Sunday, May 17, 2015

Team Starke at the PCF 3.0 Competition...

PCF 3.0 Starke Athletes

Well once again Starke had a chance to compete in a local CrossFit competition hosted by Prairie CrossFit.

This event was a great success for Starke not only because we had a great turn out from our twelve athletes but we had three out of six podium spots (first & second place in the Non-Rx category and first in the Rx Category). We had several members compete in their first CrossFit competition with great success and had a great experience along with it.

We all had three workouts to complete and the top six teams in each category went into the final. All teams made Starke proud in movement standards, support they offered to other competitors, and the way they conducted themselves as Starke athletes (which you all know I support freedom of expression and vocabulary ;-).

I think one of the things that made us and makes us successful is that we are able to be who we are and not pretend to be something we're not and still be successful. There's a time to work and a time to play. If you are always in work mode and not able to enjoy yourself and allow yourself to relax when you should then sometimes it ends up being too much.

Events are game days. Yes you have to be on but you also need to relax and enjoy they fruits of your labor. All that time that you put in at the gym working on getting stronger, faster, more mobile, and having better movement patterns will all be exposed and judged on game day. Game day is also a test to see where you have holes in your armor and see where you might need to put in a some extra work.  

I loved seeing everyone as if we were in our own gym throughout the day. During lunch we had a  tailgate party singing and dancing to the music outside to unwind and relax.
 Lunchtime Tailgate Party (Only chocolate milk & coconut water were served here)

Prior to the final event while all the other teams were warming up with weight and looking at the clock the Starke crew was doing flips and handstand walks into the foam pit and having fun. Seven  minutes before the start we hit the movements required before beginning and crushing the workout but we weren't stressing and waisting energy worrying about it which I think is important. We were warm, relaxed, and not overanxious.
Chillin Like Villains 

I can't thank our members enough for all the texts, e mails, FB messages, and for coming down to support your Starke Family. We had people constantly asking and offering to do a coffee run, get food from Safeway, or pick up anything that was needed for our crew. I was amazed but not surprised because that's just who you all are.

It is amazing to have so many people behind who we are and what we do. It's because of all of you that we are who we are and I could not have hand picked a better group of people that make up our entire membership and coaching staff.


  The Crew and some of our support who came out (sorry for those who missed the shot)

Thank you to Prairie CrossFit for putting on a great event and good luck in your sweet new space!

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