Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thursday 11-24-16 WOD

Haily getting "tight" at the top of her back squat... 
If you ain't tight, it ain't right...

This is test week and whether you've been doing the CrossFit Strength Cycle or the Fitness stream both have been following gradual loading and deloading weeks. Even our fitness workouts ask for percentages during workouts so this is your chance as a veteran of Starke or a newer member to test yourself and see what you can get for a single badass back squat.

There is no MetCon after this workout as a max back squat should use every muscle fiber in your body to accomplisha  maximal lift not to mention the stress on the Central nervous system for the maximal loading
(don't worry Friday's WOD will know you on your butt).

Key Points to a successful heavy squat
1. Approach the bar with a purpose and some aggression. Even during your build, this will help you to not get supposed by the load. 
2. Use the same routine every time you approach the bar and pull it form the rack. Think about how you grip it, pull yourself under it, prepare your stance, brace yourself... Make these all habits with a light or heavy weight. 
3. Get tight! Make sure to take your breath and support that spine and don't breathe again until you have about a 1/4 of your squat left on the way up by letting out some air but maintaining pressure until the lift is complete. 
4. Control your descent and use your full depth if you have it or a box if you need it for a target. 
5. Have a spotter watch for your depth and a spotter for your lift. If you spotter grabs or touches the bar then don't count the lift. If it's "All you" then it should be "All you".
6. If you PR'd your back squat then ring the damn bell and throw it up on the PR board.    

Good luck everyone and lets see how much better you got since September.

Thursday 11-24-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Build to a 1RM Back Squat

Suggested build...
2@ 80%

Some athletes prefer to build by feel so that's the other option.

One thing I've found that sometimes helps is to add more weight than you're going to squat leading up to that 1RM. In February when I PR's my back squat @ 410# it threw 460# on the bar and pulled it from the rack. My initial thought was "Holy shit this is heavy". All I did was brace and set up as if I was going to squat, stood it up, took a couple steps back and stood there for ten seconds. After that I racked it and waited 90 seconds before attempting my pr. When I pulled the 410# form the rack my initial thought was "dam this is lighter". I haven't read up much on this but my thoughts are that the added weight was extra stimulus on the central nervous system and there may have been some extra muscle fiber recruitment to get the job done. Even the mental aspect of the bar feeling lighter has to help somewhat.

Good luck and fill up that PR board!!!

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