Saturday, March 1, 2014

CrossFit Open workout time change for Sunday March 2nd

Hey Everyone, 

Congratulations for signing up for the CrossFit Open for 2014. This is going to be an awesome experience for you to challenge yourself against the clock, other people in our region, age category, and all over the world. 

Keep in mind that safety is always our first concern and even thought these workouts are basically time trials and you will be going balls to the wall keep in mind that you need to be safe during the workouts. 

For these workouts they will be done in heats so you need to be judged by a valid judge for your scores to count and be posted. These judges include Lynell, Laurie, Anthony, Lorrie, and Paul. 

Please review these movement standards as they must count or you will get a NO REP for repetitions that do not meet the standards.

I will not be there on Sunday as Lorrie and I were not allowed to board our plane this morning (long story) and are not happy about it. We will be back Sunday evening @ 10pm so those that could not do the workout on Sunday will have to get it in with me Monday (jet lagged and all). All scores and videos need to be in by 5pm eastern time on Monday so I can do some judging during the day on Monday to get you in.

Laurie Kraus will be judging at 11am on Sunday and Lynell can do 4pm so if you can make it down there for those times I am adding it to the schedule for you to sign up. Please sign up for your slot as I will be able to see who I still need to get through on Monday.
Calendar link below

for the Open workout we will want you to get in, get warmed up, work on some range of motion, technique for the workout and hit the movements till we break a bit of a sweat before we hit the workout. You don't want to go into it cold. You should all be hot and firing on all cylinders. You wont want to go all out right off the bat. I recommend power snatches for the lift and make sure your movements are clean so the judges aren't left guessing and you aren't getting No Repped 

Good luck to everyone. I know this isn't how I wanted to start the Open especially if this is your first time but next week we will be on track!

Please e mail me if you have any questions and we will get it all sorted out. 

Paul #grounded Dyck

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