Hey Everyone,
This is going out to everyone signed up for the CrossFit Open (and to those who will be signing up last minute ;-) The 1st workout comes out this Thursday and Lorrie and I out of town for the week it makes it hard for us to do the workouts for my planned days.
The plan is to do these workouts on Friday evening at 6pm For those who want to possibly re do the workout if they believe they can get a better score this gives a day of rest before hitting it again on Sunday. I don’t recommend thinking “well I can do it again” but if you a re wanting to compete for a spot at regionals and you KNOW there is more you could have gotten out of yourself then its worth a try.
We will be videotaping for those who’s goal is to make it to Regionals and making sure that the workouts are done correctly.
For those that are registered for the Open I recommend that you bring a friend, family member, or stranger to help you out and cheer you on. You will all have individual judges and be held to the movement standards required for the workouts.
Like I mentioned before, since we are away this week we will not be able to do the workout on Friday night. Lorrie and I will be back late Saturday and are planning to do the open workout Sunday @ 1pm. Once the workout comes out we will make sure that those who want to do it Friday might have a coach available to help them out with the workout so they may redo it Sunday if need be.
Currently Lynell, Laurie, Anthony and myself have our Judges certs needed for certifying scores for those registered for the open this means you will need to have one of us judging for you during the workouts.
I will send out more info as the week goes on but hopefully this works for everyone. Most people will only do the workout once unless they NEED to and absolutely feel that they can do better. I may get a few volunteers to do a test run of the workout on Thursday to see what happens and learn form the workout.
Please let me know if you are interested in being a guinea pig for these test workouts ;-)
This is going to be a learning experience for me too and I hope to do well with it. I know there will be some kinks but hopefully it will turn out to be awesome as I can see it in my head.
Posted by Paul
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