Sunday, May 31, 2015

Monday 6-01-15 WOD

Ryan & Dan Pounding out our 3 Year anniversary workout. Looking good boys. Looking real good...

Monday 6-01-15 WOD


20 Min Build to your heaviest three Squat Clean Thrusters.

For your first repetition squat clean the BB and follow it up with a thruster. Perform two more consecutive thrusters without putting down the bar.

6 min AMRAP
6 HSPU @ 25/45#
10 T2B


Build to a heavy three double bell thrusters and perform the following circuit.

5 Rounds of
3 Double Bell Thrusters
3 Chin Ups
6 Alternate Lunges w. double bells in rack position.

Run 200m
15 Wall Balls
5 Burpees

Happy Birthday Starke from Paul

Well I can't believe that Starke has been open for three years now and was in the works for almost a year before we even opened our doors. Building a business plan, finding a building, securing a lease, sourcing equipment, and putting it all together took a lot of time and effort not to mention all the renos. to the building that we took on.

When we started out we weren't a CrossFit affiliate. We were CF-L1 instructors and the type of training I did was always "functional" for 10 years before opening my own place. I didn't want to open a CrossFit affiliate until I had some experience running my own place and building a platform that worked well. I didn't want to open up a box and not be confident in what I was doing. I had a great training background with all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities but that wasn't enough. We spent a year as Creative Conditioning and as I learned more and did more courses from a variety of trainers, coaches, and governing bodies. I knew that CrossFit was what I wanted to be doing.

I love the fact that no matter what you do in CrossFit and no matter how good you get at something, you can always do better, become more efficient, and get stronger. There are so many aspects that will challenge you and help you to realize that you are always capable of more than you think. It's a challenge working with all different levels and challenging them with the appropriate progressions no matter where they are.

After three years of training more specifically in CrossFit I have never been stronger, fitter, and more well rounded. I can go back to any competitive sport that I participated in and hold my own with limited training in those specific sports. It's an amazing thing to be ready for any task or challenge at any time and I love it.

Back to the three year anniversary. It's been a wild ride. Its been a hell of a lot of hours of work, Thousands of e mails, texts, hours programming, classes taught (last I checked I was around 30,000 hrs of group classes, personal training, and team training in the past 15 years which is pretty awesome). I am learning more now than ever and love that no matter how much I learn there is always more I'm taking in and applying to training.

I was nervous when I hired my first employee. Until then I was teaching all the classes for the first year of being open at the gym and it was insane. My "Shit just got real" moment was when I hired Cat my first full time employee which was more recently. I guess I thought of it differently when coaches have full time jobs and were working part time. Now we have nine coaches, a full time business manager, an office manager, a full time Physiotherapist, a part time Massage Therapist and our membership keeps growing. Sometimes I stop and think how I need to be successful because I have so many people relying on me for income and that doesn't even take into account our members. It's funny because I still don't consider myself a boss and when a coach (usually Kraus) calls me that I still don't consider myself one.

I honestly believe we have the most amazing members and community out of any gym in the city and if it wasn't for all of you I don't think Starke would be what it is and what it means to me. There are some days things can get overwhelming and I wonder if I made the right choice pursuing a dream then I get an amazing e mail, text, or talk with one of you or your family members and you share something amazing about Starke that affected your life in such a great way that it couldn't have come from anywhere else and for that I thank you.

I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Starke. Things have only been getting better. Our bodies and our community are only getting stronger, and our coaches are getting better and learning more all the time.

Thanks to everyone who came to Saturday's anniversary workout and to all of you who have chosen us to train with us whether it's a couple times a week or every day of the week.

I have spent my Saturday afternoon and evening responding to texts, e mails, and FB messages from current members and members who have moved away who have all become good friends. I can't tell you how amazed I am hearing the things you are sending me and all I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you everyone.


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Friday 5-29-15 WOD

Starke's "Head Coach" getting Tea Bagged while trying to catch a nap at The Prairie CrossFit event (yes there was pun intended there). 
Come to think of it, I thought I had a dream that I was in a field of dried up rasins ;-)  

Friday 5-29-15 WOD
5x5 OHS
Complete as fast as possible by alternating the two exercises and rep schemes.
Pull Ups 30-20-10
Rope Climbs 6-4-2

5 rounds of
8 BB Deadlift
8 Push Ups
8 Goblet Squats

For Time
200m Run
Wall Balls 9/10’ 14/20#
Ball Slams 20/30#
200m Run

The 200m run will be at the beginning of the workout and at the end of the workout. You will not be running between rounds. Consider the runs as a buy in and a cash out that are counted in your total time.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thursday 5-28-15 WOD

Just a couple beasts. That's all...
Thursday 5-28-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

2012 CrossFit Games Chipper

10 OHS @ 105/155#
10 Box jump overs 20/24"
10 Thrusters @ 95/135#
10 T2B
10 Power Clean @ 145/205#
10 Burpee Muscle Ups
10 Power Clean 145/205#
10 T2B
10 Thrusters @ 95/135#
10 Box jump overs 20/24"
10 OHS @ 105/155#

Male RX Will Need A 45# Bar 2x10# Plates 2x25# Plates 2x45# Plates 
Female RX Will Need A 2x5# Plates, 2x10# Plates, 2x15# Plates, 2x25# Plates

Athletes may only use one bar and must change the weights on your own. Please make sure to hit your working weight in warm up so you know what 
to use in the workout.

Fitness Option 

Bells @ 30/50# Scale as needed up or down in weight. If you are capable of doing more. DO MORE!!!

10 Double Bell Squats (Front Rack Pos.)
10 Box Jump Overs 16/20”
10 Double Bell Thrusters
10 Hanging Leg Raise 
10 Double Bell Cleans
10 Pull Ups 
10 Double Bell Cleans
10 Hanging Leg Raise
10 Double Bell Thrusters
10 Box Jump Overs 16/20”
10 Double Bell Squats (Front Rack Pos.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wednesday 5-27-15 WOD

It's that time of year... Yes it's hot, yes it's sunny, yes we're going to be outside taking advantage if it. This is what we're good at. Being ready for anything!

Wednesday 5-27-15 WOD


5x5 Front Squat

8 Hang Cleans 95/135#
8 HSPU @ 25/45#
8 C2B Pull Ups


5 Round Circuit
8 Double Bell Swings
8 Alternate Lunges
50’ Carries w. double bells in rack position. Work on a strong, tight, supportive mid line, and breathing behind the shield.
Try to accomplish full sets without putting the bells down. Once you complete a set rest as needed then start your next set. Recommended weight is 30/50# but scale as needed. Aim for perfect reps every set.

KB Thrusters and 30/50#

200m Run

Monday, May 25, 2015

Tuesday 5-26-15 WOD

The day after Ironman St. George in Utah Lorrie and I decided to go to Zion National Park and hike a mountain (because we were bored ;-). This place is so amazing. If you ever get a chance to visit it  DO IT! It was like Jurassic Park (they spared no expense) and was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. 5hr hike to the top and 3 hrs running to the bottom to beat the setting sun and catch the last shuttle back to the parking lot. Note to everyone. Always bring a headlamp even if you don't think you'll need it. 

Tuesday 5-26-15 WOD

5 Rounds of…
3 Pull Ups (add weight as needed or a tempo of 41x1 if you are using a band or body weight)
5 Single leg KB deadlift

50 Double Unders
20 Push Ups
10 OHS 95/135#

5 Rounds of…
3 Pull Ups (add weight as needed or a tempo of 41x1 if you are using a band or body weight)
5 Single leg KB deadlift

3 RFT 
30 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls

10 Burpees

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Monday 5-25-15 WOD

I love hearing when people find practical application in the real world for what we practice in the gym... Thank for sharing Valentina!

Hi Paul,

We had to pull 8 of 200 lbs concrete plates under the cottage. I was applying crossfit technique and it went quick! Immediately thought of you lol.

Have a great weekend!


Monday 5-25-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

5x5 Back Squat

Push Press @ 95/135#

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Friday 5-22-15 WOD

Some people come to the gym to work others come and relax. Terrance and Cathy work first and rest after... Friday's workout may have you feeling like this!

Friday 5-22-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness

Run 1 Mile
50 BB Thrusters 65/95#
Run 1 Mile

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thursday 5-21-15 WOD

When you deadlift this much they call you Misses
Amazing Amy demonstrating the "Blow Fish" approach during a max deadlift... 
I don't know much about this approach but it seems to be working for her ;-)

Thursday 5-21-15 WOD


Deadlift 5x3 touch and go reps. Build to a heavy three reps and start counting your sets from there.

10 Front Squats @ 95/135#
10 HSPU 25/45# plates/side


5 Rounds of
8 BB Deadlift
8 Hanging Leg Raise
8 Ring Rows

800m Run with max wall balls with the remaining time 9/10' 14/20#

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Wednesday 5-20-15 WOD

Jon enjoying a little post WOD sit down after destroying one of last weeks workouts (50 Squat cleans for time with 5 burpees EMOM to slow you down on the way). This kid's going to be a BEAST!

Wednesday 5-20-15 WOD


20 Min Build in 3 POS Snatch
Pull From High Hang, Launch, Ground without putting the bar down and focus on catching the bar in your hip crease with each repetition. Catch the bar in a power position or full squat as necessary.
When bringing the bar back down after a successful lift play chicken with the bar on the way down to absorb it. Do not bring your hips back and wait for the bar to connect. There will be a demo during warm up on how to accept the bar for multiple repetitions. This should be practiced anytime you do the Bergener warm up or while training your snatch.

50 Double Unders
15 C2B Pull Ups


5 Rounds of
10 BB Back Squat
8 Chin Ups
6 Alternate Double Bell Press (seesaw style)

50 Double Unders

15 Unbroken Wall Balls (5 burpee penalty for breaking up your wall balls)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Tuesday 5-19-15 WOD

Charlotte putting on a rope climbing clinic showing us that if she needed to she could climb up to or out of a bedroom window if she needed to ;-)
Tuesday 5-19-15 WOD

5 Rounds of
8 BB Alternate Back Lunges (from the rack)
10 Heavy KBS (Major focus on maximum contraction at the top of the swing).
4 Shoulder 2 Overhead
8 C&J
12 Cleans (your choice muscle, power, or squat)

4 Rounds of…
8 Bulgarian Split Squats/Leg use KB’s or DB’s for added weight in each hand.
10 KBS (Major focus on maximum contraction at the top of the swing).
This workout is to be done with two kettlebells @ 30/50#
3 C&J
6 Cleans

9 Front Squats

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Team Starke at the PCF 3.0 Competition...

PCF 3.0 Starke Athletes

Well once again Starke had a chance to compete in a local CrossFit competition hosted by Prairie CrossFit.

This event was a great success for Starke not only because we had a great turn out from our twelve athletes but we had three out of six podium spots (first & second place in the Non-Rx category and first in the Rx Category). We had several members compete in their first CrossFit competition with great success and had a great experience along with it.

We all had three workouts to complete and the top six teams in each category went into the final. All teams made Starke proud in movement standards, support they offered to other competitors, and the way they conducted themselves as Starke athletes (which you all know I support freedom of expression and vocabulary ;-).

I think one of the things that made us and makes us successful is that we are able to be who we are and not pretend to be something we're not and still be successful. There's a time to work and a time to play. If you are always in work mode and not able to enjoy yourself and allow yourself to relax when you should then sometimes it ends up being too much.

Events are game days. Yes you have to be on but you also need to relax and enjoy they fruits of your labor. All that time that you put in at the gym working on getting stronger, faster, more mobile, and having better movement patterns will all be exposed and judged on game day. Game day is also a test to see where you have holes in your armor and see where you might need to put in a some extra work.  

I loved seeing everyone as if we were in our own gym throughout the day. During lunch we had a  tailgate party singing and dancing to the music outside to unwind and relax.
 Lunchtime Tailgate Party (Only chocolate milk & coconut water were served here)

Prior to the final event while all the other teams were warming up with weight and looking at the clock the Starke crew was doing flips and handstand walks into the foam pit and having fun. Seven  minutes before the start we hit the movements required before beginning and crushing the workout but we weren't stressing and waisting energy worrying about it which I think is important. We were warm, relaxed, and not overanxious.
Chillin Like Villains 

I can't thank our members enough for all the texts, e mails, FB messages, and for coming down to support your Starke Family. We had people constantly asking and offering to do a coffee run, get food from Safeway, or pick up anything that was needed for our crew. I was amazed but not surprised because that's just who you all are.

It is amazing to have so many people behind who we are and what we do. It's because of all of you that we are who we are and I could not have hand picked a better group of people that make up our entire membership and coaching staff.


  The Crew and some of our support who came out (sorry for those who missed the shot)

Thank you to Prairie CrossFit for putting on a great event and good luck in your sweet new space!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Friday 5-15-15 WOD

I love this picture. It was at the turn around point on the Ironman Canada Bike Course in 2010. It reminds me that even if you are headed in the wrong direction, things aren't going your way, or  you made some bad choices you can still look back or turn around and learn from your mistakes which will only make us better and stronger individuals. 

Friday 5-15-15 WOD

CrossFit: (For those not competing in Prairie CrossFit's event on Saturday)
5x3 OHS from Rack

Build to a heavy three OHS from the rack for the day then start counting your sets.

200 DU's
and Max Burpee Box Jump Overs with the remaining time 20"/24"

CrossFit: (Athletes competing at Prairie on Saturday)

Thursday was a rest day formats of you so perform part B of Thursday's workout with your partner. Work together and communicate. Spend some extra time on mobility and give that body a little TLC in areas of need.

Make sure to get some good sleep and pack some good nutrition for Saturday. The work is done now lets have some fun!

5 Rounds KB Circuit
Recommended weight Women 20-30# Men 40-50#

5 Reps of each Movement
Double Bell Thrusters
Double Bell Front Squat
Double Bell Clean & Press
10 Alternate Lunges with Double Bells in Rack Position

Place the bells down only at the end of each set. Use lighter bells to warm up and build to your working weight. Make sure to hit all movements with lighter bells before starting the workout. Focus on perfect movement during the work period and rest as needed to maintain form.

Burpee Pull Ups

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Thursday 5-14-15 WOD

Longtime member Deanna is a beauty and a beast who I think is an awesome roll model for her girls. They can look up to a proud, strong, fit and healthy mom and say 
"I want to be like you when I grow up" 

Thursday 5-14-15 WOD

3 Rounds of...
5 KB Kneeling Strict Press
5 Strict Pull Ups

With a partner split up the following as desired.

2000m Row
50 Pull Ups
50 T2B
50 Push Ups

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Wednesday 5-13-15 WOD

A bunch of DIRTY MUD HEROS form 2013 who's in for this year???

Wednesday 5-13-15 WOD

Skill Work:
Handstand's/HSPU getting better than yesterday...

CrossFit & Fitness:

5 Rounds of max wall balls with 2 min recovery between sets.

Let me explain this workout. This isn't just about getting in a bunch of wall balls then resting. This is a test in mental fortitude. We are always telling you that you can do more, well here is the perfect test to see how far you can go. You can always fight for one more rep. Make this happen. be accountable with your reps (ball height and squat depth). I want you to fight, grind, and dig for each and every last rep that you think you can do.

Post total # of repetitions per round AND grand total after your five rounds.

50 BB Squat Cleans @ 95/135# for time BUT... Every Minute on the minute at the sound of the bell stop whatever rep you're on and perform 5 chest to ground Burpees. Post final time including burpees completed.

100 Russian KBS @ 50/70# for time BUT... Every Minute on the minute at the sound of the bell stop whatever rep you're on and perform 5 chest to ground Burpees. Kettlebells must reach shoulder height with every rep.

60 Day Weight Loss & Performance Challenge - Complete!

We just recently finished up our second 60 Day Challenge (March - May 2015), this time focusing not only on weight loss but performance as well. While a number of you had accomplished some pretty great goals, there were the following Top Three who kicked some a*s!

Taylor comes in Third Place. He originally weighed in at 265lbs in March, his final weigh in being 246lbs, finishing with a percentage of 7.17% weight loss. 

Starke and Paul have given me a whole new set of challenges.  Not only to learn new movements but also to be able to see myself improve on each one.  There is no aspect of the work done at Starke that I won't continue to improve upon for a very long time.  This is really important to keep me engaged and interested.  In addition, Paul has created a fantastic environment that is fun, welcoming and supportive,” Taylor shares. "Because of Starke, when I die the city won't need to cut out a large portion of my bedroom wall just to get my body."

This is Brooke's second 60-day Challenge and she was excited to jump on board with even more goals to meet and exceed. She came in Second Place this time. She weighed in this time at 239lbs, her final weigh in being 215.6lbs, her percentage of weight lost being 10.02%.

“Starke changed my life forever, and the 60 Day Challenge was my motivation to get started for real this time! Two years ago I wouldn’t have believed you if you said that I could drop 100lbs and feel this great. It’s been hard work, but the coaches and the other athletes at Starke make it real, achievable, and fun.” – Brooke Pluta

Randy destroyed this 60-Day Challenge taking First Place. He first weighed in at 236.8lbs, finishing at 209.6lbs with a total percentage of 11.49% weight loss. 

“Starke isn't like any other gym, your attitude is checked at the door, the people here are amazing, and everyone is your biggest fan. I literally drive from the west end of the city to make it here because to me, it truly is THE BEST.” 

Ridiculous success all around! Aside from these Top Three Beasts, we had 15 other individuals take part in this Challenge. It takes some serious hard work and dedication to achieve results and we are SO proud of everyone!

We would like to make future Challenges bigger and better than ever. So for those of you who took part in this past 60-Day Challenge, share with us your thoughts, pros/cons, and ways to improve for future challenges. For those of you who have yet to take part in a Challenge, let us know what would make you sign up, what are some of your concerns, questions, and hesitations. We will take them all into account and make our next 60-Day Challenge bigger, better, and one you won't want to miss out on. Contact:

Congrats to everyone for a job well done and don't forget to give a high five to the people who have been kicking some serious a*s and working hard at achieving their goals! So proud!