Tuesday, March 31, 2015

4-01-15 WOD

Small girl, big weight. Brandi swinging like a boss!

Wednesday 4-01-15


20 Min build to a 2RM Thruster

 8 BB Push Press 85/115#
8 BB Front Squats 85/115#


5 Rounds NFT
10 BB Back Squats
10 Chin Ups

Use one Kettlebell 30/50# for the KB Movements count each repetition towards your total score.
20 KB Snatches (combined between both arms)
15 Russian KBS
10 KB Clean & Press (5 per arm for a total of 10)
5 Goblet squat jumps

Each round equals 50 repetitions

*When “resting” with the bells you may have it in the rack position or at fixation overhead.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Tuesday 3-31-15 WOD

Something I saw at the Olympic training center in Colorado Springs 10 years ago and loved it. A great reminder and something to think about when you are fighting for something you love or doing something you love. When things get tough in life think about why you're doing them and if the reason is good enough then it should be easy to keep going. Seems fitting for what we do. 

Tuesday 3-31-15


5x5 BB Back Squat
Build to a heavy five for the day then get your squat on. Reps 4&5 should be spicy so ask for a spot and make sure you hit the washroom before the squat session!!!

100 Double Unders
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Box Jumps 20”/24”


Four Rounds NFT
10 BB Deadlift
10 Russian KBS
1 Min Banded RKC plank. Chains may be used as an alternative to the band (no whips please).

Row 150m

15 T2B

Sunday, March 29, 2015

3-30-15 WOD

I believe the conversation may have been 
"You move that damn tire, I'm not touching it!"

Monday 3-30-15

CrossFit & Fitness

Option 1 Do or redo 15.5 if there is a judge available to judge you for the workout.

Option 2

Monday’s Workout

5x5 Strict Pull Ups & Strict Double Bell Press Add weight or a tempo of 41X1 if you have great strict pull ups.  

EMOM for 8 Min
5 Strict Ring Dips
5 C2B Pull Ups

5 T2B (Increase the T2B up to 10 if you have it in you)

Friday, March 27, 2015

3-28-15 WOD

Victoria rowing it like she stole it in 15.5

3-28-15 WOD

8 Min AMRAP 
5 Cleans @ 125/155# or RX+ @ 155/185#
5 C2B Pull ups 

This one is a grinder not a sprint. Keep a steady pace. For those of you needing to work on depth in your cleans make sure you are catching these AS LOW AS POSSIBLE and adjust the weight accordingly!!!

6 Min recovery and prep

6min AMRAP 
5 Push Press 95/115#
5 Box Jumps 20/24"

4 Minute recovery and prep 

For Time
Row 30 Cal
30 KBS 30/50# (Russian Height)
30 T2B

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Meet Coach Cat!

Once upon a time there was a girl named Cat. Just over two years ago Cat wandered into this little gym to try CrossFit and fell in love with it. She busted her ass in workouts and wouldn't let challenges slow her down.

Cat has become an amazing addition to our gym supporting everyone in workouts and always willing to lend a helping hand.

Cat holds her CF-L1 cert and has been shadowing, learning and leading classes with Paul
for the past 4+ months.

You'll see Cat at the gym ev'erday training as hard as anyone and always working to get stronger, fitter, and better.

We are lucky to have coach Cat join our training team at Starke and add to an already amazing place of members and staff.

I would like to introduce to you Coach Cat!

Starke: Do you have any nicknames you'd be willing to share with us?

Cat: Kitten, Ross, Little Girl

Starke: What's your favorite workout?

Cat: Any kind of chipper!

Starke: Least favourite?

Cat: Calorie rows!!!! Barf!

Starke: What are your training goals?

Cat: I would love to nail efficient muscle ups and walk myself across our gym floor like a boss!!!

Starke: What is your favorite desert?

Cat: Lemon meringue pie!

Starke: What is your favourite and least favourite exercise? 

Cat: I LOVE snatch...No wait, that's a total lie. I have a love affair with Handstand Push-ups, they make me all red in face and sweaty...Mmmmmm. Least favorite is rowing, for real. If you need someone on your Dragon Boat team, I'm not the guy...or girl...Uhhhh yeah. 

Starke: If you were stranded on an island and could only bring one piece of equipment what would it be? 

Cat: Does this only pertain to gym equipment? I would bring...A wall ball. Why, you ask? Because everybody loves a squat bum, it would keep me entertained, provide me with something to sit on and eat off of, and I could totally re-enact Castaway and draw a face on "Wilson". 

Starke: What type of music do you prefer to throw down to? 

Cat: I love every kind of music, but if I'm about to throw down and it's going to be rough and tough, I like some old school hip hop (like old school hip hop - Naughty by Nature, Tribe Called Quest, Arrested Development, etc). 

Starke: What do you love about CrossFit and want to share with the community at Starke? 

Cat: I love that CrossFit is a continuous challenge, a road to endless progression, and a community like no other. CrossFit itself provides you the opportunity to go further, harder, longer, faster than you would have ever thought you could and a support group that would do nothing but motivate you and cheer you on for the effort no matter how you felt you did, CrossFitters are just happy you DID IT. Now Starke in specific is one eclectic and energetic team. It's a positive place where everyone is so welcoming, so positive, and where everyone is your biggest fan. Paul's all about doing things right, getting the correct form/movement down pact and then increasing the intensity to the point where you want to cut him for it. He lives and breathes health and fitness and he wants the best for everyone. Taking a solid individual like that and adding his drive and ambition to make a difference opened up Starke CrossFit, and our little box is what it is because of him. The community we have at Starke is the most ideal setting one could ever ask for when wanting to train.For this, I truly love CrossFit and our box!

Starke: What will be the most challenging part about coaching CrossFit at Starke? 

Cat: The most challenging part will be trying to avoid allowing myself to drool with my jaw dropped watching all you sexy beasts get ripped and sweat your asses off!  Is that creepy? Good. No, for real though, the most challenging part for me is going to be getting louder. I know, weird right? But if I'm going to be honest, I am loud and ridiculous all the time but then find myself really wanting to zone into everyone's movements and forget sometimes to get loud, to pump everyone up!  I know I love when the coaches are loud, when there's that extra push to the very last second. So call me out on it, or get loud so I have to get louder, and help me to overcome this challenge ;) I'll continue to make myself better class after class, because I want everyone to walk out having had fun and being proud of their accomplishments!

Starke: What do you want the members at Starke to know about you? 

Cat: I have a severe phobia of clowns, I have 3 collections (scarves from each country I've travelled, masks from each country I've travelled, and then hand made pottery mugs), I run a charity called K.I.D.S. Initiative and travel to Kenya every year to oversee our funds and the progress in our programs (I am in love with it), I am loud, I am blunt, I am inappropriate, but I have a huge heart and being charitable is my life, oh and my family is my everything! That's me in a nut shell. 

Starke: Last but not least what do you want to bring to the members of Starke as a coach and roll model? 

Cat: I want to continue to provide a positive, motivating, healthy space for everyone where you can come in, tear it up and leave feeling exhausted, amazing, and accomplished. It's not an easy tasks to get yourself to the gym on a regular basis, we all have busy lives and sometimes it's easy to allow that to get in the way. I want everyone to know that they're accomplishing so much just by stepping foot in the door, I want to make people sweat, yell, get frustrated, progress, PR, swear, and laugh their asses off! I want to better myself...ALWAYS! Because there's always going to be a lot to learn and as long as I'm open to that, I can then provide a better more efficient workout for all of you! As a role model, I hope that you can see my passion for life, for CrossFit, for others, for betterment, for goals, and that you can then in turn actively seek the same. They are always going to differ from one person to the next, but being passionate and achieving is going to give you one hell of a bear hug that won't let up. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3-26-15 WOD

Working on dance moves when nobody's around... 

3-26-15 WOD


For Time
BB Snatch @ 65/95#, Pull Ups & Double Unders. 

Rounds of 9-15-21 with 100 Double Unders between each round. 

Starting with your 9 snatches follow it up with 9 pull ups & 100 double Unders before starting your round of 15/15&100. 

With a partner 6x250m Sprints on the rower with 15 seconds transition time. 
Each person will get  a total of 6 intervals in. 

Selection on the monitor
Select workout, New workout, Intervals distance, Recovery 15sec. 


4 Rounds of 
8 Loaded Lunges (KB or DB)
12 DB Renegade Rows
10 Wall Balls (for max height) 
1 Min RKC or banded plank

SACF (Same as CrossFit)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3-25-15 WOD

Can I ask you a personal question? 
Have you had a banana today?

3-25-15 WOD


5x2-3 BB Back Squats @ 75-80%

Build to 75 or 80% of your 1RM back squat then start your first set. 

For Time 
C&J @ 65/95#
30 Reps
1 Min Recovery
20 Reps 
30 Second Recovery 
10 Reps 

Post final time with breaks. Focus on speed, transition & bar path with the barbell. We will be reviewing efficient BB cycling technique for 
this type of workout vs. what you would learn in one of the lifting classes as this will be different. "Jerk” options can be a push press or power jerk. 

P.O.P Make sure to hit a full lock out at the top. Plates must touch the ground for each rep.   


Part A. SACF

15 Double Bell C&J @ 30/50#
15 Burpees

Jerking the bells or push press is acceptable. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

3-24-15 WOD

Back when I had a tree removal service... 

3-24-15 WOD

Crossfit & Fitness

20 Min AMRAP
60 Kcal Row
50 T2B/scaled variation 
40 Wall Balls 14-9'/20-10'
30 Box Jumps 20/24"
20 C2B Pull Ups
10 Muscle Ups/ Scaled ring/box dips

For this workout those that make it through the whole workout in less than 25 min will jump back on the rower and start over until the 20 min mark is reached. 

Your goal is to make it as far as possible during using the most challenging methods possible for what your body will allow. Remember to write down EXACTLY how you did this workout, the modifications you used and the weight you used as we will be redoing this workout May 26th 2015

After hitting the warmup and mobility make sure to set up for ALL exercises and make sure your equipment and modifications are chosen prior to the start of the workout. Ask a coach for suggestions if you aren't sure. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

3-23-15 WOD

Brad getting his OHS on in 15.2

Monday 3-23-15 WOD

20 Min Build to a double front squat & Jerk from the rack. When coming up with your front squat remember to “finish” the squat and pop the bar at the top. Fight the urge to grind your way up. Finish with a split jerk and hold the receiving position for three seconds bring your feet back to neutral and hold the finish position for three seconds before lowering the bar or dropping it.

Deadlift 185/225# 

5 Rounds NFT
10 Alternating KB Strict Press
8 Goblet Squat Jumps 60/80#
6 Shoot throughs

Russian KBS
Push Ups 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to make your CrossFit Journey Successful By Kevin Friesen, BMR PT

How to make your CrossFit Journey Successful
By Kevin Friesen, BMR PT

In December of 2013, I started working at Starke Strength and Conditioning. Starke remains the only facility in Winnipeg providing CrossFit and Physiotherapy services under the same roof.  I have experience working in different clinics across the city, while treating a wide variety of patients; I have noticed some trends among clients of all ages and abilities.
.          Most orthopedic injuries are preventable
.          Individuals often lack an understanding of simple mechanics.

Here are a few things that you can do as an athlete that can help make your CrossFit or fitness Journey more successful and decrease your risk of injury.

1.   Proper warm up
Proper dynamic warm up prior to your workout prevents injuries. A complete dynamic warm up consists of 3 parts.
1. Running exercises at a slow speed combined with active stretching
2. Strength/plyometrics/agility exercises
3. Running exercises at a moderate/high speed.
A study out of The British Medical Journal in 2008 noted that with proper dynamic warm up, athletes had 37% fewer training injuries.

2.   Mobility work
Stretch and use self-myofascial release techniques such as rolling, to help with imbalances. Find the areas that are problematic for you and work on them for a minimum of 90 seconds each. If you have pain in an area it is almost certain that you will have an obvious restriction in the joints and or the tissues in the site above and below the problem area. Releasing these tight areas takes pressure off the injured site and can help increase range of motion and decrease pain. For optimal results, stretch the tissue that you just rolled out, holding for at least 60 seconds.

3.   Perfect technique before increasing load
I believe any exercise is a good exercise as long as it’s safe and it does not put undue stress on joints and soft tissue. Therefor it is important to have good technique for all exercises, whether it is as simple as an air squat or as complicated as the snatch.
One always needs to be aware of their mechanics; you are not ready for an increase in load until you can demonstrate proper consistent mechanics at the current load. At Starke the 4-week foundations program does an excellent job of teaching this, however you need to be focused on mechanics for much longer. Doing this will allow you to hit your goals in a safe and injury free manner. You need to think long term.  Do not sacrifice long-term gain for short-term satisfaction as this can often lead to injury.

4.   Rest/sleep
It’s important to have rest days throughout your week. You need to make sure you are fresh and prepared to attack each workout. Rest is an important component of training and can prevent over-use injuries. Sleep is another important component of training. Most people do not get 8 hours of sleep per night. We all find ourselves watching TV or spending time at the computer at times where we know we should be in bed. Give your body the time to recover and get more sleep. This will increase your quality of life, as well as your workouts.

By following these basic principles, you will notice changes in your performance and you are sure to have a successful CrossFit and fitness experience.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3-19-15 WOD

Unfortunately this is what happens when you run out of "O's" 
We may need another new sign guy. I appreciate the effort Miguel.

3-19-15 WOD

15 min build high hang snatch to snatch balance. 

Perform a power or full squat snatch from the high hang position make sure to finish the lift and stand up all the way and bring your feet back to the pull position before lowering and absorbing the bar on your shoulders and upper back. Make sure to take a full five second pause in each receiving position and show 100% control before recovering.

Focus on SPEED and bar path. 

Overhead squats @ 65/95#& T2B
Rest exactly 1 minute then perform the reverse 

Goal is unbroken squats and T2B on both sides of the rest period. Be accountable to your movements.

5 Rounds of 
6 Single leg deadlift/leg use a DB or KB in the opposite hand or one in each hand for added weight. 
8 Bulgarian split squats/leg
30 second handstand hold (wall facing). 

For time. 
Wall Balls & 250m row. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3-18-15 WOD

Hot, Sweaty, and Muscles.... Mmmmmmm Muscles....
3-18-15 WOD

Make sure to have your weight ready for your own switches on the bar and keep your work area clear... Good luck with your grip!

For Time 
20 Deadlift @ 95/135#
5 C2B Pull Ups
15 Deadlift @ 145/185#
10 C2B Pull Ups
10 Deadlift @ 165/205# 
15 C2B Pull Ups
5 Deadlift @ 185/225# 
20 C2B Pull Ups

5x90 second Sprints with 2 Min recovery between rounds

With a running clock 
3 RFT 
15 Wall Balls 14#/9’ or 20#/10' 
15 Russian KBS 60/80#
15 T2B, Hanging Leg Raise

When finished three rounds rest exactly 3 minutes and repeat A. 
Mark total time once complete the second set of three rounds including your three minute break.  

20 KB Snatches 30/50#
10 Jumping Pull Ups

Monday, March 16, 2015

3-17-15 WOD

Meghan Finishing up 15.3 today and swearing like a sailor 

3-17-15 WOD

5-8 Strict HSPU (if you do not have strict HSPU use this as 3-5 negatives with a deficit if needed) for strength building.
5-8 KB Snatches/arm Build up to and use a challenging weight for 5-8 straight reps each arm.
Max # of double unders unbroken. OR 20-30 Triple unders OR If you don’t have consistent DU’s work on getting 30 reps to start with.    

5 Min AMRAP 
10 Ring Dips

8 BB Back Squats
8 Push Ups 
6 Chin ups @ 41X1

5x300m Row with 1 min recovery between rounds 

Snatch with coach Craig Gilbert

Review: Burgener Warm Up
New Skills: Hip Hinge, & Deadlifts & Kettlebell Swings oh my! 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

3-16-15 WOD

3-16-15 WOD

15 reps total increasing each rep. Start counting your reps as soon as you add weight your first time. Your goal should be to increase weight every single rep. 
5x1 OHS 
5x1 FS
5x1 BS

Thrusters @ 65&95# & T2B 

A. Build to appropriate starting weight and begin your first set
5 rounds (not for time)
6 BB Deadlift 
8 Alternate KB strict press from rack position. 
10 Heavy Russian KBS

Double bell cleans 40/60# & Box Jumps 16/24"

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Spoiler Alert Starke Training Week 3-09-15 To 3-14-15

Cat working on some vertical traction to get taller (I didn't have the heart to tell her its not working)

Spoiler Alert Starke Training Week  3-09-15 To 3-14-15

Monday 3-09-15
Skill Work: Ring Muscle Ups
Four rounds of
8 *BB OH Walking Lunges & 8 Strict Ring Dips.
*Use Axel bar or BB
Build to a heavy eight reps and start your first set once you are there. Take 2-3min max between recovery.
21-15-9 Power Cleans 95/135# & Box Jump Overs 20/24”

Four rounds of
8 Walking lunges (DB’s KB’s or BB in front rack position)
8 Ring or box dips
Russian KBS 40/60# & Wall Balls 14/20#
Take the rest you need during transition and aim for unbroken sets!

Tuesday 3-10-15
20 Min Build Bear Complex
6 Min C2B Ladder starting at 2 pull ups and 20 Double unders. The Pull Ups go up by two reps each round and the double unders stay consistent at 20.

5 Rounds of
8 BB Back Squats
6 Chin Ups
4 KB Strict press per arm
5 Burpees
10 Wall Balls 14#9’/20#10’

Wednesday 3-11-15
20 Min Build in a 3 position Snatch (High hang with no bar movement on the dip, Launch, & Ground). 
15 BB Snatches 65/95#
15 Ring Dips 

4 Rounds of
10 Russian KBS 60/80#
10 Push Ups
10 Ball Slams
10 Hanging leg raise
10 Hollow Rocks
5 Min AMRAP Double bell C&P 30/50#

Thursday 3-12-15
CrossFit & Fitness:
3 RFT Max effort for each round and aim for unbroken sets
40 Kcal Row (Pay attention to effort and time it takes to row this distance and what you have in the tank at the end
30 Wall Balls
20 Pull Ups
10 T2B
2 Min Recovery (Include your 4 min recovery in your final time)

Friday 3-13-15
15.3 All Day! Modifications will be made for individuals not registered for the open and scaled options will be available.

Saturday 3-14-15

Coaches Choice Partner workout.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Spoiler Alert Training Week 3-02-15 To 3-07-15

Haily & Kerry with a little partner carry action

Spoiler Alert Training Week 3-02-15 To 3-07-15

You May Notice there's not a lot of heavy "Strength" work in the coming weeks. I don't want to overload anyone especially if you plan on doing the open workouts (once or twice). The goal is to not run yourself into the ground or be sore for friday or the weekend. If you plan on coming to open gym and working on some accessory work want to work on some skills and mobility that would be recommended.

There will still be the three weightlifting classes this week as always (Tuesday & Thursday @ 4:15pm and Saturday @ 10:30am). 

Monday 3-02-15
A. 20 Min build to a max 2 OHS
B. 5 Min AMRAP 10 Alternating Pistols 10 Box Jump Overs 20/24”
A. 5x5 Back squat, Push Ups, & one 30 Sec Wall Handstand
B. 21-15-9 Russian KBS 40/60# & Push Ups    

Tuesday 3-03-15
A. Deadlift 3x5 For touch & go reps
B. 5 Min AMRAP 5 C2B Pull Ups & 5 Burpees
A. 3 Rounds of 8 BB Deadlift, 2 sled drags, 6 Ring rows with a  3 second hold at the top 
B. 5 Min AMRAP 5 Pull Ups & 5 Burpees

Wednesday 3-04-15
A. 15 Min Build to an alternate weighted pistol. Record max weight achieved on each side by the end of the 15 min. If you reach a max with time to spare drop to 80% and continue with alternating pistols with appropriate rest between reps.
B. For Time 21-15-9 HSPU & Power Cleans 85/115#
A. 4 Rounds of 8 Walking DB Lunges (alternating for a total of eight repetitions), 10 KB Clean & Press (five right & five left).  
B. 5 Min AMRAP 8 KB Squat Jumps 40/60# & 6 Shoot through’s 

Thursday 3-05-15
CrossFit & Fitness:
These workouts are written as AMRAP’s for anyone not doing the CrossFit open. If you are doing the open DO NOT hammer the workouts. Move through them with perfect form at a consistent pace, hitting all the required movement standards for your ability level. Think about movement efficiency and transitions. Don’t over do it. You can save that for tomorrow ;-)
A. 5 Min AMRAP Row 150m 15 Wall Balls
5 Min Recovery
B. 5 Min AMRAP 5 Ring Dips & 8 T2B
5 Min Recovery
C. 5 Min AMRAP 5 BB Clean & Press 65/95# (Think about bar path and cycling your reps for efficiency) & 10 Russian KBS 40/60#

Friday 3-06-15
15.2 What’s it gonna be?

Saturday 3-07-15
Partner Workout of the Coaches Choice