Sunday, January 10, 2016

Monday 1-11-16 WOD

Sometimes an extra 2 inches isn't a good thing!
The goal for today's double unders is to try to limit the height of your jump while maintaining consistency. Let's say you do 100 double unders jumping 4" off the ground with each jump. Now let's say you knock off 2" from each jump and still get your 100 double under in. You just saved yourself 200" of jumping for those 100 reps you completed. This is where efficiency comes in. If you could save 200" (approximately an extra 17 FEET) of jumping do you think you could conserve more energy or get more double under in in a given amount of time? Good enough is never good enough. My goal is always to get as good as possible with a movement then make it better!

Monday 1-11-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
Every 2 Min for 12 min (6 Rounds)
5 Strict HSPU (add deficit as needed)

*Fitness option strict kneeling double bell press

EMOM for 6 min
5 Strict Weighted Pull Ups

*Fitness option pull ups or banded pull ups @ 31x1

Every 2 Min for 12 Min (6 Rounds)
8 DB Burpee box overs 30/50#

*Fitness option HAHA you're not getting out of this one... ;-)

5 Rounds of 1 Min DU's 1 Min recovery

Count reps completed for each round and total for the 5 min. The goal for this portion is to try to limit the height of your jump while maintaining consistency. Lets say you do 100 double unders jumping 4" off the ground with each jump. Now lets say you knock off 2" from each jump and still get your 100 double under in. You just saved yourself 200" of jumping for those 100 reps you completed. This is where efficiency comes in. If you could save 200" (approximately an extra 17 FEET) of jumping do you think you could conserve more energy or get more double under in in a given amount of time? Good enough is never good enough. My goal is always to get as good as possible with a movement then make it better!

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