Friday, May 1, 2015

Starke CrossFit's 2015 "Open Everything"

Sometimes Avoiding The Easiest Path To Take Is The Hardest Decision To Make
Are you up for the challenge?

Hey Everyone,

You may have heard that we are doing the open everything tomorrow from 8am to 1pm.

Remember how much fun each and every open workout was this year? Well you can do them all in one day an hour apart from eachother.

We will be doing all the scaled versions (which will still kick your ass) with some modifications to the workouts.

Some recommendations to consider...

1. Don't plan on doing all the workouts unless you are a member who has been coming for a 6+ months and is used to a high volume of training. If you are newer and are only coming a couple times a week this might be a little much for you.

2. If you need modifications for any of the exercises we should have those worked out prior to the start of the workout. We need to make all movements measurable and repeatable. If you cannot perform a movement to spec. we will need to find a way to measure the movement.

3.  If you would like to come in and do one or two of the open workouts of your choice you are more than welcome to. Check out the list below and show up prior to the start time for that workout to warm up.

4. There will be no judges for the workouts as you will need to count and be accountable to your movement standards.

5. Please sign up in Front Desk to give us an idea on who will be coming for the workouts and so we can have a better idea on how to organize heats if we need to.

6. Nutrition: Make sure to pack something that sits well and is easily digestible. You will want to keep your energy up throughout the morning and not have anything too heavy since there won't be  a lot of time before and after workouts. Have a good full breakfast 90-120 minutes before the start of the workout and keep your energy up with some small snacks and meals throughout the morning.

7. Bring your "A" game!

Here's how the day is going to go down.

8:00am 15.1 & 15.1a

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of
15 Hanging Knee Raise
10 Deadlifts 55/85#
5 Snatches 55/85#

1 Rep Max C&J in a 6 min time cap

9:00am 15.2 

Every Three minutes for as long as possible...

From 0:00 to 3:00
2 Rounds
6 OHS @ 45/65#
6 Pull Ups

2 Rounds
8 Pull Ups

10 OHS
10 Pull Ups

Follow the same pattern until you can no longer complete the reps required for each round.

10:00am 15.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
50 Wallball Shots 14#/9'  20#/10'
100 Double Unders

11:00am 15.4

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of
10 Push Press 65/95#
10 Cleans 65/95#

12:00 15.5

27-21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Row (calories)
Thrusters 45/65#

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