Monday, July 6, 2015

We call him Miguel, Miggs, or Milo...You can call him THE BEAST!

Miguel walked into Starke just over one year ago needing a change in his life. He was “enjoying” life, the food, the drinks, and the late nights. His lifestyle and lack of physical activity was catching up with him and he was tired of it all. He needed something new in his life and the motivation to drive him to success. He kept on driving past Starke and curiosity finally pushed him to sign up for a free class to check it out. After doing his free class, Miguel instantly signed up for the Foundations program.

“I was super nervous coming in for the first time. There would be a ton of new people I had never met, I was coming into the unknown, I didn’t know what to expect. Who would I be in class with? Would I get along with everyone? Was I going to be in way worse shape then everyone else? Would I be embarrassed? My insecurities were starting to get the best of me. But after that first class, all of that went out the window! Everyone was amazing, there were a ton of different levels of fitness, and everyone was there to better himself or herself, just like me. Most of all, Paul Dyck was the best coach and mentor I had ever had. I instantly signed up for a membership after finishing Foundations.” Miguel shares. “I fell in love with Starke, it was like hanging out with a bunch of friends every day! The workouts were great, challenging, intense, and always made you push yourself farther then you ever thought possible.”

Setting yourself up for success isn’t always the easiest task. Visualizing where Miguel was to where he wanted to be was hard, but the road to get there was even harder. In the beginning it was a struggle physically, he was sore and tired regularly. But he made it a priority to come in on a regular basis. “It was mental for the most part, I wanted to change, I really wanted to get in shape, and I wanted a healthier life for myself moving forward,” Miguel says.

When Miguel first started health and fitness was not his number one priority. As the time passed he simply started to lessen the amount he went out and would stay committed to his workouts, making it a priority. “Everything changed in a positive way, I was feeling way better mentally and physically.  Now I make it out to Starke six days a week, and I am focused on clean eating, limiting my alcohol intake, and eating out less.”

One year ago, Miguel would have struggled with a 200m run, attempting a pull-up, getting up against the wall in a handstand position, and his lack of mobility would never have allowed him to squat. After one year at Starke, Miguel can run one full mile no problem, he’s mastered his pull-ups and can even do set of 3 pull-ups with 100lbs hanging off his waist. He can now accomplish handstand push-ups and his mobility has changed drastically. It wasn’t easy and it’s been challenging to progress, but he now has the determination and endurance to do it!

Moving forward, Miguel would like to compete in a competition feeling confident in his abilities, he’d like to continue to progress in his Olympic Lifts, and continue to better himself in his health and fitness.

“I walked through Starke’s doors and fell in love with the place, the people, the workouts, and now I look forward to coming every day. This place essentially changed my life and I have the utmost gratitude towards Paul and the community he’s created here at Starke. I think twice about making positive choices in my life and I have Starke to thank for that.” – Miguel Jovel

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