Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Thursday 12-10-15 WOD

Here's a shot of coach Ross after falling off the rower post 2000m Time Trial. As a coach I don't start "encouraging" athletes when they start the row because that's just a great way to get them to redline and burn out too soon. I wait till the last 500m then allow the "encouraging" to begin. That last 300-500m is where you know if people want it or not. I was "encouraging" very loudly that she sprint till the end and so she did. After falling off the rower at the finish and taking a couple minutes to catch her breath her question was "Did I sprint the last 300, I don't remember." That's when you know they were working hard! 

Thursday 12-10-15 WOD

In 12 Min Build to your heaviest Squat Clean + Two Thrusters

10 Min EMOM
10 Thrusters @65/95#

5 Min Time Cap
Row 500m
20 Burpees
Max Pull Ups with remaining time

5 Rounds of...
6 Back squats (build to a heavy 6 for the day
6 Shoot throughs (with pushup) on paralettes or boxes.
Wall Walk with 20 Second hold (wall facing)

10 Double Bell Thrusters EMOM @ 30/40#

5 Min Time Cap
Row 500m
20 Burpees
Max Pull Ups or ring rows with remaining time


Ring Muscle Up skill work.

HSPU Review on efficiency

HSPU Ladder. The goal is to do unbroken sets for upto a total of 10 min @ 25/45# defecit athletes may take as much rest as they need before going into the next set but must come down when they hit that number on the ladder. 1 off, 2 off , 3 off, and so on. The ladder is done when the athlete connot consistently get back up and keep consistent reps.

C2B Efficiency review and test
Unbroken ladder from 1-12 same rules apply as above BUT you must do the set that you are working on unbroken or you start over from that rung...

50 Double Unders
50 Wall balls (5 burpee penalty when you drop the ball) 16/25#
50 Double Unders
50 KBS 30/50# American swings

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