Sunday, May 14, 2017

Monday 5-15-17 WOD

Post workout hugs are the best kind of hugs. 
Meghan getting some post workout love from her little girl... 

Monday 5-15-17 WOD

For the next six weeks you will see a little more unilateral (working one side of the body at a time) in the programming. A lot of the movements that we do in the gym require us to squat sing both legs which can be problematic for some who have sustained an injury back in the day and may shift a little more to one side to load up the "stronger leg". This slight shift can potentially throw the pelvis and spine out of alignment causing some undesirable movement patterns to occur. If you tend to shift more to one side than the other this can be a good test for you and see what we can do in 6 weeks with some dedicated unilateral work. We will be retesting on the seventh week along with a back squat retest to compare to our most recent back squat 1RM a couple weeks ago. My prediction is that your 1RM Back Squat #'s should go up!

We will also be testing some upper body pulling strength as well and incorporate some specific pull up strength along the way.

Some answers to questions you may have...

  • Yes we will still be doing some badass metcons
  • Yes there will still be Olympic lifting programmed in
  • Yes there will still be squats programmed in but they won't be the major focus
  • What if I don't want to get stronger or become a better and more well balance person and athlete? Well you're in the wrong place... 

     CrossFit & Fitness

Test Day

Build to your heaviest mechanically sound single leg split squat on both sides.*

*While building keep the following in mind for your split squats.

  • All athletes should perform ten unloaded reps/side prior to adding weight to the movement.
  • Your front foot should have a preference of weight to the heel. 
  • Keep your knee stacked over your ankle from the starting point to the bottom and back up. 
  • Since balance and stability play large a role in this exercise weight should not surpass ROM i.e.. don't add more weight and use less ROM 
  • Take time setting up. Th biggest mistake people make with this exercise is not stepping out far enough with the front leg. I don't believe I've ever seen anyone go "too far" with the front leg on this exercise. 
  • The loading may be done with Dumbbells, Kettlebells, or Barbells from the ground or from the rack. Barbells will require the most stability as the weights are positioned a little further away from the body. Whatever method you start the six weeks with please finish it that way. Don't bounce around form KB to DB, to BB.   
  • Control must be kept in all sets and reps and ask a coach if you're reaching 90 degrees behind both knees if you're not sure. A 90 degree angle behind both knees is your is your "bottom position" for this exercise.  
While building to your heaviest split squat find your max reps for 
  1. Strict Pull Ups
  2. Strict C2B pull ups if you have them 
  3. Your single most challenging pull up variation where you stall at one rep. Coaches will help with this option and give suggestions and variations to find your 1RM.

For Time
Row 50Kcal
50 KBS 30/50#
50 Wall Balls 14/20#

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