Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Wednesday 8-31-16 WOD

Cathey demonstrating some gravity "forced" extension on a stack of 45lb plates. Cathey is one of the tightest athletes I have ever met but finding different mobility options to get her a little more "bendy" can go a long way. For this exercise we were trying to get her T-spine a little more movement. Cathey tested her overhead squat and felt tension in her shoulders and lower back. After hitting this for two minutes she was able to get a little lower than before and there was less tension. That's a Win! 

Remember to test a movement, try the mobility exercise and retest the movement. If it feels better then the original test then it worked. If it didn't make a difference then try something else and retest. 
If you want to get better and make those gainz you need to work for it!

Wednesday 8-31-16 WOD

CrossFit :
Hang Snatch 5x2@75% Pwr or full.*

Hang Clean  5x2@75% Pwr or full.*

RDL 3x5 (Build to a heavy 5 for the day)

*If athletes can perform a second rep with out putting the bar down then try for the two reps (does not need to be touch and go). If athletes need to drop the bar make sure to take the time required for a consistent set up.

Odd Double Bell C&J 25/40#
Even 10 Burpee Box Jumps

3 Rounds for time
Run 200m
10 Pull Ups (If using a band or barbell pause for one second at the bottom and top)
10 Push Ups
10 Squat Jumps

1000m Row for time

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