Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friday 5-06-16 WOD

"B" Needing some extra help to get those hips opening up during Tactical Frog. Just add some weight and a band to pull you back because that's where all the magic happens!

Friday 5-06-16 WOD

I hope you're all feeling CHIPPER today!

10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
20 Hang Cleans @ 95/135#
30 T2B
40 KBS 30/50#
50 Front Squats @ 95/135#
40 KBS 30/50#
30 T2B
20 Hang Cleans @ 95/135#
10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips

10 Ring Dips
20 Pull Ups
30 Anchored Sit Ups
40 KBS 25/40#
50 Goblet Squats 30/40#
40 KBS 25/40#
30 Anchored Sit Ups
20 Pull Ups
10 Ring Dips

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