Sunday aka Recovery day.
Sundays are a day to rest, recover, and prepare for a week of hell.
Once your alarm clock goes off on Monday morning you have five days to stay on track and get done what you need to.
I use Sundays for sleeping in a bit (If you call 8am sleeping in), doing Laundry, preparing food for the week, cleaning, looking at and trying some new mobility work, and getting all the things you need done that you won't have time for during the week.
The body adapts and builds when you recover so if you aren't recovering you are missing out on some pretty sweet gains that you worked so hard for in the gym.
Look in your fridge and see what you have and what you need to stay on track for the week. If you start your week with an empty fridge and without a plan it's like going on a road trip without fuel in your gas tank or a map. You aren't going to get very far.
Plan to get the things you need and start prepping some meals or at least have some healthy options available for when you are in a rush.
Lorrie's lunch for a day (Yes it takes up a whole Lulu bag)
Check out DR. Kelly Starrett's MobilityWod blog. He has HUNDREDS of videos to make use of for mobility issues. Look at one or two of them and take 10-15 minutes and give your body some TLC in those areas that are restricted and have forgotten how they are supposed to move.
Do something you enjoy! The weather is getting nicer out (its about damn time). Go for a walk. Head to a coffee shop and read a book, visit family. Take some time to yourself and relax because chances are it doesn't just happen. You have to make it happen.
Enjoy your day!
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