Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wednesday 7-22-15 WOD

Matt working on his little scull and crossbones sweat angel. So Damn Cute!!! 

Wednesday 7-22-15 WOD

12 Reps Total of...
4x2 OHS
4x2 FS
4x2 BS

Your goal for part A. is to build for each and every set that you complete. You may do a warm up set with the bar of each of the above movements but as soon as you add weight for your first set of Overhead Squats you count that as your first set. Make sure to complete all four sets of two repetitions of your overhead squats before moving on to front squats.

Example: Sally the squatter starts her first set of two ohs with 25# a side for a total weight of 85#, Her second set of OHS she takes off the 25's and puts on 35# a sidebar a total of 105# for two reps. Her third set she busts out 45# a side for two reps. For her last set she's feeling good and adds another 15# a side for a total of 155# for two reps. After she busts that out Sally is going to add weight for her first set of Front squats and continue to add weight for each set...

Not for time

Strict Pull Ups
Strict Ring Dips


4 Rounds Not for time of...

8 BB Deadlift
8 Max height Wall Balls w. slam ball (do not catch on the way down)
8 Push Ups

Not for time

Strict Pull Ups
Strict Ring Dips (Use box or bench as needed)

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