Friday, March 31, 2017

Saturday 4-01-17 WOD

Lanny helping Jeff with a little partner assisted T-spine mobility. 
Easy there Lanny don't break him... 

Saturday 4-01-17 WOD

30 Min Partner AMRAP

50 DB Cleans 30/50 +/- (from the ground)
40 T2B
30 Ring Push Ups (palms forward @ lockout)
20 Double Bell Clean + FS + Jerk
10 Strict C2B/Pull Ups
200m Run (both partners)

How I Pick Starke Coaches... Blog Post by Paul Dyck

Canada Day 2016 From left to right Coaches Laurie, Caitlin, Cat, Paul, & Caden

How I Pick Starke Coaches
By: Paul Dyck

Recently I've had several people asking when the next Starke CDP program will be starting up. With all the planning and prep for Starke 2.0 we won't be running another CDP session until November 2017.

Currently we are finishing up our January CDP session with Jon coaching classes and me shadowing them. When potential coaches start out they're a bit nervous and reserved. As time goes on they start approaching members more and more and are able to give better cues and suggestions for each individual athlete on how to modify an exercise or how to attack a workout.

One of the things I love seeing the most is the increased confidence when delivering a workout to a class. The first time they start running a group warm up, putting 15 people through the Burgener warm up, or explaining a workout on the whiteboard keep in mind it's not going to be pretty. You're nervous, you'll forget what you're doing, stumble on words, or just freak out a little. This is normal and it gets better and goes away the more you do it.  

When I look for coaches for the CDP program I keep a few simple things in mind.

  1. Are they good people? This is the biggest and most important factor to me. If the person is someone I can't have a relaxed conversation with or someone I wouldn't be able to hang out with in or outside of the gym then it's probably not going to work out. If I don't feel like I can be honest with them or have a good relationship with them then how can I expect that to happen with my members. 
  2. Are they coachable? I want to build great coaches for our members. If they don't pay attention in class and aren't willing to put in work on suggestions from coaches then it's probably not going to work. I had a potential member come in a few weeks ago and wanted to bypass our Base Camp program. They where training at another gym (not a CrossFit gym for the record)  and said "I have a Kinesiology degree and I don't think you could teach me anything". My response was. "You're probably right". Whether its a member or staff member, your cup should ALWAYS be half full. There's always room to learn more, become better, and refine skills. If your cup is always full and you know everything, then you won't make a good coach or student and I don't want you on my team. 
  3. Do they want it and are they willing to learn? The CDP program doesn't pay anything, it doesn't guarantee a job afterwards, and there's no guarantee that you'll finish it. These people have to want to sacrifice time, learn, research, and be open to to criticism. I will guarantee that you will learn as much as I can teach you. I'll help to give you all the answers that I made mistakes on and leaned the hard way. I will teach you the best possible movement and mechanics that I know for athletes without restrictions and athletes that need modifications. This isn't a free ride and in the end I still decide whether these candidates will be allowed to coach our members.  
  4. Are they a current member? Current members have the best exposure to what we do, what we expect, and how we do it. If the candidates are sponges in class, are willing to be coached, and are always asking questions, that's a good sign. Building up a member to become a coach from our community has been well received. I'm constantly getting positive feedback from our community that they appreciate us training members to become coaches.
  5. Why are they doing this? I want Starke coaches to be coaching because they love it. I want them to be caoching because they are passionate about training and they want to help people. That quality is reflected in your attitude and coaching style every single class. If a coach is just here to run people through a workout and point to the whiteboard and say "that's your workout" then they're not the right fit for here.  

It all comes back to the attitude of the coaches and who they are inside and outside of the gym. To have my team wearing Starke clothing, promoting the Starke brand, and being role models for our community is something I'm critical of.

On July 1st 2016 several Starke coaches took part in a warm up and CrossFit demo for the inaugural Canada day run in East St. Paul Manitoba. It was an awesome day and our team put runners and spectators through a circuit with tires, sandbags, battle ropes, and kettlebells. They pulled people in to do things that "They only saw on TV" or something they've never tried. It was an awesome day and a great experience for the team, runners, and spectators.

Something I haven't forgotten was after the event was over, we loaded up the truck and everyone took off. I pulled onto Henderson hwy. headed back to the gym. Caden was ahead of me in his car and had slowed down a little. There were cars coming from behind in the left lane and we were in the right. Once there weren't any cars coming from behind he pulled to the left a little to give a cyclist some extra space. This is what impressed me. The cyclist had space if Caden would have kept driving, but Caden consciously choose to slow down and give him more space than he needed. Caden wasn't being tested and did this because he choose to, he did this because he wanted to, and he did this because that's the kind of person he is.

It's small things like this that make up our great coaches. These are the kind of people I want on my team and coaching Starke members. These are the kind of people I want to be around and trust with my gym something that I have put everything into for the past 5+ years.

So if you're wondering what makes a good Starke coach and who I look for. I hope this gives you a good idea...


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Friday 3-31-17 WOD

When all you're trying to do is help judge your athletes in an open workout 
and this is the kind of love they show you... #sadcoach

Friday 3-31-17 WOD

With a running Clock...

12 KB Snatches 30/50#
8 C2B Pull Ups

Rest 3 Min

10 T2B

Rest 3 Min

10 Kcal Row
20 KBS 30/50#

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Thursday 3-30-17 WOD "THE BRIGGS"

Thursday 3-30-17 WOD

We're keeping it simple today. Nothing technical, just a good old engine workout in honour of Sam Briggs "The Engine From England" 

2000m Row
150 Wall Balls 14/20#
100 Burpees
50 Thrusters 65/95#

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wednesday 3-29-17 WOD

Ted it's time to wake up. Yes you finished the workout...


20 Min Build Snatch Complex
Snatch pull (gnd.) + Power snatch + OHS

7 C2B Pull Ups
7 Med Ball Cleans 20/30#

15 Min Circuit
10 DB Lunges
10 Renegade Rows
10 DB Cleans
10 DB Curls

*Find working weight and try to use the same set of DB's for the whole circuit...

7 Pull Ups
7  Push Press 25/40#
7 Med Ball Cleans 14/18#

Monday, March 27, 2017

Tuesday 3-28-17 WOD

Andrea making a spacial request for the recycling bin during an EMOM just in case she had to "recycle" her breakfast... You may need that again if you're in tomorrow Andrea ;-)

Tuesday 3-28-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

In Teams of 3
25 Min AMRAP
"Stroke & Thrust"
100kcal Row 50 Thrusters @55/75#
100kcal Row 50 Thrusters @65/95#
100kcal Row 50 Thrusters @85/115#
100kcal Row 50 Thrusters @95/135#

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Monday 3-127-17 WOD

A shot of Quinton thirty minutes after 17.4 "can I redo this one coach?" 
"No Quinton, no you may not..."

Monday 3-127-17 WOD


Front Squat 4 x 3 @ 85%

Hang Squat Clean 95/135#
Ring Dips


15 Min Circuit
2 x Double Bell Cleans + 5 Front Squats (build to heavy)
15 Kcal Row

Goblet Squat Jumps 40/60#
Push Ups
Wall Ball Sit Ups  

Friday, March 24, 2017

Saturday 3-25-17 WOD

Sabrina hitting some lunges and building her booty... 

Saturday 3-25-17 WOD

25 Min Partner AMRAP

10 Ring Dips
15 C2B Pull Ups
20 Alternating Lunges 85/115#
25 T2B
30 Front Squats 85/115#
35 KBS 60/80#
40 Kcal Row

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Friday 3-24-17 Open Workout 17.5

Friday 3-24-17 Open Workout 17.5

10 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters, 65/95 lb.
35 double-unders

10 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters, 45/65 lb.
35 single-unders

Starke Option... 
10 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters (DB/KB), 20/40 lb.
35 single-unders / double-unders

*For athletes who DO NOT have an optimal front rack position with the barbell I will suggest that athletes should be doing this with DB's or KB's 

Initial Thoughts...

This workout is going to hurt... 

  • For your thrusters be quick and be efficient. Slow thrusters lead to more time under tension and wasted energy 
  • Squat clean the bar EVERY TIME you pull from the ground
  • Finish every thruster and lock it out overhead. Getting "No Repped" for not locking out over and over will ad a lot of wasted time and fatigue
  • If you have to drop the bar get at least 5 thrusters done first so you're past the half way point. 
  • Stay as relaxed as possible during double unders. Extra tension = wasted energy. 
  • Whether you have good double unders or not make sure to breathe A LOT, keep your head up, shoulders and grip relaxed and stay as calm as possible. Losing your shit  won't help anything or get you extra reps ;-)
  • Take a couple extra seconds to place your rope down on the ground where you can pick it up and start skipping rather than throw it down and have to fight with it when you pick it up. This will lead to frustration and wasted energy. 
  • Keep a relaxed grip on the rope. You'll be clenching the barbell enough and those forearms will get lit up and fill with lactic acid. A relaxed grip on the rope will help to save those forearms which can force you to stop skipping if they seize up. 
  • Make sure to use your wrists with skipping and not your shoulders and arms (save those for the thrusters)...       

Warm Up 

This is a workout where you want to be warm, ready, and a little sweaty before you start. 

Suggested warm up... 


  • 5-10 Min Row starting at and keeping a pace you could carry on a conversation the whole time.
  • General dynamic warm up with individual specific mobility. 
  • T-spine mobility for easing into the overhead position of the thruster (seated partner stretch is recommended). 
  • Wrist prep & mobility
  • Shoulder mobility to optimize front rack position
  • Hip & ankle mobility to optimize bottom position of squat  

Movement Specific
  • 3 Rounds with an empty bar of 6 Front Squats, 6 push Press, 12 Jumping jacks. 
Rest 2 Min
  • 3 Rounds @ 55/75# 5 thrusters 15 DU's (focus on bar speed) 
Rest 2 min 
  • 3 Rounds @ 65/95# 3 thrusters (start with a squat clean) 10 DU's make sure to place rope on the ground how you will be doing it in the workout. Find a focal point to look at during DU's. 
Rest 2 Min then start 17.5

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Thursday 3-23-17 WOD

Erin & Brandi Busting out some T2B in a workout. T2B are always better when done with friends... 

Thursday 3-23-17 WOD

4 Repetitions / side TGU

12 Min AMRAP
6 HSPU (no deficit)
8 Pull Ups
10 Hang Cleans 55/75#
12 Front Squats 55/75#
14 Alternating Lunges 55/75#

12 Min AMRAP
6 Double Bell Push Press* 25/40#
8 Pull Ups
10 Cleans*
12 Front Squats*
14 Alternating Lunges*

* Use DB's or KB's for any of the starred movements above. The same pair should be used for all movements.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Wednesday 3-22-17 WOD

Emily & Derek taking a well deserved rest after a tough workout... 
Looking good you two!

Wednesday 3-22-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

20 Minute Partner AMRAP
20 Goblet Squats 80/100# +/-
20 Ring Rows
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs
20 T2B
20 Double Bell C&J 30/50# +/-

Monday, March 20, 2017

Tuesday 3-21-17 WOD

The aftermath of Tuesday's EMOM. It doesn't have to be heavy to push you to your limits. 
After the very last round of the EMOM for the day I told everyone that they were all doing one last two minute set. Minute one of 15 BB Back Squat Jumps @ 55/75 and minute two was 10 lateral bar jump burpees for speed. Why did I do this? Because sometimes you think and feel that you have absolutely nothing left in the tank mentally and physically. Most times you're wrong. EVERYONE got back to their bars and completed fifteen more BB Back Squat Jumps. EVERYONE stood behind their bars waiting to start their last bar jump burpees. EVERYONE always has more even when you think you don't... 

Tuesday 3-21-17 WOD


Row For Kcal
Thrusters 55/75#
Lateral Bar Jump Burpees


Row For Kcal
Kettlebell Thrusters 55/40#
Bell Jump Burpees

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Monday 3-20-17 WOD

Busting out the plumb line to measure Cathy's ankle flexion before she starts working on some dedicated ankle mobility as home work. Time to put in some work and retest in a month and see how you do on the exam. Having adequate ankle flexion (approximately 4" travel with the knee past the toes while keeping the heel down ( and bare foot) will help with the bottom position of a squat and allow better alignment for running. Sometimes having decreased ankle mobility can lead to the toes turning out by torquing the foot or lead to an unbalanced running stride.  

You can either leave it alone and let the body do it's thing to compensate (not a good idea) or you can work on restoring mobility of that joint and regaining your movement freedom (strongly recommended). It will take time to get back but you're worth it, aren't you?

Save The Date: April First "Fittest On Earth" Screening & Pizza/CrossFit Open wind up. Not exactly sure if those two go together but we're doing it anyways... We've got a projector and screen for the showing so bring a lawn chair unless you want to chill on a plyobox or a mat and watch. 

Where: Starke 970 Brazier St.
Time : 7pm
Who Can Come: Friends And Family! 
Cost $10 to cover pizza (no cost for open judges)
Why: Because it will be great to watch with friends who love CrossFit

CrossFit Open:
Well this week will be the last CrossFit Open workout. It's been an awesome four weeks so far and we've seen some amazing PR's and tested ourselves by taking on whatever has been thrown at us. Regular Friday evening classes and Saturday Noon classes will resume Starting March 31st. 

Monday 3-20-17 WOD


Front Squats 5 x 3 @ 80%

5 RFT W. 10 Minute Time Cap
3 Ring Muscle Ups
8 Pistols
50 Double Unders

Fitness :

15 Min Circuit
5 Goblet Squats
150m Ros (Damper @ 10 effort level 8/10)

For this circuit don't choose a weight for the kettlebell that will be easy. Build to and pick something heavy right off for five (with a bit of a struggle for reps 4 & 5). This shouldn't be a race back and forth between the exercises but consistent.

5 RFT W. 10 Minute Time Cap
3 Ring Dips
8 Box Jumps
100 Single Skips

Friday, March 17, 2017

Saturday 3-18-17 WOD

Coach Ali judging Sam in 17.4 and in life... 
#makegoodchoices Sam!

Saturday 3-18-17 WOD

CrossFit Open Reminder:
There is a 12:00 time slot for athletes needing to be judged to get in open workout 17.4 Athletes need to be judged by 2pm tomorrow so make sure to show up by 1pm to warm up and get ready to rock.

25 Min Partner AMRAP

30 Front Squats 65/95#
30 Chin Ups
30 Back Lunges 65/95#
30 Push Ups
30 S2OH 65/95#

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Friday 3-17-17 Open Workout 17.4

Friday 3-17-17 Open Workout 17.4 

Here's our repeat workout everyone... 

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts, 155/225 lb.
55 wall-ball shots, 
Women 14-lb. ball 9-ft. Men 20-lb. ball 10-ft.
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

Scaled Version Women:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts, 95 lb.
55 wall-ball shots, 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
55-calorie row
55 hand-release push-ups

Scaled Version: Men  
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts, 135 lb.
55 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
55-calorie row
55 hand-release push-ups

Starke Fitness Option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 Kettlebell swings, 60/80 lb.
55 wall-ball shots, Women 14-lb. ball 9-ft. Men 20-lb. ball 10-ft.
55-calorie row
55 hand release push-ups (HRPU)

Initial Thoughts... 

Well I had a feeling that we would be doing this one again... Here are some initial thoughts and recommendations for the workout... 

Warm Up

  • Take minimum 30 minutes to warm up for this one. 
  • 8-10 Min Row/Air Bike (easy pace)
  • General dynamic warmup and mobility (spend time on specific work that you might need as an individual).
  • Warming up that posterior chain with some good mornings, kettlebell swings and some progressive deadlifts should lube the hinges and get some activation going on in the core, glutes, and hamstrings.
  • Start going through short sets of all four movements while warming up and working up to your prescribed weight. 3-5 deadlifts, 3-5 Wall Balls, 3-5Kcal row, & 3-5 HSPU having someone spot and confirm your "good reps" on the HSPU. Once you get close to your working weight drop the reps to 2-3 and just work on flow and transition. Pay attention to how you feel. 
  • Take 3-4 min to recover then hit 17.4 

Workout Tips 

  • Wear a belt for your deadlifts! That core will be tested and you're going to need it for the wall balls, row, and HSPU
  • Break up your reps before you fail. Once you start failing reps it will take you longer to recover. Break before you need it. I don't always recommend going into a workout with a specific rep scheme in mind. Depending on the day you may or may not be able to sustain those numbers and it could throw you off your game. Go by feel...
  • This workout is all about pace. Don't red line until the last 90 seconds. . If you happen to be on HSPU in the last 90 seconds then DONT REDLINE. Maintain t pace that's been working for you and don't try to bang out extra reps unless its the last few seconds.
  • Keep the damper low on the rower and focus on a quicker turn over. The last thing you want to do is add more tension to this workout when you don't need to. The row shouldn't be relaxing but remember the toughest part will come when you get off of it.
  • On the HSPU pace yourself, lockout, and wit until your judge says good. It could take a little adjustment in foot positioning to get your heel over the line so be patient because those "No Reps" can add up and waste a lot of mental and physical energy.
  • For the HSPU mark an optimal position for YOUR hand placement on the mat. It's going to be different for different people and their levers so test it with single reps to get it dialled in.
  • If you get past the 55 HSPU go HAM for the remaining time (I have attached a link to the urban dictionary to help you out with that one if you're not sure what it means)...   
Check out this link for workout and standards Workout 17.4

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thursday 3-16-17 WOD

Tanya and Adam getting their sweat on and #becomingbetter with every rep. 

Thursday 3-16-17 WOD

3 Rounds NFT

1 Min Max Double Unders*
8 Contra Lateral KB Press/Arm**
8 Push Ups with alternate arm leg raise
6 Chin Ups @ 3121

*50-100 DU's for athletes who have good DU's
** For the 8 CL KB Press press per arm athletes should only be standing on one leg. If you are pressing with the left arm athletes should be standing on the right leg and vice versa. Perform this while building to your working weight. Make sure knees do not collapse and brace each other for stability...


10 Power Cleans 85/115#
10 10 Back Squats
10 Push Press

*5 Burpee Penalty anytime the bar is dropped.


Kettlebells @ 25/40#
10 Cleans
10 Front Squats
10 Push Press

*5 Burpee Penalty anytime the bar is dropped.

CrossFit Isn't For Everyone... By Paul Dyck

 I am impressed with every athlete at Starke. They all push, grind, work, and refine skills and aspects of training and understand that progress takes time and doesn't come over night. Give your best effort every day you come in and there is no other option than to get better...

CrossFit Isn’t For Everyone
By: Paul Dyck

I keep hearing "CrossFit is For everyone" and "Everyone should do CrossFit". As a CrossFitter, affiliate owner, and personal trainer of 15 years,  I honestly don't think that CrossFit is for everyone. 

For someone to be successful and to progress in training and the environment where they will be tested in "functional fitness" they must be willing to pay attention at all times. They need to be aware of their surroundings and environment, and most importantly they need to be aware of how they move their bodies and external loads. 

I'm not saying that CrossFit can't be for everyone but the individual has to want to learn, they have to want to become better, they have to be patient. Athletes must also be willing to pay attention to how they move their bodies not only in the gym but outside of it as well.

When I say "athlete" I'm referring to everyone in the gym not just the competitive individuals (and we all compete with yesterdays version of ourselves). We are all athletes and need to believe that.

I have had athletes come in over the years that don't care about how they move, they don't want to learn anything new, they don't want to challenge themselves, or push to become better. Those people don't last very long and are looking for short term gain with minimal output and sacrifice.

The successful athlete and CrossFitter come in with an open mind, a hunger to become better versions of themselves, and are willing to put up with short term pain for long term gain. They understand that Rome wasn't built in a day and successful athletes don't wake up successful, they are built not born.

I've seen what CrossFit can do for people young and... not as young ;-) and the results are amazing. The only reason that the results are amazing is because so are the people putting in the work every day. 

For those that don't care and aren't willing to be vulnerable, ask for help, or be willing to fail, not to worry. CrossFit Isn't For Everyone... 



Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Wednesday 3-15-17 WOD

Proper set up lays the foundtation for for the proper execution of an exercise.
Be mindful in your practice and you will be rewarded. 
Becky snatching a 60lb kettlebell for reps... 

Wednesday 3-15-17 WOD

With a Running Clock

50 Wall Balls 14/20#
40 T2B
30 Ring Rows
20 Russian KBS 60/80# +/-
10 Ring Muscle Ups/Dips

Rest 5 Minutes

50 Wall Balls 14/20#
40 T2B
30 Ring Rows
20 Russian KBS 60/80# +/-
10 Ring Muscle Ups/Dips

Post a final time including rest as your score.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Tuesday 3-14-17 WOD

Nope this isn't a fitness model photo shoot. This is a badass mom snatching a 50lb kettlebell for reps. Sandra said "I cant do this" then did it. Never talk yourself out of a goal. Change the plan, change the approach, but never change the goal...

COACHES NOTE: Hey everyone, You may notice that our EMOM'S are giving you a little more recovery and are a bit lighter than usual. The goal for these movements is to move quick and efficiently and get the work done as quickly as possible. We don't want to wear you down for open workouts. Don't worry we'll be going back to some "leave it all on the line" EMOM's soon ;-)
An EMOM means Every Minute On The Minute. The goal is to get the set amount of work done and still have some rest in that minute. Ideally 15-20 seconds recovery is required to sustain the work load/minute. 

Example: for part A. in the odd minute the goal is 12 BB thrusters. Depending on the individual the person may or may not be able to hit 12 thrusters in a minute at 75#. If that's the case then we would scale the weight and try it at 65# or 55#. When warming up for the workout and testing weights keep in mind that your first and second round will probably feel ok but fatigue and reps will add up and take it's toll. I say it's always better to go a little lighter especially if you're a new athlete, there's always time to go heavier... 

Tuesday 3-14-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Odd: 12 Thrusters 55/75# (Use Kettlebells for athletes who do not have an optimal front rack position).
Even: 12 Pull Ups

Odd: 10 HSPU
Even: 8 Ring Dips

Odd: 15 Squat Jumps 55/75# (back rack position)
Even: 10 Bar Jump Burpees

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Monday 3-13-17 WOD

Coach Kraus looking jacked while hitting some double under work on Friday's workout. 
The only way to get better is to put in work!!!!

Monday 3-13-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Back Squat 3 x 2 @ 90%

Row 8/10 Kcal
15 KBS 30/50#
20 Wall Balls 14/20#

*10 Burpee penalty for breaking on the wall balls.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Saturday 3-11-17 WOD

Lorrie getting in some core work while Lexa sleeps. Just a little added "baby weight" in that plank position while hitting a a contra lateral arm leg raise... 

Saturday 3-11-17 WOD

20 Min Partner AMRAP

5 Goblet Squats 800/100#
5 C2B Chin Ups
5 HSPU 25/45# /Push Ups
5 KBS 80/100# or the weight you used for goblet squats
5 Box Over Burpees

This partner WOD should be done as a "You go, I go" workout. Athlete one completes five goblet squats then athlete two completes five goblet squats before both athletes move on to the next movement. This should be a quick workout with fast transitions and very little rest.  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Friday 3-10-17 Open Workout 17.3

Friday 3-10-17 Open Workout 17.3

Men & Women RX'd 
Prior to 8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
    6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    6 squat snatches, 65/95 lb.
Then, 3 rounds of:
    7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    5 squat snatches, 95/135 lb.
*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    4 squat snatches, 135/185 lb.
*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    3 squat snatches, 155/225 lb.
*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    2 squat snatches, 175/245 lb.
Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    1 squat snatch 185/265 lb.
*If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes. Friday 3-10-17 Open Workout 17.3

17.3 Initial Thoughts
Well for those of you that wanted a heavy barbell it looks like you got it... 
We've got another grip intensive workout that will require high skill at a high heart rate. You'll need to pay attention to your grip and give yourself the appropriate rest to be successful with your snatch attempts.

  •  Spend 5-10 min on the bike or rower to get the heart rate up and get    moving.
  •  Continue with a dynamic warm up / Crossover Symmetry and spend some extra time on specific areas that may be limiters in your Snatch/OHS position 
  • Add any band work and mobility to gain extra ROM if needed. Don't try anything new. If there's mobility work that you're already doing on a regular basis keep it up but don't try anything new and different. 
  • Start a bar specific warm up. Use the Burgener, Snatch warm up, or something that you might do on a regular basis to get your Snatch warmed up. Once again do something that you're familiar with during prep for a workout. 
  • Once done Spend some time building to about 80% of your 1RM squat snatch (one snatch at a time) alternating back and forth with some ring rows if you don't have proficient pull ups and need to save your C2B for the workout or hit 1-2 C2B if you have consistent pull ups on the bar you'll be using for the pull ups. Perform MAXIMUM 8-10 sets alternating back and forth at a relaxed pace and not getting out of breath until you hit your 80% snatch.
  • Rest 3-5 min Prior to starting 17.3

17.3 Workout Tips

  • Be consistent with your reps and break it up before failing. If you fail on a C2B drop off the bar immediately rather than making another attempt at a rep. Give yourself enough time before hitting the snatch to be successful. If you rush the snatches it will take 20+ seconds to recover before making another attempt. 
  • If you feel comfortable doing TNG with 65/95# snatches then hit it. If you don't then break it up into smaller sets. 
  • For the sets of Snatches at 95/135# break it up into singles. 
  • Wear your lifters for this workout
  • If you have gymnastics grips that would be a good idea for the C2B if you're using our steel bars. 
  • The biggest suggestion I can make on this workout is to listen to your body and pace yourself so you don't get any missed reps.   

17.3 Scaled Option 

Prior to 8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
    6 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    6 squat snatches, 35/45 lb.
Then, 3 rounds of:
    7 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    5 squat snatches, 55/75 lb.
*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    4 squat snatches, 65/95 lb.
*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    9 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    3 squat snatches, 75/115 lb.
*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    10 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    2 squat snatches, 95/135 lb.
Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    11 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    1 squat snatch, 105/155 lb.
*If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes.
Note: Squat snatches or power snatches with overhead squats permitted. 

Starke Kettlebell Fitness Option (For those that don't love the snatch (the barbell snatch that is)). 

Pull Ups/Jumping Pull Ups may be used for this workout 
Prior to 8:00, complete: 
3 rounds of:
    6 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    6 KB snatches/arm, 20/40 lb.
Then, 3 rounds of:
    7 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    5 KB snatch/arm, 30/50 lb.
*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    4 KB snatch/arm, 40/60 lb.
*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    9 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    3 KB snatch/arm, 50/70 lb.
*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    10 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    2 KB snatch/arm, 60/80 lb.
Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    11 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
    1 KB snatch/arm, 70/90 lb.
*If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thursday 3-09-17 WOD

Three white flags for Sarah. Looks good to us!!! 
Sarah refining some lifting technique in a weightlifting class under the watchful eyes of coach Craig. 

Thursday 3-09-17 WOD

Odd: 10/14 Kcal Row
Even: 12 Wall Balls 14/20#

Odd: 10 OHS 55/75#
Even: 4-8 C2B Pull Ups

Odd: 50 Double Unders
Even: 12 T2B

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Wednesday 3-08-17 WOD "CADEN"

Happy 23rd Birthday Coach Caden You Look As Beautiful As Ever... 

Wednesday 3-08-17 WOD "CADEN"

23 Min Partner AMRAP
23 Ring Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
23 C2B/Pull Ups
23 Front Squat @ 135/185 +/- (from the ground)
23' Handstand Walk/Partner Wheelbarrow

Monday, March 6, 2017

Tuesday 3-07-17 WOD

Lexa extremely impressed with Craig's solid jerk...

Tuesday 3-07-17 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Skill Work
Pull Up / C2B Skill work

Row for Kcal
Burpees (no push up)
Double Unders

There's a reason that there aren't any push ups in the burpees and that's to have you not slow down. This workout should start with a fast pace and continue to build momentum as the rounds get shorter. #gaspedalworkout

Core work coaches choice

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Monday 3-06-17 WOD

Just a bunch of angry guys at the KIDS Initiative Gala on Friday night. 

Monday 3-06-17 WOD

Back Squat 5 x 3 @ 87%

HSPU (CrossFit Open Standards)
Deadlift 155/225#

Back Squat 5 x 3 @ 87%

25- 20-15-10-5
KBS 40/60#

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Friday 3-03-17 CrossFit Open Workout 17.2

Our workout for the second week of the CrossFit Open is...  

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 
2 rounds of:
  50-ft. weighted walking lunge
  16 toes-to-bars
  8 power cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
  50-ft. weighted walking lunge
  16 bar muscle-ups
  8 power cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.
Men use 50-lb. dumbbells
Women use 35-lb. dumbbells

Scaled Version
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 rounds of:
  50-ft. weighted walking lunge
  16 hanging knee-raises
  8 power cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
  50-ft. weighted walking lunge
  16 chin-over-bar pull-ups
  8 power cleans
Etc., alternating between hanging knee-raises and chin-over-bar pull-ups every 2 rounds.
Men use 35-lb. dumbbells (Masters Men 20lb) 
Women use 20-lb. dumbbells (Masters Women use 10lb)

Some Initial Thoughts.... 
1. If you're doing this workout RX'd you may only be able to do it once if you tear up your hands so make it count if you start to tear. Your hands won't heal up by Monday.

2. On your sets of T2B and Bar MU's break it up before you're forced to. Don't hang on until you're getting no repped or until you fall off the bar (It's not worth it). If you get to a point where you're holding on and getting no repped it will take you longer to recover and get your grip back. 

3. If your grip is getting fried resort to single reps (T2B & Bar MU's) instead of resting and trying to hit multiples. You may just need that little break and a shake of the arms to complete another rep. 

4. Keep your hands as relaxed as possibel in the lunges and power clean when you need to, that can help save your grip a bit. You may be able to hook grip your DB's if you hold them closer to the front. You may want to tape your thumbs up if you're doing this as they may tear a little like last week. 

5. Take big quick lunge steps and wear knee sleeves if you have for those knees. 

6. Don't cook your grip in warm up. You don't need to do a bunch of rowing and T2B and Bar MU's to be ready for this workout. Try the different positions with the DB's resting on your shoulders and see what feels best and works for your mobility. 

I'm sure I'll think of some other things but here's a start. Have fun everyone!!!


Friday: Between 3pm & 6pm with the last athlete needing to be done by 6pm (This is so we can go support the Kids Initiative Gala)

Saturday: from 12noon to 3pm

Monday: at 10:30am - 12:00pm

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thursday 3-02-17 WOD

A little out of focus but Terrance & George taking a walk through the pain cave together during an EMOM 

Thursday 3-02-17 WOD

8 Min TGU

3 Rounds NFT
50 DU's
12 Alternating Pistols add some weight if possible
5-8 Strict HSPU/Variation/Seated KB Strict Press

15 Wall Balls 20/30#
15 Kcal Row

*10 Burpee penalty for breaking on the wall balls