Sunday, July 2, 2017

Monday 7-02-17 HOLIDAY WOD

Hey everyone, tomorrow is our very last holiday throwdown at Starke 1.0 I've got a special workout planned for for you that is task oriented and will run from 10am to 1pm don't show up late to this one. 

Make sure to bring a backpack, multiple water bottles, some nutrition example (bars, gels, a banana, a PB sandwich), comfortable training clothes, sunglasses, hat, a swimsuit, $10, and most importantly your "A" game. 

Don't ask me what we're doing or where we're going. You'll all be working together as a team for this WOD. Get some rest and see you all in the AM. 

P.S. Don't bring any friends to try us out for the first time tomorrow. This isn't one you'll want to bring them to... #expecttheunexpected #winnipeg #crossfit #starkecrossfit #starkestrength #fitness #training #holidaywod #betterthanyesterday

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