Thursday, May 11, 2017

Friday 5-12-17 WOD

Becky, Alex, & Randy. Are they texting each other about the workout or just being anti-social? 
You know you could all be using this time to make gains!!!

Friday 5-12-17 WOD

With a running clock...

Row 1000m

Rest 3 Min

3 Rounds of
12 C2B Pull Ups
12 Front Squats 65/95#

Rest 3 Min

3 Rounds of...
12 BB Back Lunges 65/95#
12 S2OH

*5 Burpee penalty ANYTIME YOU DROP THE BAR. Don't ask if you can rest it on your back or put it in the rack or have a friend hold it for you etc, you get the idea...

Rest 3 Min

Row 1000m

Post final time including breaks

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