Monday, February 29, 2016

Tuesday 3-01-16 WOD

A shot of the "Men" from the Dakota/Starke lifting meet. I can still hear the weights and PR's dropping...

Tuesday 3-01-16 WOD

Skill work (10 Min)



5 Rounds
3 Pull Ups @ 31x1
3 Ring Dips @ 31x1

Use a tempo for both movements and add weight as necessary with the tempo as long as you can maintain the tempo

Hang Cleans 85/115#
Front Squats 85/115#


5 Rounds
3 Pull Ups @ 31x1
3 Ring Dips @ 31x1

Double Bell Cleans 20/40#
Double Bell Front Squats 20/40#

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Monday 2-29-16 WOD

Magda working on some jerks from the rack while we slow things down with coaches eye and analyze what she could be doing better. Sometimes you can tell an athlete something and it may not make sense. If you can show an athlete exactly what they are doing in slow motion it's amazing on how that can help. Mirrors won't help with how fast you're moving in an Olympic lift to show deficiencies. 

Monday 2-29-16 WOD

5x3 Front Squat @ 80-85% of 1RM

10 HSPU @ 25/45# deficit
8 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
6 T2B/C2B Couplet
4 DL@ 130/185#
2 C&J@ 130/185#

5x3 Back Squat @ 80-85% of 1RM

10 Double Bell Push Press 30/50#
8 Ring/Box Dips
6 T2B/Variation
4 Heavy KBS
2 Double Bell C&J 30/50#

Friday, February 26, 2016

Saturday 2-27-16 WOD

Any guesses on who these ladies are? They did 16.1 at noon today and I just had to take  a finishers photo while everyone else went for a walk outside ;-) 

Saturday 2-27-16 WOD

12 Min Build
"Bear Complex"
Squat Clean + Thruster + Backquat + Thruster

10 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 T2B
12 KB Snatches 35/55# (6/arm)

One round of each for max reps/min with zero transition time
Min 1 Double Unders
Min 2 KB Swings 30/50#
Min 3 Double Unders
Min 4 Single bell C&P 30/50#
Min 5 Double Unders
Min 6 Single Bell Goblet squat jumps 30/50#

Your score is the total number of repetitions completed in the 6 minutes.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Friday 2-26-16 WOD OPEN WORKOUT 16.1

Photo credit to 16.1 page
Julie Foucher with the 16.1 workout demo

Friday 2-26-16 WOD

For athletes registered and competing in the open the workout will be found just below here. I have some scaled


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Men lunge 95 lb.
Women lunge 65 lb.
Prior to starting this workout, each athlete will need to mark a starting point on the floor, measure out 25 feet and make another mark on the floor at the finishing point. Additionally, intermediate marks must be made at every 5-foot interval, each of which represents 1 rep of the lunge.
This workout begins with the barbell resting on the floor near the pull-up bar. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will pick up the barbell and lunge with it overhead for 25 feet. They will then perform 8 burpees, jumping over the barbell on each repetition, before picking the barbell back up and lunging back in the opposite direction. Once back at the pull-up bar, they will perform 8 chest-to-bar pull-ups, and then will head back to the barbell to begin the next round.
Your score will be the total number of repetitions completed before the 20-minute time cap.

The scaled option is found below. 

(Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. front rack walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. front rack walking lunge
8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
Men lunge 45 lb.
Women lunge 35 lb.
(Masters Men 55-59, Masters Men 60+, Masters Women 55-59, Masters Women 60+)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 chin-over-bar pull-ups
Men lunge 65 lb.
Women lunge 45 lb.
Scaled Masters
(Scaled Masters Men 55-59, Scaled Masters Men 60+, Scaled Masters Women 55-59, Scaled Masters Women 60+)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. walking lunge
8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
*Lunges are unweighted 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Thursday 2-25-16 WOD

Caitlin throwing some weight around while Chris applauds her efforts from behind at FrostFit 2016 

Thursday 2-25-16 WOD

20 Time Cap
5x2 Split Jerk

Build to a heavy 2 split jerk from the rack. Once you reach your heavy two count that as your first set and perform four more sets of two reps. Athletes should be able to lower the bar an receive it in the front rack position prior to performing the second rep.

5x300m Row with 60 sec recovery.

Try to maintain a consistent time on your 300's with your fifth set being the fastest!

15 Min Circuit
5 Double bell seated strict press
5-8 Standing push press (right after the above 5 reps are done stand up and go directly into the push press.
6 Single leg KB deadlift (If you are standing on your right leg the KB should be in your left hand.

5x300m Row with 60 sec recovery.

Try to maintain a consistent time on your 300's with your fifth set being the fastest!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Wednesday 2-24-15 WOD

Thrwoback to May 2012 He lifts a hell of a lot more but his attitude hasn't gotten any better. 
Coach Craig performing some anchored situps with digitus medius extensions

Wednesday 2-24-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:
20 Min EMOM
14/16 Kcal Row
14 DB hang Snatches  (7/arm) 30/50#+
50 Double Unders
8 Box Over Burpees 20/24"
10 Wall Balls 20/30#

Skill Work/Mobility

Monday, February 22, 2016

Tuesday 2-23-16 WOD

The OPEN starts this week! Are you signed up? Are you judging? Are you going to test yourself? 
I'm doing the open. Are you?

Tuesday 2-23-16 WOD

15 Min Build to a heavy 5 TNG clean

6 Min EMOM
5 Front Squats @ the above weight

10 Wall Balls 20/30# 9/10'
10 KBS
10 Burpees

15 Min circuit
10 KBS
5 Pul Ups @ 3131
10 KB push press (5/arm)
5 Push Ups @ 3131

6 Min EMOM
6 Double Bell C&J

10 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
10 KBS
10 Burpees

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Monday 2-22-16 WOD

Friday's 7:15am class taking on Six rounds for time of 
10 BB Back Squats @ 65/95# 
10 Push Press @ 65/95# 
10 Pull Ups 
10 Kettle bell swings 30/50# 
"It felt good until round three" 

Monday 2-22-16 WOD

OHS 2-2-2-2
FS 2-2-2-2
BS 2-2-2-2

Athletes have four sets of two reps of each of the above exercises. Once you add weight to your first OHS consider that your first set. Athletes should add weight to every set you complete. If you fail a lift you may repeat it but only once for each of the squat sequences.

5 Muscle Ups
50 DU's
10 T2B
5 HSPU @ 3x25# & 3x45# as deficit/side

5 Rounds of
Back Squats @ 85-90% 2-2-2-2-2
Alternate DB back lunges (build to appropriate weight)

5 Ring Dips
30 DU's
10 Hanging leg raise with beat swing
5 DB Push Press 30/50#


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Friday 2-19-16 WOD


Friday 2-19-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

10 BB Back Squats @ 65/95#
10 Push Press @ 65/95#
10 Pull Ups
10 KBS 30/50# (Athletes without restrictions may go overhead)

6 Min Build to a max squat clean +3 thrusters

10 Goblet Squat Jumps 30/50#
6 KB Push Press/arm 30/50#
10 Pull Ups
10 KBS 30/50#

6 Min Build to a max 3 back squat for the day

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thursday 2-18-15 WOD

Will the kissing cousins make a return to competition in 2016? 
I get asked that a lot and all I can say is 
"I hope so, but it's out of my control"

Thursday 2-18-15 WOD

12 Min Build
1 Squat Clean + 2 Front squats

"Light Grace"
30 Ground to shoulder shoulder to OH.
Rest exactly 2 Min & Repeat

Rest 5 Min after your 2nd round then start part C.

15 Wall Balls 20/30#
15 KBS 30/50#
15 Plate Burpees*

12 Min Circuit
10 Alternating DB Lunges 30/50+
5 Pull Ups

KB Grace
30 KB Clean & Jerk 20/40#
Rest exactly 2 Min & Repeat

Rest 5 Min after your 2nd round then start part C.

15 Wall Balls 14/20#
15 KBS 30/50#
15 Plate Burpees*

No hand touch required but athletes need to jump onto a plate at the top of the movement.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Wednesday 2-17-16 WOD

Remember the times... we got in trouble for putting up "inappropriate signs" 
I'm sure those weren't the last times... 

Wednesday 2-17-16 WOD


30 Min EMOM
Min 1 50 DU's
Min 2 15 T2B
Min 3 10 BB Snatches @ 65/95#

30 Min EMOM
Min 1 30 DU's
Min 2 10 T2B
Min 3 14 KB Snatches 30/50# (7/side)

Monday, February 15, 2016

Tuesday 2-16-16 WOD

Holiday WOD warm up. What do you do with 27 athletes in 750 sq/ft of exercise space? 
You get creative!!!

Tuesday 2-16-16 WOD

4 F.S.
4 B.S.

For part A. you have a total of 12 repetitions to build with. As soon as you add weight to your bar for your OHS. consider that your first rep. This is a short quick build for each of the movements so if you have a relatively heavy max for each of the above movements then you can ad more weight for each respective rep. Make sure to perform all four of your overhead squats prior to beginning the Front Squat portion.

5 Thrusters 95/135#
10 C2B Pull Ups

5x5 Back squat @ 80-85% of 1RM

10 KB Thrusters (5&5) @ 30/50#
10 Pull Ups

Athletes should only use one KB for this workout and perform all 5 reps with one arm before switching to the other.

Do You Even Lift? Weightlifting Etiquette & Tips To Help Make You A More Successful lifter by Paul Dyck

Do You Even Lift? 
Weightlifting Etiquette & Tips To Help Make You A More Successful lifter 
by Paul Dyck 

There are certain things that are appropriate and not appropriate in a weightlifting class. We want everyone to become better and training safe, being consistent, and awareness can lead to a better performance and experience on your path to becoming a better weightlifter.

1. Warm that brain & body up...

Olympic lifting is requires the whole body to be running on all cylinders. Blood needs to be pumping, your central nervous system and synapses lighting up at speeds faster than a super computer can manage to produce a technically sound and desired outcome. Your joints need to be mobile and warm. The synovial fluid between articulating joints should be viscous to help limit friction and protect you.

With all that being said athletes need to come into the gym and start getting mentally and physically prepared for the task at hand. If you show up 15-20 min early for a lifting class and there is nothing going on then take that time to warm that body up whether it's with some rowing or a dynamic warm up and start hitting mobility in your wrists, shoulders, T-spine, hips, knees, ankles, and anywhere else you might need some TLC.

You can sit and play with your phone for 15 minutes or you can become better and prepare mentally and physically for what you're about to do to your body.

Pet Peeve: When athletes come in form -40c and jump on a foam roller or lacrosse ball while complaining about how cold they are. Jump on the AirDyne, Rower, or Jump Rope for 5 min then start some rolling. Cold tissues are not responsive to rolling, smashing, or friction work. Warm up then loosen up (consider it pre-workout foreplay)!    

2. When an athlete is preparing or performing a lift...

Do not walk directly in front of them while they are setting up
Do not clang and bang weights (this includes adding or taking plates off your bar)
Do not yell or talk

Athletes have enough to think about and focus on whether it's a max lift or trying to refine part of a lift. So many people say "there's so much to think about when I'm lifting". This is true. As you become a better lefter and the brain and the body are working together there will be less and less cues that you need to focus on. If you take the time to learn and build in that muscle memory then it will be easier for you to perform your movement with less thought. The better you get the more technical and refined your movements and cues become but it will take a while to get there. The last thing you need when you are trying to focus is everything else going on around you.

3. Watch where you're going...

Whether you're walking to grab some more weight or your water be aware of whats going on around you. If someone is setting up for a snatch and you walk right by the end of their bar it may clip you on the way up or down and can cause injury to the lifter as well. Be aware all the time!

4. Watch & learn...

While resting between complexes and attempts, watch others who have been lifting for a while. Everyone has things they need to work on but watching athletes who have been doing it for a while can be a great way to pick up on some good habits and it may help you to understand some of the cues better that coaches may be offering. This also ties in with my next point...


After performing drills, complexes, attempts, or lifts you may be a little out of breath. If you just missed a lift at a decent weight relative to your max sit down and refocus on what you did well, what you did wrong, and what one or two cues you need to think about during the next lift.

If you miss a lift and are gassed then try to lift it 10 seconds later how do you think that's going to go? More experienced lifters have a good idea of how much rest they need before attempting the weight again. Rule of thumb in weightlifting, if you are breathing heavy then DON'T go back up to the bar! Take two to three minutes recovery and focus on quality and not quantity.

6. Goal setting...

Set some goals for lifting. It could be a weight that you want to hit by a certain date. It could be a drill that you want to have perfected, it could be an accessory movement that you wan to perform after every class to work on a weakness.

Good things don't come to those who wait, they come to those who work their asses off and never give up!

7. Write it down...

When all is said and done write down your workout, write down the weight you used, and write down the consistent cues that you received from the coach. Most times the cues are the same during a session and until you can get those movements dialed in it will be tough to progress.

Looking back can show you how far you've come and your accomplishments.

Next time you come to a weightlifting class think about these tips and get the most out of your training. This is not a sport where gains come quickly. You need to be consistent, diligent, and attentive.

Good luck, stay strong, lift heavy...

Paul Dyck

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Monday 2-15-16 Holiday WOD

Monday 2-15-16 Holiday WOD

20 Min Build as a team to your heaviest complex of...

Hang Clean+Clean+Front Squat+Jerk

5 Rounds of...
1 Min Wall Balls 20/30#
1 Min Burpees
1 Min KB Snatches 30/50#
1 Min Box Jumps
1 Min Pull Ups
1 Min Rest

Count all your reps as cumulative and mark them down for each round during your rest period. The goal is to stay consistent throughout your rounds.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Saturday 2-13-16 WOD

That moment when you're sitting in your chair in front of the computer with a hot cup of cup of coffee programming workouts and you get visions of what your athletes look like when they finish your 30 Min EMOM. Sometimes (or most times) your visions become a reality... 

Saturday 2-13-16 WOD

In 10 min build to your heaviest three touch and go deadlift. 

20 Min Grinder 
3 Deadlift 
6 Chin Ups (add weight as needed)
9 KB Clean & Jerk 30/50#
12 KB Snatches (6&6 go heavy)

6 Min Partner AMRAP
Max squat cleans @ 95/135#

Unlimited switches allowed. 

The Synergistic Effect Of The Premature Elbow Bend

Jon demonstrating the premature elbow bend in the snatch. It took forever to get this shot because he never bends his elbows too soon. I hope I didn't create any bad habits trying to accomplish this ;-)

The Synergistic Effect Of The Premature Elbow Bend
by Paul Dyck

I know this is a sensitive subject for some people but it needs to be talked about so that it may come to light and be defeated.

The premature elbow bend is responsible for a loss of power and PR's all over the world every hour of every day. It is something that is created out of habit and can be seen in many different exercises which is why it is considered a synergistic effect.

When I see an athlete performing an Olympic lift in the Snatch or Clean & Jerk and notice a premature elbow bend in one it usually comes up in the other. When I see that same athlete doing a DB snatch, kettlebell clean, medball clean, rowing, the initial pick up of a ball slam, that same elbow bend will be there.

Why is it so important to keep your arms straight for as long as possible during these movements?

Loss of power and building bad habits are the main reasons. All of the exercises that I mentioned above require a drive from the legs to start the movement and create momentum on the object being lifted. Maintaining tension throughout the system (your body) will allow you to take advantage of the big movers (your legs) and help you with maximum power transfer and efficiency in your movements. If you bend your elbows too soon you will be changing your positioning right from the beginning of the movement setting you up for poor mechanics throughout the rest of the lift and creating bad movement patterns. You limit the power that the legs are generating and might force yourself to recover in different ways to make the lift.

When the weight is light you can get away with it but as weight gets heavier and you want to lift it efficiently and flawlessly you need to make sure that your movement patterns are spot on.  

How can you fix a premature elbow bend? My suggestion is always to break down the movement and go back to basics.

Every time you lift set up for a lift even before the weight comes off the ground, make sure to think about your mechanics before trying to "rip" the bar from the ground. If needed go back to the basics and move slowly through the movement so you know exactly when and why you should be bending your elbows.

You've hear the term "Good things come to those who wait". The longer you wait to bend your elbows the more power and momentum you will be able to generate and the more weight/distance you should be able to move & cover with proper mechanics.

If you are working to fix a premature elbow bend in your movements then strip your weight and work your way through the movement bit by with with drills from a coach. You may need to break the movements down to the basics and perform drill after drill and rep after rep until you can reprogram your movement patterns and eventually generate the most power and force so that a more challenging weight can be applied and your mechanics stay the same. The goal would be to get this so dialed in that it becomes second nature for you and you don't even need to think about it in any lift or movement that you perform.

Do you suffer form premature elbow bend? Ask a coach or a friend to watch you or even take a video of yourself and see if you are losing power and lifting below your potential.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Friday 2-12-16 WOD

Are you signed up for the open yet? Well you should be. 
We cant wait to judge you.... Muahahahahah

Friday 2-12-16 WOD

15 Minute Build
Squat Clean+Front Squat+Jerk

E90 for 5 Rounds
Squat Clean +4 Front squats (total of 5 squats)

10 Snatches 65/95#
10 Ring Dips

4 Double bell kneel to stand + strict press
6 Double Bell Cleans
8 Double Bell shoulder to OH

E90 for 5 Rounds
10 Wall Balls  14/20# 9/10'
8 KBS 50/70#
6 Burpees

12 KB Snatches 30/50#
10 Goblet Squats
10 Clean & Press (5&5)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Thursday 2-11-16 WOD

Throwback Thursday to June 2013 Matt & Ali cleaning and jerking 
(much smaller loads then they do now) 

Thursday 2-11-16 WOD

10 Min AMRAP
10 T2B
10 Alternating Pistols
10 Alternating DB Step Ups 30/50# 16/20"

8 Min Build
Squat Clean+3 Thrusters

7 Min Max Thrusters with a partner @ 85/115#
Tag off as much as needed and perform as many reps as possible in the 7 min.


10 Min AMRAP
10 T2B or variation
10 DB Push Press
10 Alternating Pistols (box)
10 Alternating DB Step Ups 20/40# 16/20"

8 Min EMOM
3 Pull Ups @ 31x1
5 Push Ups or 3 Ring Dips @ 31x1

Max double bell thrusters with a partner in 7 min @ 30/50#

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Wednesday 2-10-16 WOD

Using the wall for a bit of squat therapy is a great way to improve your squat mechanics but when you're the only one in the gym doing it and you could use any spot on the wall maybe you should #thinkbeforeyousquat 

Wednesday 2-10-16 WOD

30 Min EMOM
Min 1. 10 Alternating BB Lunges 85/115# (front rack pos.)
Min 2. 8 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees
Min 3.10 Front Squats 85/115#
Min 4. 8 C2B Pull Ups
Min 5.10 C&J 85/115#
Min 6. 10 OHS 85/115#

*Fitness option may use Kettlebells to modify BB movements

Monday, February 8, 2016

Tuesday 2-09-16 WOD

The first thing we do when we travel is find a grocery store that has GOOD food. If you're going to be away for a week and all you do is eat shit and fast food then how do you think you're going to feel and perform? Just because you're away from home doesn't mean that you should be forced to eat junk. Plan ahead, and be successful. #makegoodchoices

Tuesday 2-09-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness
Muscle Up EMOM for 15 Min

EMOM 15 min
3-5 Pull Ups
3-5 Ring Dips

Add weight or a tempo of 31x1 as needed

2 Rounds of
500m Row
50 KBS @ 30/50#
Max burpees with remaining time
Rest 5 min

This workout has a 5 min time cap. If you can finish the Row and the 50 KBS in under the 5 min perform as many C2B pull ups or pull ups as possible. Rest 5 min then repeat.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Monday 2-08-16 WOD

A shot from the Starke Games 2015. We're already planning the 2016 TWO DAY EVENT planning workouts (and testing them) securing permits and we can't wait to show you what's in store!
This years games will be a competition with events like this city hasn't ever seen.
If you liked last year then you're gonna love this year!
August 6th & 7th 2016

Monday 2-08-16 WOD

15 Min Build
High Hang Snatch
Snatch Bal.
Hang Pwr. Snatch
Snatch Bal.

With the weight achieved in part A.
E90 for 5 rounds...
Hang Power Snatch x 2
Hang Squat Snatch x 1

100 DU's
Max DB Box Over Burpees  @ 30/50# 20/24"

Build to your heavy in aprox 5 min and start
15 Min Circuit
5 KB Snatch/arm (build to a heavy 5)
5 KB Clean & Jerk/arm (Build to a heavy 5 and make sure to use a jerk for lockout)
5 Chin Ups @ 41x1

E90 for 5 rounds...
22 KB Snatches (11/side) 30/50+

100 or 200 singles DU's
Max DB Box Over Burpees  @ 30/50# 20/24"

Friday, February 5, 2016

Saturday 2-06-16 WOD

Bonnie just taking a break before getting back to work ;-)

Saturday 2-06-16 WOD

25 Min Heavy Grinder
3 Deadlift  Build to a heavy three 225/315#+
6 Ring Dips  (add weight as needed)
9 Strict Pull Ups (if using a band @ 21x1)
12 KBS
40' Sled Drag  300/400#

7 Min Max partner row

With a partner row as many metres as possible while your partner performs a static hold with two kettle bells in fixation overhead. You may switch as many times as you like for this part but rowing may only be performed when the partner is holding the kettlebells overhead.

Road to Nationals #2: Why do I have to train, can’t I just lift and have fun? by Coach Craig Gilbert

Road to Nationals #2: Why do I have to train, can’t I just lift and have fun?
Craig Gilbert

I often hear people speak of training in the gym, discussing what they’re working on or how they would like to improve at some skill or task. Maybe we want to be a better weightlifter or cycle through our pull-ups quicker, or perhaps our endurance on the rower could use some improvement. We would all agree that the best means to improvement would be through training (as opposed to sitting on the couch dreaming), but how many of us know what training actually involves?

Speaking to the example of weightlifting, if you come to the gym every few days and spend some time lifting or maybe squatting, you are not training. You are exercising. Sorry to break it to you.

Now I don’t mean to discourage any of the athletes in the gym. If you enjoy coming to the gym and lifting weights and earning the associated health benefits through the sweat and hard work, that is awesome! You are taking steps to improve yourself and should be commended. However, you will never reach your full potential as a weightlifter (or a CrossFitter) if you don’t commit yourself to training.

This is the stage that I was at a year ago. I enjoyed weightlifting immensely and wanted to be better at it. So I would come to the gym and snatch or clean and jerk and call it a day. I did what I enjoyed, had some fun, and thought that was good enough. But this wasn’t training, and I wasn’t getting all that much better. My problem is that I was coming to the gym every day and exercising, but I was not really training. So I found a coach (Terry Hadlow at Dakota Weightlifting) and committed myself to training. I’ve come to realize that focused and intelligent training is the only road to becoming the best athlete that we can be. Simply coming to the gym to exercise won’t cut it. So here, in a nutshell is my philosophy on training:

1.     Your goals will dictate your training.  If you are looking for general physical preparedness, to make positive changes in your life or to lose some weight, or perhaps to increase your activity level or take on the challenge of CrossFit or Olympic weightlifting in a non-competitive sense, then you likely don’t need to train. You will make awesome gains and have a great time just through showing up to class and putting the work in! But if you want to compete or push yourself to your highest levels, then you need to be training. Figuring out what you want is the first step.

2.     You need to put in the time. Training is not a once a week endeavor! Get to the gym whenever you can, and if you can’t then ask your coach what you can be doing instead that also supports your goals.

3.     You cannot train yourself, you need a coach. Whether you need guidance on how to perform a movement, a critical eye to keep you honest, an objective evaluation of your progress or just a hug, you need the help of someone who is capable of doing so.

4.     You cannot come to the gym and do what you feel like doing, you need to come to the gym and do what needs to be done. These will usually not be the same thing. Your coach will be the one who tells you what to do, and often you won’t like it.

5.     You need a program. In Olympic weightlifting, programming is critical! Training involves making small adjustments under load, and these must be programmed so that you can build on your achievements over time. If you are training for an event, then you need a training program that supports your development as the event approaches and will enable you to perform at 100% during a specific period of time.

6.     You will need to prioritize your time and if necessary, make sacrifices. For example, as much as I loved doing CrossFit, it wasn’t supporting my development as a weightlifter, so it had to go.

7.     You need to take ownership for your progress. It is up to you to put in the work and stay committed. It is also your responsibility to know your numbers, and to know what your coach wants from you. If you can’t make it to the gym, ask your coach what you can be doing to support your development until the next training session. And if you are not recording your sessions in a daily training log then your progress will be limited.

I generally enjoy training, but I’ll be honest with you. Sometimes it just plain sucks! But if you want to stand on that podium instead of watching from the side, it’s the only way.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Friday 2-05-16 WOD

6am Killin it as usual... These rare breed of creatures are highly motivated to get up and train before most people's alarms have even gone off. #hardworkpaysoff #starkestrong

Friday 2-05-16 WOD

15 Min Build

Snatch Complex.
Snatch High Pull From Launch
Power Snatch From Launch
Overhead Squat

Every ninety seconds for four rounds 4 OHS via. Snatch from ground (15 reps)

100 Double Unders (buy in)
10 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 Front Squats 110/155#

15 Min Circuit
15 KBS 50/70#
10 Slam Ball Cleans
5 Pull Ups @ 31x1
5 Ring Push Ups @ 31x1

Every Ninety seconds for four rounds with two kettle bells
One Clean
Three Front Squats
One Clean
Three Push Press

Build up to and pick a challenging weight that you can do without putting down

200 Single Skips (buy in)
10 Wall Balls 14/20#
10 Alternating DB lunges (5/leg alternating)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Thursday 2-04-16 WOD

Just chillin after a hard row and some burpees... 

Thursday 2-04-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness
12 Min Partner AMRAP
10 Thrusters @ 65/95#*
10 C2B Pull Ups

10x30 second rounds EACH of Max Calorie Row

With your same Partner Max calorie row alternating every thirty seconds not including a 10 second transition period. Your total score is the grand total of all twenty rounds of rowing.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Lady & Gentleman's Guide To Complements At The Gym

A Lady & Gentleman's Guide To Complements At The Gym

Well recently the topic has come up of what is an appropriate compliment to offer a hard working individual at the gym.

These compliments are different for men and women and your words must be chosen wisely or you may find yourself with less friends even though your intention was to compliment the individual on all the hard work they are doing.

Lets look at some of the DON'T list first as this one is more important if you would like to not get beaten up.

Hey Destiny, I just wanted to let you know that you are looking very _____________ Today!


Absolutely NONE of the above words should be used to compliment a female gym goer as there is no way to spin it in a good way.

Next up is the list of acceptable list compliments (DO's) as agreed upon by a full panel of women... Please insert the appropriate word into the blank space and know you're safe!

Hey Lafonda, I just wanted to let you know that you are looking very _____________ Today!

Beast (to be used as "You're a beast" or "She's in beast mode" NEVER TO BE USED AS "You look like a beast" know that "What a beast" can be taken either way and must be used with caution!!!

Alternatively ladies. It's OK for you to use any word from either of the two categories to compliment a gentleman lifter. Funny how that works, Isn't it?


Wednesday 2-03-16 WOD

Is Amy ready to jerk this bar or did she forget what she was about to do with it?
Leave your comments as to what's going on in her head... (Sorry Amy ;-)

Wednesday 2-03-16 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

30 Min EMOM
Min 1.  5 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
Min 2.  10 Burpees
Min 3.  8 C2B Pull Ups
Min 4.  16 KB Snatch 30/50#
Min 5.  10 T2B
Min 6.  Rest

Monday, February 1, 2016

Tuesday 2-02-16 WOD

Hey Lily, The workout ended 15 minutes ago. Are you planning on getting up anytime soon? 

Tuesday 2-02-16 WOD

15 Min Build
Hang power clean + Front Squat + Jerk

8 Min EMOM
Using the Previous weight achieved in Part A.
1 Squat clean + 2 Front squats

5 Rounds of...
90seconds work 90 seconds rest (90/90)
60 Second Row for max calories 30 seconds max burpees
Rest 90 seconds.

If you row 27 kcal in 60 seconds count up with your burpees from there 28...29...30... etc.

Not to scare anyone off or anything but part C. was probably the most devastating workout I've ever programmed for you guys. Last time as 10 rounds this time it's only 5 so go faster and harder. It's only five rounds ;-)

please repeat in your head with a Russian accent. "Don't Be Sissy"

15 Min Circuit
10 KBS (Heavy)
6 Double Bell Strict Press starting in a kneeling position to standing to pressing. alternate legs on the way up and down and STAY TIGHT!!!
2 Turkish Get Ups (TGU)

8 Min EMOM
Double Bell Clean + 2 front squats

5 Rounds of...
90seconds work 90 seconds rest (90/90)
60 Second Row for max calories 30 seconds max burpees
Rest 90 seconds.