Sunday, December 27, 2015

Monday 12-28-15 WOD

Coach KRAUSSSSS staying tight! Apparently planks and bridges aren't enough. Some of the 7:15am participants thought it would be a great idea to start piling stuff on each other while doing core work.

Monday 12-28-15 WOD

6@ 90%

Use percentages if you have tested your 1RM snatch recently (in the past 6-8weeks) and base it off of that # If not go by feel and have a coach help you establish your numbers. Your reps at 90% must be technically sound to reinforce good patterns. NO SKETCHY SNATCHES!!!

3x10 Back Squat jumps from the rack @ 40% of 1RM back squat with 90 seconds recovery in between sets. As long as your feet leave the ground we will call it a jump. Test this movement with an empty bar first to make sure you are comfortable with he movement. Think about actively pulling the bar down onto your upper back and shoulders so that the bar does not disconnect from the body during the jump.

Row 500m
50 Wall Balls
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Pull ups

3x10 Double Bell C&J (Build to your heavy weight first then start your sets).

3x10 KB snatches/arm. First build to a heavy snatch for 10 reps. This may be more than we typically use in a class as RX'd weight. Once there perform three sets of 10 snatches per arm with 60-90 seconds recovery between your sets. One set is considered ten reps on each arm. The weight should be heavy enough that you need to put it down on the ground between arms. Remember perfect setup and pulling position from the ground to be able to go into your first repetition.

3x10 Back Squat jumps from the rack @ 40% of 1RM back squat with 90 seconds recovery in between sets. As long as your feet leave the ground we will call it a jump. Test this movement with an empty bar first to make sure you are comfortable with he movement. Think about actively pulling the bar down onto your upper back and shoulders so that the bar does not disconnect from the body during the jump.

Row 500m
50 Wall Balls
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Pull ups

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