One Thing I've learned is if the bees are asleep, DON'T POKE THE BEE HIVE!!!
Lexa taking a nap while I catch up on some quality streaming....
Tuesday 11-29-16 WOD
CrossFit & Fitness
Skill Work:
10 Min
Rope Climbs The "J" Trap and Legless speed climbs.
3 Rounds NFT
6 KB Snatch/Arm (go heavy)
6 HSPU (use a deficit challenging for 6 reps) DB or KB push press alternate option.
10 Pistols (5&5) Use weight if possible
For Time
Row 1000m
3 Rounds of...
15 C2B/Pull Ups/Ring Rows
8 Double Bell C&J 30/50# (Scaled 22/40#)
Mona & Matt "Gettin mobile wit It" (Insert Will Smith chorus here)
Mona and Matt hanging out after class working on some ankle mobility to help with some better positioning in the squats and in case they get stuck in the wilderness without an outhouse.
Now that's working on becoming more functional...
Monday 11-28-16 WOD
Front Squat 3 x 5 @ 80%
3 RFT @ 85/115#
10 Hang Cleans
10 S2OH
10 Lateral Bar Jump Burpees
3 Rounds NFT (Not For Time)
10 Double Bell Front Squats
10 Push Ups/Plyo Push Ups
10 Shoot Throughs
10 KBS 40/60#
10 HLR/Anchored Sit Ups
10 Plate Jump Burpees
Haily getting "tight" at the top of her back squat...
If you ain't tight, it ain't right...
This is test week and whether you've been doing the CrossFit Strength Cycle or the Fitness stream both have been following gradual loading and deloading weeks. Even our fitness workouts ask for percentages during workouts so this is your chance as a veteran of Starke or a newer member to test yourself and see what you can get for a single badass back squat.
There is no MetCon after this workout as a max back squat should use every muscle fiber in your body to accomplisha maximal lift not to mention the stress on the Central nervous system for the maximal loading
(don't worry Friday's WOD will know you on your butt).
Key Points to a successful heavy squat
1. Approach the bar with a purpose and some aggression. Even during your build, this will help you to not get supposed by the load.
2. Use the same routine every time you approach the bar and pull it form the rack. Think about how you grip it, pull yourself under it, prepare your stance, brace yourself... Make these all habits with a light or heavy weight.
3. Get tight! Make sure to take your breath and support that spine and don't breathe again until you have about a 1/4 of your squat left on the way up by letting out some air but maintaining pressure until the lift is complete.
4. Control your descent and use your full depth if you have it or a box if you need it for a target.
5. Have a spotter watch for your depth and a spotter for your lift. If you spotter grabs or touches the bar then don't count the lift. If it's "All you" then it should be "All you".
6. If you PR'd your back squat then ring the damn bell and throw it up on the PR board.
Good luck everyone and lets see how much better you got since September.
Some athletes prefer to build by feel so that's the other option.
One thing I've found that sometimes helps is to add more weight than you're going to squat leading up to that 1RM. In February when I PR's my back squat @ 410# it threw 460# on the bar and pulled it from the rack. My initial thought was "Holy shit this is heavy". All I did was brace and set up as if I was going to squat, stood it up, took a couple steps back and stood there for ten seconds. After that I racked it and waited 90 seconds before attempting my pr. When I pulled the 410# form the rack my initial thought was "dam this is lighter". I haven't read up much on this but my thoughts are that the added weight was extra stimulus on the central nervous system and there may have been some extra muscle fiber recruitment to get the job done. Even the mental aspect of the bar feeling lighter has to help somewhat.
As always some athletes like numbers to build off of and some like to go by feel. Depending on how you are feeling or if you have hit a recent C&J PR then hang out around 80-90% and work on some heavy singles. For newer athletes don't worry about a max number. Work on getting some volume in with lower weight and getting your mechanics dialed in. Don't worry. You have lots of time to to go heavy down the road!
Odd: 8 Double Bell C&J 25/40#
Even: 8 Med Bal Cleans 20#+
10 Min AMRAP
Row 14/18 Kcal
10 KB Squat Jumps 40/60#
Anytime you approach the bar no matter how light or how heavy. Think about what you need to do, think about how you need to set your body. think about how you need to get and stay tight, and think about finishing a successful lift.
Jon taking his time before getting under the bar...
Tuesday 11-22-16 WOD
Build to a 1RM Snatch in 30min
From the ground make sure to reset and take your time between reps. Cycling the barbell in a CrossFit workout and PRing a snatch are two different animals. Take your time in the set up, think about what you need to do, tell yourself what you're going to do, then do it! If you prefer building by feel you can do that as well.
DO NOT REPEAT A PR. If you're feeling great, today might be a good day for a PR. If you are at a sub max weight and aren't feeling quick and responsive, if you just finished a night shift and can't keep your eyes open, or have not been making #goodchoices from the weekend and are suffering from them then use this session to work on technique and build to and hang out around 80%-85%
Skill work. Refine your pull ups. Ask a coach to give you some drills on refining your movement in the Kipping and BF pull up.
15 Min Ladder
Starting at one rep for each increase by one rep every round completed...
Lorrie showing off her best PR ever on June 21st 2016...
Test Week!
Well our strength cycle has come to an end and we have seen some amazing progress so far. Some athletes have retested max lifts and we've seen some big jumps in Snatches, Clean & Jerk, Front squats and some big numbers in back squats. Lets see what we can do this week with some retesting.
Some things to remember for the week.
You will be taxing your central nervous system hitting maximal loading in both Olympic lifts this week and your front and back squat. If you are looking for some true numbers make sure you're getting adequate sleep, nutrition, and recovery (rolling, mobility, ice cream).
Don't do any MetCon's that will destroy you. Focus on the maximal lifts and getting your head into what you need to be doing. Beating yourself up with an intense metcon will not help your maximal lifts over the next few days. If you would like to work on some skill work after the workout then that is recommended.
Keep in mind what the focus is and don't worry about leaving the gym without getting your "sweat" on. There will be enough of that coming as we lead up to open prep and Frost Fit 2017.
Do your best. You know what's coming this week. Prepare for it physically and mentally. Be ready to give it your all.
Good luck this week everyone and lets throw up some BIG numbers!!!
Monday 11-21-16 WOD
Build to a 1RM front squat from the rack. Some athletes like to build by feel and others like to follow some numbers. Use a spotter if needed but if someone touches the bar at all then don't count that rep!
3@ 80%
Skill work HSPU/Handstand Walk
Odd: Double Bell Front Squat
Even: Push Ups @ 41x1
10 Kcal Row
10 Alternating DB/KB lunges
Having a spotter is like having insurance. It's there if you need it but you don't really want to use it.
A spotter should be there to help you through a sticking point or if you get stuck on a lift. If the spotters hands touch the bar even in the slightest I don't consider that a successful lift.
Ali hitting some heavy squats with Wax there to back her up "if" she needs it.
Friday 11-18-16 WOD
Last day of our strength cycle. Next week, we test...
Back Squat 5 x 1 @ 100% (Use initial testing # from September)
SGPP + OHS 2 x 1 + 1
Power Clean 2 x 1 @ 92% & 2 x 1 @ 97%
Back Squat 5 x 1 @ 100% (Use initial testing # from September)
400m Run
20 KBS 50/70#
15 Wall Balls 14/20#
10 Med Ball Cleans (same ball as wall balls)
5 Burpees
I love the sound of 15 pairs of feet slamming into the ground like thunder simultaneously during the Burgener warm up.
P.S. Quinton, There is NOTHING interesting on the ground. Head Up ;-)
Tuesday 11-15-16 WOD
Min 1: 6 Muscle Ups 10 DU's
Min 2: 5 Muscle Ups 20 DU's
Min 3: 4 Muscle Ups 30 DU's
Min 4: 3 Muscle Ups 40 DU's
Min 5: 2 Muscle Ups 50 DU's
Min 6: 1 Muscle Ups 60 DU's
Start back at the top for minute 7 and follow the same pattern upward to finish the 12 rounds.
10 HSPU 25/45#
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 DB Burpee Box Overs 30/50# 20/24"
Even 12/16 Kcal Row
Odd 15 KBS 60/80#
10 DB/KB Push Press 25/40#
10 Chin Ups
10 DB Burpee's 20/40#
Do some body weight squats, then row, row, row your boat (for 500Kcal), then do some more squats. That's it...
Tuesday 11-08-16 WOD
CrossFit & Fitness:
Ok so you have two options for today's workout...
Partner Option
50 Body Weight Back Squats
500Kcal Row
50 Body Weight Back Squats
The weight may be scaled to work for both athletes. Both athletes will complete 25 squats each before starting the row and then 25 squats each to stop the clock. The row should alternate rowers every 50Kcal and maintain a high intensity.
Option B.
Solo Effort
50 Body Weight Back Squats
500Kcal Row
50 Body Weight Back Squats
*This workout is to be done as a soloist. The bars may be taken from the rack.
**For the FireBreathers you will not be using a rack to get the bar on your back. You will be cleaning the bar and transitioning the bar to your upper back and shoulders prior to starting your squats each time.
All athletes keep in mind that if you are to row an average of 1000Kcal/hr it will take you 30 min to row 500 Kcal. Coaches may suggest which option to go with.
"Paul, Don't take that picture. Paul, I said don't take it. Don't make me drop this bar and come over there..." Victoria always such a kidder. I think...
Friday 11-04-16 WOD
Snatch 5 x 1 @ 85%
Clean & Jerk 5 x 1 + 1 @ 80%
SGDL 1 x 1 @ 120% of snatch
3 x 5 Min Circuit w. 1 Min Recovery* 30/50#
10 KB Snatch
10 KBS
10 KB Clean & Press/Jerk
10 Goblet Squats
10 Single Arm Swings
*Athletes may only put the bell down at the end of the 5 minutes during the rest period. The bell should be off the ground before the "Start" bell sounds. 20 Burpee penalty for parking the bell during the 5 min work period.
3 Rounds of @ 25/40#
1 Min Row for max calories
1 Min double bell OH hold
*10 sec transition between movements. Score is max calories for all three rounds
Once upon a time I had a client who's goal was to stand and balance on an exercise ball with one leg.
I asked him why he wanted to do that and discussed the risk vs. benefit relation to doing this. His answer was "I've never seen anyone do it before and I want to be the first". He also told me that I was a bad business person and that if someone wanted to pay me to help them reach a goal then I should do it no matter what that goal was.
Interestingly enough I accepted the offer and we worked on single leg balance work on the ball (A lot). We didn't practise on the Bosu, on a wobble board, on a Bongo board, or a smaller ball. The goal was to stand on a large Swiss ball on one foot so we trained on the Swiss ball.
We used a pull up bar and dip bars for balance right off the bat. We used the other foot with just the toes for support and when Dre got good enough we had him standing on one leg and I would throw bean bags at I mean to him along with escrima sticks and anything else I could find laying around. His focus was on the stuff being thrown at him and not the balance work which became second nature on both legs.
Once again the risk for this was very high and I don't recommend that people try this but Dre accomplished his goal and was even able to switch from one leg to the other while standing on the ball like in the video.
The most interesting thing I leaned from this was that when Dre was coming to my sport conditioning classes we finished up class and were doing a standing quad stretch. Dre was all over the place and couldn't balance at all. He had spent so much time working on the ball and learning the physical corrections required that there was no carry over to singe leg work on any other stable or unstable surface. You would think that standing on one leg on solid ground would be easy if you can stand on a giant ball on one leg. Right?
My point of this article was to show you that not everything carries over so if you have a coach or trainer getting you to squat standing on a ball, play hockey while balancing on a bongo board, or jumping on and off a Bosu, ask why you're doing it and how will it help you to become a better athlete.
If you plan on playing hockey on a Bongo board then practise on the Bongo board...