Thursday, February 2, 2017

Friday 2-03-17 WOD

That moment you know you have a podium spot and you and your partner are willing to bury yourselves to keep it... 

Friday 2-03-17 WOD

8 Min Bottoms up Turkish Get Ups (TGU)

Take you time go slow and start off light. Oh yeah. Chalk... Lots of chalk...

Take 10 minutes to establish three heavy front squats for the day.

3 x 3 F.S. @ above weight

8 Min Partner AMRAP
Max Row for distance & Wall Balls 20/30#

This workout is like our Starke Games workout. The main goal of the workout is to get as many wall balls and metres rowed as possible in 8 minutes.

When the partner doing wall balls puts down, drops, or allows the ball to fall (yes even by accident) they must do 5 burpees before getting on the rower and trading with their partner. The rower may continue to row while the "wall baller" is performing burpees.

Scoring for this workout is the grand total of meters rowed and wall balls (1 wall ball shot = 5 points so make sure to multiply your wall balls by 5 before adding to your row score.

R+(WB x 5)

If you row 2200m and get 130 Wall balls your final score would be  2200+(130 x 5)
For a grand total of... 2850 points

Take 10 minutes to establish three heavy front squats for the day.

3 x 3 F.S. @ above weight

Same as CrossFit Part D.

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