Lunch mid day to support activity and energy for the rest of the day. This would be a bit much for the evening especially if you were going to go to bed or be sedentary. I actually gave a bit to the dogs because it was a bit much for me. My point is meals should be well balanced and even though the sources of vegetables, carbs, & protein change this is pretty consistent for me and so many that I have known over the years and works for them. Nothing magical.
I hear from people all the time about eating habits and what their goals are but some of what they are doing is counter productive to their goals.
I want to drop some weight so I'm just going to not eat much
All I'm going to do is cardio
I heard all this guy did is eat Subs and lost all this weight
OK so I got this pre-workout shake to take and then this other one to take part way through my workout to top me up and then this recovery shake that's supposed to burn the fat but builds muscle and will help with my hair loss
I'm going to try this Pacific diet where you can only eat things found on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean
There is so much information out there and they get some great looking models promoting these things that nobody even wants to look at what works for so many fit strong athletic people and that's normal eating habits.
I have done and competed in almost any sport imaginable and have always maintained a healthy lean body weight and that's because my eating habits don't ever change. The portions do but the food is relatively consistent. For Iroman training I ate a lot 4000-6000kcal a day depending on the training volume. Right now I would have to say its about 3000-4000 depending on the day with CrossFit and Strength training.
I don't say no to anything and eat Ice Cream more than I should. I have a sweet tooth and would have to say that I have something every day that would be considered the "Other" category. I do make sure that there is a limit on these things and make sure to eat the good stuff before the not so good stuff (If you are full on the good you might not want the bad or you'll have less of it).
With almost 13 years of training people and watching what has made people successful or fail has been consistency in training and nutrition. Nothing magical just consistent hard work and good eating habits to support the activity and lifestyle you are leading and making sure it is enough to fuel you rather than starve you.
These successful people are also the ones that put in the time to get food prepped and plan their training times vs grab quick fixes and miss training times and they always tend to be the ones looking for the quick fix or try to do as little as possible and ask for huge rewards (that never seems to work).
When I look at some people's eating habits I am seeing that a lot of meals are the size of snacks and snacks are non-existent or unbalanced.
Every meal and snack should include a Carb, Protein, and Vegetable/fruit combo.
My meal is always 1/2 plate of vegetables, 1/4 protein & 1/4 carb
Snacks or Pre or Post workout are a combo of Carb & Protein and I try to get a veggie in there but that doesn't always happen.
In our 60 day challenge we will help you to dial in what you need to be successful with your goals but it will take some time and effort on your part. I don't believe in any specific diet and only promote what I have seen work for so many when they make the time for it.
Are you ready for a change? Sign up for our Look Great Get A Date 60 day challenge starting September 18th