Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wednesday 2-29-17 WOD

Never trust a day after "Taco Tuesday" partner carry...
Cat & Ali gettin er' done

Wednesday 2-29-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

20 Min Partner WOD
30 Kcal Row
25 KBS @ 40/60#
15 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 HSPU (level ground) / Variation / Push Press
5 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips/Dips

Monday, February 27, 2017

Tuesday 2-28-17 WOD

When the short kids are trying to use the big kid iPad to set a timer...

Tuesday 2-28-17 WOD

E90 x 5
10/14 Kcal Row
10 C2B Pull Ups

*Both movements in the same 90 seconds...

The goal for this is to stay relaxed and consistent. Make sure to scale reps on the pull ups so you can maintain a minimum of 20 seconds recovery EVERY round.

Rest 5 Min

E90 x 5
3 Squat Clean Thrusters 110/155#
3 Ring Muscle Ups/Ring Dips

Rest 5 Min

E90 x 5 @110/155
3 Back Squat Jumps (bar starts from the ground)
3 Power Cleans (gnd.)

E90 x 5
10/14 Kcal Row
10 C2B Pull Ups

*Both movements in the same 90 seconds...

The goal for this is to stay relaxed and consistent. Make sure to scale reps on the pull ups so you can maintain a minimum of 20 seconds recovery EVERY round.

Rest 5 Min

E90 x 5
3 Double Bell Thrusters 25/40#
3 Dips

Rest 5 Min

E90 x 5 @ 40/60#
3 Goblet Squat Jumps
3 Single Bell Cleans (3/arm)


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Monday 2-27-17 WOD

When you look this good they call you Matt...


Back Squat 5 x 3 @ 85%

10 Front Squats @ 85/115#
10 T2B


Back Squat 5 x 3 @ 85%

10 Goblet Squat Jumps 40/60#
10 HLR

Friday, February 24, 2017

Saturday 2-25-17 WOD

5 x 500m Sprints are always fun (except when you're doing them). 


Hey Everyone, This is how Saturdays will go down for the next five weeks...

1. There will be a WOD for the 8am & 9:15am class

2. We will have our regularly scheduled Weightlifting class at 10:30

There is OPEN WORKOUT availability for athletes wanting to complete 17.1 with judging from 12pm until 2pm 

Please sign into Front Desk and register for all time slots . 

Thank you!

Saturday 2-25-17 WOD

25 Min Partner AMRAP

25 Front Squats 95/135#
25 T2B/HLR
25 S2OH 95/135#
25 Ring Rows
25 Alternating Lunges 95/135#

Modified option is Kettlebells @ 30/50#

Why I am committed to being “Open to the Open” By: Nicole Stoddart

Nicole Hitting Open workout 15.1

Why I am committed to being “Open to the Open”

By: Nicole Stoddart

I’m an introvert, which means I typically don’t like to be challenged, but just because I am afraid of something doesn’t mean I won’t do it!  This applies in my job, at home, as well as at the gym.  I am a 43-year old woman who is a wife, Mom of a teen (and two dogs), a Deputy Director within National Defence, and a Masters athlete; I am proud of all these accomplishments!  Notice I didn’t say that I’m a Masters athlete who has won competitions, made it to Regionals, or even competed at the Rx level.  In the grand scheme of things, this doesn’t matter, at least not to me!

Life is busy for me, as for everyone, but taking time for physical activity has always been important to me, not simply for trying to look “good” or stay fit, but because it’s a mental release, a time that I can take strictly for myself, not think about anything, but simply concentrate on making it out alive at the end of a WOD!  Bottom line, CrossFit keeps me sane! Participating in the Open is a BIG challenge for me, not going to lie!  My first Open two years ago was a stepping stone for preparing mentally for something I never thought I would do; compete in CrossFit competitions!  I NEED challenges in my life, I think we all do; we need to see how far we can push ourselves, for OURSELVES!  This is important, the Open is not about comparing myself to others.  I’m not delusional, I’m not 20 years old (although I say I am still 29), I’m not going to make it to Regionals and I likely won’t be able to complete all workouts/events at the Rx level (although I will certainly make an attempt), but, I am willing to compete with the person I was the first day of Base Camp, the person I was during my first Open and even how I did in a WOD last week.  I can say with pride that I’ve improved and I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey! 

Why do I enjoy the Open?  The scaled workouts (if needed), are an opportunity for those of us that are not at the Rx level to compete; still tough for us!!  Most importantly, the Open allows to do what we are used to; complete a WOD in a friendly, fun, and familiar environment.  Again, I’m an introvert, so the hardest thing for me to do is perform in front of others.  The Open allows us to compete without being centre stage. 

We should all be proud of what we do at Starke, whether scaled, or modified, if we come in last place after a long run, after 150 wallballs, after a million thrusters!  This used to bother me (a LOT), but I have learned that I am likely the only person that cares that I am came in last.  The only thing that matters is that I finished, put my all into the WOD, and (hopefully) perform better than the last time I completed that particular skill.  We should all take that pride in our abilities a bit further and sign up for the Open and challenge ourselves.  Do not worry about where you place, simply do it for you, write down your score and know that the next time you complete 17.1-17.5 you will be better than you were in the 2017 Open!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Friday 2-24-17 Open Workout 17.1

Photo Credit Crossfit Games Website.

Friday 2-24-17 Open Workout 17.1

Workout 17.1 RX'd
For time:
10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
Men use 50-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box Women use 35-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box 
Time cap: 20 minutes


Workout 17.1
For time:
10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
Men use 35-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box Women use 20-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box (Step Ups Ok)
Time cap: 20 minutes

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Thursday 2-23-17 WOD

Throwback to "Fierce Pierce" tearing it up at Bridge City Beat Down in September 2015. 

Thursday 2-23-17 WOD

8 Min Bottoms up TGU

10 Wall Balls 14/20#
8 KBS 40/60#
6 Burpees

5 x 500m Row w 1:30 Recovery

The goal for this segment is to maintain a consistent pace for each and every 500m piece.
If you're finishing by 1 second or so for each round this is a good pace. If you're sets are taking longer each round you started off to quickly.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Are You Open To The Open? By Starke Head Coach: Paul Dyck

Lexa wondering why you haven't signed up for the open yet... 

We are just a couple of days away from the 2017 CrossFit Open and several people have signed up excited in anticipation, some are on the fence, and some are totally against it.

I have a lot of thoughts on this subject and I know this is probably going to be a post that goes in a million different directions but here we go.

First off I do the Open because I can. Whatever gets thrown at me forces me to deal with it and either get better or avoid the challenge and stay the same. I know that every year I'm a bit older (go figure) and I've only gotten better, become a smarter athlete, gained more experience, and have a better understanding of what I'm capable of. I've had a couple accidents in my life that could have ended it or left me in a position to make excuses and not even try.  I know that if I give it everything I have on the day and rise to the challenges that Dave Castro throws at me and the rest of the world I will be happy to have accepted the challenge no matter what the outcome.

If you're on the fence then jump. You're already up there. This could be the year that you put it off again for a year, or it could be the year that you give it a try and see where you're at. Some people don't like looking at the leader board. Some don't like seeing that others might be better at them in something. I've got news for you. No matter who you are and what you do, there will always be someone better, smarter, fitter, and stronger that you in any situation. The reason they are, is because they have tried and failed over and over again to get there and leaned form their mistakes.

If you're against the open because you don't think you're good enough then read the paragraph above one more time. There are different divisions, masters categories, RX'd and Non-Rx'd. If you don't have any injuries or any severe mobility restrictions then you should be getting aboard this train. There is no such thing as "not good enough" and once you start believing that then you'll open yourself up to a hell of a lot more opportunities and experiences in life.
This year at Starke we are trying something new. We are trying a team approach rather than trying to get individuals through the workouts on Friday night. Teams will be trying to collect points based on participation, team spirit, and consistency. In the end we will be awarding prizes to the teams with the most points, the most motivating participant, the best performance, and the overall motivator throughout the five weeks. We aren't just looking for the best athletes. We are looking for those who can get the people who are nervous, unsure, and hesitant to shine.

You're not in this alone and just like any day, any class, and any workout you've got your coaches, friends, and community here to support you.
Here's the link... 2017 CrossFit Open

The Low down... 

-Every Thursday for the next five weeks at 7pm you can check out the live stream at games.crossfit.com to find out what we'll be doing for open workouts.

-Every Friday night we will be performing the open workouts starting at 4pm. Anyone signed up for the open will be expected to perform these workouts with their teams. If you cannot make a "Friday Night Lights" other accommodations can be made for 12:00 on Saturday as long as the athlete finds a judge that can judge them.

-If you're willing to do the judges course your team will be awarded 20 points per athlete that completes the judges course.

-More info will be given to your team leaders which will be finalized Wednesday night. Please make sure to register for the open under "Starke CrossFit" so we can account for you and team leaders can fight in a kiddie pool full of pudding for you... 

If you have any questions on the above or competing in the Open please email info@starkestrength.com 

By Starke Head Coach: Paul Dyck

Wednesday 2-22-17 WOD

When the workout asks for an all out 500m row to finish off, this is what it should look like when you're done. If you're asking "Only once?" the answer to that is yes. Put every ounce of effort, every muscle fibre, and every breath into giving it your all. 
Chris, Erin, and Matt showing how it's done... 

Wednesday 2-22-17 WOD

Take 20 Minutes to build to a single heavy snatch from the ground for the day. Once you reach your heavy single drop to 80-85% and continue to hit singles with the remaining time.

Power Clean 65/95#
Lateral Bar Jump Burpees (no push up)

15 Min Circuit
3 KB Clean & Press/Push Press/arm 25/40#
5 Chin Ups
7 Double Bell Clean & FS.

KB Squat Jump 30/50#
Lateral Bell Jump Burpees (no push up)

Monday, February 20, 2017

Tuesday 2-21-17 WOD

These ladies may look sweet but they're not. They're savages. They will beat you like they want your lunch money. They will beat you like you stole from them. They will beat you like like you stole their man... Cathy and Sandra taking it out on pads. Consider yourselves lucky ;-) 

Tuesday 2-21-17 WOD

3 Rounds NFT
8 DB Overhead Walking Lunges 25/40# (DB's at your side for fitness option)
8 Strict C2B pull ups

6 Min Ladder.
Begin at 5 Reps of each and go up by one rep each round completed
5 Kcal Row
5 Wall Balls 14/20#

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Monday 2-20-17 WOD (Hoilday Throwdown)

Lorrie and Lexa watching some burpees. The worse a workout is the bigger the smile on Lexa's face. I think she gets it from her dad... 

Monday 2-20-17 WOD (Hoilday Throwdown)

20 Minute Time Cap
In teams of 4-5 build to your heaviest single Front Squat

10 RFT
In teams of three trade off at any time with only one person working at a time.
20 Wall Balls 20/30#
20 Box Jump Overs 20/24#
20 KBS 60/80#
20 HSPU or KB Push Press

For this this workout communication is key. One athlete should be working at all times and transitions should be instantaneous.  

1500m Team Row
Complete 1500m as fast as possible in your teams of three. Each athlete must complete 500m before switching rowers.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Saturday 2-18-17 WOD

Coach Ali, locked, loaded, and lunging at FrostFit 2017

Saturday 2-18-17 WOD

20 Minute Partner WOD

30 Kcal Row
30 Pull Ups
30 KBS 60/80#
30 Box Jumps 20/24"

Only one person working at a time trade off at anytime...

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Min Max Partner Wall Balls 20/30#

My First Individual RX'd Competiton by Starke CDP Coach Jon Martens

My First Individual RX'd Competiton 
by Starke CDP Coach Jon Martens 
Photo Credit: Eric Kapilik

On February 11th I had the privilege of competing in the Men's Lululemon invitational. This one-day throw down, which was held at Undefeated Cross fit, was my first Individual Rx competition.  It was an amazing event. The programming was great and the atmosphere was even better.

Going into this competition, I was very excited. I had always wanted to do an individual competition, and this was my chance. I tested the workouts that they had announced, and created strategies to attack them. I was confident with my training leading up and I believed that I would place well. 

When Feb 11th finally rolled around I was very excited to see how it would go.  Thirty high level athletes from across Manitoba were invited to this event and upon arrival it was clear to see how deep the field was and how talented these other athletes were.

After all was said and done, I ended up taking 15th place. When I saw the standings at the end of the day and realized that I didn’t even make the final heat, I couldn’t help but be disappointed. I had put in so much work in the prior months in hopes to make the top ten, or even fight for a podium spot. I felt so frustrated with the result that I had forgotten about all the progress I had made over the last two years since I started cross fit. 

After pondering my “poor” performance in the days to follow I came to the realization that there is nothing I could have done about the situation. I gave one hundred percent effort in every workout and I did the best I could do. The athletes in higher positions were more experienced and had been training much longer then I had.  It made me realize that I should be happy with my result because I know how much I have improved since last year.

For me, competitions are not just about proving my fitness. They are about gaining experience and understanding where my weaknesses lie.  They give me insight into what I need to focus on in the gym, whether that’s learning a new movement or refining one and making it more efficient. They also encourage me and motivate me to train. It makes me push harder knowing how much I can improve myself.  

If you have been contemplating doing your first competition or maybe registering for the open, I would strongly encourage you to do so. Competitions are way more then just placement on a leader board. They are there for you to tap into your true potential and most importantly there to be enjoyed. Don’t take yourself to seriously and beat yourself down when you don’t place as well as you expected to. Remember to enjoy the experience and be proud of your efforts.

Happy Training,
Jon Martens

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Friday 2-17-17 WOD

That awkward smile you're wearing when you get caught rubbing your partners bum after a workout. 
Way to be a creeper Jax...

Friday 2-17-17 WOD

10 Power Snatches 65/95#
8 Ring Dips

Rest 5 Minutes

5 Thrusters 65/95#
5 C2B Pull Ups

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Kcal Row
5 Over the rower Burpees

6 KB Snatches/arm 30/50#

Rest 5 Minutes

5 Double Bell Thrusters 25/40#
5 Pull Ups

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Kcal Row
5 Over the rower Burpees

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Thursday 2-16-17 WOD

The look on Ken's face when the coach explains the workout on the board and says it's not a joke... 

Thursday 2-16-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness
Skill Work:
Toes To Bar (T2B)

Spend 10 minutes working on T2B skill work with the goal of moving quick and consistently with your T2B. Coaches will assist with progressions and drills to make you #betterthanyesterday

20 Min AMRAP
50 Kcal Row
50 T2B

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Wednesday 2-15-17 WOD

Adriano, Jen, & Mike, hitting some hanging leg raise in a WOD 
They don't start counting when they start moving, they start counting when it starts hurting... 

Wednesday 2-15-17 WOD

20 Min Time Cap
Build to a 5 x 5 Hang Clean & Jerk (hang to shoulder, shoulder to overhead).

The first 10 minutes should be a build to your working weight. The following 10 minutes should be your 5 x 5 hang clean & jerk reps with two minutes rest between sets.

For Time
50 Kcal Row
50 Wall Balls 20/30#

6-8 x 5 Double Bell Front Squat + Clean + Jerk

Build to your working weight then perform 6-8 sets. Rest two minutes between sets

For Time
50 Kcal Row
50 Wall Balls 14/20#

Monday, February 13, 2017

Tuesday 2-14-17 WOD

Erin aka "Strong Girl" busting our some front squats in an EMOM last Thursday. 

Tuesday 2-14-17 WOD

4 Rounds of
8 DB OH Walking Lunges
10 Ring Dips
12 C2B Pull Ups

DB Box Over Burpees 30/50# 20/24"

4 Rounds of
8 Walking DB Lunges
10 Box/Ring Dips
12 Ring Rows @ 31x1

DB Box Over Burpees 20/40# 16/20"

* For CrossFit & Fitness part B there will be two heats. Partner up, one person counts reps while the other does reps. Chest to deck every reap. Athletes do NOT need to come to full extension on top of the box with every rep.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Monday 2-13-17 WOD

That feeling you get when you know you gave it everything you had after a workout. 
Terrance doing a little post WOD self reflection...

Monday 2-13-17 WOD

20 Min time cap. Hang Power Snatch 5 x 5 2 min recovery between sets.

The goal for part A. is to perform five hang power snatch at a challenging weight that can be repeated every two minutes. Twenty five solid and consistent reps is what we're looking for here.

Wall Balls 20/30#

15 Min Circuit
5 Pull Ups
7 Push Ups
9 Goblet Squats 50/70#
11 HLR

Wall Balls 16/20#

Friday, February 10, 2017

Saturday 2-11-17 WOD

That look you give someone when coach announces a partner workout...
Taylor doing what he does best, making things awkward...

Saturday 2-11-17 WOD

20 Min Partner AMRAP
50 KBS
40 Wall Balls 20/30#
30 T2B
20 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
10 Ring Dips

This workout should be fast and furious. Quick transitions with your partner and a consistent pace!

Partner 2000m row for time

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Friday 2-10-17 WOD

That awkward moment when these two see each other in class and have to show their love for each other. Megan & Victoria, you saw each other in class yesterday, remember?

Friday 2-10-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness
3 Rounds NFT
10 Alternating Back Lunges Women 65-95# Men 95-135#
5-8 Strict HSPU

*Build to your working weight and method for HSPU. For athletes that do not have HSPU use a box variation or strict press.


For Time...
100 DU's
10 Burpees
90 Du's
9 Burpees
80 DU's
8 Burpees
70 DU's
7 Burpees
60 Du's
6 Burpees
50 DU's
5 Burpees
40 DU's
4 Burpees
30 DU's
3 Burpees
20 DU's
2 Burpees
10 DU's
1 Burpee

* For athletes that do not have double under multiply the # of DU's by 2 and perform single skips.
** For athletes that do not have burpees I know you're lying. You just don't like them and you're doing them anyways... ;-)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Thursday 2-09-17 WOD

Tanya working on some Toes To Bar (T2B) progression in a workout. The biggest mistake people make in T2B is dead hanging under the bar and trying to bring their feet up. If you can keep your lats and shoulders active and get behind the bar every time, you shorten the distance between your feet and the bar. Looking good Tanya!

Thursday 2-09-17 WOD

5 Min EMOM
10 Thrusters 65/95#
10 Pull Ups

*Both movements in the same minute

Rest 3 Minutes

10 C&J @ 65/95#

*AMRAP for the last minute

Rest 3 Minutes

Min 1. 10 Lateral Box Jump Burpees 20/24"
Min 2. 10 Front Squats @ 65/95#

5 Min EMOM
10 KB Thrusters 25/40#
10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows

*Both movements in the same minute
*Scale #'s as needed. Athletes should choose numbers that they can complete every minute with some rest incorporated.

Rest 3 Minutes

10 Double Bell C&J @ 25/40#

*AMRAP for the last minute

Rest 3 Minutes

Min 1. 10 Lateral Box Jump Burpees
Min 2. 10 KB Front Squats @ 25/40#

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wednesday 2-08-17 WOD

Throwback to that awesome comp at Prairie a couple years ago. 
Always fun competing with anyone from the Starke crew

Wednesday 2-08-17 WOD

20 Min Build
Hang squat clean + Clean gnd. + Jerk

50 Kcal Row
50 T2B

15 Min Double Bell Circuit

Double Bell Clean + Front Squat + Lunge R + Lunge L + Jerk

Work up to and find a weight that you can perform three cycles of the complex without putting the bells down. You should be breathing heavily in the third round if you hose the appropriate weights.

50 Kcal Row
50 T2B/Hanging leg raise

Monday, February 6, 2017

Tuesday 2-07-17 WOD

Oh hi there, my name's Matt. I like CrossFit, long walks on the beach and posing for awkward photos. 

Tuesday 2-07-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

3 Rounds NFT
8 BD Overhead Walking Lunge (build to your heavy)
10 Renegade Rows
16 DB Snatches (8/arm)

*Use the same weight of DB's for all three exercises

10 Deadlift 135/185#
10 HSPU (scale to box HSPU or push press)
50 Double Unders

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Monday 2-06-17 WOD

Coach Kraus throwing up a Clean & Jerk @ FrostFit 2016. 
It's Good!!!

Monday 2-06-17 WOD

20 Min Build
Hang squat snatch + Pwr. snatch form the ground.

For Time
Hang Clean 95/135#
Bar Over Burpees

15 Min Circuit
20 Anchored Sit Ups
15 Ball Slams
10 DB Clusters
5 Pull Ups @ 31x1

For Time
KB Squat Jumps 95/135#
Bell Over Burpees

Friday, February 3, 2017

Saturday 2-04-17 WOD

Derek doing what he does best, trains hard and sweats a lot!

Saturday 2-04-17 WOD

30 Min Partner AMRAP

With only on partner working at a time... Barbell weight 65/95#
30 BB Thrusters
30 Pull Ups
30 BB Front Rack Back Lunges
30 T2B
30 KBS 60/80#

*Fitness option use kettlebells for BB work.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Friday 2-03-17 WOD

That moment you know you have a podium spot and you and your partner are willing to bury yourselves to keep it... 

Friday 2-03-17 WOD

8 Min Bottoms up Turkish Get Ups (TGU)

Take you time go slow and start off light. Oh yeah. Chalk... Lots of chalk...

Take 10 minutes to establish three heavy front squats for the day.

3 x 3 F.S. @ above weight

8 Min Partner AMRAP
Max Row for distance & Wall Balls 20/30#

This workout is like our Starke Games workout. The main goal of the workout is to get as many wall balls and metres rowed as possible in 8 minutes.

When the partner doing wall balls puts down, drops, or allows the ball to fall (yes even by accident) they must do 5 burpees before getting on the rower and trading with their partner. The rower may continue to row while the "wall baller" is performing burpees.

Scoring for this workout is the grand total of meters rowed and wall balls (1 wall ball shot = 5 points so make sure to multiply your wall balls by 5 before adding to your row score.

R+(WB x 5)

If you row 2200m and get 130 Wall balls your final score would be  2200+(130 x 5)
For a grand total of... 2850 points

Take 10 minutes to establish three heavy front squats for the day.

3 x 3 F.S. @ above weight

Same as CrossFit Part D.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Thursday 2-02-17 WOD

Lori busting out some Double Unders during a workout. 
Not everyone had double unders when they started. They put in work day after day, rep after rep, and failed attempt after failed attempt. That's the only reason she's doing unbroken sets of 60+ double unders today. She put in the work when she wasn't good at them and didn't give up!

Thursday 2-02-17 WOD


Min 1. 10 HSPU
Min 2. 10 Front Squats @ 95/135#
Min 3. 10 T2B
Min 4. 10 Hang Power Cleans @ 95/135#

Min 1. 10 Double Bell Push Press 25/40 +/-
Min 2. 10 Goblet Squat Jumps
Min 3. 10 T2B/HLR
Min 4. 10 Double Bell Cleans 25/40 +/-