Thursday, March 31, 2016

Friday 4-01-16 WOD NO WERE NOT DOING 16.5 ;-)

I just love seeing some jacked up ladies hanging around to do some core work after class. #hardworkpaysoff for Lori, Magda, and Cathy!

Friday 4-01-16 WOD NO WERE NOT DOING 16.5 ;-)

20 Min Build
Squat Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

10 Min AMRAP
20 Kcal Row
20 Wall Balls 20/30#
20 KB Snatches (10/side) 30/50#

15 Min Circuit
5 Back Squat
5 Chin Ups (banded @ 3222)
5 Push Ups @ 3131

10 Min AMRAP
20 Kcal Row
20 Wall Balls 14/20#
20 KB Snatches (10/side) 20/40#

Friday 4-01-16 Open Workout 16.5

Friday 4-01-16 Open Workout 16.5
Photo Credit CrossFit Games Web Page
Athlete: Julie Foucher

Well, we've all done this last week. Why not do it again?

Tonight the last open workout was announced. Tomorrow happens to be Friday. Tomorrow also happens to be Good Friday. I was thinking of how we could make Good Friday a Great Friday and the only thing I could come up with was to have our holiday workout and the last open workout happen together all at once for everyone!

Some thoughts on 16.5

This is going to be a tough pedal to the metal workout but you still need to keep pace in mind. If you plan on hitting the round of 21 & 18 all out and cant keep up then need to start breaking up your sets of 12-9 & 6 you went out way too hard. Start at a pace that you won't redline and will be able to pick it up at the end and finish faster than you started.

If you're breaking up your sets in half always try to get past the halfway point before dropping the bar example: If I needed to break up the set of 21 I would at least get in 11 or 12 reps to get past the half way point. Mentally this helps a lot. I do this with any workout when you need to break up your sets.
If oyu needed to break up your set of 21 into three I would Suggest 8-7-6. Just break it down so it's more managable and so that you have a goal in mind. It's easier to think "Only six more" than "Oh shit I'm only halfway through my round of eighteen".

Thruster rest... Something I always tell our athletes is "Take the rest you need not the rest you want". If you tell yourself that you're going to take four breaths worth of rest then stick to it no matter what. Chances are if you take four breaths or eight breaths you're still going to feel like shit when you go pick up that bar and if your goal is to be fast then you know what you need to do. If you're a newer athlete or your goal is just to have a killer workout then take an extra couple seconds then get back to work.

Burpees... Set a pace that you can maintain. Don't go so fast that you need to stop and rest. Maintain a consistent pace and movement pattern that you can just go through like a robot. In your shorter sets that's when you can pick it up and use up what's left in the tank.

Everyone will be doing 16.5 partnered up as Athlete & Judge and you will hit it as "you go, I go"

Warm Up (with your partner alternate)
Row 200m
8 Goblet squats with 3 second pause and hip/ankle mobility range work at the bottom

Lat Roll 90 Sec/side
Banded anterior hip distraction 90 Sec/side

Upright T-Spine & Shoulder mobility with your partner 90 Seconds each
Photo Caden & Dani during a Starke Coaches Development Program Session (CDP)

BB Warm Up
8 Muscle Cleans Ea.
8 Power Cleans Ea.
8 Front Squats Ea.
8 Squat Cleans Ea.
8 Thrusters

Alternate each person through part 1 & 2

Part 1
2 Rounds of... (not a race just move through it and execute mechanics with precision)
Row 200m
8-10 Thrusters @55/75#
6 Bar Jump Burpees

Person one rests while person two completes part 1

Part 2
2 Rounds of (pace yourself like you will for your first round of 21 and see how you feel)
Row 200m
6-8 Thrusters @ 65/95#
6 Bar Jump Burpees

After this you should be ready to hit it head on!

Good Luck Everyone!



21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb. 
This workout begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will perform 21 thrusters, then 21 burpees, jumping over the barbell for each rep of the burpees. They will then perform 18 of each, then 15 of each, etc., until the last round of 3 of each. Every second counts in this workout. Your score will be the time it takes to complete all 168 repetitions. There is no time cap for this workout.
This workout ends when the feet land on the other side of the bar on the final rep. Time will be recorded in full seconds. Do not round up. If you finish in 7:49.8, your score is 7:49.
• Barbell
• Standard bumper plates (18” diameter) to load to the appropriate weight for your division
• Collars
* If you do not use standard-sized bumper plates on the barbell, you will also need a second barbell set with standard plates to jump over for the burpees, unless you are Scaled Masters. Scaled Masters will be permitted to jump over an empty barbell on the burpees.
For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the workout. Clear the area of all extra equipment, people or other obstructions.
Any athlete who in any way alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the workout standards video may be disqualified from the competition.
**The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 43 kg (95 lb.), 29 kg (65 lb.), 20 kg (45 lb.), and 15 kg (35 lb.).

Video Submission Standards
Prior to starting, film the plates and barbell to be used so the loads can be seen clearly. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A second person with a stopwatch should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the movement standards.
Note: Depending on your performance, this video may be longer than previous workouts. Be sure you have enough battery life, memory and time to upload your video. You may need to increase your limit on YouTube to allow a longer video.

Workout 16.5 Variations
Rx’d (Rx’d Men, Masters Men 40-44, Masters Men 45-49, Masters Men 50-54, Rx’d Women, Masters Women 40-44, Masters Women 45-49, Masters Women 50-54, Teen Boys 16-17, Teen Girls 16-17)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb.
Scaled (Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 65 lb.
Women use 45 lb.
Masters (Masters Men 55-59, Masters Men 60+, Masters Women 55-59, Masters Women 60+)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 65 lb.
Women use 45 lb.
Scaled Masters (Scaled Masters Men 55-59, Scaled Masters Men 60+, Scaled Masters Women 55-59, Scaled Masters Women 60+)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 45 lb.
Women use 35 lb.
Note: Burpees over an unloaded barbell are permitted for this division.
Teens 14-15 (Teen Boys 14-15, Teen Girls 14-15)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Boys use 65 lb.
Girls use 45 lb.
Scaled Teens (Scaled Teen Boys 14-15, Scaled Teen Boys 16-17, Scaled Teen Girls 14-15, Scaled Teen Girls 16-17)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Boys use 45 lb.
Girls use 35 lb.

Just kidding... This was just an early April Fools Joke Friday's workout will be posted later on tonight ;-)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Thursday 3-31-16 WOD

Some well deserved rest between EMOM's after some wall balls and burpees. 
Thursday 3-31-16 WOD

Take 15 Min to build to your heaviest snatch balance + 1 OHS from the rack.

10 Min alternate between the two. This is not a race for time just move consistently and pay attention to your recovery and pacing.
5 Deadlift 155/225#
5 Strict HSPU

12 Min Circuit
8 Single arm swings
6 Single leg DL/side
6 KB Thrusters/side use only one bell per side at a time.

*Find your working weights then begin your circuit. Take enough rest to keep your reps clean & crisp.

10 Min alternate between the two
5 Deadlift  130/185#
5 Seated Strict Press (KB)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wednesday 3-30-16 WOD

It is CRITICAL to make sure that your measurements are correct when setting up for an open workout. Have someone check to make sure it's right then have someone else double check to make sure its perfect. Yep this looks good to me!
Coach KRAUSSSS setting up to do Open workout 16.2

For both CrossFit & Fitness the "couplet" must be performed each and every minute. If you can't finish a round take the next round off for a minute then jump back in.

8 Min EMOM Couplet
7 BB Snatch & 3 OHS @ 65/95@

Rest 3 Min

8 Min EMOM Couplet
15 Wall Balls 20/30# & 5 Burpees

Rest 3 Min

8 Min EMOM Couplet
8 Alternating Lunges (front rack) & 5 Back Squats 65/95#

6 min max strict pull ups and strict dips. Alternate between teh two as much as you like but keep em strict!

8 Min EMOM Couplet
12 KB Snatches 6&6 & 3 Goblet squat Jumps

Rest 3 Min

8 Min EMOM Couplet
10 Wall Balls 14/20# & 3 Burpees

Rest 3 Min

8 Min EMOM Couplet
8 Alternating DB lunges (arms at your sides) 5 DB Squats (Get one head of each DB resting on your shoulder).

6 min max strict pull ups and strict dips. Alternate between the two as much as you like but keep em strict! If using a band for either dips or pull ups use a tempo of 3222

Monday, March 28, 2016

Tuesday 3-29-16 WOD

Angie was the last athlete to close up the open workouts hitting 16.5 at 6:42pm on Monday. She had a minute to spare to enter in her score (or at least tell me her e mail and password so I could enter it as she ran out side for some "fresh air"). 
Great work Angie!  
Tuesday 3-29-16 WOD

4 Rounds of...
3 BB Strict Press (from the rack)
3 Pull Ups add weight or tempo of 31x1

10 C2B Pull Ups

3 Min Recovery

5 Min AMRAP 85/115#
10 Cleans
10 Front Squats

Same as CrossFit part A.

10 Double Bell Push Press
10 Pull Ups

10 Double Bell Cleans
10 Double Bell Front Squats

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Monday 3-28-16 WOD

Wall balls or a calf stretch? You be the judge...
I believe this is Ali doing the workout "Ali" 

Monday 3-28-16 WOD

Today's choice of workout is the one below or you may redo 16.5 if you want to try and bring up your score on the leaderboard. If you need to be judged we have some time available between 10:30am and 12:00pm so get in, get warmed up, and get it done!

CrossFit & Fitness
5x5 BB Back Squat

Build to a heavy 5 rep back squat for the day. Once you find you heavy five count that as your first set and perform four more sets.

10 Kcal Row
10 T2B
10 Wall Balls 20/30#

Friday, March 25, 2016

Saturday 3-26-16 WOD

With a recent shoulder surgery Caitlin is restricted from lifting or using her arm for anything so todays workout had to be modified to lower body. 
21-18-16-12-10-6-4 Alternating Pistols and Squat Box Jump Overs 
seemed to be a great alternative. 
Great work Caitlin. You'll be hitting thrusters soon enough!  

Saturday 3-26-16 WOD

Partner WOD Complete the task list as laid out and alternate partners at any time. Only one athlete may be working at a time.

For Time
1000m Row
100 Pull Ups
100 Wall Bals
100 Kettlebell Snatches 30/50#
100 Push Ups
100 T2B
1000m Row

Friday 3-25-16 Open Workout 16.5

Friday 3-25-16 Open Workout 16.5
Photo Credit CrossFit Games Web Page
Athlete: Julie Foucher

Well, we've been here done this beofre. Why not do it again?

Tonight the last open workout was announced. Tomorrow happens to be Friday. Tomorrow also happens to be Good Friday. I was thinking of how we could make Good Friday a Great Friday and the only thing I could come up with was to have our holiday workout and the last open workout happen together all at once for everyone!

Some thoughts on 16.5

This is going to be a tough pedal to the metal workout but you still need to keep pace in mind. If you plan on hitting the round of 21 & 18 all out and cant keep up then need to start breaking up your sets of 12-9 & 6 you went out way too hard. Start at a pace that you won't redline and will be able to pick it up at the end and finish faster than you started.

If you're breaking up your sets in half always try to get past the halfway point before dropping the bar example: If I needed to break up the set of 21 I would at least get in 11 or 12 reps to get past the half way point. Mentally this helps a lot. I do this with any workout when you need to break up your sets.
If oyu needed to break up your set of 21 into three I would Suggest 8-7-6. Just break it down so it's more managable and so that you have a goal in mind. It's easier to think "Only six more" than "Oh shit I'm only halfway through my round of eighteen".

Thruster rest... Something I always tell our athletes is "Take the rest you need not the rest you want". If you tell yourself that you're going to take four breaths worth of rest then stick to it no matter what. Chances are if you take four breaths or eight breaths you're still going to feel like shit when you go pick up that bar and if your goal is to be fast then you know what you need to do. If you're a newer athlete or your goal is just to have a killer workout then take an extra couple seconds then get back to work.

Burpees... Set a pace that you can maintain. Don't go so fast that you need to stop and rest. Maintain a consistent pace and movement pattern that you can just go through like a robot. In your shorter sets that's when you can pick it up and use up what's left in the tank.

Everyone will be doing 16.5 partnered up as Athlete & Judge and you will hit it as "you go, I go"

Warm Up (with your partner alternate)
Row 200m
8 Goblet squats with 3 second pause and hip/ankle mobility range work at the bottom

Lat Roll 90 Sec/side
Banded anterior hip distraction 90 Sec/side
Upright T-Spine & Shoulder mobility with your partner 90 Seconds each
Photo Caden & Dani during a Starke Coaches Development Program Session (CDP)

BB Warm Up
8 Muscle Cleans Ea.
8 Power Cleans Ea.
8 Front Squats Ea.
8 Squat Cleans Ea.
8 Thrusters

Alternate each person through part 1 & 2

Part 1
2 Rounds of... (not a race just move through it and execute mechanics with precision)
Row 200m
8-10 Thrusters @55/75#
6 Bar Jump Burpees

Person one rests while person two completes part 1

Part 2
2 Rounds of (pace yourself like you will for your first round of 21 and see how you feel)
Row 200m
6-8 Thrusters @ 65/95#
6 Bar Jump Burpees

After this you should be ready to hit it head on!

Good Luck Everyone!



21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb. 
This workout begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will perform 21 thrusters, then 21 burpees, jumping over the barbell for each rep of the burpees. They will then perform 18 of each, then 15 of each, etc., until the last round of 3 of each. Every second counts in this workout. Your score will be the time it takes to complete all 168 repetitions. There is no time cap for this workout.
This workout ends when the feet land on the other side of the bar on the final rep. Time will be recorded in full seconds. Do not round up. If you finish in 7:49.8, your score is 7:49.
• Barbell
• Standard bumper plates (18” diameter) to load to the appropriate weight for your division
• Collars
* If you do not use standard-sized bumper plates on the barbell, you will also need a second barbell set with standard plates to jump over for the burpees, unless you are Scaled Masters. Scaled Masters will be permitted to jump over an empty barbell on the burpees.
For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the workout. Clear the area of all extra equipment, people or other obstructions.
Any athlete who in any way alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the workout standards video may be disqualified from the competition.
**The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 43 kg (95 lb.), 29 kg (65 lb.), 20 kg (45 lb.), and 15 kg (35 lb.).

Video Submission Standards
Prior to starting, film the plates and barbell to be used so the loads can be seen clearly. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A second person with a stopwatch should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the movement standards.
Note: Depending on your performance, this video may be longer than previous workouts. Be sure you have enough battery life, memory and time to upload your video. You may need to increase your limit on YouTube to allow a longer video.

Workout 16.5 Variations
Rx’d (Rx’d Men, Masters Men 40-44, Masters Men 45-49, Masters Men 50-54, Rx’d Women, Masters Women 40-44, Masters Women 45-49, Masters Women 50-54, Teen Boys 16-17, Teen Girls 16-17)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb.
Scaled (Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 65 lb.
Women use 45 lb.
Masters (Masters Men 55-59, Masters Men 60+, Masters Women 55-59, Masters Women 60+)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 65 lb.
Women use 45 lb.
Scaled Masters (Scaled Masters Men 55-59, Scaled Masters Men 60+, Scaled Masters Women 55-59, Scaled Masters Women 60+)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 45 lb.
Women use 35 lb.
Note: Burpees over an unloaded barbell are permitted for this division.
Teens 14-15 (Teen Boys 14-15, Teen Girls 14-15)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Boys use 65 lb.
Girls use 45 lb.

Scaled Teens (Scaled Teen Boys 14-15, Scaled Teen Boys 16-17, Scaled Teen Girls 14-15, Scaled Teen Girls 16-17)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Boys use 45 lb.
Girls use 35 lb.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Thursday 3-24-16 WOD

It's great seeing brother and sister hitting an open workout together.
 Matt & Dani taking some well deserved rest after 16.4 

Thursday 3-24-16 WOD

15 Min Build
Bear Complex

For Time  BB@65/95#
Row 500m
25 Hang Snatches
Row 400m
25 Cleans
Row 300m
25 Alternate Lunges
Row 200m
25 Push Press
Row 100m
25 Jump Squats (BB in back rack pos.)

15 Min Circuit
5 Pull Ups
5 Double Bell C&J
5 Push Ups (add weight/deficit as needed)

For Time W. 1 Kettlebell @ 30/50#
Row 500m
25 KB Snatches
Row 400m
26 Cleans
Row 300m
26 Alternate Lunges
Row 200m
26 Push Press
Row 100m
26 Jump Squats (KB in goblet squat position).

*Alternate sides with the kettlebell so that your reps are balanced.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Wednesday 3-23-16 WOD

Sisterly love. Tina going to check on Lisa after the workout is done. 
She's ok folks!

Wednesday 3-23-16 WOD

20 Min EMOM

Min 1 10 Thrusters @ 65/95#
Min 2 10 C2B Pull Ups
Min 3 15 Wall Balls @ 14/20#
Min 4 Row 14/18kcal

Monday, March 21, 2016

Tuesday 3-22-16 WOD

Proud coach moment of the day goes to this gir right here. Amy came in to do her open workout and was about to scale it because "my handstand pushups aren't that great". We set up her line and she made her handstand pushup look effortless. Not only did she get through all her deadlifts, wall balls, and get off the rower. She had only ten seconds to spare when she got from the rower to the wall and nailed her one HSPU! 

Moral of the story. Don't limit yourself before you even have a chance to see of you're capable. 
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"  Wayne Gretzky

Tuesday 3-22-16 WOD

3 Rounds NFT

5 Strict HSPU (add deficit as needed)
6 Alternating DB squat Snatch (build to a heavy weight)
10 Pistols (5 on each leg before switching legs) add weight as needed.
60 DU's

5 Ring Muscle Ups (or dips)
6 Squat Cleans 110/155#
7 C2B Pull Ups
8 Burpees

3 Rounds NFT

5 Strict Seated KB press
6 Alternating DB power or squat Snatch (build to a heavy weight)
6-8 Alternating Pistols (Scale as necessary)
30 DU's or 90 seconds DU work

5 Dips
6 Double Bell Clean & Front Squat 40/60#
7 Pull Ups
8 Burpees

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Monday 3-21-16 WOD

Matt aka "Drop Bear" sad and disappointed that on the last class of the last day of the month he hits a PR that gets to sit on the board for 10min... I think that at least deserves a posted picture. 
Great work Matt! 

Monday 3-21-16 WOD

20 Min Build

Squat clean + 3 sec. pause squat in the hole for a total of three front squats (including the squat clean). If you reach a weight that you are not able to maintain the 3 sec. pause for the three squats then drop by 5% until you can make all three reps.

Thrusters & T2B
Women's Weight 95/85/65 (2x25's, 2x10's, 2x5's,  Men's Weight 135/115/95 (2x35's 2x10's, 2x25'5)
Plate changes must be made between rounds starting with the heaviest weight dropping each set.

Build to a Double Bell Clean & 3 F.S. + 3 sec. pause in the bottom of each squat.

5x3 Pause F.S. with the weight achieved in part A.

Double Bell Thrusters Women@40/30/20# Men@60/50/40#

Friday, March 18, 2016

Saturday 3-19-16 WOD

The Base Camp crew finishing off with their final Base Camp workout
15-10-5 Thrusters & Burpees it was awesome having you all with us this past two weeks and we look forward to having you join us in regular classes soon!
Ali & Caitlin did a great job with shadowing Base Camp as part of the CDP program. 
It's great seeing long time Starke athletes putting in effort and training to become better athletes and coaches.

Saturday 3-19-16 WOD

For Time...

Row 1600m 
50 Pull Ups 
100 Push Ups 
150 Wall Balls 20/30# 9/10'
Row 1600m 


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Friday 3-18-16 Open Workout 16.4

CrossFit Open Workout 16.4
Photo Credit: CrossFit Games Website
Athlete: Julie Foucher

Friday 3-18-16 Open Workout 16.4 

Well this looks like a fun one...

16.4 was released tonight and here are some thoughts for the workout.

13 Min AMRAP
55 Deadlifts 155/225RX
55 Wall Ball Shots 14/20# 9'/10'
55 Kcal Row

(Scaled and masters weights and versions below)

Depending on your strength's and weaknesses you may be able to put the pedal to the metal at different points in the workout and you may be stalled at others.

This workout starts with some medium weight deadlifts so I wouldn't go unbroken for as long as possible or bury yourself with reps right off the bat. Try aiming for manageable sets and leave a rep in the bank so you can recover a little quicker. If you decide to go until you're grinding your way up slowly on the deadlifts it will take you longer to recover and keep in mind that you have a lot of work left ahead of you.

We've been hitting wall balls at 20# for the ladies and 30# for the guys for months now and this week I threw some in at 14# and 20# and heard everyone say how light they were. Well let's take advantage of that. Once again. Manage your sets and take short rests.

On the row don't crank up the damper to "get there faster" row where your comfortable rowing and make sure you're keeping long full strokes and finishing your pull. Have your rower set up ahead of time (damper, straps, monitor, water). I would have the straps set so you can slip in and out easily rather then cranking them down.

Handstand push ups should be broken up and not go till failure. Your shoulders are smaller muscles and if your kipp isn't doing the job that last few inches of pressing will add up and cook you. We will have the big blue mat out to hit the HSPU's on and all athletes should have their shoes on and have your judge make a mark at your wrists with your arms extended overhead with your thumbs touching and toes touching the wall. A second mark should be made 3" below the one at the wrists. Remember from last year that if you're someone who likes to go super wide with your hands you probably wont get reps. If you point your toes that may not allow you to get reps either. Have your judge count out loud and make sure you get your rep before descending as no reps will add up and if you're moving too fast you could be waisting a lot of time and energy.

Key Points
-Don't RED LINE out of the gates
-Remember to breathe and stay relaxed
-Don't bury yourself with reps, leave a rep in the bank with the Deadlifts and HSPU's.
-Tell yourself how long you will rest of between reps on the Deadlifts, Wall Balls, and HSPU's Example "I'm sticking to three full breath cycles of rest before I deadlift the shit out of that bar again" or pick up the wall ball or hit my HSPU's you get the idea.
-Make sure you hear "Good Rep" or the number out loud form your judge before lowering yourself off the wall from the HSPU's sometimes you can make a slight adjustment at the top and get the rep if you take your time.
-Most of you have an idea of what you row at fatigued in a "row for kcal" workout and know what you can sustain as a kcal/hr pace here are some examples...

Look at the number you can sustain fatigued and divide 55 by the kcal/min example... If I row 1200kcal/hr=20kcal/min divide 55 by 20 and that gives you 2.75 so approximately 2:45 to row for 55kcal if you maintain 1200kcal/hr on the monitor.

Warm Up

Row 400m
Long inchworm (get those abs fired up)
10 BB Back squats
10 BB Good Morning's
10 BB Deadlift
10 BB Push Press

3 Rounds of
Row 200m
8 KBS 40/60#
6-8 Push Press @ 65/95#
Move through it DON'T race it!

3 Rounds of... Once again not a race... Pay attention to Kcal/hr pace on rower!
4 Deadlift @ 95/135#
6 Wall Balls @ 14/20# 9/10'
10 Kcal Row
4 HSPU (at measured & set target height)

4 Deadlift @ 125/185#
6 Wall Balls @ 14/20# 9/10'
10 Kcal Row
4 HSPU (at measured & set target height)

4 Deadlift @ 155/225#
6 Wall Balls @ 14/20# 9/10'
10 Kcal Row
4 HSPU (at measured & set target height)

Rest 5 min then go kill it!

Good luck everyone



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups
Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Women deadlift 155 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Prior to starting this workout each athlete will need to stand against the wall and measure and mark their foot line for the handstand push-ups (details in Movement Standards section). This workout begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will perform 55 deadlifts, then move to the wall and complete 55 wall-ball shots, then to the rower to pull 55 calories, then back to the wall for handstand push-ups. If 55 handstand push-ups are completed, the athlete will move back to the barbell and begin another round.
Your score will be the total number of repetitions completed within the 13-minute time cap.
The scoring for this workout includes a tiebreak. At the end of the row, time should be marked. When you submit your final result, your score will be the number of reps completed. There will be another field in which you will enter the elapsed time at which you completed the 55-calorie row. In the case where two athletes have the same score (total number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher.
Note: All tiebreak times must be reported in elapsed time, not in time remaining. If you are using a countdown timer, you must convert to elapsed time before reporting your score. For this reason, it is recommended you set your clock to count up.  
• Barbell
• Standard bumper plates (18” diameter) to load to the appropriate weight for your division
• Collars
• A medicine ball of the appropriate weight for your division
• A wall mark or target set at specified height for wall-ball shots
• A wall mark for the handstand push-ups
• Rower that counts calories, similar in type and calibration to a Concept 2
For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the workout. Clear the area of all extra equipment, people or other obstructions.
Any athlete who in any way alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the workout standards video may be disqualified from the competition.
*The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 102 kg (225 lb.), 83 kg (185 lb.), 70 kg (155 lb.), 61 kg (135 lb.), 56 kg (125 lb.), 43 kg (95.), 29 kg (65 lb.), and 9-kg ball (20 lb.), 6-kg ball (14 lb.), 4-kg ball (10 lb.).
Video Submission Standards
Prior to starting, film the plates and barbell to be used so the loads can be seen clearly. Also film the measuring of the height of the handstand push-up marker, the height of the wall-ball target, as well as the weight of the ball, so the loads and height can be seen clearly. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A second person with a stopwatch should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the movement standards.

Workout 16.4 Variations
Rx’d (Rx’d Men, Masters Men 40-44, Masters Men 45-49, Masters Men 50-54, Rx’d Women, Masters Women 40-44, Masters Women 45-49, Masters Women 50-54)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups
Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Women deadlift 155 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

Scaled (Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 hand release push-ups
Men deadlift 135 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Women deadlift 95 lb. and throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

Masters (Masters Men 55-59, Masters Men 60+, Masters Women 55-59, Masters Women 60+)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 push presses
Men deadlift 185 lb., throw 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target and push press 95 lb.
Women deadlift 125 lb., throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target and push press 65 lb.

Scaled Masters (Scaled Masters Men 55-59, Scaled Masters Men 60+, Scaled Masters Women 55-59, Scaled Masters Women 60+)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 push presses
Men deadlift 135 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target and push press 65 lb.
Women deadlift 95 lb. and throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target and push press 45 lb.

Teens (Teen Boys 14-15, Teen Boys 16-17, Teen Girls 14-15, Teen Girls 16-17)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups
Boys 14-15 deadlift 135 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Boys 16-17 deadlift 185 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Girls 14-15 deadlift 95 lb. and throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Girls 16-17 deadlift 125 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

Scaled Teens (Scaled Teen Boys 14-15, Scaled Teen Boys 16-17, Scaled Teen Girls 14-15, Scaled Teen Girls 16-17)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 hand-release push-ups
Boys 14-15 deadlift 95 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Boys 16-17 deadlift 135 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Girls 14-15 deadlift 65 lb. and throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Girls 16-17 deadlift 95 lb. and throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target