Sunday, September 27, 2015

Monday 9-28-15 WOD

Two of our younger beasts getting ready to take the competition floor... 
Matt #tarpsoff Quaye and "Fierce" Pierce 
Monday 9-28-15 WOD

5x2 Pause Front Squat @ 85% of 1RM
The pause should take place for two full seconds at the bottom of each front squat. Make sure to maintain tension in the bottom and on the way out of the hole.

@ 95/135#
10 Deadlift
8 Squat Cleans
6 Power Clean & Jerk

Rest exactly two minutes

For Time
Max overhead hold @ 95/135#
Get the bar overhead and maintain tension as long with locked arms as long as possible. Once the bar is overhead the athlete may not bring the bar down and start over. Try some different hand positions on the bar prior to the start of the hold. I recommend having your hands in line with your shoulders if possible rather than a snatch grip on the bar as your wrists will most likely cause you some discomfort and force you to quit sooner than the rest of your body. The closer you are to quitting try to recruit more muscles to help you out by creating more tension in your glutes, quads, and abdominals.

5x2 Pause Back Squat @ 85% of 1RM
The pause should take place for two full seconds at the bottom of each front squat. Make sure to maintain tension in the bottom and on the way out of the hole.

6 Min Ladder 1,1 - 2,2 - 3,3 -
KBS @ 60/80

For Time
Max overhead hold @ 30/50# Kettlebells
Get the bells overhead and maintain tension as long with locked arms as long as possible. Once the bells are overhead the athlete may not bring the bar down and start over. Make sure to keep your wrists, elbows and shoulders in line.  The closer you are to quitting try to recruit more muscles to help you out by creating more tension in your glutes, quads, and abdominals. 

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