Sunday, July 20, 2014

Mobility separates those who want it from those who say they want it.

There are many different movements in the gym that can magnify issues and restrictions with mobility. Some try to over power them, some say forget it because it takes too much work, and some work their asses off on it. Mobility is not something that you can restore quickly and you won't see changes overnight. The more time you spend on it the more you will get out of your training.

Squats, Overhead Squats, Front Squats, Cleans, Snatches, Kettlebell work, Dips all require a healthy range of motion in the joints to accomplish the exercises that meet both end ranges of the movement with accuracy. Add in some restrictions from an old injury with layers of scar tissue built up or get up out of your chair from a 10hr day of sitting for the past 30 years and you are going to have some issues with range of motion (ROM) in some movement patterns.

Depending on your issues and limitations decide what movement is your biggest limiter and work on those joints to achieve better position. If your squat is only a 1/4 squat because of hip mobility start working on those hips every day. If you cant get into a proper squat position you should not be working on overhead squats with weight as it will cause other issues and potential injury as you are forcing the movement.

I have seen people that are very restricted in some exercises make amazing gains when they are dedicated to getting that ROM back. It will take a while but once you unlock some of those restrictions you will be amazed with how much more you can do. I know guys who couldn't even squat a 35lb barbell in an overhead position because of shoulder and T-spine restrictions and after months of working on restoring that movement thay are throwing a 45lb bar and weight overhead like nothing. You can be strong but if you don't have the mobility to allow you into good positions you will be fighting a never ending battle until you put the work in.

One of my favorite references is Dr. Kelly Starrett and his Mobility WOD for online video references. He has some great stuff on there and I recommend that anyone check it out. There is so much on there that I recommend picking 2 mobility exercises for some restrictions that you have and give that body a little TLC. If you want his book Becoming A Supple Leopard the best place to buy it is off Amazon.

A good sequence before working on ROM is to warm up a bit with a run, bike, row to bring the bodies temperature up. Test a restricted movement patten that you have. Find a way to make it measurable. If you don't have good depth in your squat try to sit down on a sturdy object (like a box or table) as if you were squatting. If you are just a few inches away from the object in the bottom position that's perfect. Try the mobility exercises that will target those restrictions then retest. If you got more ROM and can now get down to the box then that's great keep doing it. If you didn't then you might want to try something else.

I like using Sunday's as a day to learn and try something new and see how it feels. Everything you learn is just another tool in the toolbox.

Paul Dyck


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