Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Thursday 12-31-15 WOD

Thursday 12-31-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

3 Rounds of
Max strict C2B pull ups followed by strict pull ups without letting go of the bar.
Max Strict Ring Dips followed by max kipping ring dips
Max unbroken set of double under (if you trip up in the first 10 reps restart)

For Time
Row 500m
100 Thrusters @ 65/95#*

*Fitness option can be done with KB's. Weight to be determined by athlete and coach.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wednesday 12-30-15 WOD

Cassy stays classy with some deadlifts. 

Wednesday 12-30-15 WOD

5x5 or 5x7 Bear Complex with 3-5 min recovery between sets.
Power clean, front squat to thruster, back squat to thruster

The movement may be done with pauses between the transitions or you can make it seamless depending on the weight and how comfortable the athlete is with moving the bar. The bar should not leave the hands of the athlete at any point during the complex. When the plates touch the ground it should be touch and go (TNG).

Recommended weight 65/95# or 95/135#

Optional as this complex will take most of the time during the class.

5x250m Row w. 1 min recovery between sets.

5 Rounds of
5 BB Back squat @ 80% of 1RM
5 Pull Ups @ 41x1

3 Rounds of
15 Wall Balls
15 Burpees

Optional as part A&B will take most of the time during the class.

5x250m Row w. 1 min recovery between sets.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Tuesday 12-29-15 WOD

Lori aka "Shorty" aka "Beast Mode" aka "Dirty Girl" and Nadia aka "Nads" taking their pet sandbag for a run during a snow storm. No big deal... 

Tuesday 12-29-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

30 Min Partner AMRAP

Split up today's workload as desired between you and a partner. 

30 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
30 Pull Ups 
30 HSPU (blue mat)
30 KBS 60/80#
30 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
30 T2B

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Monday 12-28-15 WOD

Coach KRAUSSSSS staying tight! Apparently planks and bridges aren't enough. Some of the 7:15am participants thought it would be a great idea to start piling stuff on each other while doing core work.

Monday 12-28-15 WOD

6@ 90%

Use percentages if you have tested your 1RM snatch recently (in the past 6-8weeks) and base it off of that # If not go by feel and have a coach help you establish your numbers. Your reps at 90% must be technically sound to reinforce good patterns. NO SKETCHY SNATCHES!!!

3x10 Back Squat jumps from the rack @ 40% of 1RM back squat with 90 seconds recovery in between sets. As long as your feet leave the ground we will call it a jump. Test this movement with an empty bar first to make sure you are comfortable with he movement. Think about actively pulling the bar down onto your upper back and shoulders so that the bar does not disconnect from the body during the jump.

Row 500m
50 Wall Balls
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Pull ups

3x10 Double Bell C&J (Build to your heavy weight first then start your sets).

3x10 KB snatches/arm. First build to a heavy snatch for 10 reps. This may be more than we typically use in a class as RX'd weight. Once there perform three sets of 10 snatches per arm with 60-90 seconds recovery between your sets. One set is considered ten reps on each arm. The weight should be heavy enough that you need to put it down on the ground between arms. Remember perfect setup and pulling position from the ground to be able to go into your first repetition.

3x10 Back Squat jumps from the rack @ 40% of 1RM back squat with 90 seconds recovery in between sets. As long as your feet leave the ground we will call it a jump. Test this movement with an empty bar first to make sure you are comfortable with he movement. Think about actively pulling the bar down onto your upper back and shoulders so that the bar does not disconnect from the body during the jump.

Row 500m
50 Wall Balls
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Pull ups

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Thursday 12-24-15 WOD

Nothing to see here. Just some more post WOD recovery photos...

Thursday 12-24-15 WOD

Thruster Ladder 95/135#

Starting at 1 Rep increase by one rep every minute on the minute until you can no longer complete that number of repetitions in the minute.

3 Rounds for max reps
1 Min Row for max Kcal
1 Min Double Unders
1 Min Burpees
1 Min Rest

Count cumulative repetitions of calories, double unders, and burpees as a grand total for each round.

Build to a heavy 5 KB double bell thrusters

10 Min EMOM
5 Double bell thrusters
5 Push Ups

3 Rounds for max reps
1 Min Row for max Kcal
1 Min Double Unders
1 Min Burpees
1 Min Rest

Count cumulative repetitions of calories, double unders, and burpees as a grand total for each round.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Wednesday 12-23-15 WOD

Luke the Lego Man Lifter says 
"Make sure you get THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS workout in, you won't regret it" 

Wednesday 12-23-15 WOD


Starke CrossFit RX
1 Deadlift 155/225
2 Muscle Ups (or ring dips)
3 KBS 80/100
4 Front Squats 95/135
6 C&J 95/135
7 Push Ups
8 Pull-ups
9 T2B
10 Snatch (95/135)
11 Bar Jump Burpees
12 OHS 95/135

Starke CrossFit "Fitness" Option 
1 C&J
2 KB Clean & Push Press/Push Jerk 30/50# 
3 Front Squats 65/95 or 30/50# KB's 
4 Ring Dips/Bench Dips 
5 Pull Ups
6 Box Jumps 16/20"
7 Burpees
8 Push Ups 
9 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
10 KBS 60/80#
11 Deadlift 65/95# 
12 BB Thrusters 65/95# Or KB's 30/50#

This workout goes just like the song. On the first day of Christmas you do one deadlift. On the second day of Christmas you do two muscle ups and one deadlift. On the third day of Christmas you do three kettle bell swings, two muscle ups, and one deadlift. You get it???

Monday, December 21, 2015

Tuesday 12-22-15 WOD

Remember that Canada day workout where you all pushed the truck loaded with over 800lbs of kettlebells, sandbags, and weights, and I thought I lost three people but it turned out that they went into a church to get holy water on the way back... That was a good day!

Tuesday 12-22-15 WOD

6x1 C&J @ 85-90% of 1RM

Build to 85-90% of your most recent 1RM C&J then perform six singles at that weight. The goal is perfect form and no misses.

With a running clock one minute at each station for max reps.
BB Snatch 55/75#
Pull Ups
Push Press 55/75#
Wall Balls 14/20#

15 Min Circuit
4 Double Bell Clean & Jerk
8 Double Bell Clean& Front Squat
12 KBS (single or double)

With a running clock one minute at each station for max reps.
KB Snatch 30/50# (single arm unlimited switches).
Pull Ups
Push Press 30/50# (single arm unlimited switches).
Wall Balls 14/20#

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Monday 12-21-15 WOD

Ali getting ready to Snatch @ BCBD. Nice set up girl!

Monday 12-21-15 WOD

5x3Back squat @ 85% of 1RM (2 Min recovery between sets)

7 Min Ladder @ 95/135#

Starting at one rep for each go up by one rep for each every round.

Optional Conditioning
Row 3x500m @ 90% effort w. 90 seconds recovery between rounds.

5x3Back squat @ 85% of 1RM (2 Min recovery between sets)

7 Min Ladder
Burpee Pull Up
Double Bell C&J 30/50#
Slam Ball Clean

Optional Conditioning
Row 3x500m @ 90% effort w. 90 seconds recovery between rounds.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Saturday 12-19-15 WOD

Jon Asks for a birthday workout, Jon gets a birthday workout. Happy 18th birthday Jon!!!

Saturday 12-19-15 WOD

18 Min EMOM 
Minute 1 18 Kcal row
Minute 2 18 KB Snatches 30/50#
Minute 3 18 Double Unders

Rest 5 min 

18 Pull Ups
18 Front Squats @85/115#

18 Burpees

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Thursday 12-17-15 WOD

Jon, Matt, and Craig in the warm up area at the HercFit Invitational this past Sunday. 

Thursday 12-17-15 WOD

12 Min Build to a 1RM Squat Clean Thruster

10 Thrusters EMOM 85/115#

Skil work of choice pick something that will make you better than yesterday and coaches will help you to do that.

15 Min Circuit

10 KBS @ 60/80#
5 Push Ups @ 41x1
10 Wall Balls
5 Pull Ups @ 31x1

10 KB Thrusters EMOM @ 40/50#

Skil work of choice pick something that will make you better than yesterday and coaches will help you to do that.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wednesday 12-16-15 WOD

There's nothing like a thruster Thursday. Right guys?

Wednesday 12-16-15 WOD


20 Min Snatch Skill and build

High hang power snatch & power snatch form launch.

Main focus is to produce as much power as possible from the high hang & launch position and be able to catch the bar in a solid power position. Make sure to hold the receiving position for two seconds and let the bar settle before standing it up. The bar should not touch the ground between reps.

10 Burpees
10 C2B Pull Ups
10 KB Snatches/arm 40/60#

15 Min Circuit

5 Burpee Pull Ups
10 KBS
15 Hanging Leg Raise
20 Alternate B.W. lunges

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
10 Wall Balls 16/25#
10 KB Snatches/arm 25/40#

Monday, December 14, 2015

Tuesday 12-15-15 WOD

The moment you find the perfect partner to share a bar with for a squat session. 
#swolmates #manbum #getyoursquaton

Tuesday 12-15-15 WOD


15 Min Build to 3 TNG cleans

Deadlift 155/225 #


12 Min EMOM
5 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
5 Pull Ups

Modified "DIANE"
KBS 60/80#
Double Bell Push Press


Wall facing handstand holds (HSH). With a partner the goal is to do three sets for max time each set. The goal is to work up to 3 minutes of wall facing HSH per set. Have your partner count a start and finish time for each set. Your rest is while your partner is on the wall.

1 Set of MAX C2B STRICT pull ups

C2B ladder 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.... Up to 12 repetitions. The goal is to finish the ladder in as short of time as possible without breaking during the number you are working towards. Example: If Dirty little Tay Tay is 5 reps in on number 8 for the rung for the ladder and decides to stop to grab a sip of water and file his delicate hands then when he gets back on the bar he must start at rep #1 on the rung of 8.


Bar cycling and efficiency

3 Rounds of
Max TNG C&J 65/95#
2 Min Recovery between rounds.

Do as many TNG C&J without letting go of the bar. When you NEED to let go of the bar start your two minutes of recovery.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Monday 12-14-15 WOD

Apparently Lori had a little extra energy post WOD than those laying on the floor. 
Shorty-1 The rest of the ladies-0 
10 min Build to a max Strict press for a double (from the rack).

5x2 Strict Press with weight achieved in part A.

3 Sets max push press with the weight achieved in part A. with two minutes recovery between sets.

30 DU's
15 Thrusters 65/95#
10 Cleans 65/95#


10 min Build to a max Strict press for a double (from the rack).

5x2 Strict Press with weight achieved in part A.

3 Sets max push press with the weight achieved in part A. with two minutes recovery between sets.

30 DU's
15 KB Thrusters 30/50#
10 KB Cleans 30/50#

Friday, December 11, 2015

Saturday 11-12-15 WOD

November 24th 2012 Snow Day Workout! Should we plan another one?

Saturday 11-12-15 WOD

30 Min Partner AMRAP

In Teams of two alternate tasks so that in the first round person one does the first exercise in all categories and in round two person one will do the second exercise in all categories. Only one team member may be working at a time.

10 HSPU (mat)
10 Ring Dips

12 KB Snatches (6&6) 40/60#+
12 DB Renegade rows with push up (alternate arms after each push up)

14 Wall Ball Shots 16/25#
14 Pull Ups

16 KBS 60/80#
16 Ball Slams 20/30#

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Friday 12-11-15 WOD

The after effects of a 1000m row, 20 Overhead squats, and 20 cleans... 

Friday 12-11-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

6 Min Ladder
Deadlift 160/225#
Strict Ring Dip

Rest 5 Min

8 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
10 T2B

Rest 5 Min

For Time
50 Kcal Row
50 Burpees

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Thursday 12-10-15 WOD

Here's a shot of coach Ross after falling off the rower post 2000m Time Trial. As a coach I don't start "encouraging" athletes when they start the row because that's just a great way to get them to redline and burn out too soon. I wait till the last 500m then allow the "encouraging" to begin. That last 300-500m is where you know if people want it or not. I was "encouraging" very loudly that she sprint till the end and so she did. After falling off the rower at the finish and taking a couple minutes to catch her breath her question was "Did I sprint the last 300, I don't remember." That's when you know they were working hard! 

Thursday 12-10-15 WOD

In 12 Min Build to your heaviest Squat Clean + Two Thrusters

10 Min EMOM
10 Thrusters @65/95#

5 Min Time Cap
Row 500m
20 Burpees
Max Pull Ups with remaining time

5 Rounds of...
6 Back squats (build to a heavy 6 for the day
6 Shoot throughs (with pushup) on paralettes or boxes.
Wall Walk with 20 Second hold (wall facing)

10 Double Bell Thrusters EMOM @ 30/40#

5 Min Time Cap
Row 500m
20 Burpees
Max Pull Ups or ring rows with remaining time


Ring Muscle Up skill work.

HSPU Review on efficiency

HSPU Ladder. The goal is to do unbroken sets for upto a total of 10 min @ 25/45# defecit athletes may take as much rest as they need before going into the next set but must come down when they hit that number on the ladder. 1 off, 2 off , 3 off, and so on. The ladder is done when the athlete connot consistently get back up and keep consistent reps.

C2B Efficiency review and test
Unbroken ladder from 1-12 same rules apply as above BUT you must do the set that you are working on unbroken or you start over from that rung...

50 Double Unders
50 Wall balls (5 burpee penalty when you drop the ball) 16/25#
50 Double Unders
50 KBS 30/50# American swings

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Wednesday 12-09-15 WOD

Got squats? Magda does. The overhead squat is a great exercise to challenge the whole body for strength, stability and mobility. If any of the above is lacking the OHS will not allow you to hide it. Sometimes people can perform beautiful overhead squats with demonstration and instruction, others may need months of mobility work and training to achieve a great overhead position even with an empty bar. I have seen some super stiff people achieve some amazing OHS positioning when they want it bad enough and are willing to put in the work. Do you want it bad enough?

Wednesday 12-09-15 WOD

12 Min Build to your heaviest single front squat for the day.

Use 80% of the weight you achieved above to perform 2 reps EMOM for 8 Min

Row 1000m
20 OHS @ 85/115#
20 Cleans @ 85/115#

4 Rounds of Max...

Double Bell C&J
Rest 1 Min
Double Bell Front squat
Rest 1 Min
Double Bell Swings
Rest 2 Min

30 Burpees
30 Wall Balls
Row 1000m

Monday, December 7, 2015

Tuesday 12-08-15 WOD

Quiana up early on a Saturday morning doing deadlifts while others are still in bed. That's where gains are made!
Tuesday 12-08-15 WOD

20 Min Clean Complex

Squat Clean From...
High Hang
Then Jerk

5 HSPU @ 25/45#
10 Wall Balls (everyone uses 10' target so chose your ball appropriately).
15 Pull Ups

Four rounds of
10 Back Squat @ 70-75%
5 Pull Ups @ 41x1

5 Double Bell Push Press
10 Wall Balls (everyone uses 10' target so chose your ball appropriately).
15 Ring Rows

Today was supposed to be a meeting for ADP but we are still waiting on results from testing so it will be a normal skills class.

C2B Review and efficiency work 12 Min

10 Min EMOM
After assessing ability in C2B movements we will find a number to use for the EMOM with the focus on energy conservation and consistency with movement. This drill is not to smoke you. We should be able to finish all the rounds with some recovery between each one.

HSPU efficiency with work on rebound and maintaining tension for quick consistent reps.

Row 500m
10 Push Press@ 85/115#
10 Burpees to a 6" target above your reach
10 Front Squats @ 85/115#

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Monday 12-07-15 WOD

Brandi demonstrating a solid post workout recovery position. This was after the December 1st 30min time cap WOD. Looking good "B"!

Monday 12-07-15 WOD

3x5 BB Overhead Squats @ 85% *

*MANDATORY POWER OR SPLIT JERK from behind the neck and two second pause in the receiving position prior to starting your OHS. This is during the build as well. I want all athletes to work on a strong receiving position with the jerk from behind the neck and not rely on a push press that you may not have the strength to finish.


10 BB Snatches @ 65/95#
10 Ring Dips
10 T2B

15 Min Circuit
10 KBS 60/80#
8 KB Strict Press (build and find your weight)
10 Heavy KB Goblet squats (build and find your working weight)

50 KB Snatches (split your resp up as desired)
50 Wall Balls

Friday, December 4, 2015

Saturday 12-05-15 WOD

Remember what it was like to be Dirty & Thirty?

Saturday 12-05-15 WOD

30 Min Partner AMRAP

Split up today's workload as desired between you and a partner. 

30 Wall Balls
30 Pull Ups 
30 KBS 60/80#
30 Double Bell C&J 30/50#
30 T2B

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Friday 12-04-15 WOD

Mona taking a little rest after Thursday's workout and pounding out the last 25kcal row like a beast. I believe her response was "that was a bitch". #hardworkpaysoff

15 Min Build.
Squat Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

30 C&J for Time 65/95#

Rest 5 exactly Minutes

30 C&J for Time 65/95#

Yes I know its the same thing twice ;-)

This is a lighter weight than the RX'd version. The goal for this workout is fast and efficient movement of the barbell. Those that can hold on longer will excel at this workout. This workout is to be done with a running clock so you NEED to know exactly when you finish part B. and be ready to start part C. exactly 5 minutes after.

15 Min Circuit
4 Pull Ups @ 31x1
4 Chin Ups @ 31x1
6 Shoot thoughts (parallettes or boxes)
8 Renegade rows (alternating DB row form plank position)
20 Hollow rocks

For time

60 KB Snatches 30/50#

Rest 5 minutes

60 KB Snatches

With a running clock perform 60 KB snatches with unlimited put downs (even though that's frowned upon) and arm switches. after completing your 60 KB snatches rest exactly 5 minutes and perform another 60 repetitions for time.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thursday 12-03-15 WOD

Shortly after a member says "I don't know why I'm always breaking my phone" I take this shot and know exactly why her phone is always breaking. Make good choices and don't leave stuff laying around. If coach Russell bails on a squat from the rack you're gonna need another new phone #makegoodchoices

Thursday 12-03-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness
Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds 3 BB Back Squats @ 75% of 1RM

Minutes 0-3:00
5 HSPU & 10 KBS 30/50#  (Fitness alternative is KB push press)
Minutes 3:01-6:00
10 Pull Ups & 15 Hand Release Push Ups (HRPU)
Minutes 6:01-9:00
15 T2B & 20 Wall Balls  14#+/20#+

For part B. the goal is to complete the total number of rounds and reps for each 3 minute section. As soon as the three minute segment is up coaches will be ready to put your rounds and reps up on the board so know your #'s. There is ZERO transition time between three minute segments so have your equipment ready and available. Each three minute segment will be scored differently.

At the end of your first three minutes if you completed Six full rounds and finished your 5 HSPU your score would be 6+5

Skill work C2B Pull Up Efficiency

This skill work will be geared towards effecient C2B pull ups and getting rid of eccess wasted movement and energy.

C2B EMOM Ladder

8 Min Build to a weighted pistol.

Your total weight is the combined weight lifted for your single heaviest successful right and left pistol.

Row 1000m
20 BB Snatches @ 65/95#
20 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Wednesday 12-02-15 WOD

Here's Jason. Accountant who crunches numbers by day and athlete who crushes numbers at night... 
He's basically just an all around animal... 

Wednesday 12-02-15 WOD

20 Min Build "Bear Complex"

50 DU's
10 Hang Power Cleans 95/135#
10 HSPU @ 25/45#
25kcal row

4 Rounds of
5 BB Back squats 80-85%
5 Chin Ups @ 41x1
5 Push ups 31x1 on paralettes

50 DU's or 100 Single Unders
10 Double Bell Cleans #30/50#
10 Double Bell Push Press @ 30/50#
25kcal row

Monday, November 30, 2015

Tuesday 12-01-15 WOD

Victoria has a bit of a love hate relationship with the snatch. Consistent Olympic lifting will lead to better technique and allow athletes to become more comfortable with the movements. Taking time away form something you aren't comfortable with will not help with making progress in that movement. After class today Victoria decided to "make good choices" and stayed to work on technique. The only way we can get better is by choosing to get better and by doing what needs to be done. Don't talk about it . Be about it!
Congratulations Victoria for being #betterthanyesterday

Today's workout is a repeat of Tuesday 7-21-15. Compare today's score, variations, and time to your previous score.


30 Min Time Cap

10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips
20 C2B Pull Ups/Pull Ups
30 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
40 T2B/Variation
50 BB OHS @ 95/135# (KBS 60/80# for Fitness Option)
40 T2B/Variation
30 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
20 C2B Pull Ups/Pull Ups
10 Muscle Ups/Ring Dips


Complete the CrossFit WOD

With a partner 4x1 min wall facing handstand holds playing with hand balancing while your partner spots

3 Rounds of max "L Sit" holds on rings/Paralettes Rest 2 Min between Sets.

3 Rounds of Max BB OH Holds @ 110/155# Rest 2-3 Min between sets.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Monday 11-30-15 WOD

Dancing is always great active recovery between sets.

Monday 11-30-15 WOD

Take 15 Min to build to 85% of your 1RM Snatch

10 Min EMOM
1 Snatch @ 85%

6 Min Ladder @ 85/115#
Lateral bar jump burpee

3 Rounds of
6 Pull Ups @ 31x1
8 DB Push Press
6 Push Ups @ 41x1
8 Leg raise @ 3131

10 Min EMOM
6 Wall Balls 16/25#
6 Burpees

3 Rounds alternating of
1 Min Long plank
1 Min Hip Bridge

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Friday 11-27-15 WOD

Coach KRAUSSSS ready to give Stacie some mouth to mouth after some interval rows. Just a reminder Laurie that if they are still breathing you DO NOT need to give them mouth to mouth (unless they ask for it). 

Friday 11-27-15 WOD

5 Rounds of
Max Strict C2B Pull Ups or Strict Pull Ups
Max Strict Ring Dips

10 Hang Squat Cleans 85/115#
10 T2B

Optional Accessory Work (If you don't want to be better you don't have to do this, no pressure).

3x60 sec. Horizontal supine hold on GHD

3x60 sec supine hold across 2x boxes

5 Rounds of
Max strict pull ups @ 31x1 for those using a band.
Max Strict Box Dips @ 31x1

10 KBS @ 50/70#
10 Wall Balls @ 16/25#
10 Push Ups

Optional Accessory Work (If you don't want to be better you don't have to do this, no pressure).

3x60 sec. Horizontal supine hold on GHD

3x60 sec supine hold across 2x boxes

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thursday 11-26-15 WOD CrossFit/Fitness/ADP/Base Camp

After asking Cassy how she was feeling when she finished her 2000m row Time Trial her response was "I don't remember the last 200m" Way to go Cassy, that's how you know you were at the right intensity! 

Thursday 11-26-15 WOD

8 rounds alternating EMOM with a partner (4 rounds each) BB Cycling for Snatch empty bar to a light weight max 65/95#

Aim for consistent smooth reps not max reps.

Every 90 Seconds for 5 Rounds 3 BB Back squats @ 70% of 1RM

5 Min EMOM
10 Thrusters @ 65/95#
10 Pull Ups /ring rows

Scale #'s as necessary and make sure to do a 1 min test to determine if the # you chose is correct. If you hit 10&10 and it leaves you with no recovery repetitions on both exercises must be dropped. athletes should have 20-25 seconds rest between rounds if they are cycling the barbell and pull ups quickly and going unbroken.

100 KB Snatches 30/50 Take time to make sure reps are perfect. Athletes can chose to do as many switches and put downs as they like or challenge the 100 reps for time.

Every 90 Seconds for 5 Rounds 3 BB Back squats @ 70% of 1RM

5 Min EMOM
8 Double Bell Swings @ 30/50#
5 Push Ups

Weightlifting: Snatch
From the Rack...
10 Min Build for a drop snatch with 3 second pause in the receiving position
10 Min Continued build for snatch balance
Out of the rack...
20 Min 3 Pos. snatch. Full squat snatch from high hang, launch, ground.

2 Rounds of...

1 Min max muscle ups (ring dips)
Rest 1 min
2 Min max Double Unders
Rest 1 min
1 Min Max HSPU

Rest 3 Min & repeat.

8 rounds alternating EMOM (4 rounds each) BB Cycling for Snatch @ 65/95#

With a partner alternating BB snatches every minute with the focus on perfect cycling over max reps. Our main goal here is being efficient while moving a bar at a lighter weight for higher reps using muscle and power snatches.

Every 90 Seconds for 5 Rounds 3 BB Back squats @ 70-75% of 1RM

10 Min handstand skill work practice

Base Camp FINAL CLASS!!!

Review Burgener Warm up

Review and build for Turkish Get Up (TGU)

BB Clean warm up.
Muscle Cleans From High Hang & Launch
Power Cleans From High Hang & Launch
Squat Cleans From High Hang & Launch

Graduation and Initiation...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Wednesday 11-25-15 Testing Day 7 (last day I promise ;-)

Tay Tay going "Balls To The Wall" as always. 

Wednesday 11-25-15 Testing Day 7 (last day I promise ;-)

20 Min Build to a single max OHS from the rack.

2 Rounds @ 100% effort

1 Minute max reps ground to shoulder & shoulder to overhead @ 85/115#

Rest 1 Minute

1 Minute max burpees to a 6" target above the tip of your fingers reach

Rest 1 Minute

1 Minute max row for calories

Rest 5 Min and Repeat

For this workout have a partner count your reps while you're working. When you take your five minutes rest you count for your partner. This should be an all out effort both rounds through.

4 Rounds of
8 KB Goblet squats @ 50/70
8 Box jump overs
8 Double Bell Push Press @ 25/40

2 Rounds @ 100% effort

1 Minute max reps Double Bell Clean & Shoulder to Overhead (press, push press or push jerk) @25-30/40#

Rest 1 Minute

1 Minute max burpees to a 6" target above the tip of your fingers reach

Rest 1 Minute

1 Minute max row for calories

Rest 5 Min and Repeat

For this workout have a partner count your reps while you're working. When you take your five minutes rest you count for your partner. This should be an all out effort both rounds through.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tuesday 11-24-15 WOD CrossFit/Fitness/ADP

You know when people get excited about sports and yell at the TV when they aren't happy about something? Coach Craig takes it a step up while watching the World Weightlifting Championships.

CrossFit & Fitness:

4 Rounds of

alternate back lunges from rack. BB should be in the front rack position and legs should be alternating steps to the back then up to neutral before switching legs. Build to your heavy 8 then start counting your sets.

*Fitness variation BB should be placed in the back rack position.

For Time:
250m Row
15 KBS 30/50#
25 Burpees
15 KBS 30/50#
500m Row
15 KBS 30/50#
25 Burpees
15 KBS 30/50#
250m Row

 *KBS are Russian height swings (shoulder height)


4 Rounds of

8 FatBar OH Walking Lunges.

Clean the fatbar and work on a narrower OH position while lunging. Athletes should need no more than 2 min recovery between the weights they choose for the working set.

For Time:
250m Row
15 KBS 50/70#
25 Burpees
15 KBS 50/70#
500m Row
15 KBS 50/70#
25 Burpees
15 KBS 50/70#
250m Row

 *KBS are Russian height swings (shoulder height)

Rest 5 Min

8 Rounds of wall facing handstand holds. 20 seconds work 30 seconds recovery (allowing for two groups to alternate on the wall at a time).

*Wall walk or cartwheel into position...

3 Rounds of 10-20 GHD Sit Ups.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Monday 11-23-15 Testing Day 6

Monday 11-23-15 Testing Day 6


Take 25 min to build to a 1RM Deadlift
Singles @ 85,90,95,100+

When getting near your 1RM DO NOT REPEAT IT! Put slightly more weight on just to build a bit more confidence (and hit a new PR). You only have so many bullets in your gun and if you chose to use them up hitting a previous max then you may not have a bullet left for your new PR. Just sayin...
You can thank me when you're ringing the bell!

2000m Row Time Trial.

Warm Up 300-500m focus on form, stroke length and how the body is feeling.

The goal for the 2k TT is to finish in the fastest amount of time possible. This is a great test for testing aerobic capacity & mental toughness

We have done 2k row's in the past so you should have an idea of a previous time. Planning ahead and deciding if you can beat that time will take a few calculations.

Make sure your monitor is set to split and have your Avg. split time on it as well. If your goal is to row a sub 7min 2k then you need to make sure that your average split for the entire 2k is 1:44.3/500 so that you can end up with a time of 6:57. If your split is 1:46/500 your time will end up @ 7:04 for 2k.

This is a great mental challenge for individuals who are competitive with themselves because if you want to beat your previous time you'll need to go deep into the pain cave. The last time I did a 2k TT I had my eyes shut for the better part of the last 500m and thought I was either going to pass out or vomit or both...

Take some time to figure out what kind of splits you can keep for the distance. It's easier to maintain a pace throughout then to try and make up time in the end. Happy 2k TT!  

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Hey Everyone,

Our Friends at Prairie CrossFit and the Hercules Weightlifting Club are putting on a fun weightlifting competition Sunday December 13th. I have been a little behind on posting because of athlete testing and other events. We can get a team of 6 in and maybe some more if there's space.

let me know as registration needs to be in by TOMORROW SUNDAY NOV 22nd!


We may not be able to get everyone in but I will let them know how many we have interested in competing.

This is just another chance to #getbetterthanyesterday on the competition floor.


Prairie CrossFit is partnering with the Hercules Weightlifting Club to hold an Olympic Lifting Competition specifically for CrossFitters! We will have prizes, there will be music and there will definitely be PR’s too!


Date: Sunday, December 13, 2015

Place: Prairie CrossFit

Lifts: Snatch - Clean & Jerk. You will have 3 attempts at each lift and your score is the highest combined total. 

This event will be run by official Manitoba Weightlifting Association (MWA) judges, however they will be lenient on some of the rules enforced in regular sanctioned meets. 15 minutes before the competition the MWA's official chairman will give a review of the rules & regulations. The exact format of the meet will be determined closer to the competition date once all lifters have been registered. 

For this competition only, you DO NOT have to be a Manitoba Weightlifting Association Registered Lifter but we encourage people to consider purchasing a 2015/16 MWA membership. Forms can be found at

You do not need to wear a singlet.

Weigh-ins and weight class categories will be used, as will the Sinclair Co-efficient for scoring. Weigh-ins will be 1 hour prior to lifting. 

The Hercules club will be providing a coach for each affiliate that has a team. They will help coach your athletes through the event and prepare them for their lifts.

Cost: $25/lifter

There will be prizes for Best Female lifter, Best Male lifter and Best Team. In order for your team to qualify for prizing, you need to have 3 males and 3 females registered.

ALL TEAMS need to be registered by NOVEMBER 22. There will be a limited number of spots open for this comp, so it will be a first come first serve basis. So get your teams/lifters together quick and send the info in. 

Info Needed for EACH LIFTER:
Full Name
Email Address 
Indicate weight class:
Best Snatch Weight
Best Clean & Jerk Weight

Friday, November 20, 2015

Saturday 11-21-15 WOD

The aftermath of some rowing intervals. Some were feeling better than others...

Saturday 11-21-15 WOD

Back to another heavy grinder this weekend.

30 Min AMRAP

5 Squat Cleans*
10 Deadlift **
5 Weighted strict pull ups (tempo of 31x1 if using band)
10 Ring Dips

*Build to a heavy squat clean then bring it!
** Use the same weight as your squat clean for your deadlifts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday 11-20-15 Testing Day 5

Ain't no party like a Starke CrossFit Party... These two animals getting ready to throw down at the SCF 3 year anniversary workout/party.  
Friday 11-20-15 Testing Day 5


In 12 minutes build to your heaviest single strict BB Press

In 12 minutes build to your heaviest single squat clean thruster.

Open workout 14.2

Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
   2 rounds of:
   10 overhead squats
   10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
   2 rounds of:
   12 overhead squats
   12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
   2 rounds of:
   14 overhead squats
   14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
95-lb. overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
65-lb. overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups

In 12 minutes build to your heaviest single double bell strict Press & Push Press with Kettlebells.

In 12 minutes build to your heaviest single squat clean thruster with Kettlebells.

Following the same format as CrossFit Open workout 14.2 athletes will substitute Overhead squats with KB Squat Jumps 40/60# and C2B pull ups will be pull ups or ring rows.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thursday 11-19-15 Testing Day 4

Well everyone's feeling great from testing week so far which is exactly what I wanted. We have been seeing non stop PR's in every class and sometimes the entire class is PR'ing. The goal was not to beat everyone into the ground and test you when you're run down. It's been great seening athletes coming in fresh and ready to work. Tomorrow's going to be a little more demanding so be ready!

Mona, Cathy, & Andrea giving the body a little TLC after a workout. Your cool down is a very important part of your training and a time where athletes should bring their heart rates back down, flush out some lactic acid and work on tissue quality & mobility to promote recovery and improve adaptations from the training you just accomplished. Why waste your gains by taking off right after a workout?

Thursday 11-19-15 Testing Day 4


20 Min Build to a Max Clean & Jerk

50 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps 20/24"
40 T2B
30 Burpees
30 C2B
20 Power Cleans 100/145#
20 Jerks 100/145#
10 Snatches 100/145#
10 Muscle Ups

For the open test scale the BB weights as needed with the limiter being the BB snatch. If you lessen the weight for the snatch make sure to use the same weight for the clean & the jerks as well.


4x5 BB Back Squat
Build to your heavy five for the day then start counting.

50 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps 16/20"
40 Hanging Leg Raise
30 Burpees
30 Pull Ups/Ring Rows
20 KB Cleans (10/side) 30/50#
20 Jerks (10/side) 30/50#
10 Snatches (10/side) 30/50#
10 Ring Dips

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wednesday 11-18-15 Testing Day 3

When resting don't walk away from the task at hand. Keep your head and heart up, breathe, and think about performing not how tired you are. Stand under the bar, shin to bar, overtop of the ball or or bell. If you walk away it's always harder to go back. Don't ever talk yourself out of something because its tough. Tell yourself that you're far from done, that you have lots left in the tank, and that you're better because you didn't quit.  
Wednesday 11-18-15 Testing Day 3

20 Min Build To A 1 RM Back Squat

Strict HSPU (level ground with use of blue mat)

Max Unbroken T2B

3x500m Max Effort Row with 2 Min inactive recovery


3 Rounds of
5 Kneeling Strict Press KB (build to a heavy 5)
10 Heavy Russian KBS
60 Sec. double bell overhead hold
60 Sec double farmer hold*

*For this exercise I want FULL activation of every little muscle in the body. when picking up the bells use proper DL technique. Get your back to the wall, shoulders back, crush the handles, abs tight, quads flexed (pull those knee caps up) squeeze your glutes (prison bum it!). The closer you get to that minute if you feel like you're losing your grip squeeze everything TIGHTER!!!!

Max Unbroken hanging leg raise (use a beat swing if you go one).

3x500m Max Effort Row with 2 Min inactive recovery

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tuesday 11-17-15 WOD Testing Day 2

Deanna and her awesome support crew at the Novice Prairie CrossFit competition. Chris and the girls stayed all day to cheer mom on while she powered her way through workout after workout. Sometimes your a roll model for people and don't even know it. Other times you need to be a roll model to show the ones you love what they can be capable of if they put their minds to it. 
As a coach I couldn't be more proud of you Deanna for putting yourself out there and trying something new. 

Tuesday 11-17-15 Testing Day 2

20 Min Build to a max snatch

This test is to be done in two parts and has a total time cap of 5 minutes.

I. Max Unbroken Muscle Ups
II. With the rest of the time on the clock perform as many muscle ups as possible.

Make sure to note how many unbroken reps you have completed and a grand total at the end of the 5 minutes.

Scaled version is to be done in the rack with heels on the edge of two 45# plates with athletes arms in full extension and butt off the ground to start the movement. The athlete must transition and land over top of the rings with the bicep onto of the rings before pressing out of the dip. Minimal pressure must be placed through the heels. Aim for max unbroken reps and a total for the 5 minutes just like the RX'd version.

1000m Row for Time
Damper may be set wherever the athlete wants it. Make sure to set the monitor to count down so you get an exact time on the distance.

15 Min Circuit

5 Double Bell Thrusters
5 Double Bell Front Squats
5 Double Bell Cleans
Rest 1 Min
5 Wall Walks
5 Push Ups
5 Burpees
Rest 1 Min

5 Min Max Double Bell C&J 30/50#

C. 1000m Row for Time

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Monday 11-16-15 WOD Testing Day 1

Are you all ready for testing week? I know this guy is!!!

Monday 11-16-15 WOD

This week's CrossFit workouts will mimic the ADP program's testing. This will give you all a chance to test yourself and have a base to know where you are and set some goals for where you want to be. Testing is like competition. If you want an exact idea of where you're at then make sure your movements are measurable and repeatable. Have eyes on you so you aren't guessing that it was a "good rep". Test yourself but don't sacrifice yourself. For ANY modifications make sure they are measurable and repeatable!!!

CrossFit & ADP:
20 Min Build to a max Front Squat

Perform 1-3 Back Squats with your Front squat weight.

Perform as many back squats with your front squat weight until failure. This literally means until failure. Not getting a spot, not quitting when you're tired, you should fail this at the bottom of your squat or on the way up (have someone count for you).

How Many reps did you get?

Test 2.
Max Unbroken pull ups.
This test may be kipping or butterfly pull-ups. The standards are the same as always. Full extension of the arms at the bottom and chin over the bar at the top.

Test 3.
Max Unbroken Ring Dips

20 Min Build to a max Back Squat

For one set perform as many reps as possible at 75% of your 1RM for the day (have someone count for you).

7 Min Ladder starting at one rep for each movement and climbing until the 7 min time cap is up.
Russian KBS 70/50#
Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10'

Post rounds and reps

Friday, November 13, 2015

Saturday 11-14-15 WOD

Matt contemplating his next snatch... 

Saturday 11-14-15 WOD

Complete the following in as short of time as possible

200m Loaded Carry 30/50#
10 Muscle Ups (Ring)
20 C2B Pull Ups (scale as needed)
30 Kettlebell snatches 30/50# (15/arm)
40 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10’
50 T2B (or variation) 
40 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10’
30 Kettlebell snatches 30/50# (15/arm)
20 C2B Pull Ups (scale as needed)
10 Muscle Ups (Ring)

200m Loaded Carry 30/50#

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Friday 11-13-15 WOD

I'm sure if she had nuts, she probably would have busted at least one of them on this rep.
 Coach Ross popping a squat!

Friday 11-13-15 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Back Squat 5x3@85% of 1RM

15 KBS 40/60#
15 Wall Balls 14/20#

Rest 2 Min

5 min AMRAP
5 Hang Squat Cleans 85/115#
5 Burpees
5 T2B

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thursday 11-12-15 WOD

Here we have Lisa demonstrationg a nice high back swing on her Russian Kettlebell swing during the Canada Day holiday WOD. On the back swing you should have contact with your forearms and inner thighs (right up in there), you should be hinging from the hip (not squatting), and loading up those hamstrings like a bow and arrow. It looks like Lisa's about ready to launch!!!
Quads flexed, Abs tight, and glutes firing like two wolverines fighting in a burlap sack! 
Boom Goes The Dynamite!!!

Thursday 11-12-15 WOD

Skill Development: Kippping ring dips

3 Rounds of

8 Walking BB Front Rack lunges*
Max strict ring dips Once you can no longer perform strict ring dips go directly into kipping for as many reps as possible without getting off the rings.

* Build to your heavy eight lunges in the front rack position then start counting your sets.

 3RFT  @95/135#
8 Power Cleans
8 BB Front Squats
8 Push Jerk

3 Rounds of
8 Walking DB Lunges
8 Double Bell Push Press
Max dips (rings or box)

Max Burpee Pull Ups
Max Burpee Box Jumps (no rebounding)  20/24"
Max Burpees

With a running clock perform as many reps as possible counting up from each AMRAP.

If "Dirty Little Tay Tay"(DLTT) does 24 Burpee pull ups in the three minute AMRAP as soon as the 3min is up  DLTT  will NOT get any rest and will walk over to his box and perform burpee box jumps (standing up fully erect at the top) then stepping back down (no jumping) his count will continue from 24 to 25 and up. At the five minute mark burpees will be performed for as many as possible in that one minute and once again the count will continue to go up from where he left off in the burpee box jumps. Your final score will be the total # of reps completed in the six minutes.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wednesday 11-11-15 WOD

Wednesday 11-11-15 WOD

Tomorrow's only workout for the day will be at 12:00pm and is a hero WOD dedicated to the memory of Michael Murphy "MURPH"
We did this workout on Labor Day and some athletes missed out due to competition. Now is your chance to complete this hero WOD or retest yourself against it.

No matter how challenged you may feel tomorrow, it is still nothing compared to what our armed forces face in battle around the world on a daily basis. Thank you to everyone who has served, is serving, and will serve our Country and our Allies.

Murph” is a CrossFit Hero WOD named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. He was 29, of Patchogue, N.Y. Lt Murphy was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after his death.
The workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it ‘Body Armor.’ It first appeared on the CrossFit site 18 August 2005.
 Engaged in a frenzied firefight and outnumbered by the Taliban, Navy Lt. Michael Murphy made a desperate decision as he and three fellow SEALs fought for their lives on a rocky mountainside in Afghanistan’s Kunar Province in 2005.
In a last-ditch effort to save his team, Murphy pulled out his satellite phone, walked into a clearing to get reception and called for reinforcements as a fusillade of bullets ricocheted around him. One of the bullets hit him, but he finished the call and even signed off, “Thank you.”
Then he continued the battle.