way. Hammering out a tough workout a day or two after competition will leave you feeling like S*#@.

2. Set some goals!

This could be another event, this could be mastering some skills, this could be putting a major focus on your Oly lifts and mobility. Figure out where you would like to be and know what you need to do to get there. If you're willing to put in the work then there's no reason why you can't get there. Make sure those goals are SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Oriented. Also make sure they are well balanced and in line with the rest of your life.

3. Remember how far you've come.

This is an important one. I'm always wanting more from myself and from all of the members here at Starke. It's always good to remember how far you've come in the past month, six months, year, three years, etc...

I honestly think that there will never be a day where I say "Yeah I'm good with where I'm at. I can stop now."  Occasionally I do look back and say "This is F*#@ing awesome let's see what else I can do. "

Stay hungry my friends... ;-)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Wednesday 1-20-16 WOD

Happy hump day! Caden taking a lift at FrostFit this weekend... 

Wednesday 1-20-16 WOD


20 Min Build Snatch Complex

High Pull High Hang
Snatch Fr. High Hang
High Pull Fr. Launch
Snatch Fr. Launch
High Pull Ground
Snatch From Ground

Main goal for this complex is to create a consistent bar path and find your contact point with each and every rep. Maintain a grip on the bar throughout the whole complex. Squat snatch is the method to receive the bar for each rep.

30 Wall Balls 20/30#
30 Box Jumps
30 Pull Ups
30 KBS 30/50#
30 Burpees

15 Min Circuit
10 Double bell deadlift followed by a 60 second hold*
90 Second Plank (forearms)
10 Double Bell burpee (standing up only no jumping)
6 Double Bell Strict Press (standing)

*For the 60 second hold make sure bells are in your hands, your back is to the wall, ABS tight, glutes tight, quads flexed, then start the 60 second count.

30 Wall Balls 20/30#
30 Box Jumps
30 Pull Ups
30 KBS 30/50#
30 Burpees

Monday, January 18, 2016

Tuesday 1-19-16 WOD

Tuesday 1-19-16 WOD

15 Min Build

Jerk From the rack (front and back).

The goal for part A. is to work on a controlled vertical dip of about 2" and a fast vertical drive to create optimal bar path with focus on foot work in the split position. The second part is lowering the bar on your upper back and shoulders in a controlled manner and absorbing the bar to perform a jerk from behind the neck keeping form with the previous requirements above.

10 Min AMRAP
10 Alternating Front Rack Lunges @ 85/115#
8 Deadlift @ 85/115#
6 Power Cleans (muscle cleans acceptable)
4 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees

15 Min Circuit
8 Double Bell Swings (build to appropriate weight)
8 Double Bell Cleans w. Front Squat
4-6 Double Bell Push Press

Put the bells down between exercises and chose a weight that allows you to execute the exercise with precision and accuracy. This shouldn't cook you. You should take the rest you need to perform perfect repetitions.

10 Min AMRAP
10 Push Ups
8 Pull Ups
6 KB Squat Jumps
4 DB Burpees

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Monday 1-18-16 WOD

Monday 1-18-16 WOD

10 Min EMOM
3-5 Strict Pull Ups
3-5 Strict Ring Dips

Pick a number that challenges you and that you can maintain. If band use a tempo of 31x1 for the pull up and the dip.

3x3 Front Squat

Build to a heavy three for the day in no more than 5 min. Once there start your first set.

10 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 T2B
10 C&J (Ground to shoulder shoulder to overhead) 85/115#

*Fitness Part B. with Back squats & part C. with KB for C&J 25/40#

Friday, January 15, 2016

Saturday 1-16-16 WOD

Hey Everyone, Coach Craig (aka the punisher) will be teaching one class on Saturday at 8am. All other coaches will be competing this weekend at FrostFit. Come down for this one and then come cheer on the rest of the Starke Crew at CFW 739 Lagimodiere. 

Have a great weekend!

Saturday 1-16-16 WOD

Partner WOD

Alternating Tasks for 20 Min

10 Pull Ups
15 Wall Balls
10 Pull Ups
15 KBS 60/80#
10 Ring Dips

One person attacks the set number of repetitions for the exercise works while the other person is resting.

6 Min build to a max squat clean thruster with your partner

Rest 1 Min

5 Min max thrusters with your partner @65/95#

Only one person may be thrusting at a time but the goal is to get as many reps as possible during the five minutes. If there are mixed teams (a guy and a girl) you may have separate bars but only one person can work at a time. Count your numbers cumulatively and trade off as often as you like.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Friday 1-15-16 WOD

Well tomorrow Starke athletes will be competing in FrostFit hosted by CrossFit Winnipeg 
739 Lagimodière Blvd. Our athletes have all become better over the past year and our team has doubled in size. I can't wait to take the competition floor with all of you we would love for any Starke members, family members, and friends to come down and show your Starke pride anytime. 

Saturday December 16th Schedule 

Novice Athletes compete in three events from 9am-1pm
RX Athletes compete in three events 1:45pm-5:45pm 

Sunday December 17th 

9-10:30 Novice event #4
11-12:30 RX event #4

1:15pm Novice Semi Final 
2:45 RX Semi Final 

4:15 Novice Final 
4:45 RX Final 

5:30pm Awards

Friday 1-15-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

150m Row
10 T2B

10 S2OH 65/95#
10 Pull Ups

20 KB Snatch 30/50# (10/arm)
15 Wall Balls 20/50#
10 Burpees
5 Muscle Ups (ring dips)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thursday 1-14-16 WOD

Brooke demonstrating some beautiful form with some walking overhead Kettlebell lunges. This is a great exercise to challenge shoulder strength, stability, & mobility, core strength & stability, and leg strength, balance, and proprioception. Put that all together and you've got a killer exercise that can challenge you from head to toe!

Thursday 1-14-16 WOD

For those competing in FrostFit this weekend use today as a rest day. Mobility and rolling is all you need to do training wise. Use your day/night off to prepare food for the weekend, get all your gear ready, washed, and packed, and get to bed early. Friday's workout will be something to get you moving so that you don't go into the weekend feeling flat. There will be no meeting Friday night if there is any skill that may have come up during the week that you would like to review with coaches please review it during or after class. All I want you to do on Friday night is relax with your family and or friends. Don't do anything competition related and get some sleep.

For those of you not competing this weekend. You still need to work your asses off today... ;-)

15 Min Build jerk from the rack

The main focus for this portion is to pay extra attention to jerk positioning and footwork without worrying about the clean and wearing down your batteries.

Think fast, be fast!

15 Min Build C&J from the ground

5 Rounds for time
Row 2oom
10 Burpees

5 Rounds of
5 Deadlift @ 80% of 1 RM
6 Shoot throughs w. Push Up

5 Rounds
10 Wall Balls 16/25#
10 KBS 60/80#

5 Rounds for time
Row 2oom
10 Burpees

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wednesday 1-13-16 WOD

Got Pullups? 
These two do!!!!

Wednesday 1-13-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

20 Min EMOM (5 Rounds)
Min 1 50 Double Unders
Min 2 10 C2B Pull Ups
Min 3 10 Burpees
Min 4 16 DB hang snatches 30/50#+ (muscle or power snatch is acceptable)

*Fitness option will be scaled for each athlete as required

6 Min Build to a "heavy" squat clean for the day"

10 Min EMOM
Squat clean + 2 front squats with weight achieved in part B.

*Fitness option Double bell Clean & front squat for three reps EMOM. Bells must be re cleaned for each repetition.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Tuesday 1-12-16 WOD

This photo was taken 15 min after Saturday's workout was done. Meghan making sure that things are settled before getting up ;-)

Tuesday 1-12-16 WOD

4 Rounds of
Max Strict C2B pull ups
8 Walking OH BB lunges (fat bar)

10 BB Snatches @ 65/95#
10 T2B
30 DU's

4 Rounds of
Max banded pull ups @ 21x1
8 Walking KB lunges (KB's in front rack position)

10 KB goblet squat jumps 40/60#
10 Hanging leg raise
10 Hand release push ups

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Monday 1-11-16 WOD

Sometimes an extra 2 inches isn't a good thing!
The goal for today's double unders is to try to limit the height of your jump while maintaining consistency. Let's say you do 100 double unders jumping 4" off the ground with each jump. Now let's say you knock off 2" from each jump and still get your 100 double under in. You just saved yourself 200" of jumping for those 100 reps you completed. This is where efficiency comes in. If you could save 200" (approximately an extra 17 FEET) of jumping do you think you could conserve more energy or get more double under in in a given amount of time? Good enough is never good enough. My goal is always to get as good as possible with a movement then make it better!

Monday 1-11-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
Every 2 Min for 12 min (6 Rounds)
5 Strict HSPU (add deficit as needed)

*Fitness option strict kneeling double bell press

EMOM for 6 min
5 Strict Weighted Pull Ups

*Fitness option pull ups or banded pull ups @ 31x1

Every 2 Min for 12 Min (6 Rounds)
8 DB Burpee box overs 30/50#

*Fitness option HAHA you're not getting out of this one... ;-)

5 Rounds of 1 Min DU's 1 Min recovery

Count reps completed for each round and total for the 5 min. The goal for this portion is to try to limit the height of your jump while maintaining consistency. Lets say you do 100 double unders jumping 4" off the ground with each jump. Now lets say you knock off 2" from each jump and still get your 100 double under in. You just saved yourself 200" of jumping for those 100 reps you completed. This is where efficiency comes in. If you could save 200" (approximately an extra 17 FEET) of jumping do you think you could conserve more energy or get more double under in in a given amount of time? Good enough is never good enough. My goal is always to get as good as possible with a movement then make it better!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Saturday 1-09-16 WOD

Today's workout is only 30 min. It will be much easier than busting out heavy back squats. 
Or will it??? Great throwback photo from 2.5 years ago with Caitlin in Beast Mode as always... 

Saturday 1-09-16 WOD

30 Min EMOM (5 Rounds of)
Min 1 Row 14/18 Kcal
Min 2 15 Burpees
Min 3 15 Wall Balls
Min 4 10 Double Bell C&J 20/40#
Min 5 20 KB Snatches 30/50#
Min 6 15 KBS 60/80#

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Friday 1-08-16 WOD

We are one week away from tearing it up at FrostFit. We have twenty athletes getting ready for competition and I can't wait to support you and take the competiton floor with you. 
Let's blow the roof off CFW this year!!!

Friday 1-08-16 WOD

5 Rounds of
3 BB Backsquat @ 85% of 1RM
3 Weighted pull ups

Front Squats @95/135 #

5 Rounds of
3 Deadlift @ 85% of 1RM (If you don't know what your 1RM deadlift is then build to three heavy mechanically sound deadlifts).
3 Weighted pull ups. If using a band use a tempo of 41x1

KBS 60/80#
Double Bell Push Press 30/50#

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Thursday 1-07-16 WOD

Apps like Coaches Eye can help to slow movements down and show athletes what they are doing well and where improvements can be made. It's the small changes you make that can lead to big gains. With these apps you can watch in slo-mo, pause, go forward and backwards and pick out small mistakes and give drills to correct improper movement and mechanics. 

Thursday 1-07-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
10 Rounds of
250m Row
8 Walking lunges with 2x KB's overhead 30/50#+

This is not a race for time but the goal is consistent movement through the couplet. KB's should be heavy but stable throughout the lunges

Rest 5 Min

For Time
100 Wall Balls 20/30# @ 9'/10'
50 Burpees

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Wednesday 1-06-15 WOD

My guess is that this is what Wednesday might look like when "FRAN" is done with everyone...

Wednesday 1-06-16 WOD

Thrusters 65/95#
Pull Ups

Skill Work of choice if you have anything left.

KB Thrusters 25/40#
Pull Ups

Skill Work of choice if you have anything left.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Tuesday 1-05-15 WOD

The steam coming off Ali post WOD was amazing. The picture doesn't do it justice. 

Tuesday 1-05-15 WOD

5 Rounds of
2 Strict Press from the rack
60 Second hollow hold on rings (locked out at the top of dip position with hands supinated) . Time can be cumulative.

Build to a heavy two and start your first set.

5 Rounds for time
5 Muscle Ups (or ring dips)
5 Hang Power Snatches 85/115#

5 Rounds of
Double Bell C&J Build to a heavy three with a jerk NO PUSH PRESS ALLOWED! Make sure to lock out your arms as you punch under, hold your receiving position for 2 seconds and stand up to complete the rep.
60 Second hollow hold on rings (locked out at the top of dip position with hands supinated) . Time can be cumulative.

5 Rounds for time
10 KB Snatches (5&5) 40/60#
5 Ring Dips

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Monday 1-04-15 WOD

Tay Tay demonstrating some sled drags at 455# + friction from the rubber mats. You never know when you'll need to get rid of a body, or two, or three... 

Monday 1-04-15 WOD

5x3 OHS From the rack @ 85% of 1RM

For Time
Hang Power Clean 85/115#
Wall Balls 16/20+
Ring Dips

5x3 BB Back Squat @ 85% of 1RM

For Time
Double Bell Clean 40/60#
Wall Balls 14/20#
Push Ups

Friday, January 1, 2016

Saturday 1-02-15 WOD "STARKE"

Saturday 1-02-15 WOD "STARKE"

Today you will all be hitting "STARKE" but... This will be done as a partner workout (for the first time ever). Find a partner, give them "the look" and tear it up. Athletes may switch at any point by tagging your partner. The goal is to do this as quick as possible. Try to pick someone that you will be able to use only one set of equipment between the two of you.

"Starke" workout 

BB Weight 65/95#

100 DUs 
25 thrusters 65/95#
90 DUs 
25 pull ups
80 DUs
25 BB C&J 65/95#
70 DUs 
25 Push Ups
60 DUs 
25 KB swings 60/80#
50 DUs 
25 front BB squats 65/95#
40 DUs
25 wall balls 14/20# 9/10' 
30 DUs 
25 T2B
20 DUs 
25 OHS 65/95#
25 Burpees

10:30am Weightlifting 

20 Min Build
Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS via Snatch bal or behind the neck jerk

6 Snatches at previous weight achieved every 90 seconds

15 Min Build
Hang clean + Clean + Jerk + Jerk 

C&J for single Reps with remaining time in class

Looking to start a new fitness routine for 2016? Think about these things before jumping on the fitness bandwagon

Some of the Starke crew after a grueling holiday workout.

Well it looks like it's that time of year again. The ball is about to drop! By that I mean it's new years not that one of our younger members is about to become a man.

Here are some things that I have seen over the past 15+ years of coaching others and working in gyms that you might want to think about before joining a gym. These are in no particular order as they are just different thoughts floating around in my head aimlessly.

1. Before you even go check out your potential new sweat shack think about what you want from your new lifting grounds and your training. Write down exactly what you want, what you can see yourself doing,  what equipment is a must, what hours they're open, what types of classes they have (hopefully CrossFit), what are busy times, and what you might want to learn (and do they have the staff capable of showing you this and will it cost you more?)

2. Do some goal setting! Set some short term and long term goals. The problem with starting a new fitness routine and becoming that new you is that people just join a gym and typically say "I want to lose weight" or "I want to get into better shape". Those are great goals to have but how are you going to get there? Setting some goals like hitting the gym 4x a week for 60 min including a combination of strength training and cardio or metabolic conditioning is a great way to git er done and make the most of your time. If you want to learn something new research the movement, ask staff how to get started and work on it. Some things might take a little time and others might take months or even a year (or more) but think of what the byproducts of achieving that goal will be?

Think of something that excites or scares you and train for that. Make sure it's your goal so that the work you put in is worth it.

Setting weekly, one month, three month, six month, and one year goals are great ways to create a sustainable plan that can lead to success.

3. Try before you buy!

You've found this awesome place with brand new equipment and that new gym smell but what are you going to do there? Just because there's shiny equipment and big tv's doesn't mean it's good. If all you're going to do is walk on the treadmill and watch the food network then this might work but if you have no idea where to start and are going to need some support make sure the facility has the ability to support you.

4. Sometimes people say "Hey I'll get a trainer". Trainers are a great idea to keep you accountable, teach you proper movement and mechanics, and scale movements appropriately. There are a lot of good trainers out there and a lot of bad ones. Which one do you want? I've watched trainers with two degrees and a masters put people on strength training machines and half assed count reps while staring at their phones and texting. If you want a rep counter/cheer leader and to pay someone $65/hr to text their friends then I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that can sit you on a machine and count your reps and not have to teach you anything. If you're looking for someone to teach you and train you rather than just count for you then do some homework. Ask friends for recommendations and if you are already going to the facility watch how the trainer interacts with the clients. You can tell if someone is passionate about what they are doing or if they are just there to collect a paycheck.

Just a warning about training. Some places try to sell you on a "Package" for the year. Some trainers get a commission on training packages that they sell. I have had people come in with a "quote" from a gym for $6000-$8000 for a year of personal training. One of my current clients received this before coming to my gym and his wife suggested that he just by a used car and push it all over the city for exercise. If the place is going to be pushy and force you into something that you don't think you need then walk away and think about it before acting on it. If you do go through with it then you had better like that trainer a lot!

4. Plan your training into your day!

Think about your training like a meeting or an obligation. Set a time for it and make it happen. If it's a class you're attending then sign up for it so that you can plan to get there ahead of time, warm up and be prepared. Planning for success will lead to it. hoping for it will not. I can't tell you how many people have told me that they joined this 24hr gym so that they could go anytime... "I can even go at 3am if I want to". When I ask them how this 24hr place is going the usual response is that they haven't been in months "but I gotta get back to it".

Make sure you enjoy it!

Whatever you decide to do you need to enjoy it. If you don't look forward to going to the gym what are the chances of you getting there and sticking to it?

Try something new whether its CrossFit, Olympic lifting, kettlebell training, kickboxing, spin class, learn to swim, join a triathlon or running club. There is so much out there to try and do. Don't limit yourself to the treadmill or elliptical. Learn some cool new stuff and meet some great people. I have met so many amazing people that I still keep in touch with from over 20 years of trying new things and I don't regret any of them.

Good luck to to those of you out there that are wanting to start something new. If you take one thing away from this post then make sure you like what you're doing and it will lead you to success.

To those of you that continue to tear shit up on a daily basis. Keep it up because I'm sure you're someones motivation and whatever life throws at you, you'll be ready for .

Paul Dyck