Friday, May 27, 2016

Training on your own? How to be successful! Blog Post By Starke CDP Coach Dani Quaye

Training on your own? How to be successful!

The rate of improvement comes with how much extra time you put in to training. If you do find yourself putting in the extra work; by yourself or with others here are a few tips to keep you on track and help you to maximize your time.

  1. Set a timer 
  • Setting a time limit for training is key to making sure that you are getting as much out of your time as possible. This will help you to stick to a schedule and make sure you are not getting distracted by other things. This also helps with making sure that you are not going over time if you only have a small amount of time to give.
  1. Plan ahead
  • Ensuring that you have a plan made up of what you want to work on that day is important. Deciding to just work on anything will not always have the same benefits or desired results if you are not consistently working on them, or may lead to injury if you are working on certain things too much and not considering other movements. For example; if getting better at pull-ups is your goal working on those once a week while doing clean and jerks three or four times a week will not help you reach your goal. Making sure that your plan is well thought out with a variety will help your overall training.
  1. Quick warmup
  • Making sure that you are warmed up before starting a workout is the solution to avoiding injuries. Starting a workout with cold muscles is never something you want to do. To ensure that your muscles are warmed up make sure you are getting your heart rate up with either a quick row or run, some dynamic stretches, and then hitting all the movements in your workout.
  1. Training weaknesses
  • Training movements that you are the weakest at is one of the best ways to making improvements in them. If you want to get better at snatches you need to take time out and make certain that they are incorporated into training. If you do not work on your weaknesses they will always be a weakness, and the goal is to turn them into a strength.
  1. Don’t get distracted
  • There are a lot of things that can distract you during a training session. Cell phones being one the biggest distractions in this day and age. Being able to put your phone down and concentrate on the task at hand needs to be the first priority. If you constantly pick up your phone during training it will not only take twice as long, but it will also distract from your focus. Not being able to focus on the next lift because you are worried about answering a text is not how you want to train.
  1. Give yourself a reward
  • Take breaks as needed but do not constantly pick up your phone. Reward yourself by saying you are going to focus on one part of your workout then take a quick break to check your phone. Limit the amount of time you spend on your phone when you take a break and then go back to working out. Limiting the amount of time you spend on your phone and the amount of break time will keep you focused and on track when training.

These are just a few ideas to improve your individual training and time efficiency to help you become the athlete you strive to be.

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