Saturday, January 24, 2015

My First Time...

My First Time

It’s not THAT type of story.  Awkward…

It all started last year when FrostFit 2014 was approaching. I remember being asked to compete and it was a definite “no”. I was far too intimidated to get out in front of a group of people and nail through a number of workouts over the span of a weekend. EVERYONE would be way better than me and that was daunting. It also wasn’t the case. 

I wanted to check out the event first hand, so on a Saturday morning after our workout myself and a few others from Starke headed to CrossFit Winnipeg to take in some of the workouts. When I got there I was surprised at how chill it was, people sitting and standing around in a gym where a group of athletes of all fitness levels, shapes, sizes, techniques, and intensity were barreling through the workouts. I LOVED it!  Its such a great atmosphere with everyone cheering and so much excitement. Who wouldn’t like that?

So then FrostFit 2015 was approaching and I knew I wanted to compete this year. When Lorrie Gren asked me to compete with her I immediately said, “Yes!”, until she said “In the RX category” and then I felt like I had to go for a nervous pee. RX Category? I’d never done a competition in my life and I was about to sign up for one in the RX category?! I had a number of conversations with both Lorrie and Paul trying to convince myself I could do this and eventually I did, I just had to put my best into it. Online registration, done!

Now it was a matter of training! I made sure for the weeks leading up to the event I was doing all of the CrossFit options for the WODs and that I got into the gym as many Sundays as possible to get in some extra skill time on the ones I wasn’t all that great at (insert mumbling swears about ring dips/muscle ups here). I also made a pact with myself that post holidays (i.e. January 1st up to the event); I would work on clean eating, no alcohol, and a better sleep schedule. I was on a role.

Friday, January 9, 2015 – I popped into the gym for my 5:15pm class and made sure to take it easy so that I’d be in a good position for the competition the next day. I was starting to feel real nervous all over again and began cursing my inabilities. After taking a deep breath, I got myself back on track and kept in mind that I would be going in with nothing but determination to give it all I got.  I headed home, packed up my clothes and food for Saturday, and then it was time for bed.

Saturday morning I woke up excited to get to CrossFit Winnipeg to watch the athletes from Starke competing in the Novice category. When I arrived I was happy I hadn’t missed anyone yet and got cozy on the ground with my coffee, ready to watch. Laurie & Carla, Caitlin & Mandy, Dan & Ryan, and Adam & Jesse all came out like beasts and worked their asses off to finish up their first workout.  I think I nearly lost my voice screaming and cheering for them and was SUPER pumped after they all annihilated the workouts. Such a proud mamma moment. Is that creepy or endearing? Regardless, it was awesome to see everyone accomplish what he or she set out for!

Once it came time for Lorrie and I to hit the ground and do our first workout, I really did have a nervous pee this time and then took a few deep breaths and BOOM on the floor. Our first workout was: Squat Clean starting at #95 all the way to #185.  I was a bit nervous going in but was comfortable knowing I could get o at least #145 which was my one rep max. Low and behold Lorrie and I both nailed down #145 each and then moved on to #155. I said I would try it and if I couldn’t do it then I would start the Deadlifts to get a few points in before throwing in the towel. I prepped myself in front of the bar and BAM, I PR’d at FrostFit!  Did the #155! I was SO excited!  Second workout was: 3 stations, Snatch (#95) and Muscle-up ladder, then Double Under's, rope climb, cross overs, and legless rope climb, and then shoulders to overhead (#95), and Box Jumps (24”). Going in this was the workout that Lorrie and I were dreading the most. Starting the first workout I was so bummed and embarrassed almost that Lorrie had to do the snatches and muscle-ups herself, second workout I lost my double under's and so Lorrie did the double under's and rope climbs and I did the crossovers, and last workout we both did our share of overhead and box jumps. Coming out of this overall workout, it wasn’t our best and I felt a little “defeated” in the fact that I couldn’t help Lorrie out in all the movements, but no time for a pitty party, it was time to get ready for our last workout of the day.  

Third workout was: a 700m row and 30 overhead squats (#75) with a 6minute time cap.  This one was tougher then I imagined, but we got ‘er done and were happy to be done for the day with excitement to sleep!

Sunday, our last day. I arrived on time to watch all of Starke's athletes compete in the morning and man was it ever amazing how intense the crowd was. Everyone was cheering like mad, Starke being the loudest support group ever known to man! Lorrie and I had one workout to get done in the morning as well before semi-finals and finals and we were worried. Lorrie had a cold, and was not in a good state with her shoulder and hamstring. We looked over our workout again and started to strategically plan how we would divide and conquer. Here was our last workout: 15 minute time cap, 9 x Clean (#95), 9 x ring dips, 15 x Deadlift (#155), 15 x Handstand Pushup, 21 x Kettle bell Swing (#35), 30 x Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 21 x Kettle bell Swing (#35), 15 x Handstand Pushups, 15 x Deadlift (#155), 9 x Ring Dips, 9 x Clean (#95). I’d do the Cleans, Lorrie would do the ring dips, I’d do the deadlifts, we’d share the handstand pushups, Lorrie would do the Kettle bell Swings, we’d share the Chest to Bar Pull-ups, and then same on the way back. We were the first group in our Heat to finish, something I wouldn’t have thought possible! 

After our workout we found out that 5 of the 6 Starke teams were going straight to semi-finals, Lorrie and I were one place short of the semi-finals finishing in 13th place. It might not have been where we wanted to be, but in hindsight this was my first competition ever and I went in to the RX category trying my best, and Lorrie fought through her cold and her injuries, so just finishing all of our workouts was an accomplishment in my books!  Plus, it was time to lose my voice cheering on the Starke teams who did make the semi-finals anyway.

Laurie & Carla and Mandy & Caitlin worked their butts off in the Novice Ladies semi finals and Laurie & Carla were the last ones standing in the Burpee Ladder! Then Dan & Ryan and Adam & Jesse annihilated the same workout and yet again Starke was last man standing with Dan & Ryan topless doing their “thang”! 

Mandy & Caitlin made it to the finals and made our entire Starke family so damn proud. They went in with determination to give it their best and man was it amazing to watch! To finish the weekend off, Laurie & Carla took home the title of “Top Female Masters Division” and then we all shared our experiences and love for food at the Olive Garden with our Starke Family!

All in all I would say that going in I was absolutely nervous, but I’m human and nervousness is “ok”, even “normal” if you wish, but it was an amazing experience. FrostFit threw me a challenge, a place to fight through workouts with the support of our insanely loud mouthed gym, and an avenue to recognize what movements I need to work on for the next year to be better when I register again. That’s right, I’ll register again…you should register for it too and challenge yourself in something you may have never done before. If FrostFit isn’t entirely your “thang”, then make sure you come out next year and let us be known for the loudest, most supportive, and insanely fun box in Winnipeg! Starke, you make my heart full. 

The end.

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