Throwback to September 20th 2014 when Lorrie, Ryan, and I went down to Minneapolis to take part in the GoRuck Challenge. We drove straight through from Winnipeg, got searched at the border, got lost on the way to the start location and found the site where they had already started warming up and doing drills. We didn't have a hotel room yet, had not eaten, and had been awake for 15hrs already.
The Cadre Joel got us to jump in after inspecting our 30lb pack for Lorrie and 50lb packs for Ryan and I. For the next 15hrs we did drill after drill with a group of 50 awesome people while the three of us had to carry 30lb stones in our arms for the first 3 hours (because we were late). We carried some of our team mates, carried trees for miles, did fully submerged burpees in the Mississippi River at 3am over and over. We jumped in someones pool in their backyard and had to keep our packs dry, and hiked non stop.
This was an awesome adventure and we got to meet some amazing people from down south and suffered with them through the night.
The best lesson learned was that when you feel like you've got absolutely nothing left in the tank, when you cant keep your eyes open, and you think you can't take another step, you're wrong.
Thursday 9-22-16 WOD
15 Min Build to your heaviest Squat Clean + 3 Thrusters
Squat Cleans 85/115#
Pull Ups
200m Run
*200m Run should be completed after the rounds of 21, 15, & 9.
15 Min Build to your heaviest Double Bell Clean & 3 Thrusters
Heaviest Russian KBS for 10 Reps
Double Bell Cleans 30/50#
Pull Ups/Ring Rows
200m Run
*200m Run should be completed after the rounds of 21, 15, & 9.