Thursday, December 11, 2014

Want to get better at Weightlifting? Try Weightlifting!

Starke Weightlifting classes are available to members and non-members. Our goal for these sessions is to devote the required time and importance to the proper execution of the Clean & Jerk and the snatch and work on the proper pulling mechanics and positioning required to successfully complete these lifts for what your body will allow at the time. This is also a great time to work on squats & accessory work for your lifts to support them (like me and my little triceps for a better faster lockout).

One thing you need to look at is how often you are hitting those lifts? If you are coming to classes a couple times a week and missing snatch and C&J day for weeks you won’t be hitting them enough to make a difference. 

Weightlifting is a demanding sport and skill and requires practice, patience and mobility to be successful. If you are someone who comes to class 2-3 times a week and you keep missing days where we Snatch or Clean & Jerk then show up on a day where we do hit one of those lifts you may be frustrated and disappointed when you are stuck at a previous weight and it doesn’t seem like your lifts are getting better.

Hitting your lifts more than once a month or month and a half is not going to cut it when it comes down to smashing PR’s this goes especially for the Olympic Lifts. If you wanted to get a new PR in you half or full marathon and only ran once or twice a month you would probably be disappointed when you didn’t meet your goal.

Our weightlifting classes are slower paced than our regular CrossFit & Fitness classes. There will be no lifting for time. We break the lifts down and work on technique and segments of the lift where people are getting stuck. If you are having issues snatching from a “high hang” position or from the “launch” position (just above the knees) then snatching form the ground is pointless because you will be just reinforcing improper form and lifting mechanics.

One of our newest members Corey started a few weeks ago and has shown up to more weightlifting classes than regular classes. This is a great way to attack the most technical aspects of what we do and start off on a great road to proper form and technique.

If your lifts are solid and smooth and you are willing to put in the time and effort to get them there then many other technical movements should come a lot easier.  

I want everyone to come try out 3 lifting classes even if you have a limited membership of 2-3x a week (we won’t count those towards your weekly workouts) so you can see what I’m talking about. Plan these classes into your week and shoot me an e mail to let me know you will be coming I want our members to be successful and the only way to get there is to put in the work.

See you in class.


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