Wednesday, March 15, 2017

CrossFit Isn't For Everyone... By Paul Dyck

 I am impressed with every athlete at Starke. They all push, grind, work, and refine skills and aspects of training and understand that progress takes time and doesn't come over night. Give your best effort every day you come in and there is no other option than to get better...

CrossFit Isn’t For Everyone
By: Paul Dyck

I keep hearing "CrossFit is For everyone" and "Everyone should do CrossFit". As a CrossFitter, affiliate owner, and personal trainer of 15 years,  I honestly don't think that CrossFit is for everyone. 

For someone to be successful and to progress in training and the environment where they will be tested in "functional fitness" they must be willing to pay attention at all times. They need to be aware of their surroundings and environment, and most importantly they need to be aware of how they move their bodies and external loads. 

I'm not saying that CrossFit can't be for everyone but the individual has to want to learn, they have to want to become better, they have to be patient. Athletes must also be willing to pay attention to how they move their bodies not only in the gym but outside of it as well.

When I say "athlete" I'm referring to everyone in the gym not just the competitive individuals (and we all compete with yesterdays version of ourselves). We are all athletes and need to believe that.

I have had athletes come in over the years that don't care about how they move, they don't want to learn anything new, they don't want to challenge themselves, or push to become better. Those people don't last very long and are looking for short term gain with minimal output and sacrifice.

The successful athlete and CrossFitter come in with an open mind, a hunger to become better versions of themselves, and are willing to put up with short term pain for long term gain. They understand that Rome wasn't built in a day and successful athletes don't wake up successful, they are built not born.

I've seen what CrossFit can do for people young and... not as young ;-) and the results are amazing. The only reason that the results are amazing is because so are the people putting in the work every day. 

For those that don't care and aren't willing to be vulnerable, ask for help, or be willing to fail, not to worry. CrossFit Isn't For Everyone... 



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