Tuesday, May 12, 2015

60 Day Weight Loss & Performance Challenge - Complete!

We just recently finished up our second 60 Day Challenge (March - May 2015), this time focusing not only on weight loss but performance as well. While a number of you had accomplished some pretty great goals, there were the following Top Three who kicked some a*s!

Taylor comes in Third Place. He originally weighed in at 265lbs in March, his final weigh in being 246lbs, finishing with a percentage of 7.17% weight loss. 

Starke and Paul have given me a whole new set of challenges.  Not only to learn new movements but also to be able to see myself improve on each one.  There is no aspect of the work done at Starke that I won't continue to improve upon for a very long time.  This is really important to keep me engaged and interested.  In addition, Paul has created a fantastic environment that is fun, welcoming and supportive,” Taylor shares. "Because of Starke, when I die the city won't need to cut out a large portion of my bedroom wall just to get my body."

This is Brooke's second 60-day Challenge and she was excited to jump on board with even more goals to meet and exceed. She came in Second Place this time. She weighed in this time at 239lbs, her final weigh in being 215.6lbs, her percentage of weight lost being 10.02%.

“Starke changed my life forever, and the 60 Day Challenge was my motivation to get started for real this time! Two years ago I wouldn’t have believed you if you said that I could drop 100lbs and feel this great. It’s been hard work, but the coaches and the other athletes at Starke make it real, achievable, and fun.” – Brooke Pluta

Randy destroyed this 60-Day Challenge taking First Place. He first weighed in at 236.8lbs, finishing at 209.6lbs with a total percentage of 11.49% weight loss. 

“Starke isn't like any other gym, your attitude is checked at the door, the people here are amazing, and everyone is your biggest fan. I literally drive from the west end of the city to make it here because to me, it truly is THE BEST.” 

Ridiculous success all around! Aside from these Top Three Beasts, we had 15 other individuals take part in this Challenge. It takes some serious hard work and dedication to achieve results and we are SO proud of everyone!

We would like to make future Challenges bigger and better than ever. So for those of you who took part in this past 60-Day Challenge, share with us your thoughts, pros/cons, and ways to improve for future challenges. For those of you who have yet to take part in a Challenge, let us know what would make you sign up, what are some of your concerns, questions, and hesitations. We will take them all into account and make our next 60-Day Challenge bigger, better, and one you won't want to miss out on. Contact: cat@starkestrength.com

Congrats to everyone for a job well done and don't forget to give a high five to the people who have been kicking some serious a*s and working hard at achieving their goals! So proud!